Read Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) Online

Authors: S.K Logsdon

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #drama, #lesbian, #bisexual, #music, #rock and roll

Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) (30 page)

I nod and slap my pants and stomp my foot on
the ground. “I know that’s why I wore this outfit because I have
some steel toes in these here boots. You ready to wrangle us up
some gators Hauss?” I ask in my best hilly-billy twang.

He laughs. “You sure are something Emily. Now
I’ll go back inside I’ll meet ya in a few.”

I go up to the journalists.

“Okay I’m sorry about this everybody. I know
you were asked to come out and get a quote or a story here today.
But it’s unfortunately not going to happen. But what I am going to
do is take each of your business cards and call you all by Friday
to tell you what exclusive I will let you have with the band. Each
will be different and it will be juicy. I promise.” I say before
any of them can speak.

“I can’t believe you’re going to be the one
going into that crazy plane. The sounds and noises coming from
there are ridiculous.” One female says and slides me her card.

“Yep, I deal with them all the time. It’s
like wrangling cattle. You got to rope em’ and hog-tie em’
sometimes and then they finally break.” I kid. But I’m kind of

They all laugh and one by one I take their
cards and bid them adieu. They leave and I hit the stairs into the
plane. I take a deep breath and pound on the door. James opens it

It smells like cigarettes, pussy and beer in
this motherfucker. We’ve got Price getting his dick sucked on the
sofa, D’s dancing naked with two girls drinking a beer and one’s
running her sweaty palms all over him. You’ve got Stacy having his
cock sucked by dumb bitch Jasmine on one of the Captain’s chairs.
He’s holding her head and shoving his cock into her mouth hard.
Then you’ve got Keith sucking back a beer with a topless stewardess
on his lap. Her tits are fake and he’s playing with them. Son of a
bitch this is gross. And you’ve got my motherfucking boyfriend with
two naked woman one of which is kissing him the other is bouncing
up and down on him. I can’t see his face because his chairs turned
the opposite direction but I can only assume he’s fucking her and
she’s of course moaning.

I think I might just go fucking bat shit
crazy! This is bullshit!

I grab James’s and Davis’s arms and push them
into the cockpit. The captain must have left because he’s not in
here. It’s hard to hear because Stricken the band is listening to
their Stricken CD as they fuck around with these bitches and the
only one not fucking around is D. Maybe he just finished. But my
own stupid boyfriend is back to his shit! Is this ever going to

“Okay this is how this is going to go down.
Johnathan is going to stop fucking that chick and kissing the other
and it’s going to be violent and not pretty. I’m not worried about
me kicking ass. But I’m worried about women kicking me in the belly
because drunk and horny equals violence. So if either of you have a
bulletproof vest or anything that would be great if not I’m going
in without one. When I remove the women you are to coral them, make
sure they put their clothes back on, and send them out of the
fucking door. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT let any of them men make a
break for it. I am shutting this bitch down now! And I am going to
fuck some shit up in the process. Do you understand?” I order like
a drill sergeant.

James smiles so wide and I knew this is why
he wanted me here. “Yes Ma’am” Davis says militantly.

“I’ve got my vest Emily I’ll take it off if
you want it. But it’s going to be big. But it should help some.
Plus I don’t think he’s having sex with her on that chair. I think
she’s giving him a hand job. But that’s not much better.” James
informs me and slides off his shirt, it’s not time to be ogling his
thick chest but I can’t help but look a little. He un-Velcro’s his
vest, slides it over his head and puts it over mine. It’s big but
it’s better than nothing.

“Ok boys, here goes nothing and if one of
them men hit me. I want you to lay them out. I can handle a woman.
My dad wasn’t a round a lot as a kid but I watched a lot of
wrestling and he wrestled with me when he was home. So I’m good if
it comes to that, okay?”

They both nod and we open the door to orgy

I stalk past the couches where the boys are
going at it and I find the stupid bitch with her hands on my man
and the other isn’t tonguing him anymore he’s got his fingers
fucking her pussy.

“HEY!” I yell and his eyes open wide when he
sees me. The other two look at me dumbstruck.

“Get off of him now.” I glace at the blonde
bouncing on his lap. “And you better stop fucking her pussy. NOW!”
I scream, my face on fire. The bitch on his lap doesn’t want to
move and he’s in complete shock. The music is loud but I let it go
because I am going to wrangle them one by one. I don’t need to get
jumped by these disgusting whores.

“I’m only going to say this one more
motherfucking time bitch you get off his lap or I will fucking make
you. Do I make myself clear?” She grips his cock and gives me the
nastiest look. Johnathan is still, he hasn’t moved. He knows he’s
been caught red-handed. And I am going to MURDER his ass. James is
right behind me, for support.

