Read Stolen Rapture Online

Authors: Denyse Bridger

Stolen Rapture (2 page)

"I…I'm not sure…"

His eyes seared into her, and he smiled. "I'm thinking you'd like it. A lot. I can hear your heartbeat from here, and your pussy is wet already, isn't it, baby?

His voice was a caress rumbling sensuality as his words brushed over her sensitized skin like an actual touch.
"Answer me!" He snapped the demand softly, but it struck like a whip and she shivered.
His eyebrow arched. Her eyes widened and she realized he wanted more than her affirmation as an answer.
"Yes what?"
"Go to hell!" she said.
His smile was smug, but he didn't move or say another word.
"I want you to leave now," Deluna said. She winced inwardly at the breathless quiver that was her voice.

He shook his head. "Honesty. Let's have some, or we'll never get past this room. Tell me what you really want right now?" He took a step into the office and closed the door, twisting the lock as he did. They were the only ones in the small studio/theatre, but he obviously didn't want to chance any unexpected interruptions.

"I want you to go, Cord." This time the words came out a little stronger.

"I think you want me to strip you down and make you beg for my cock."

Another pulsing wave of heat and longing rushed through her, and the pulse deep inside her pounded a frantic tempo in her ears. She crossed her arms, hugged herself tighter. Confusion swirled in her brain.

"What the hell has happened to you tonight?" she snapped. "Have you been drinking or is it something else?"

"Maybe I'm just drunk on the sweet scent of you," he suggested. He reached her and took her wrists, tugging firmly so that she was no longer clutching herself defensively. "That's better," he said approvingly.

She tried to free herself and her knees just about buckled when he leaned in and his teeth closed over one of her tight, hyper-sensitive nipples. Through the thin material of her silk blouse and the sheer lace of her bra, he started sucking, and she clamped her lips together to silence the whimper of pleasure that wanted to escape her throat. She'd been attracted to Cord from the moment she'd spotted him at Dane's show, but the few times they'd gone out, he'd never made any serious moves. Suddenly, she was the focus of all his attention. It was exciting and frightening at the same time.


He drew back and looked into her eyes, standing so close she was forced to tilt her head back to hold his gaze. She was overwhelmed, caught in the throes of arousal and the need to retain some measure of control over what was happening.

"Control is vastly over-rated, baby," he whispered, and watched her eyes narrow as she became fully aware that he'd answered her thought. Before she could question what had happened, he leaned close, his hands stroking over the silk of her shirt until he held both breasts in his palms, his thumbs brushing indolently across their turgid tips. Before she could anticipate him, one hand began flicking open the buttons of her shirt, and the other skimmed over her hip and started a return trip up her thigh. Deluna's body vibrated with tension and she closed her eyes when the backs of his fingers started a slow glide over her lacy panties.

"Tell me now you want me to stop," Cord's low, growling voice was next to her ear. He hooked the damp strip of cloth between her legs and tugged it aside, one finger gliding into her with a slick, wet sound that was louder than it should have been.

Deluna bit her bottom lip, but her tiny moan of response quivered between them.

"Open your eyes, Deluna."

In contrast to his tone of moments earlier, his voice was soft, coaxing. Her eyelids fluttered, her induced obedience beyond her control. She stared at him, caught in the crossfire of longing and shock at her body's surging arousal. He slid a second finger deep into her pussy and she gasped and looked away, fighting the urge to push into his touch.

"Look at me!" The command brought her eyes back to his instantly. "Take off the bra, I want to see your tits, baby."

She wanted to tell him again to go to hell, but there was a darkness stirring inside her, a hidden secret that was emerging, something he seemed to know more about than she knew herself. She held his gaze for a moment longer, fighting the desire to do as he ordered without hesitation. She shook her head, forcefully ignored the near-pain it caused.

"Get your hands off me, Cord."

He laughed and withdrew. His smile lingered as she put the desk between them, pulling her clothes back into place while she glared at him.

