Strange Lake Falls Panther (Strange Lake Falls Series Book 4) (7 page)

Chapter 13


Connor growled. She was wearing the Alpha’s shirt. The other male’s scent was all over her. He needed to change that immediately. He reached between them and ripped the shirt open. Her high, firm breasts were completely bare.

“So beautiful,” he growled as he cupped her with his large hands. She wasn’t too big or too small, a perfect fit for his hands.

“Take yours off too,” she demanded.

He gave her a smile, pleased that she didn’t want to be the only one naked. He sat back on his knees and stared down at her wearing nothing but her thin lace underwear.

“I have dreamed of this moment for so long.”

“Me too,” she whispered licking her lips. He tracked the motion like he was stalking his prey. He stood up and quickly finished taking his boots and pants off. Then he glanced over at her lying on the bed. She opened her legs as if welcoming him home.

He leaned down and began to crawl up the bed towards her. He licked her instep with his tongue while tracing a soft pattern on her other leg with his fingers. He nibbled the sensitive spot behind her knee. When he got to the v of her womanhood, he gripped the edges of the top of her panties and began to slide them down her long legs.

He paused to admire her. She had no hair on her mound. He had noticed that once before when she had shifted, but he tried to not look back then. Now he could finally look his fill of her. She was smooth perfection. He closed his eyes and inhaled her unique and sweet fragrance. She was even more enticing when aroused. After getting a whiff of her on his bed sheets, he would never forget her scent, ever.

“You smell so good.”

“You do too. I want you Connor.”

“You’ll have me.”

He gripped her inner thighs and spread them further apart, opening her up to him. He could see her juices running down her delicate pink pussy lips. It was a temptation he could not refuse. He leaned down, keeping his eyes locked on hers, and swiped at the delicious wetness with his tongue.

The taste of her hit his system. Every part of him lit up. “Mmm . . . so good.” His cat demanded more cream. He wasn’t about to deny his cat at that moment. They were in complete agreement for once.

He buried his face against her and licked her. He nibbled her clit and the reaction he got from her was very rewarding. He kept it up until he had her wiggling and begging him for more. He was happy to oblige.

Connor inserted a finger into her sweet channel. She was so tight, he had to get her loosened up so that she would be able to take all of his girth. He felt her fingers in his hair, pulling him to her as he continued to torment her clit in the best possible way. He added another finger to pump in and out of her. He scissored his fingers inside of her, gently stretching her more. Then he curled his fingers and reached for her inner g-spot.

“Oh God, Connor!”

He worked even harder, caressing her until she bucked upward and screamed her release. He caught every drop of her arousal in his mouth. Then he started moving up her body trailing hot kisses along the way. He couldn’t wait to get inside of her.


Roxanne couldn’t breathe. At least it felt that way. Connor had taken her breath away with his hands and mouth. No man had ever made her come that hard before. She felt so relaxed, he could pretty much do whatever he wanted; she was satisfied almost to the point of being ready to go to sleep. But then her body notified her of other plans.

As Connor slowly made his way up her body, she felt tingles spreading all throughout her, waking her up and making her needy again. Her wolf was just as aroused as she was, wanting more.

She looked down at Connor’s dark hair as he paused above her breasts. She knew she wasn’t big-chested like Sam and some of the other female werewolves, but she was fit and all her curves matched her body. Connor didn’t seem to have any problems with her breast size either as he latched onto her nipple. The suction he applied was strong and seemed to have a direct link to her pussy. Every time he sucked, it felt like he was sucking her clit again. She was going to have another orgasm and he hadn’t even gotten inside of her yet.

“Please, Connor, I want to feel you inside of me.”

His eyes shot up to look at her and she could see the glow of his cat near the surface. Evidently he wasn’t going to be rushed. He moved to the other breast to give it the same treatment. She was aching for him now. She lifted her hips and found his enlarged cock not far from her. If he wasn’t going to give her want she wanted, she would take it.

Roxanne wrapped her legs around his waist and used her leverage and muscles to rub herself against his manhood, slicking him with wetness. Connor let go of her breasts and purred.

Damn, that was the sexiest sound she had ever heard. Wolves growled when they were excited. Her wolf was near to howling that she wanted Connor to take them. Since they were two different species, they would only be able to make love in human form, but their inner beasts would feel just as satisfied with that.

“You are rushing me,” Connor murmured as he gently bit her bottom lip.

“I have to have you inside me now, I can’t wait.”

“I can’t wait either,” Connor admitted as he finally, slowly, pushed his tip into her entrance.

“Yes, yes, please . . .” Roxanne wrapped her arms around his neck. 

Slowly Connor eased himself inside. It was a very tight fight. But finally he was rooted deep inside of her and Roxanne never wanted him to leave. She didn’t think anything could be any better, until he pulled out and then moved back inside of her.

