Starfist: Lazarus Rising (7 page)

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Authors: David Sherman; Dan Cragg

Tags: #Military science fiction

"What we need, my dear Herten, is the respect and cooperation of the
people. Get that and the upper classes will follow, and if they don't, it won't matter.

Governments are built on the back of the ordinary people. The average man does not give a damn about so-called ‘higher’ education. All he cares about is his family and his livelihood. Our society operates on the labor of the common man. Oh, he knows engineers, scientists, and the lot require college educations, but who does he go to when he needs his plumbing fixed, his landcar repaired, his garbage collected?

He respects practical technology and will master as much of it as he needs to live comfortably. But philosophers? Historians? Political scientists and the like? They could all disappear tomorrow and he'd never miss them. Come on." He started off toward the elevators. "Back to the office! We've got to get organized."

De Tomas continued his monologue in the elevator. The elevators at Wayvelsberg Castle were set to descend slowly but rise quickly. This was done in order to give victims extra time to contemplate their fate as they slowly descended to the interrogation rooms in the bowels of the complex; but staff, returning to the upper levels of the fortress, were expected to be back at work promptly.

"It's the same with religion, Herten," de Tomas said as they stepped out of the elevator. "The average person does not care one atom for theology. He attends his church or temple or mosque or whatever to be reassured that his gods are looking out for him, and to associate with other members of his sect in the rites of their religion—the more spectacular the rites, the better, because most people are captivated by solemn ceremony. Oh, to be sure," he went on as they entered his private office, "some of the sects might have departed slightly from this norm. The Neo-Puritans, for example, who derived their strength as a sect from the fact that they all involved themselves in their theology through very simple ceremony—‘meetings,’ they called them—and the constant study of their holy book—by
, since they had no priesthood, can you imagine that? Anybody in the congregation could stand up and ‘testify,’ as they called it."

"Yes," Herten agreed. "We were never able to penetrate that sect, to weed out the leaders. The animist sects either, but they are all primitive people who live in the hinterlands and never were of much concern to anyone except a few illegal missionary groups. Last I heard, the animists were eating them." They both laughed heartily.

"Well, fortunately for our future," de Tomas said, "the aliens rid us of many of those Bible-thumpers, the Neo-Puritans in particular." He rang for a servant, a uniformed member of the Special Group, who came in bearing a tray of coffee and small cakes. They helped themselves after the man had departed. "Now," de Tomas continued, speaking around a mouthful, "we are in a unique position, Herten. We've cut down the highest leaders of the sects.
We are in a position to end
state-supported religion
in this world, and that's just what I am going to do."

Herten paused his coffee cup halfway to his lips. "We are going to create a

De Tomas nodded and swallowed. "Precisely! Henceforth the sects will be confined strictly to their own internal religious matters, and they will be taxed and regulated by civil authority, just like any other institution. I will establish an entire ministry just for the regulation of the religious orders. We will begin slowly, forcing tiny but acceptable compromises under the guise of good government, until we've enmeshed them totally in a web of regulation. Failure to comply will result in confiscation of lands and properties and, in the case of those brave enough to stand up against us, arrest on charges of malfeasance—or treason. At the same time, we will weaken their authority among the people. I'll do that through regulation but also through a complex of social programs designed to propagandize the population. The Young Folk, our youth organization, will be a key tool in this process. My goal, Herten, is to wipe out the sects."

Gorman shifted uneasily in his seat. "That will be
difficult, my leader," he said at last. "The sense of religion is so deeply ingrained in the people, that I fear we cannot be successful."

De Tomas nodded. "It will be difficult and it will take time. It will be a struggle, a

‘church struggle,’ if you will. But we will move slowly and intelligently, Herten, and we will be relentless."

"But, my leader, what will you replace their faith with? The people must have something to believe in."

