Storm (Devil's Hornets MC) (4 page)

Read Storm (Devil's Hornets MC) Online

Authors: Kathryn Thomas



Natalie hadn’t had a real cock this size in her hand… ever, but she planned on seeing if she could work it down her throat like the dildo she played with nightly. She watched the expressions cross his face the whole time but especially since he brought her from the table and she fell to her knees. It was almost funny how he tried to help her until he noticed she was trying to get to his cock. Then he released his hands and let her do her best.


She loved to suck cock, and the plastic replica she kept in her bedside drawer helped her in some ways, but increased her craving in others. The bedside edition wasn’t warm, it didn’t throb, and it wasn’t attached to a huge man who made sexy, growly noises. They needed to work on making something like that, but until they did, she’d have fun with this one for as long as she could.


Opening her mouth, she let in the tip of his cock and enjoyed the stretch of her lips around it. Increasing the pressure, she sucked on it as if it was a straw and was rewarded with a groan that made her pussy spasm. He’d done a wonderful job loving her pussy. The man knew just what to do, how to be soft, and how to roughen it up. She’d not come like that in so long she felt like she blacked out for a second.


Jack put his hand on her head lightly, and she wondered if he was a man who would push his cock into her mouth to get her to accept more or if he would wait around to see what she wanted to do. She didn’t mind either way, but it told her a lot about the man. His hand stayed on her head and lightly petted her as she continued to suck.


“Tell me how you like it,” she said, loving how he watched her as she worked his tool.


He smiled as he continued to concentrate on his cock in her mouth. “I like it however you want to give it to me. If you want to stroke and suck hard or if you wanted to continue with soft sucks and light licks, the result is going to be the same. My balls have been heavy since you wrapped your body against mine last night, and I’ve been regretting letting you walk up the stairs without following you and riding your tight pussy like your eyes were pleading with me to do.”


She loved sexy, dirty talk, and this man was so good at it. Natalie had to release his cock from her mouth as she gasped. Loving his cock filling her mouth, she debated on standing up and cocking her leg on the chair so he could fuck her standing up. She had lots of dirty thoughts, but this man made her want to do more than just think about what she could be doing.


“Be careful, Natalie. That cock is loaded and ready to fire. If you don’t want to end up with a mouthful of me, I suggest you move away,” he warned, and she had to bring herself back to focus. While she had been thinking of how sexy his words were, she had increased the speed and tempo of her stroke, and the power she felt as she looked at him attempting to hold back the force of his orgasm was making her feel drunk.


Natalie had never been one to back away from a dare, and that is exactly what this sounded like to her. Was he suggesting that she wouldn’t be able to handle what she was going to work out of him? That made her stroke firmer, and she tried to take as much of this monster as she could into her mouth. She could taste more and more of him as his precum leaked into her mouth, and she sucked just the tip as she worked his shaft at a speed he seemed to like.


“Fuccck,” he yelled out as he threw his head back, and she could feel him wrapping his hand around the back of her head and the other around the base of his cock as he jacked himself into her mouth, feeding her his cock and the reward that would spurt from its tip. She loved that and continued to suck and lick at the head as she waited for his explosive climax. It didn’t take long for him to shoot jet after jet of thick warm saltiness into her mouth, but he pulled out and got a few streaks on her face and blouse as he rubbed the head on her cheek down to her neck.


When he finally stopped spurting and heaving, he looked back down at her and she was again fascinated by his eyes. They had all the colors that she remembered, but it seemed like the yellow flecks were brighter now than they were yesterday. It could have been the lighting or it could be just what happens when he comes.


He laughed as he helped her off of the floor. “I guess we should be happy that you are having a slow day.”


The gasp that left her throat seemed to echo throughout the shop. How the hell had she forgotten where she was or what she was doing? It was a blessing that no one had come in because although this wasn’t her busiest time, it wasn’t like there weren’t customers that just liked to wander in and see what arrangements she’d put together.


