Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth (6 page)

Read Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth Online

Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #Political Science / Political Ideologies / Conservatism & Liberalism, #Political Science / Commentary & Opinion

Political leftist leaders are waging war against Christians in places you wouldn’t have suspected. New York governor Andrew Cuomo has declared that extreme conservatives “have no place in the state of New York.”
At the same time, Pope Francis declared that liberation theology—the same doctrine espoused by Obama’s pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright—can no longer “remain in the shadows to which it has been relegated for some years.” Of the principles and practices of capitalism, the Pope says, “A new tyranny is thus born.”
The new tyranny, though, is not the tyranny of capitalism, under which Christianity has flourished; it’s the tyranny of the leftists the Pope is aligning himself with, people for whom Christianity is anathema.

The Pope’s words came as the Obama administration was persecuting the Little Sisters of the Poor for not being willing to give up their religious principles against birth control and abortion. Across the United States, the Little Sisters of the Poor run some thirty hospitals, which provide medical services for the elderly poor. The financial penalties this organization faces if they are forced to comply with Obamacare’s mandates would put the nuns out of business in a matter of months.

The United States is overwhelmingly a Christian nation. The editor in chief of the Gallup polling organization estimates that “about three-quarters—75, maybe up to 77 percent of Americans—identify with the Christian religion.” Another 17 percent of Americans profess no religious affiliation, so the percentage of U.S. citizens with a religious practice other than Christianity is very small, likely as low as 5 or 6 percent.

The president appears to be committed to the destruction of the majority religion of the country over which he presides.

Will English Become America’s Second Language?

I’ve mentioned Coca-Cola’s Super Bowl commercial that featured “America the Beautiful” being sung in eight different languages. Ray Charles, who recorded the most moving version of that song I’ve ever heard, must be turning over in his grave. There was a day when immigrants took pride in learning the language of their adoptive home. Everyone knows that today you can’t make a phone call to a government agency or business without being asked to press 1 if you want to speak English or 2 if you want Spanish. Somehow we managed to avoid “Press 3 for Ebonics.” offers people who access the website a choice of forty-six different languages to buy their health care in. Forty-six!

Don’t believe there’s a war against the English language being waged in this country? In Texas, a grade-school principal was fired for requiring students to speak English in the classroom. More than half the students in the school district are Hispanic, and her critics said, “When you start banning aspects of ethnicity or cultural identity, it sends the message that the child is not wanted: ‘We don’t want your color. We don’t want your kind.’ They then tend to drop out early.”

In fact, it should send exactly the opposite message. Teaching Spanish-speaking kids the English language says to them that this country wants them to succeed, wants them to become American citizens and to be able to succeed in this country. Learning English is the one fundamental skill that guarantees they’ll have a good chance to better themselves.

English is the standard language of international communications.
Virtually every head of every Western nation speaks English. Every champion of every international athletic tournament I’ve ever watched—from soccer to tennis to the Olympics—has conducted his or her postgame interview in English, no matter what their native country is. But here in the United States, we’re allowing the left to dictate which language we’re required to speak, because politicians are too weak-kneed to make English the official language of the United States. It’s the official language of the world, but we’re not willing to acknowledge that here.

And that’s by design.

It’s possible that this administration’s most remembered accomplishment will be the degeneration of our language and communication.

Nothing less than the very preservation of our borders, language, and culture is at stake right now. What makes us Americans is being taken from us. The survival of our beloved country has entered its most critical stage.


The War on the U.S. Military

The insidiousness of Obama’s military evisceration plan, one that has already seen hundreds of high-ranking officers dismissed, is that it not only removes our best and most dedicated soldiers, it destroys morale across our armed services. When capable young soldiers who once thought of making a career in the armed forces see what’s happening to their superior officers, they decide to leave military service. Those who stay have to navigate a minefield of Obama’s operatives just to do their job.

et me start this chapter by giving you a quick history lesson. In early September 1901, then-vice president Theodore Roosevelt stood on a stage at the Minnesota State Fair and quoted an old proverb that would be from that moment on and forever his. Just two weeks later, he’d begin his tenure as one of our strongest presidents. And although an assassin’s bullet—which ripped through President William McKinley’s stomach—put Roosevelt in the Oval Office, the phrase he
spoke to the Minnesota fairgoers is the foundation on which his presidential legend began: “Speak softly but carry a big stick.”

I tell you this for one reason, so you can make a comparison with what we have in the White House right now. I don’t think anybody since Teddy Roosevelt has put together a sentence that better captures how the president of the United States should act.

