Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (36 page)

    He carried the food to the kitchen, plated it and led her to the dining room.  She gazed at the candlelit table with a fresh bouquet of spring flowers and the finest china and silver.  She said,

You've been busy.  What's the occasion?


You. Me. Us.  I'm celebrating our love.  Is that okay?

    They began to eat the full course dinner he ordered. 

It's more than okay.  You're romantic and it thrills me, sweetheart.


Tell me about your day.


The surgeon I worked with today for the five surgeries offered me a job as his exclusive operating room assistant nurse after I immigrate and pass the state test.


Does that interest you?


Yes, his skills are amazing and he has a calm demeanor.  So many surgeons suffer from a God complex, but he doesn't.  He'd be good to assist, but,


But what?


I want to be a stay-at-home mother.  It's the most important job in the world.  Do you want me to work outside the home?

    They finished their meal and he took her hand. 

Bekka, I'm an only child spoiled rich kid, but I never caused my parents heartbreak or worry.  I attribute that to my parents and to my innate nature to do the right thing.  I waited a long time to find the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and that's you.

  He sank to one knee and said,

I will always respect you, honor you and love you as my wife and the mother of our children.  I will never cause you one moment of pain deliberately.  I love you with every fiber of my being.  Will you marry me?

    Unable to speak because of the tears pouring down her face she nodded.  He slipped a huge square emerald surrounded by diamonds on her left-hand ring finger, rose and held her. 

Don't cry, Bekka.  We'll have a wonderful life together.

  He handed her his handkerchief.


Yes, I'm sure we will.  Freddie, I've been scared to love you as much as I do for fear you didn't return my love, but your words tell me we're meant to be and I promise I will never abuse your love or your trust and we'll raise a loving family together.  I've never seen such a beautiful ring.

    He led her to the living room and they sat with his arm around her. 

That ring has quite a history.  My great grandfather Winthrop gave that to my grandmother the day he proposed to her. The ring has passed to the eldest son since then.  It came to me ten years ago when my grandmother died.  We adored each other.  My father didn't give the ring to my mother because she had inherited a diamond ring from her grandmother that she wanted to wear as her engagement and wedding ring.  Therefore, Grandma kept it for me.  She died eleven years ago and it's been in my safe the entire time.  I took it to the jewelers today where they cleaned it and made sure the stones are secure.  We can have it sized if it's too big.


It's perfect, sweetheart, and I'll wear it with pride.


    Cray and Angelica's wedding day dawned clear and warm with an azure sky laced with a few puffy clouds.  The families ate breakfast together and then the men were shuffled out of the house to do whatever men do and then dress for the ceremony at Ladd's house.  The men kissed their respective girls before leaving and the women relaxed with a second cup of coffee and chatted about the coming events.


Are you a wreck, Angie?

Mona asked.

    She laughed and said,

No, should I be?


Your entire life as you've known it is about to change,

Mona said persisting. 


For the better, Mona.  Bekka tell her how wonderful this feeling of marrying the man you adore is.


It's indescribable.  I can't put it in words.


Mona, dear,

Gwen said. 

When you find a man you want to spend your life with and he wants the same, it's as though your heart and your head are in perfect alignment and agreement.  That's the way I describe a love that lasts a lifetime.  Celena, do you agree?


I do.  Some couples are in love with love or are in lust or marry for lots of reasons and that love doesn't stand the test of time.  Everlasting love can come in a flash or take a long time to simmer and grow.  I believe that each woman and each man can reflect and know whether it will last.  Then and only then should they marry.  Angelica and Bekka you've chosen wisely and your love will grow throughout the years.  There will be strife and turmoil because that's living.  It will be nothing you can't overcome with your husband and you looking further down the path and realizing that your love will conquer any obstacle.


Mamma, that's beautiful,

Darja said. 

You never spoke like that.

    Celena laughed and said,

And in a foreign language, too.  Gwen and I want grandchildren.  We talked about it.  There are nine children between us.  Surely, some of you will bless us with babies.


Freddie and I will give you babies, Mamma.  We want four and we want them soon and close together.


That's wonderful,

Gwen said.