“You forgot about that, huh?”


“I guess so. You must have a magic cock.” She tried to make a joke and then thought about how her attempts at humor had gone over with other men. Natalie thought she was pretty funny, but no one seemed to get her humor, and it made for an awkward situations.


Jack had a deep sexy laugh that reminded her of dark chocolate over ice cream. It was a decadent treat for her ears, and she could feel another blush stealing over her face. At least he appreciated her joke now if she could get herself to stop blushing like she was a teenager.


“A magic cock? Well I think I’m rather flattered by that one.” He dipped down to kiss her lips softly, and she knew that he was getting ready to go, but she really didn’t want him to. Jack had a comforting presence that made her feel protected and aroused. Just like her to get the cart in front of the horse. He’d just found her last night, basically rejected her, and found her again today to sexually rock her world. She needed to slow down and just be happy for what she’d received today.


“You should be.” She was going to try to keep this light even if it killed her.


“I have to get going,” he said as he put his clothes back together and buttoned up the pants she’d had so much fun undoing, “what time do you usually get off?”


She shouldn’t be surprised since he said that he was going to take her out tonight, but that was before she sucked him off in the back of her shop. Sometimes once a guy got what he wanted, he didn’t stay around long. It didn’t happen to her often because she liked to know the person first, but the chemistry she shared with this man and the length of time she’d been without a real cock had made her forget the limits she usually set with a man.


“You look surprised. Do you already have plans for tonight?”


“No. I’m just…” she didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t make her sound like she was crazy or over thinking this whole thing, because she totally was. “I’m usually here until about 6 pm, but I want to go home to change.”


“How about I pick you up at 8 then?” He was all adjusted and looked exactly the same as he did when he came into the store. After she’d put herself together, she walked away from him to get to the sink and clean up the evidence of passion with which he’d anointed her.


“Okay.” She felt shy, and she knew he could hear it in her voice by the way he was looking at her. It didn’t look like he was annoyed, but she was frantically trying to shake herself out of this, but she couldn’t believe herself. This man came around, and she dropped her work ethic and her panties. He was dangerous.


He waited until she was all finished at the sink before he came over to her. Jack took his time inspecting her like she was going to be on display. “Looks like you did a great job cleaning up. Sorry about making you dirty, but I didn’t want to choke you with the amount of cream I had for you.”


“I can take it,” she said feeling bolder under his scrutiny.


“I don’t doubt it.” He kissed her once more, and she walked him to the door.


“You’re flowers will be at their destination this afternoon.” She just wanted to say something to him to remind herself that this wasn’t one of the stories she made up in her head, but she’d had a real fling in her store, during work hours. It made her want to giggle, she was so pleased by it.


“Great. I’ll see you tonight.”


He walked out the door, and Natalie did a little dance. She was going to go home and get all gussied up because a man like that would be ready for more than being sucked off after going out, and she was excited. There were eight hours she had to kill before she’d see him again, and she had more than enough work to fill her time.


A group of six people filed into her shop, and she almost laughed. If they’d have come about 15 minutes earlier, they would have thought they walked into a brothel instead of a flower shop. When the older man walked over and asked for a bouquet that was bursting with color and would get him out of the dog house, she was again filled with the reason she loved her job. She wasn’t a nurse or a police officer, but she had a lot to give to her customers, and she could use her creativeness to do it.


“I know just the thing for you.” She led the man to the refrigerated section of the store, and her eyes moved over the place where she was just pleasured. The reminder made her ready to get this day over with and get started on the night.





Getting down to business was harder than he would have thought after such a sweet release. There were people he had to talk to about bringing in their money on time and others he had to sit down to talk about the absence of product and what would happen if they didn’t come up with the money to pay it back.