De Tomas laughed. "I can't eliminate God, but I will remove Him, It, Her, Whatever, to the sidelines, where God has been all along anyway. I will tone God down in the mind of the average man of this world; I will replace God with a

‘clockwork’ universe, Herten. Our government will give them bread and work, let them believe what they wish about divinity, but I will brook no interference by the sects in the workings of my world. Now, I wish you to see how I've decided to organize my government." He punched a button on a console, and a huge organizational chart appeared covering one wall of the room.

"At the top is the Leader, Herten. That is, me. Next down is the Deputy Leader.

That's you. You are become my alter ego, Herten. You will represent me everywhere you go. You are my heir apparent."

Gorman's heart raced and he leaned forward in his seat, his attention now fully concentrated on the chart on the wall. "I—I have
been so honored, my leader!" he gasped.

"Under us will be a series of deputies or ministers such as Propaganda and Culture, Religion, Treasury, Interstellar Affairs, Defense, Justice, and so on. I have already picked the men I wish to hold these positions and I will give you their names shortly, and then we will call them all to Wayvelsberg to inaugurate their offices. You will notice next under these ministers are more levels of organization, particularly the paramilitary and professional groups such as the Special Group, the Young Folk, and organizations for doctors, lawyers, teachers, and so on. The leaders of these groups will all report directly to you as Deputy Leader. You'll see I have organized down to the lowest level, from district leaders to local leaders to block leaders.

Hardly any of those positions have been filled yet. I expect you to pick the men and women for those positions, using the various ministers to ensure we get the most highly qualified and devoted individuals."

Gorman caught his breath. De Tomas was way ahead of him. "What form will our new government take?" he asked.

"Socialist," de Tomas replied instantly. "Ours is the Socialist Party of Kingdom, the SPK, if you will, but with one very notable exception: we shall not expropriate private industry. We shall use private industry to finance and support our regime, but we shall essentially leave the industrialists alone to profit from their business schemes. That way we shall win their total confidence. Ah," he raised a finger, "but in social programs, we will be completely organized to penetrate even into the family unit. We shall organize and mobilize the people. In time we will transfer their loyalty from their sects to our party. We will promote the concept that we on Kingdom are all one people, one
, if you will, one Leader, one people, one government, Herten! Henceforth that will be our sacred motto!" He paused and took another cake. "And on our coinage we shall emboss the following slogan: ‘The Common Good Goes Before the Individual Good.’ That is going to be the watchword of our movement.

"We will organize mass rallies, marches, parades! We will involve everyone in campaigns to help the poor and sick. We'll put Young Folk on every street corner during the winter to collect for the indigent. We'll involve every family on Kingdom, one way or another. We'll imbue the populace with a sense of belonging and patriotism they have never known before! We will have veterans' organizations to honor the sacrifices of those who have served in the armed forces. We will exalt the military virtues over all others, and honor as heroes of the people every man who has served—and in particular those who have died in the military service, whether the stupid sectarian wars that have plagued this world from the first or the recent debacle of the alien invasion. I don't care if a man was shot in the ass while retreating, Herten, he goes into the pantheon of military heroes.

"Oh, yes, something else, Herten." De Tomas handed Gorman a large sheet of parchment. "Read it," he demanded.

Gorman read, and as he did his eyes grew wide. "You can't be serious, my leader!" he almost shouted.

"I am, Herten. That proclamation will be published at noon today." He glanced at his watch. "In fifteen minutes." He chuckled.

The proclamation changed the name of their world from Kingdom of Yahweh and His Saints and Their Apostles to "New Kingdom."

"It is simple and direct and it is not theocratic, Herten. ‘Kingdom of Yahweh and His Saints and Their Apostles’ indeed." De Tomas snorted. "What idiot thought that up? I've never heard such a mouthful of nonsense, and we are not going to call ourselves by that ridiculous name anymore!"

"This change will require many adjustments," Gorman offered tentatively.

"Let them be made, Herten. People will not only get used to the new name, but in time they'll come to like it, I assure you. Now," he activated his intercom, "send in Archbishop General Lambsblood." He turned to Herten. "We are going to discuss army reorganization."

