Strength of the Pack (24 page)

Read Strength of the Pack Online

Authors: Kendall McKenna

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy, #Gay, #gay romance, #military


Noah seemed to calm slightly, but he refused to leave Lucas’ side. The other werewolves were obviously keeping their distance. Lucas tried not to let that worry him. He had to trust that Noah wasn’t going to give him any trouble.

As the Yankees lifted off with all their casualties, the platoon from Barbosa, Golf-three, rolled up on their position. Lucas stood back and watched, Noah a silent cipher at his back, as the fresh Marines pushed the ruined Humvees off the road and set charges in them.


Noah walked with Lucas all the way back to his Humvee, closing the door when Lucas was settled. Without a word, Noah turned and made his way back to his own victor.

Beside him, Corporal Hubbard heaved an audible sigh of relief.


“Is there something I should know about Sergeant Hammond?” Lucas asked.

“He’s just having trouble controlling his wolf,” Hubbard answered. “He’s jacked up from combat, on top of being worried for the safety of his Dominant. He’s probably got more adrenaline than blood in his system, right now.”

“How do you guys usually deal with that?” If Hubbard was willing to talk, Lucas was going to assuage his curiosity.

“Shift and go for a run, sir.” Hubbard replied as he fired up the Humvee. “Since that’s not an option right now, he just needs to have some contact with his Dominant.”

“Which isn’t an option right now, either,” Lucas pointed out.

The convoy rolled into Combat Post Barbosa. Lucas immediately climbed out of the Humvee. He shed his Kevlar and his armor then retrieved the sat phone from beneath his seat.


Lucas wove his way through the Humvees, verifying the rest of his men were all uninjured and doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances. The plan was to refuel here at Barbosa for the return journey to Toscano.

Satisfied his platoon would be back on the road in short order, Lucas found a quiet spot on the far side of a canvas-covered gun truck, where most of the noise in the compound was blocked. Vince followed him, concern clearly etched on his features.


“I’m fine, Gunny,” he said.

“You’re looking after Marines and werewolves both, LT,” Vince replied. “Somebody has to look after you.”

He held up his sat-phone. “I’m just going to call Captain Madison, give him the current sitrep and see if he’s got intel on our wounded.”

Lucas dialed the phone which was answered quickly on the other end. Lucas imagined Madison had been waiting for the call.


“How you holding up, Lucas?” Tim asked.

“I’m great, now that the shooting’s over.” He confessed.

Madison chuckled darkly. “What’s your current twenty?”

“We’re refueling at Barbosa, and then we’ll be RTB. Any word on the men we cas-evaced?” Lucas asked.

“They’re all aboard a hospital ship in the Gulf and should recover,” Tim replied. “Not everyone will return to active duty, but they should live.”

“That’s good, sir.” Lucas leaned back against the truck and closed his eyes, suddenly tired. “I’ll write condolence letters to the families of the men who didn’t make it when I get back.”

“I can do that, Lucas,” said Tim.

“No, the convoy was under my command. It’s my responsibility.” Lucas would not shirk this duty, no matter how difficult.

Tim sighed. “All right, get your Humvees fueled up and bring your men home, Lucas. We’ll leave a light on and keep the chow warm.”

Lucas ended the call, sighed heavily and leaned his head back against the truck behind him. That was when he caught sight of Noah. He, too, had shed his Kevlar and armor. He stood several feet behind Vince, staring at Lucas with silver wolf-eyes, hands tightly clenched at his sides.


Vince followed Lucas’ gaze. When he caught sight of the visibly agitated Noah, he turned to face him, putting himself between Noah and Lucas. He admired Vince’s balls and loyalty, but he was no match for Noah.

“Can I have a word with you, Lieutenant?” Noah carefully enunciated each word, his voice pitched low and gravelly. Something about the way he was speaking was slightly odd.


Excitement rocketed through Lucas when he realized the cause. Noah’s fangs were showing.

Vince saw them, too. He took a step in Noah’s direction. “You need to stand down, Sergeant,” he ordered.


