Read Still Mr. And Mrs. Online

Authors: Patricia Olney

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

Still Mr. And Mrs. (14 page)

“She left you this.” Evelyn handed him an envelope. “She didn’t want to see you, did she?” Evelyn sat next to him, giving him the once-over. “Can’t say I blame her. You look awful.”

He shrugged. Awful was putting it mildly. He felt tired and drained. He hadn’t shaved or even bothered to put on clean clothes from the previous night.

“You’re always ready with the compliments when I need them the most,” he said dryly. “Thanks for the support.”

“I’ve always been supportive, Gabe. But when I see you making an ass of yourself for the second time—”

“Evelyn, please, I don’t feel much like arguing with you this morning.”

Besides there was nothing she could say to him that he didn’t already know.

He ripped open the envelope. A slim gold band slipped onto his palm.

Reb’s wedding ring.

His throat constricted.

“She’s … really gone.” He placed the ring on the tip of his finger, holding the ring up in the morning light.

It was a sharp reminder of what he once had … and now didn’t.

“Yes.” Evelyn tapped his chest. “She’s really gone and if you love her as much as I know you do, I’d say it’s time you made some changes.”

She smiled tenderly. “And I have some thoughts on the matter too, young man. That is, of course, if you’re interested in hearing them.”

He swallowed hard, knowing in his heart he was definitely ready for a major change. Knowing, too, that he’d do anything to get Reb back.

If it wasn’t too late.

“I’m listening,” he said.

Rebecca threw her outdoor gear and clothing into the back of the pickup truck. She had a few hours until her clients were to arrive at the Canyonlands National State Park where she, Linda and Jim Murphy were taking the crew of rafters down the Green River to the Colorado River.

It was Rebecca’s last trip. Afterwards, she’d be opening her day care center in Phoenix.

Leaning against the closed door of the pickup, she scanned the buttes and mesas that loomed across the Utah horizon. Cottonwoods and willows lined the riverbank, their branches artfully arching over the water.

She breathed a huge sigh.

Lord, how she missed him.
She missed him every second of every day. And even though it’d been two weeks since she’d left Palm Springs, it wasn’t any easier to get him out of her mind.

Or her heart.

Even though she knew she had to.

She pushed the pain away, struggling to get her mind back on business.

Mentally, she went over her list of supplies for the trip.

She’d packed everything, or hoped she had anyway. Fishing gear. Tools. Boat repair kit. Flares. Food. First-aid kit. Too bad there wasn’t a first-aid kit big enough to repair her broken heart.

“Hey, Rebecca.” Jim came out of the state park office building. “We’ve got one last-minute sign-up. Some guy. Said it was real important he got on this trip.”

Rebecca shaded her eyes from the hot sun.
“Great. Just great. I love these last-minute tourists.”

“Yeah, well, he was real adamant about joining up. Said he needed a vacation.”

“Probably some Wall Street shark who gets himself all tied up in knots and expects us to undo him.” Rebecca felt frustration creep into her.

“It’s all part of the business,” Jim said. “I’ve got a few more things to get together and then I promised to pick up Linda.” He patted Rebecca’s shoulder. “It’s good to have you back, even if it’s only for this last trip.”

“Thanks, Jim. It’s good to be back.”

She watched Jim leave, grateful for his and Linda’s friendship, then returned her gaze to the supplies.

“You know, Rebecca,” Gabe said softly from behind her. “You’re the only one I’d ever let undo me.”

Rebecca went completely still.

She slowly willed herself to breathe. She looked up and took in the sight of him.

He was dressed in rugged jeans, hiking boots, and a black T-shirt that brought out the devil-may-care look in his dark eyes.

He dropped his gear to the ground.

Where was his tie? she wondered, and his tailored suit and expensive shoes? Where was his cellular phone, and his endless list of business matters that had to be taken care of yesterday?

Never had he looked so handsome, so rugged and appealing, she thought as she fought back the memories of curling in his warm embrace, touching her lips to his.

She swallowed hard. “What are you doing here?”

He took a step closer, and the clean scent of him engulfed her with other memories she didn’t want to remember.

“I wanted to surprise you.”

She smiled and shrugged. “Well, it worked.”

“I decided that I needed some time off from The Toy Factory.”

“You’re our last-minute sign-up?” She couldn’t help but stare at him.

“Uh-huh. And I’m not even some Wall Street shark.”

A hot flush crept up her cheeks.

“I told you I was going to start slowing down. Besides, we never had a chance to discuss the details about my donation.”

“I see.”

“Did you forget?” he asked softly.

“No, I didn’t forget.” She looked away.

He moved closer until they were inches apart, forcing her to look up at him. He towered over her, his gaze taking in every single feature as though he was burning them in his memory.

“There are a lot of things about you that I’ve forgotten. And that’s not good.” He ran his finger along her jawline, her chin. He touched the corner of her mouth.

Her lips tingled at his touch. But the tender gesture still had her pulling away.

“Maybe you never knew what you had in the first place,” she said, wanting to hurt him as much as he’d hurt her.

He smiled a little. But it was a sad smile. “Well put, Reb. And true.”

“So why are you here?”