She met his every thrust with a lift of her hips. In and out, deep then shallow, soft then hard. The pressure was building in her, the tingling turning to a slow burn. She felt such a deep need to bite him, her wolf wanting to bite him on his shoulder and mark him as theirs. But that was crazy, wasn’t it? All thoughts evaporated as Connor found a new angle that had him hitting her inner g-spot with every thrust.

“Fuck me harder!” Was that her demanding that or did her wolf take over for a second there? She wasn’t sure, but Connor answered her demand and ground himself into her with every deep thrust.

Connor pulled out of her. She was frustrated and confused. “What?” She gasped as Connor flipped her over to her stomach.

“Get to your hands and knees,” he breathed in her ear.

Roxanne scrambled to get to her knees but with him leaning heavily against her back, she turned her head on the mattress and lowered her chest down. That move made her ass rise up and Connor purred with approval. She felt him entering her from behind and it was such an incredible feeling she couldn’t stop her wolf fangs from popping out.

Connor plunged in and out from behind, taking her deeper than before. He pressed his chest against her back and then pressed his mouth over her shoulder. The next thing she knew, she felt his teeth pressing into her skin. Her wolf preened, wanting more.

Roxanne pressed her ass back against him, making him growl, “Roxanne, you are mine.”

“You are mine too,” Roxanne told him, wishing again that she had marked him.

She felt the spasms starting deep within her. She wasn’t going to last much longer. He must have felt the same way because he started a much faster pace, in and out. His teeth sunk down into her flesh, marking her, and she screamed as her orgasm hit her hard. “Connor!!”


Connor was filled with the need to mark her as his, claim her so no other would ever try to take her from him. He pounded into her over and over and then his semen shot out hot and hard into her womb, soaking her. His cum kept coming and he held her with his teeth the whole time. When he finally felt himself slowing, his cat allowed him to release her skin. He licked the tender spot with his tongue.

He moved to lie on his side, taking her with him. He reluctantly pulled his cock out of her. He leaned down to her neck and inhaled. Her scent had already changed. She smelled of him and that brought a possessive smile to his face.

“That was . . .” Roxanne was breathing hard. They both were. She had wiped him out.

“I know. It was so much more than I had ever imagined it would be.”

She laughed. “You’ve been fantasizing about us a lot, huh?”

He cupped her breast and nuzzled her neck. “Yes. You have become a bit of an obsession for me.”

“Then why didn’t you come back earlier?”

“I couldn’t. When I went back to South America and had gotten turned, I was scared that I would end up like Mors. I still fear that.”

He let her go so that she could turn to face him. She cupped his cheek and the heat coming off of her soothed him. “How could you ever think you were anything like this Mors guy? You are a caring and loving person. You don’t have any scent of sickness, which I am sure that Mors does.”

Connor nodded his head. “He does. I didn’t realized until Ric and Lucas said it, that there was a specific scent to illness. Mors has it. He was probably sick for a long time.”

They caressed each other and kissed. Neither one spoke of the fact that Connor had marked and claimed her. It was like they didn’t want to break the mood. Connor’s cell phone went off. He sighed as he let her go with reluctance to stand up and search for his phone.

“Hello? Mom, I’m fine. Truly. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be at the pack house in the morning. I will, I promise. Love you too.” He hung up and turned to find Roxanne completely naked and watching him.

“What’s going on tomorrow?” Roxanne asked.

“I’m meeting the pack and Lucas at the pack house tomorrow to go over how to hunt down Mors and protect everyone.”

She nodded. “That’s a good plan. You shouldn’t try to take on this guy on your own. Plus, it sounds like he knows how you hunt, so he’s been able to outmaneuver you. He won’t be able to get away from the pack.”

“Yeah, that’s true. Sometimes I feel like he’s psychic and can predict my every move. Wish we had a way to do the same.”

Roxanne smiled and patted the bed next to her. “Maybe we do. Come to bed. I need to get tired out and I have just the exercise in mind.”

He stalked closer to her moving very slowly. He loved how his body made her more aroused. They were perfect for each other, and he would never let anyone take that away from him.




Chapter 14



Mors growled from his perch in the tree. These dogs were so stupid. They thought they would be able to track his scent. But that was not how it would be. He nodded to Pablo, the male he had managed to turn a few days ago. He hadn’t learned how to master his fighting and hunting skills yet, but he was ruthless and all too willing to learn from Mors.

Things were working out for Mors. He had found his wayward child Connor, he had made a second child that would follow him to the ends of the Earth, and then he found out today that Connor had a woman, and what a woman.

She was wolf, he could tell. That was unacceptable. She would have to be turned panther if she was to be a suitable mate for himself and his two male children. He wasn’t against sharing. His clan needed females to help replenish their species.

His thoughts returned to the blond beauty that Connor had selected. She was light on curves, but beautiful in a delicate way. Just imagining her naked had him hard and aching. He jumped to the ground and shifted to his human form. He was naked and aroused. He closed his eyes, picturing the blond on her knees, serving him. He could feel his other child’s eyes on him and it made him even harder. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on that delightful beauty.