The life of a drug dealer wasn’t fun, but it was lucrative, and he was a providing a service for the Devil’s Hornets. Those men saved him and his mother by allowing him to have a job with the notorious motorcycle crew. He’d become a man within the folds of the brotherhood and was more appreciative than they would ever know. The job he had when he first started and the job he had now were worlds apart, and although the first jobs weren’t as illegal as what he did now, the money was much better. He didn’t touch the drugs much, but he did have to make sure that those who did brought in the right amount of money and that the product was properly accounted for.


He loved women, and for reasons of which he was unsure, they flocked to him in droves. It was probably the money, plus he was known to be a kind hearted person when it came to women. Jack was used to the club girls flitting around him, but he’d never wanted an old lady for himself. He had his work cut out for him with his mother, and with her being a brittle diabetic and having heart problems, it didn’t leave a lot of time for fun and excitement with other women. He liked that the women in the club knew about him and didn’t expect more than a bit of fun on their back or a cock in their mouth, but there was something different about Natalie, and he felt it as soon as she looked into his eyes. That was one of the biggest reasons he’d left her on her porch instead of taking her up on her obvious offer to go up to her apartment.


Entering the house, he saw the flowers before he heard his mother, and from the high pitched wail, she was excited. She was always so boisterous and happy. He did what he could to bring a smile to her face, and by the way she was moving fast down the hall with her arms out ready for a hug, he could tell she appreciated his gesture.


“You sent me flowers?” Her face was covered with the cheery smile that had stayed a constant from his youth. She’d worked two and three jobs once upon a time until she became too sick to work. He was a teenager, but he was also raised to be the man of the family, and as a man he felt like he should be providing for his mother.


“I did.” He hated how often he had to leave her and the few times he’d taken her to her friend’s house, something would come up and he’d be late. There were times when that had happened when he was a child, and although it may be dumb, he didn’t want his mother to feel like she’d been forgotten. She was able to take care of herself, but she did often forget to take the numerous medications she was supposed to take, and as for taking her blood sugar, she was just too squeamish to prick her finger.


“I know you work hard, Jack. Sylvia and I were having a great time laughing and talking. We didn’t even realize how late it was.” She laid her hand on his cheek and tapped him softly. “You treat me like I’m your child, not the other way around. I can take care of myself. I admit I don’t like pricking my finger for the blood draws, but beside that I do okay.”


Jack knew his mother appreciated what he did for her, but he just wanted to do something extra. Did he feel guilty that he slept in late and stayed up all night working? Yes, he did. Even though he knew she understood and was fine with her friends and neighbors. She wasn’t an invalid, but she did need someone to check on her, and even though he’d moved her to a ritzy place where she always deserved to live, she’d not allowed him to hire someone to stay with her.


She turned to walk back into the living room. “You should have seen the woman who brought them in. Whew, she was quite a looker.” His mother loved to match make for him, but recently she’d stopped, and he was grateful, but it looked like someone got her started up again.


“Really? What did she look like?” He wondered if Natalie brought the flowers herself or if she just had a female delivery person.


His mother loved to tell a story and with this there was no exception. She sat down and took a deep breath and just like that, it was story time. “She had deep blue eyes and shoulder length brown hair, but it looked like there was a tint of red in it somehow. The woman seemed like a gentle soul, but she has a hidden fire and a body like a 50’s pin up model, I guarantee it. I offered her a drink and hoped she’d sit down and stay until you got here, but she said she had to go. Her name was Natalie.”


He knew when she talked about her body that it was his date for the evening. Speaking of which, he had to get ready if he wanted to be on time. “I’ve got to go out, Mom, so I need to get ready.”


“You need to get ready?” She looked him up and down, but didn’t say anything else about his appearance. “Well make sure you keep yourself safe.”


“Will do.” He rushed off before she started her weekly talk about grandchildren and wives. Just because she’d not been playing matchmaker, that hadn’t stopped her mouth from going on about her grandchildren. That was something that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, if ever, so he didn’t like to waste either of their time talking about it.



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