“I wanted you to know that I’ve changed. I realized that all my life I’ve been so worried about getting ahead, and taking care of my family that I never took the time to learn what was really important. I used my career as a defense against getting too close, caring too much. Working was the only aspect of my life that I could truly control. It was the only thing I understood. Only it backfired. I don’t want to wind up alone and bitter like my father.”

She stared at him for a moment. “So what are you saying?”

“I’m here to tell you that I want you back.” His voice, so calm before, quivered.

“I don’t believe you,” she whispered.

He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, and drew her to him. His lips came down on hers in a slow, tender kiss.

It was as though he was pleading with her to surrender to him, as his kiss turned urgent.

She swayed under his gentle persuasion. And had it not been for his arms tightly wrapped around her, she surely would have collapsed.

It was the most exquisite kiss he’d ever given her.

“I want you to believe me.” His lips brushed against hers as he spoke. “I don’t want anything but you.”

She refused to let her tears fall. She swallowed with difficulty and found her voice. “Gabe—”

“I wanted to see you again because I need you, because I love you … because I want to marry you.”

Gabe couldn’t let her go. Not until he convinced her how he felt.

He’d lied when he told her they didn’t have a future together, that they were incompatible. He’d been afraid to believe in what they had. But everyone saw how perfect they were together. Jonathan, Evelyn, even Reb.

And now he realized it too, and he was determined to try to make things right between them.

He took a deep breath.

“I made the biggest mistake of my life. Not once, but twice,” he confessed. “And that was letting you go.”

She jerked away, but not fast enough.

“Gabe, please don’t do this to me …”

“I can’t help it.” He caught her again in his arms. “I love you. So much that it scares me. But the thought of losing you again scares me even more. Don’t leave me, Reb.” His voice broke. “Don’t ever leave me.”

“How do I know I can trust you?”

“Because I’ve changed,” he said. “I know what’s important now and what isn’t.”

He smiled again. Softer this time. “And you’ve changed too,” he added. “Or rather I finally met the real Rebecca Stewart in Palm
Springs. You’re not just the wild, fun-loving free spirit I thought I married.”

She smiled back. “Well, who am I?”

“You’re my wife.”

“Ex-wife,” she said. “Or did something happen a week ago to stop our divorce that I don’t know about?”

“No, the divorce was final last Tuesday. But in my heart, you will always be my wife. You’re caring and giving. You always think of others first, which is why I fell in love with you a second time.”

“I …”

“I know I’m rushing you.” He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. He couldn’t stop touching her.

“What about us not being compatible?”

He searched her face. “I was wrong. I thought there wasn’t a future for us. I thought I wasn’t ready for children. But now … now I want children. Lots of them.”

He saw her swallow. “I don’t know what to say.”

He brushed aside an escaping curl that fell over her forehead. “Tell me you love me. Tell me that you need me as much as I need you.”

“Gabe,” she whispered. “Gabe, I’ve always loved you. I never stopped loving you.”

He placed his lips to her neck. Her skin tasted dusty and hot.

“What about my day care center?”

“You can open a center anywhere,” he said. “Last I heard there’s plenty of kids who need looking after … even in Palm Springs. And I happen to know there’s an empty building next to The Toy Factory. There’s lots of space and open areas for a playground. More room than you’d ever need. I happen to know the owner.”


“Me,” he said. “And it could be an added bonus for the employees to have the day care center next to the office.”

“Gabe, that sounds wonderful, but—”

“Don’t you deserve to be happy?”

A tear glinted in the corner of her eye. She wiped it aside with the back of her hand. “Yes.”

“Don’t I?”

“Of course.”

He gestured with his hands. “So why are you fighting with me about this?”

“I … what about The Toy Factory?” she asked.

“I’ve made a decision to step down as CEO.
I’m passing the magic scepter to Jonathan. I’m on a leave of absence right now.”

“You didn’t.”

He smiled at her. “Yeah, I did. Evelyn and I agreed completely. I have enough money to last a lifetime. And I want to spend my life with you.”

He reached into his jeans’ pocket and withdrew her wedding band. He slipped it on her finger.

“Damn, Reb, I thought I died a thousand times over when I saw this in that envelope.”

He squeezed her hand in his.

“I felt like a part of me died too, when I left it,” she said.

“Ah, sweetheart.” He slowly kissed her, vowing to spend the rest of his life erasing the pain from her eyes. “So, do you have any other arguments?” he asked. “Or will you marry me?”

“No more arguments. And yes, I’ll marry you.”

He laughed out loud. He picked up his rolled-up sleeping bag and swung it over his shoulder.

“Okay, let’s go then.”

Before she could answer, he picked her up in his arms, and headed for the thick grove of cottonwoods that lined the river.

She let out a shriek of surprise. “Where are you taking me?”

“Do you think you could find us a quiet, secluded area to hide out for an hour or two?” he asked.

Rebecca started to laugh. “Oh, I suppose I could. But what for?”

He stopped and let her slide down the front of him until her feet touched the ground.

“Because I’d like to be alone with my future wife for a while.” He playfully kissed the corners of her mouth. “You see, I know this game I’d like to play. And I just found my perfect partner.”


Welcome to Loveswept!

With April showers fast approaching, we have some wonderful books for you to cozy up with. One of our most exciting releases is Megan Frampton’s e-original,
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Karen Leabo’s thrilling
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