For this president, it’s “Speak loudly and carry a limp stick.”

What has been happening to veterans in our VA hospitals is a telltale sign of this administration’s attitude toward the military.

Americans are beginning to wake up to the travesty that a federal government that controls our medical care has become. Everyone is finally realizing that what’s happening in veterans’ hospitals now will happen across our entire medical system under the Affordable Care Act. Many are now saying that what we see going on in our VA medical system—double sets of books, people dying because of delayed or unavailable treatment—is likely to be what’s coming to the American medical industry.

The Veterans Affairs scandal finally surfaced in the spring of 2014, and we’re all justifiably outraged as case after case comes to light in which our veterans are forced to wait, often for years, in order to even be seen by a VA doctor, let alone receive medical treatment.

Hundreds of veterans have died for lack of care, and thousands more have seen their health deteriorate to the point where they may not be able to recover. All this as the bureaucrats who fail to manage their care cover up their incompetence by creating phony wait lists and publishing outright lies in the form of reports.

Do you realize how bad the VA situation has become?

Do you realize that the current administration seems to care more about the health of illegal aliens in this country than it does about our veterans?

Let me give you a few examples.

The VA canceled some forty thousand tests and treatments that our veterans with cancer and other diseases and conditions needed. They did that so they could hide a backlog of treating our veterans that spanned more than a decade.

At the same time, in one major city, upward of 40 percent of the patients receiving dialysis for kidney failure are illegal aliens. In Arizona alone, $700 million was spent providing medical treatment for illegal aliens, this while more than three dozen veterans died waiting for treatment in Phoenix VA facilities.

More than two dozen VA facilities are now revealing that the veterans they’re responsible for treating are backlogged, while the federal government that’s responsible for treating them provides services for noncitizens in this country illegally.

The VA medical system is the same system that one commentator has said was a model for the entire U.S. health-care system to follow.

The administration’s military decisions are equally as questionable as their treatment of the soldiers who risk their lives in carrying out those decisions.

Think back to the president’s making the case for a “targeted” military strike in Syria. We witnessed a mass of contradictory assertions and yet another “red line” drawn in the Middle Eastern sand that quickly disappeared as events there escalated.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that the president
should have ordered a military strike on Syria. If you listen to my show at all, you know I’m an anti-war conservative in the best sense of that term. We’re not the world’s policeman. We should go to war
when our national interests are at stake. But that doesn’t mean I’m against a strong military. The very definition of “anti-war conservatism” is having a “big stick.” A nation with a muscular military is a nation whose borders are safe and whose ideals are intact.

The evidence indicates that our president is committed to the exact opposite. His goal appears to be to weaken our military until it can no longer defend our national interests. His military agenda, as you’ll read in this chapter, is now becoming so obvious that even some of his once loyal following have begun to question it. He is sabotaging our proud military culture as he fires our most patriotic and competent commanders.

Let me start with what happened to one of our best military men.

Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley was an instructor at the Joint Forces Staff College at the National Defense University. The course he taught, Perspectives on Islam and Islamic Radicalism, was a very popular elective, mostly because of Dooley’s teaching style. He was provocative and encouraged high-energy debate in his class. A West Point graduate and a highly decorated combat veteran, he brought his hard-earned, firsthand knowledge into his classroom. He received glowing reviews from his students and exemplary evaluations from school administrators.

Then, in September 2011, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the worst terrorist attack ever to befall our country,
magazine published an unflattering and incendiary
article about the treatment of Islam in antiterrorism courses taught by the FBI at Quantico. The fallout from the article prompted fifty-seven Islamic organizations to send a letter of outrage to the Department of Defense. The DoD ordered a review of the screening process of all antiterrorism instructors under its control, including Dooley. That April,
published a follow-up story that told of the suspension of Dooley’s class.

It didn’t stop there. Dooley was publicly criticized by the highest-ranking military officer in the U.S. Armed Forces, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey, who described the course material Dooley had developed as “totally objectionable.” After Dempsey’s criticism, Dooley received a career-ending Officer Evaluation Report.

What had Dooley done to deserve all this? As I see it, he prepared our officers and civilian defense workers to confront the most dangerous aspects of radical Islamic jihad. His sin was that he tried to keep us safe.

Dooley’s dismissal is one of many similar cases. They indicate that the military is engaging in what I find to be the dangerously subversive tactic of leveling serious charges at dozens of top military commanders. The targets of what I see as a wholesale purge are experienced, patriotic, high-ranking officers. They are being forced to resign or retire, or they are having their careers red-flagged.