"I want you to leave."

He shook his head. "I think you want me to stay and finish this game."

"This isn't a game," she said through clenched teeth, her entire body barely holding back tremors that would soon be visible if she didn't contain them. The loss of his touch made her ache with so much pent up longing she wanted to scream her frustration. And somehow, he knew it. She could read it in his hypnotic eyes.

"It's all a game, Deluna." His rich voice was pitched to a timbre that was mesmerizing, and seductive. "Life is a game. How you play and how often you win determines how much you enjoy it."

"Spoken like a man who has very little to lose," she noted dryly.
"Or a man who has everything to give," he murmured with a wink.
"Why are you suddenly a stranger?"

The shake of his head accompanied an expression that was tinged with disappointment. "You recognized me the moment you saw me," he told her, voice quiet. "You don't want to admit it, but your body knows what it wants. And…who it wants."

"There's more to me than who I
want to fuck," she said, anger replacing lust. "I thought you recognized that."

Cord shrugged, watched her as the silence lengthened and a different kind of tension settled over the room.

Deluna never stopped staring at him, fascinated by the play of thought and emotion that turned his eyes into shifting shades of dark sea and sky. She didn't like that he had read her so easily, and so thoroughly. He seemed to know what she was thinking and feeling before she was fully aware of it herself. The wet heat that drenched her panties reminded her too vividly that she would be much too easily persuaded to do whatever he wanted with her–and enjoy it.

"Did you still want to have dinner, baby?"

She released the breath she hadn't realized she was holding and nodded. "Yes. I think I'm done here for tonight." She didn't add she'd never be able to concentrate even if he did leave. He lifted her coat off the rack by the office door and held it open for her. She came out from behind the desk, and he laughed at her wariness as she approached him and slipped into the coat. He rested his hands on her shoulders and leaned in close to her ear.

"We're not done yet, believe me, Deluna. Before the night is over, you're going to want my cock more than your next breath."

She clutched the coat to her and shut her eyes, shuddering violently as his words sent another rush of wetness flooding to her throbbing pussy. She bit her lip to silence the tiny whimper that tickled the back of her throat, but she didn't object when he turned her around to face him and lifted her face with a finger under her chin.

"No denials?"

She was drowning in his presence, and at the moment, was incapable of doing more than staring at him. He pulled her close, fitting her soft curves to the hardness of his body, making her fully aware of the solid ridge of his erection. Her hands rose and touched the broad expanse of his chest. Slowly, her arms encircled his neck and she pulled him down to meet her kiss. His tongue plunged into her mouth, and his hands cupped her ass and lifted her off her feet. He carried her the few steps to the desk and sat her on the edge while their kiss grew to frenzied desperation.

When he suddenly gripped her head between his hands and pulled away from the passionate kiss, she tried to draw him back and he shook his head curtly.

"Tell me what you want right now."
It was an order, not a question.

"Now," he insisted. "What do you want?" He touched her cheek with a fingertip, slowly stroked across the slope of her face, then smoothed over her trembling bottom lip. "Lie to me, Deluna, and I will punish you."

"I want to have dinner with you and…" She swallowed convulsively. "And then we could see what happens…"
His expression was disappointed.
"I told you not to lie to me."

"I'm not lying…" There was a tiny note of fear in her voice. She heard it, and it was quite clear Cord hadn't missed it. He stepped closer again, and without really being fully conscious of the action, she spread her legs to accommodate the shift in his position. He smiled at her.

"Your body is more honest than your mind. Have you noticed that, Deluna?"
"I don't understand you," she whispered.
"Does that matter so much?"

Before she could answer, he moved closer and her senses filled with him, with his scent. Heat radiated from him and scorched her nerve endings even though he hadn't touched her again. Her body ached, screaming for him even if her voice refused to let the words pass her lips. He placed a finger against the pulse that fluttered in her neck and something dark flared in his eyes. He stroked the side of her neck, and let the trail of fire slide lower until the backs of his fingers brushed over her breast, and her nipple hardened instantly.