Cray and I don't plan on having children.  If we'd met when we were younger....

Her voice drifted away. 

We'll be a doting uncle and aunt though and volunteer for babysitting duty.



Bekka said,

Did you and Pappa discuss Freddie's offer to sponsor our family to immigrate here?


We did.  We spoke with the entire group after you and Freddie left for the hotel.


What's the consensus?


    Celena didn't reply and Angelica said,

Bekka, they'd need to sell the store first.  They don't relish living in New York City.  They'd prefer a small town if they moved here.  Darja wants to move here sooner rather than later.  She's finally decided she wants to study to be a paralegal and before you wonder why at this late date, Birch assured us that they discussed it and he was surprised to realize she'd done lots of research on line before she met him.  It's Dirk who worries them.  He remained quiet and offered no input.  Mona, did he express himself to you later?


He told me without an education he didn't think he could get a good job and support himself or a family in the future.  The cost of everything here boggles his mind.  He did mention going to firefighter school and that is an option open to him.  I assured him that the cost of living is exorbitant in the city and doesn't reflect most of the rest of the country.  He gave me the impression that family is so important to him and he wouldn't stay behind if the rest immigrated.  He said he understood why his parents would want to be closer to his sisters and especially if children are involved.  In my opinion, he needs someone to give him options concerning how to earn a living.



Celena said,

he confided in you what he'd never tell us.


I didn't get a chance to talk to Cray about this, but I suspect we can find a position for him in our company.  We talked about so many things and I'm impressed with his knowledge in so many areas.  He told me he's been doing the purchasing for your store and keeps track of inventory control.  We buy companies all the time and inventory control is always an issue.  He's got a quick intellect and he'd pick it up fast.  Right now we send someone from material's management to a new company for a few days, but it's a haphazard way of doing it because we're relying on the current employees to be honest with us and that doesn't happen often because they're afraid of losing their position.  Dirk would need to travel to the companies we buy, immerse himself in the knowledge of what it takes to keep the factory running while not overstocking supplies.


Mona, I'll discuss this with Cray,

Angelica said,

and have him call you.

    Mona laughed. 

It's your honeymoon, Angie.  It's not my idea of what takes place on a honeymoon.


Our honeymoon is going to last three months.  It's not like there won't be time to talk.


He's going to ban you from seeing me,

Mona said laughing.


He told me he wants me to be a partner in every aspect of his life.  I'll put it to the test.  Don't forget the fact that you'll be running the company while we're gone and making a lot of decisions.






Chapter 19





An afternoon of pampering had the mothers of the bride and groom, the bride's attendants and especially the bride glowing.  The one hundred guests gathered in the huge foyer to watch Angelica on the arm of her father descend the curved stairway in her Balenciaga strapless, shirred silk, full-skirted, waltz length wedding gown.  Gasps of awe rippled through the attending guests as she gracefully glided to the bottom of the stairs and smiled at Cray.

    The ceremony lasted a mere ten minutes and when the pastor introduced them as Angelica and Cray Phillips the applause burst forth as the smiling couple led the way to the backyard where yards and yards of white silk and coral roses festooned the reception setting.  Cray lifted her in his arms and twirled while the guests cascaded rose petals over them.  He set her on her feet, circled her under his arm and brought her close for a kiss and a dance as the small tuxedoed orchestra played a waltz.


At last you're mine,

Cray said turning her while they danced.


I've been yours since the first night we met in December.


Yes, and you haven't asked me to tell you a dirty joke since the first one.


That joke is so lame.  Besides I replaced the need for dirty jokes with my need for your seduction.

    He laughed. 

I missed you today.


Did you, darling?  It's the only reprieve you get for the next three months.


You're supposed to say you missed me, too.


I endured hours of pampering and pain for your pleasure so you were in my thoughts constantly.




Yes, waxing and plucking hurts.

    His grin widened. 

Tell me they left a landing strip.

    She laughed. 

They did, not that you need any guides.


I want to see, I want to touch, I want to kiss.  Oh, shit, here comes your father for his dance with you.


Just in the nick of time.  You have a wild look in your eyes.  Hi, Pappa, do you want to dance with your married daughter?

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