Eyes never leaving Lucas’, Noah’s lips curled back in a snarl, a low growl emanating from deep in his throat. “Lucas,” he said softly, but firmly.

“It’s okay, Vince,” Lucas said, holding Noah’s gaze. “I’m never in any danger from Sergeant Hammond. This is Pack business, not Corps business. Give us a minute, please.”

Vince hesitated. “Are you sure, Lucas?”

Lucas was. “Absolutely. That’s a combat stress reaction. I’m not the cause; I’m the solution.”

Vince’s entire frame relaxed as realization dawned. “Should I run interference so you have some privacy?”

He nodded. “Please. The weres shouldn’t come anywhere near this area, so it’s just the humans to watch out for.”

As Vince turned to leave, Lucas handed him the sat phone. The moment Vince was out of sight, Noah pounced.

Moving almost too fast for Lucas to see, Noah slammed his body into Lucas’, pressing him hard against the side of the truck. Lucas’ wrists were pinned above his head in an iron grip. Noah held them there with one large hand, while he used his other to reach up under Lucas’ fleece.


Lucas jolted like he’d been shocked. Noah’s hand was hot and rough as it skimmed up his ribs to his chest. Noah buried his face in the side of Lucas’ neck, his breath coming in hot gasps against Lucas’ skin. Lucas’ cock was already fully hard, pushing against the front of his pants. He forced himself to relax, to keep his hips still, despite wanting to rut against Noah’s hip. Instinctively, he knew this was about comfort and not sex for Noah.

Lucas enjoyed the sensation of Noah’s hand running over the skin of his belly and back. He kept his head tilted back, baring his throat to Noah, showing both his trust and his understanding.


A shudder rocked Lucas when Noah licked the length of his neck with the flat of his tongue. Noah’s teeth grazed the pulse point in Lucas’ throat. Lucas’ cock twitched violently in fear and arousal at the feel of Noah’s sharp fangs against his vulnerable flesh.

“Why the fuck did you put yourself in danger?” Noah growled as he nipped along Lucas’ jaw. “Why didn’t you send Chandler with Hubbard?”

Noah shifted so he could nuzzle the opposite side of Lucas’ neck. He pressed his nose behind Lucas’ ear and inhaled deeply. His breath was hot against the shell of Lucas’ ear when he exhaled.

“I could taste your fear on my tongue,” Noah whispered, dragging his fangs down Lucas’ throat. “You were afraid for your men but also for yourself. Your focus and determination were like steel. They were all that kept me from shifting and running to find you.”

He’d tried so hard to shield Noah from all of that, knowing he had his own tasks and his own emotions to deal with. His heart sank to know he’d failed so miserably.

“Fuck, I wish we could block each other at times like that, but the feelings are too strong.” Noah’s words answered Lucas’ unspoken question. “You have no idea how relieved I am you came through that okay.”

“I worried about you, as well,” Lucas choked out.

Noah opened his mouth and pressed his teeth to the tendon in Lucas’ neck. Lucas knew he should be scared as hell. An overwrought True Alpha werewolf had four fangs against the vulnerable flesh of his throat, able to rip him apart with no effort expended, and Lucas was fucking
by it.


“I fucking love how you smell.” Noah breathed against Lucas’ ear. “I love how your fear mixes with your arousal whenever I’m around. I love how your arousal wins out, and the scent of it surrounds me and fills me.” Noah’s teeth came to rest against Lucas’ throat again.

Lucas caught the very tail end of a thought. Not a thought, really, so much as an emotion, a
. Noah
to claim him. Noah needed to reassure himself that Lucas was unharmed and still his living, breathing Dominant. Noah
with the pain of needing to mark Lucas.


There was nothing to fear. Lucas knew that, despite the sharpness of Noah’s fangs and the strength in his jaws, he was in no danger. Noah would die rather than injure him. Lucas hesitated only because he’d be marked for the entire world to see. He’d spend the next several days with bite marks on his neck and throat.