"How wet are you?"
The challenge was electrifying the air around them once again, charging the space between them.
"Why are you asking when you already know?"
"What do you want?"

She knew they'd come back to the increasingly familiar impasse. She paused for a few eternal seconds, then smiled. Despite the internal earthquake that shook her to the core of her being, and rattled her ability to think, she shook her head.

"I want to think, you're making that impossible."
"You disappoint me, Deluna. I thought you were more adventurous."
"And I thought you were more gentleman than this."

He laughed loudly, genuinely amused. "Gentlemen still want to fuck, Deluna. They think about gorgeous tits and dripping pussies. I just prefer to be honest about what's on my mind." His smile lingered, but the edginess had returned to his mood, and he peered at her. She could feel the probe of his thoughts, and knew that somehow he was searching for what she was hiding from him–from herself.

"Stand up and turn around."
She gaped at him in stunned surprise.
"Do it!"

Before she could stop herself she slid forward, her feet hit the floor. She stood when he stepped back enough to allow her to turn around. He put his hands on her waist and stood at her back, nothing more.

"Relax," he said very softly. He held her loosely and as seconds turned to minutes, her breathing steadied and she leaned into his arms. He moved his hands to the front of her waist and very slowly slid them over the silk of her blouse until he held the weight of her breasts in his palms. She hitched in a gasp of air, but made no move to stop him.

"I'm going to fuck you before we leave this office, Deluna," he murmured. "And you're going to love it." He opened the buttons on her shirt and pulled it free of her skirt waistband. His thumbs flicked at the straining tips of her nipples, clearly outlined against the sheer lace bra. He peeled the cups down and her breasts thrust out, still supported by the bra, nipples distended and tightening further in the faint chill of the air.

Deluna shivered, her body slamming into overdrive the instant he started touching her. Her skin tingled in anticipation, and between her thighs, the slickness grew into hot, wet hunger. He unzipped her skirt and it fell to the floor. He put his middle finger in her mouth. "Suck it, like it's my cock." She did as he directed, her tongue moving up and down the length, until he slipped free. She bit her lip hard when his hand went into her panties and he started to stroke her swollen folds. The wet sound was exciting and two fingers slid deep into her weeping pussy, quickly finding a rhythm that made her hips move as she fucked his fingers. His thumb toyed with her clit, and she gasped as heat and tension shot through her in shuddering waves.

He pulled away and she moaned, tears of frustration in the sound.

"Strip and get on your knees, baby."

She stared at him, her body trembled violently with thwarted lust, still so close to release, but so far, too. She wriggled the panties down her thighs and then stepped out of the skirt and the sheer bikinis. Her blouse landed in a shimmering heap on the desktop, and she unhooked the bra that matched her underwear. She cupped her breasts and squeezed them, pinching the nipples and creating a frisson of pain enhanced fire than lanced straight to her pulsing cunt.

"Stop!" He ground out, eyes blazing into hers.

She stared at him, anger waking, then dying when new lust surged through her. He unzipped his pants and let them drop, the head of his cock visible above the waistband of his briefs. She reached out to touch him and he grabbed her wrists and held them behind her with one hand, bending her back so she could meet his stare.

"You touch when I tell you to, you suck when I tell you to, and you come when I allow it. Do you understand?"

She nodded, only a heartbeat's hesitation in her compliance this time. Cord kicked aside his pants and walked around to the chair. He sat and let his gaze travel over her voluptuous curves. She caught the movement of his hand and chewed on her bottom lip when he freed his thick cock from the briefs and stroked it slowly. He held out his hand and gestured for her to come to him. She did and when she was in front of him, she dropped to her knees and waited. Some distant part of her mind was still detached enough to marvel over what was happening.

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