"I did not call you here to ask for your opinion, General," de Tomas started out as soon as Lambsblood was seated. "We are going to effect some army reforms immediately, and you will carry them out to the letter. I want that understood at the outset."

"Very well, my leader," Lambsblood replied.

"First you will reorganize the rank structure in your army, General. We are no longer a theocracy. I have long admired the Confederation Armed Forces. You will now rename the ranks in your army after theirs." Another chart appeared on the wall showing the conversion. "You are now just a general, ‘Colonel Deacon’ is now simply ‘Colonel,’ right down to the enlisted ranks: ‘Swords’ are ‘Sergeants,’ and so on down to the lowest enlisted level, which will now be simply ‘Private.’ All these religious titles will be eliminated. You will also adopt the same badges of rank the Confederation Army uses. Next time we meet, you will wear the four silver stars of a full general. Is all that clear?"

"Yes, my leader. But I must point out that all this will take some getting used to, and there will be grumbling in the ranks."

"Then get used to it, General. And let the ranks grumble. Soldiers aren't happy if they don't have something to grumble about. The conversion will begin immediately.

It will take time. You must have the new badges of rank made up in sufficient quantity. Issue them when they are ready, but pursue this as your number one mission. I am going to remove
vestige of religiosity from your army. An army must be a secular institution, General. And in that regard, sir, I have eliminated the role of ‘religious officer.’" Lambsblood opened his mouth to protest. "

No religious meddlers spying on our soldiers from now on. That was another reason your army was so inefficient—you had these fanatics peering over everyone's shoulder all the time." De Tomas smiled benignly. What he didn't tell the general was that he'd have his own spies among his troops.

Lambsblood gestured helplessly. "But my leader, all these reforms so quickly! The entire resources of my army are devoted to searching for any demons left behind—"

"‘Demons’? ‘Demons’?
Stop it,
General Lambsblood! There are not now nor have there ever been
on Kingdom! We were invaded by alien sentiences, General. The Confederation Marines came to our aid and chased them off, back to wherever they came from! They are alien creatures, flesh and blood, mortal, just like us. I want no more of this superstitious babble about ‘demons,’ is that clear, General?"

"Yes, my leader," Lambsblood agreed quickly, and shifted nervously in his seat.

"But I must repeat, all my resources are devoted now to searching for any remnants of this, uh,

"Good. But you can do more than one thing at once, General," de Tomas continued. "Next: How are you coming on getting your men to take the new loyalty oath?" The oath replaced the grade reorganization chart. It read: I swear to you, Dominic de Tomas, as leader of my government and my people, loyalty and bravery. I vow to you and to the authorities appointed by you obedience unto death, so help me God.

Lambsblood shifted uneasily in his chair. "Well, my leader—"

"How many men have sworn the oath, General?" de Tomas asked, his voice deceptively calm.

"Well, my leader, as I pointed out, uh, we have given top priority to searching for any of the de—ah,
that might have been left behind."

"How many of your troops have sworn the oath, General?" de Tomas asked again.

"I have, my leader!" Lambsblood said proudly.

"Every rank will swear that oath, General. It will be duly witnessed and a statement will be placed in every man's file that he has taken it. All new recruits will swear that oath. Is that clear?"

Lambsblood sputtered, "Clear, my leader, but—but—"

"No buts," de Tomas interjected harshly. "See that it is done at once. Dispatch your staff judge advocates to the units in the field
and have them execute the oaths. Your field commanders can cease operations for the few minutes it'll take to get the men to take the oath. Emphasize to them, General, that, once duly sworn, any disobedience will be viewed as
, and treason is punishable by death. If there is any hesitation, any resistance, General, those men will be arrested and turned over immediately to the Special Group. Units of the SG will accompany your SJA for that purpose. If it's any consolation, General, every member of my other government departments has sworn the same oath. There has been some reluctance. Those people were ‘transferred’ immediately—
. Do you understand?"

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