Fuck it. The Marine Corps knew he was Dominant to a True Alpha werewolf, there were no secrets here. This was normal Pack behavior. Despite the fact he was human, Lucas was now a part of Noah’s Pack.

“Do it,” he said, barely above a whisper. “Mark me, Noah. Go on. You need to.”

With a feral growl, Noah bit down on Lucas’ neck. His teeth were hard and sharp. Lucas groaned and tilted his head to give Noah all the access he needed.


Suddenly, Lucas’ hands were free. Both of Noah’s were up under his fleece, running over his chest and stomach. Lucas’ neck and throat stung in the places Noah bit him. It was never hard enough to break the skin, but it was enough to leave marks that would linger.

Noah’s hands stilled, and he lifted his head from Lucas’ throat. Lucas’ chest heaved with his every ragged breath. Noah pressed their foreheads together, his own heavy breathing mingling with Lucas’. Lucas held himself very still, struggling not to push his hips against Noah. This wasn’t about his needs.


Noah’s eyes were closed. Lucas wished he’d open them; he wished he could see if they were finally blue again. He wished he could tell what Noah was thinking. Lucas reminded himself he couldn’t let it matter.

“Never again,” Noah whispered.


“What?” Lucas struggled to understand.

“Never again are we going to travel with that much distance between us.” Noah pulled back and finally opened his eyes. They were bright blue. “We’re stronger together. We’re safer when we’re together.”

Lucas almost couldn’t hear him through the rush of blood in his ears. He innately understood precisely what Noah meant.

“Agreed.” Lucas’ voice sounded raw to his own ears.


He gasped in surprise when Noah’s mouth settled over his. Noah took advantage, and pushed his tongue passed Lucas’ parted lips. The kiss was slow and affectionate, so different than the desperate ones Lucas always seemed to initiate.

Their lips parted with a soft, wet sound.


“Why did you do that?” Lucas stunned himself with that question.

“What? Kiss you?” Noah looked puzzled.

“I thought werewolves didn’t kiss.”

“We don’t. But you’re not a werewolf. You like kissing.”

Lucas took a deep breath and struggled to steady his voice. “We need to RTB.”

Noah stepped back, and Lucas felt chilled. “I’ll round up the platoon so we can step off.”

After Noah left, Lucas still felt the sting of the bites on his neck. He stepped into the chilling wind, turning his face into it, hoping the cold would take away his hard-on.

It was going to be a long ride back to base.


Captain Madison was waiting for them in the compound when the Humvees pulled into Toscano. Lucas removed his Kevlar and armor as the captain approached him. He was so goddamn weary.

“Glad to have you back, Lucas,” Tim said, clapping him on the shoulder. “Any trouble on the return trip?”

“No, sir.” Lucas scrubbed his fingers roughly over his scalp in agitation. “It was rough passing the remains of the blown Humvees, but no signs of any hostiles.”

“Good.” Tim inclined his head toward the mess hall. “Get your men fed, and then get the humans started on their after-action reports. It’ll help them process and work through their grief.”

That had already been Lucas’ plan. “Aye aye, skipper. What about the werewolves?”

“They need to eat, too, but their reports aren’t due for another twenty-four hours.”

“Why is that?” Lucas was ready to defend his Pack against whatever imagined complaint his captain had.

Tim handed him the thick book Lucas hadn’t noticed he was holding. “I reread this, for obvious reasons. Now it’s your turn.”

Lucas took the book and read the cover:
Advanced Supervision and Command of Marine Corps Werewolves.

“It’s the text for the training class Stanley
have made sure you attended,” Tim explained. “I had my brother retrieve it from my house and send it to me.”

Lucas’ relief gave way to eagerness as he flipped through the printed pages. It was even annotated in Tim’s clear, block script. “Thank you, Captain. You have no idea how helpful this will be. But why do the werewolves get a twenty-four hour pass on their paperwork?”

Pointing at the book, Tim said, “Turn to the Post-It.”

Lucas opened the book to the page Tim indicated. The page header read “Procedures for Post-Combat With and Without Casualties”. He skimmed the page quickly, looking for the point Tim needed him to understand.

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