Since 2009, more than two hundred U.S. military officers at the rank of colonel or higher have been removed from their commands. That’s a rate of nearly one a week.

One of those superior officers is Gen. James Mattis, the former head of the United States Central Command (CENTCOM). In January 2013, Mattis was dismissed for being too
much of a hawk, especially when it came to the administration’s lenient policy toward Iran. Unlike others in the administration, Mattis understood how dangerous a nuclear-armed Iran would be to our allies and to U.S. interests in the Middle East, and he wasn’t afraid to speak out about it.

Mattis—who once famously said, “There are some assholes in the world who just need to be shot”
—was known among his peers as someone who could defend the military in its ongoing dialogue with government functionaries. Both soldiers and civilians respected him, and he wasn’t about to kowtow to anyone. He was exactly the type of commander our president both shrinks from and does all he can to remove.

The general received a note from one of his aides telling him he was being replaced as the head of Central Command. No one from the Pentagon or the White House was gracious enough to inform him about this.

Two of our top nuclear commanders, Maj. Gen. Michael Carey and Vice Adm. Tim Giardina, left the armed forces within days of each other—both because of personal misconduct, according to reports and e-mails leaked to the press. The official report on Carey’s dismissal says that while on temporary assignment in Moscow, Carey went on a vodka-drinking binge one night; he “needed assistance standing” at one point, and he had tried to get up onstage with a Beatles cover band in a Mexican restaurant… in Moscow!

At the time, he was commander of the Twentieth Air Force, responsible for all 450 of the Air Force’s Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missiles located in five U.S. states. Prior to that, General Carey served in both the Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom operations. He is also the recipient of no fewer than thirteen major military awards and decorations.

Carey is an American hero, and yet he was “relieved of duty” for drinking vodka in Russia?

Was it not possible for the Air Force to provide an officer with Carey’s credentials rehabilitation for the alleged alcohol problems instead of firing him?

Charges against Vice Admiral Giardina were no less fantastic. Giardina is graduate of the United States Naval Academy, a three-star admiral who is now the former deputy commander and chief of staff of the Pacific Fleet. You’d think that if you were going to relieve someone of this stature of his command and reassign him to a desk job, you’d come up with serious charges related to the performance of his duty. But, in a move that had to be approved by the president himself, Giardina was demoted for playing poker with counterfeit $100 chips in the Horseshoe Casino in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

In other words, both of these commanders, who have outstanding military records and who have risen to the tops of their commands, were dismissed on charges that in my opinion would likely have gotten an enlisted man no more than a slap on the wrist.

One commentator described it this way:

The move is exceedingly rare and perhaps unprecedented in the history of US Strategic Command, which is responsible for all US nuclear warfighting forces, including nuclear-armed submarines, bombers and land-based missiles.

It is no secret that our nuclear capability is rivaled only by Russia; actually, Russia is a pretty clear second in the nuclear arms race. Our nukes make us a superpower. We have the ability to win any war at any time. Period. It would stand to
reason, then, that if the aim is to emasculate our military, one of the first targets would be our nuclear weapons capabilities.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

In January 2014, the Air Force suspended 93 of the 180 or so nuclear launch officers who are stationed at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. Malmstrom houses one-third of our ICBM force. The officers were suspended for allegedly cheating on their proficiency exams. News stories described the suspensions as the largest cheating scandal ever in the U.S. nuclear force. An investigation of allegations of illegal drug use led to the discovery of the possible cheating.

Those same stories, however, told of the low morale among the officers in Malmstrom. This particular command isn’t the most exciting in our armed forces. Yet we’re being told that nearly half of the officers there would risk their rank and military career to pass the proficiency test that certifies them for duty at Malmstrom. So we’re supposed to believe that they hate being at Malmstrom but they’d cheat on a test to stay there?

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t condone cheating. But it seems to me that in this instance, the cheating may have more to do with the military culture at the base than with the character of the men accused.

After an investigation was initiated, the scandal grew to include widespread drug use among the officers. Before it was finished, nine mid-level nuclear commanders had been fired, and dozens of junior officers were disciplined. Air Force officials described the punishment as unprecedented in the history of our intercontinental missile program.

Rather than attempt to identify and correct the conditions that brought about the alleged cheating and drug use, our
military chose to take punitive action. By the time our military operatives in the Air Force are through at Malmstrom, there’ll be no one left manning the gates of hell.

The neutering of our missile defense didn’t stop there.

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