Stay With Me (24 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

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He lifted his eyebrows and softly replied, “Let’s hope.”

Swallowing hard, I tried to remember this was a client and this stupid flirting was bound to get me into trouble. Especially since deep down inside I knew I didn’t want to do what he clearly wanted to do.

It was time to ease up on the flirting and kick it more into professional mode.

“Well,” I said releasing a breath and smiling. “Let’s concentrate on picking out some fabric swatches and paint colors.”

“Then afterwards, dinner?”

Pressing my lips tightly together, I forced a smile. “Let’s just get through the afternoon shall we?”

The next three hours had me laughing for the first time in almost a month. Dale was not only handsome, but funny as well. We had a ton in common and it turned out he was an art major and worked for an art gallery in Denver. He even loved the opera.

“So what made you interested in art?” I asked as we strolled through Acacia Park.

With a wide grin, he replied, “Probably my mother. She loves anything to do with art. She’s a painter, and I remember sitting when I was little and watching her paint. I thought it was the coolest thing ever to watch her take a white canvas and add the most beautiful things to it. Flowers are her favorite thing to paint.”

“I love painting, but I’m afraid I’m not that good at it. Now give me a room to draw out and I can do that no problem!”

Dale laughed. “Have you always wanted to be a designer?”

I may have been enjoying myself, but I was not opening up with Dale like I had Thano. “Yep. Pretty much. I’m a tad bit boring.”

“So, how about dinner?”

Searching desperately for my body to tell me I was attracted to Dale, I chewed on my lip. A part of me was screaming to just go have dinner and enjoy the company of a good-looking man. The other part of me was screaming out Thano’s name.

“Where did you have in mind?”

His eyes lit up, but I held up my hand. “Strictly business. That’s it.”

He pretended to pout but nodded his head. “For now. We’ll see if I can change your mind by the end of dinner.”

I instantly didn’t like the over confident and smug way he thought he was going to get me to change my mind.

He called for a taxi and held the door open for me. The next thing I knew we were pulling up to the Blue Star. It was a tapas bar I’d been to a number of times. The moment we walked in, something in the air changed. Goose bumps raced over my body and I swore someone was watching me.

Dale motioned for me to follow the waitress. When he placed his hand on my lower back, I quickly picked up my pace so his hand fell away.

My gaze bounced around the bar. I couldn’t shake the feeling someone’s eyes were on me.

I took a seat and set my purse on the chair next to me.

“Would you like to pick out the wine, Kilyn?”

Still looking around, I completely ignored Dale.

“Kilyn? Are you even with me?”

Snapping my eyes back to him, I grinned and said, “I’m sorry. I had the strangest feeling someone was watching me.”

Dale looked around and then put his attention back on me. “That’s because the most beautiful girl in the room walked in. All eyes were on you.”

There went my cheeks heating up again. “Anyway, what were you asking?”


“Please, you pick,” I responded as I reached for my purse and took out my phone. I sent a quick text to Claire to let her know I was having dinner with Dale. When she didn’t answer right away, I pulled up my email. When there was nothing there from Thano, I cursed myself for hoping there would be.

Who was I kidding? Thano was stuck in the past and I was walking around reading books about the Greek culture and trying like hell to figure out why his grandmother spit on me three times. I finally got the answer today in the book I had bought at Barnes and Noble.

“You’re lost in thought.”

Making myself smile, I shook my head. “Sorry. I’ve got a lot on my mind with projects and such.”

We quickly got lost in an easy conversation. I had to admit, Dale would be easy to date and he was probably good in bed. Not as good as Thano, but I’m sure he would be okay.

Looking away, I closed my eyes. Jesus. Am I really now settling for some guy so I can forget Thano?

My breath caught in my throat and I opened my eyes. His green eyes pierced mine almost immediately.

“Thano,” I whispered.

He was standing with his best friend Gus and two women.

Placing my hand on my stomach, I tried to keep down the sick feeling I had growing.

He’s on a date.

He’s moved on.

When he glanced over and looked at Dale, his eyes turned angry. Was he really going to be upset that I was out with someone when he had some bleach blonde on his arm?

Fuck that.

Looking away, I focused back on Dale. “So, how often to you come to Colorado Springs?”

Taking a drink of his wine, he placed it back on the table. My heart was racing as I felt Thano’s eyes on me. That’s why it felt like someone was watching me. Thano had seen us walk in.

“I try to come at least once a week to help my father. This family cabin is important to him. Family is actually important to him. He wants a place we can all get together and spend holidays and such with.”

Smiling, I tried like hell to ignore the burning feeling my body felt from Thano’s stare. I took a chance and glanced back over to them. They were still standing; it appeared Gus’s date had spilled her wine. I hope it got all over Thano’s stupid tan pants that looked so damn good on him.

When he smiled at me, I looked back to Dale.

“Well, I hope that we can make it a place your family will feel at home in.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it. I’ve seen your work. I’m really impressed, especially since you really haven’t been in business for all that long.”

Reaching for the wine, I tried like hell to keep my hand from shaking.

“Are you okay, Kilyn?” Dale asked with a concerned look on his face.

“Um, yes. I think I need to use the ladies room though for a minute, if you’ll excuse me.”