“Soon, beautiful, you will be mine.”


The next morning Connor and Roxanne arrived at the pack house, Roxanne was full of anxiety. She didn’t know how Mary and Ric would react to her being mated to Connor. Her wolf had plagued her all night to mark Connor, but she didn’t think it was the right timing. She saw the house and Mary standing on the front porch with Ric. How was Mary going to handle her and Connor being mates? How was Ric going to deal with it? How pissed off was the werewolf council going to be when they found out?

Connor pulled up next to Ric’s truck and parked. He reached for Roxanne’s hand and squeezed it, seeming to know why she was so tense.

“It’s going to be fine,” he reassured her.

Roxanne waited for him to get out first and walk around to open her door for her. She had noticed that about him years ago, how mannerly he was. It made her feel feminine and special. He put his hand in the small of her back and walked with her towards the porch.

The moment they got within a few feet, Roxanne watched as both Mary and Ric inhaled, scenting what Roxanne and Connor had been doing. Their scents were intermingled. She loved their combined scents, but she knew this would be problem for others.

Mary paled. “What have you done? How could you?” Her questions were directed at Roxanne. Of course they were; she was the older of the two, an old friend of Ric’s, and the outsider. Before she could explain herself, Connor stepped in front of Roxanne, instinctively protecting her.

“Roxanne is my mate. It’s done. She’s mine and I won’t give her up.” He narrowed his eyes in challenge at Ric. Roxanne grabbed his arm to try to get him to back down a little. She didn’t want anyone to fight over her.

Roxanne couldn’t take seeing the hurt look on Mary’s face. She stepped past Connor, despite his protests. “I haven’t marked him yet, but I plan to. I love him.”

Mary looked surprised. “You do?”

Connor pulled her to face him. “You do?”

She felt the heat rise to her face. She nodded. “I am completely head over heels in love with you and have been since the moment I first saw you.”

Connor’s whole face lit up with happiness. “I love you too, baby. I was afraid to scare you away if I admitted how much I truly felt.”

She cupped his face with both her hands. “You could never scare me away. I love you. You are mine and as soon as possible I plan to mark you so everyone will know it.”

Connor pulled her against him and claimed her lips. A fire sparked between them; maybe it had never gone out. A perpetual flame, always lit, just waiting for the moment it could be fueled higher and higher, blocking out all that would extinguish it. The sound of Ric clearing his throat interrupted them. They pulled apart, but Connor kept his arm wrapped around her waist.

Roxanne looked up at her Alpha, who seemed more amused than upset with them. Mary wiped a tear from her face, but she didn’t look angry now, just resigned.

Ric spoke, breaking the tension. “There are bigger things we need to discuss than your mating. Come inside and have breakfast while we update you on what our trackers found.” Ric took Mary and led her back inside the pack house. “Honey, why don’t you go upstairs and take a nap. You didn’t rest well last night.”

Roxanne watched as Mary lifted her head stubbornly. “I have as much right to be here to discuss these things as anyone. Connor is my son.”

“Okay, but you are sitting down at the kitchen table. I will make sure everyone is served.”

“I’ll help, Alpha,” Roxanne offered as they entered the kitchen. She noticed Alpha Lucas was there and so were the twins and their new Beta Laws. One of the twins was burning something on the stove. Roxanne rushed over to prevent a disaster. “I’ll take it from here.”


Connor sat down at the large kitchen table next to his mother. He reached over and hugged her. He needed her to know he was okay. “It’s going to be fine, Mom. I promise.” She nodded and wiped another tear away.

“It’s just so hard to let go sometimes. I thought I had, but then you came back and I wanted to help you run your life. I know I can’t do that, but a mom doesn’t stop being a mom even when her baby is all grown up. It’s kind of lifetime commitment.”

“I’m not asking you to stop being my mom. I have my own life to live and my own choices to make.” He looked over at Roxanne. Her being his mate wasn’t so much a choice as it was fate. Even if fate hadn't intervened, he would still want Roxanne as his. “I love her.”

His mom smiled at him. “I can see that. I can also see that she loves you. She’s a good woman and I know she’ll make you happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

Roxanne came over to the table and started putting pancakes on people’s plates. When she got to Mary, she knelt next to the other woman. She placed a hand on Mary’s arm.

“I love him with my whole heart. I will do everything I can to make him happy. I want you to know that your friendship has meant the world to me and I hope that this does not change that.”

His mom placed her hand over Roxanne’s. “It won’t. You have been a very good friend to me. It was just surprising, is all. If I could have picked out the perfect woman for my son, it would be you.” The two women hugged each other as tears fell.

Connor looked at Ric, who looked at the other men. They were uncomfortable with tears, even happy ones. Connor cleared his throat and changed the subject.

“So, did you find Mors?”




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