He stood when I stood and I couldn’t help think that was very sweet of him. I took the long way around to the restrooms so I wouldn’t have to walk near Thano and his date.

Once I made it into the restroom, I sucked in a few deep breaths. My phone buzzed in my purse.

Pulling it out, my heart dropped to my stomach when I saw Thano’s name.

Thano: Who is the guy you’re with?

My eyes widened and I was positive my jaw hit the ground.

“Are you fucking kidding me? How dare he!”

Tapping angrily on my phone, I replied back to his text.

Me: A client. Who’s the bleach blonde? Your latest ladybug?

After I hit send, I covered my mouth. “Oh, God,” I whispered. “Why did I say that?”

I waited for ten minutes and Thano never replied back. I couldn’t blame him. What I said was cruel and I knew it.

With a frustrated moan, I dropped my phone back into my purse and covered my face with my hands. Screaming into them, I dropped them back to my side and counted to twenty.

Opening my eyes, I decided it was time to cut this dinner short. Dale would be upset, but I’d tell him I was not feeling well all of a sudden. After all, I’d been locked away for ten minutes in the restroom.

I reached for the bathroom door and walked out, only to be grabbed by the arm and dragged down the hall by Thano. He slammed me up against the wall and looked into my eyes.

My chest was heaving as I tried like hell to pull in air. He was piercing my gaze with his dark angry eyes, and holy hell was it turning me on.

“What in the fuck did that mean?”

I knew what he was talking about, but for some reason, I egged him on. “What did what mean?”

“My latest ladybug? Do you really think I go around picking up women and having sex with them?”

Lifting my chin, I replied, “I don’t know. Do you? For all I know you’ve already whispered in her ear in Greek. Maybe telling her how beautiful she is.”

Thano hit the wall next to my head, causing me to let out a small scream. I’d never seen him so angry. The funny thing was, I wasn’t the least bit afraid because I knew he would never hurt me. If anything, I was the one who hurt him with my comment.

“Do you have any idea how torn apart I’ve been, Kilyn?”

Searching his face, I looked back into his eyes. “No. If you were so torn apart, why haven’t you . . .”

I looked away.

“Why haven’t I what?”

Peering back at him, my voice was angry. “Called me, Thano. Reached out in some way to let me know you were so torn apart. For all I know, you’ve been completely fine. I mean, you’re on a date, so you must not be that torn apart.”

“It’s Gus’ sister.”

Pinching my eyebrows together, I asked, “What?”

“The girl I’m with, it’s Gus’s sister. Both of them are his sisters. They just got into town and Gus asked if I wanted to come along. I’ve known them since they were little.”

Oh, hell.

“Well, that doesn’t matter because you have done nothing to reach out to me so—there!”

He pulled his head back. “So there? What are we, in middle school, Kilyn?”

I sunk my teeth into my lip and tried like hell to come back with one of those witty replies that always seem to escape until twenty minutes later when it hits me.

Lifting his hand, he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. “I’ve missed you so much, ladybug.”

My eyes closed and I fought like hell to keep my tears back.

His lips moved across my neck, causing my entire body to tremble. “I miss you in my arms, Kilyn.”

I slowly shook my head.

“Even if you haven’t missed me, please say you have. I think it would kill me if you told me something else.”

Opening my mouth, I tried to force myself to talk, but my throat burned as I tried to keep my emotions at bay.

When his lips moved up and pressed against my ear, my knees went weak. I reached for his arms and held on with all my might.

“I’ve missed your laugh, ladybug. The way you make me feel like I’m the only person in the room when you talk to me. I need to feel your lips pressed against mine or I may go crazy.”

The small hallway was beginning to spin. “Please tell me you’ll give me another chance. I want to show you how much I love you so badly.”

A small sob slipped from my lips as I pulled my head back and searched his face. “Wh-what?”

“Let me make love to you tonight. Please.”

Oh, dear God, yes.

What happens to me when this man is near me? I’m left defenseless when I’m in his arms.

“But, what about Savannah?”

Cupping my face within his hands, he stared at me with such intensity I held my breath waiting for his words. “Look into my eyes, Kilyn.”

I did what he asked. His green eyes were bright as the sun. The sadness and darkness I saw in them before was now gone.

“She is my past and you are my future. We both have scars, Kilyn, but I know they will fade in time if we’re together.”

He grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. “You’re the only woman who has ever truly been here. Right here in my heart. Without you, I’m nothing. With you, I’m hundred percent complete. You have moved me out of the darkness and into the light and, I swear, I will spend the rest of my life showing you how much I adore and love you.”

Every nerve ending in my body tingled as my heart rate quickened. With a soft expression, I whispered, “If you say something to me in Greek I’m pretty sure you will be guaranteed to have me in your bed tonight.”

The smile that spread across his face caused me to giggle.

Leaning over, he brushed his lips lightly over mine and whispered, “Se agapó.”

My lower stomach pulled with desire. “Wh-what did you say?” I asked against his lips.

He slowly kissed along my jaw until I felt his hot breath against my neck. When he nipped at my earlobe, I moaned. There was never a moment in my life where I was so turned on.

“I said . . . I love you.”

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