“Ok bitch lets plays this your way.” I look
back to James he gives me the nod to go ahead and I have at this
bitch. I grab her by her fake dyed hair and rip her off of his lap.
She squeals and tries to make me let go of her hair. Slapping my
hands away. I’ve got it hard and I yank her to the wall. I’m about
three inches shorter than her but with being drunk and stupid means
I got the upper hand. I have to make this one count so all the
other bitches who see this will realize I’m not one to mess with. I
let go of her hair and I push her hard against the wall. She rears
back her face red pouring with tears and she charges at me. James
goes to grab her but I push him out of the way and fake a left.
Hell yeah! Football does come in handy. She gets past me and goes
to turn around and I push her violently from behind making her fall
to her knees. I tackle her from behind and sit in the middle of her
back pushing her face to the ground with all my strength. I snatch
up her arm and wrench it behind her fucking scrawny back and push
her face into the planes floor. She can’t move and if she does I
will break her damn arm.

“Now bitch I fucking told you I would let you
do this the nice way or the hard way. You decided to do it the hard
way. You want to touch my man’s cock with your dirty slut fingers
then you’re lucky I don’t break them.” I grab one and pull hard and
she screams for me to let her go.

I’m not paying attention but all of a sudden
the music goes off. James is still by my side and the entire orgy
has frozen and they’re all staring glassy-eyed drunk at me.

“HELLO BOYS!” I yell red faced and fucking
pissed. They’re all dumbstruck.

“So I’m only to say this once. And you all
better listen the fuck up. I gave this blonde bitch the NICE
option” I rub her face into the ground harder and she cries out.
“And she decided NOT to listen to me. Soooooo…All you fucking slut
bag bitches on this motherfucking plane except JASMINE is going to
get dressed and get your shit and Davis over there” I point to him
by the door. He does a little wave. “Is going to escort you away
from my band. IF ANY OF YOU decide to defy my requests. I will
PERSONALLY fuck your face up! Do you understand me!? And for all
you stupid men in the band INCLUDING STACY are going to STAY on
this plane and guess what fellas?! We are going to have ourselves a
DECIDE I’m done! Do you get me!?

They all groan collectively.

“Ok good. Now bitches get to movin’ because
James my man over here is going to time you and if you’re not out
of here in three minutes I’m going to personally throw you out

All the woman get up and they dash around the
room like their lives depend on it. One by one they are by Davis
who takes them out and the only one left is the one I’m sitting

“So buttercup… if I let you up are you going
to play nice like the rest of the sluts or am I going to show you
what this pregnant body can do?” I ask her pissed off and acid
clinging to every word. I am fucking raving mad but I am a BADASS!
Hell yeah!

She tries to nod I think. “What I didn’t hear

“Yes, I will leave if your bitch ass gets off
of me.” She says, her mouth close to the floor.

“You can ask all the men on this plane if I
allow people to talk to me like that and get away with it. THE
ANWSER IS NO! So either you answer nicely and treat me with a
little respect because I caught your hands on my man’s cock. Or I
will break each and every one of your fucking fingers one at a
time.” I say calmly and sadistically.

She scoffs a laugh. “Your man is the one who
wanted my hands on his cock bitch.” She spits.

“Way wrong answer!” I sock her hard in the
shoulder blade and she cries out in pain. Her shoulder’s red. I can
smell her rank pussy and B.O. I can’t believe Johnathan had this
ladies hand on him. It is so unsanitary. Yuck!

“Would you like to try that again?” I ask
with an attitude. I still have her arm pressed behind her back and
I’m sitting on her and I know she can’t move. So all I’ve got is

“Hit me again and see that I sue your ass for
all your stinking pussy is worth.” She scoffs again. Man, she’s a
tough nut to crack. All the boys are watching with eyes wide.
Nobody has said a word to me and the rest of the women are now gone
so now it’s me and blondie.

“Hey James we have a rouge bitch over here
who thinks she can party with the big leagues. Can you please hand
me those pants over there? They’re the only ones who have to be
hers.” I point to the jeans with holes on them piled next to her
cheap Walmart bra.

“Yes ma’am.” He says and grabs the pants,
walks them over and hands them to me.

“Can you please be a dear my sweet James and
fish through her pockets and look for a cell phone?”

“What the fuck do you want my number bitch?
You could’ve just asked, and for your info I don’t lick pussies.
You dyke.” She barks

“Sorry baby I maybe part dyke but my woman is
a hundred times hotter and richer than you and she can fuck me
better than your nasty ass could on her worst day.”

“Yeah well you couldn’t keep your man happy
enough so he didn’t have to come and fuck another woman. You’re
such a nasty whore.” She says.

What a weak comeback, seriously. Even I could
do better than that one.

I lean down. “Well I must be doing something
right then if I have a hot as hell girlfriend who owns one of the
biggest ad agencies in the country and my boyfriend who maybe a
cheater is the hottest rock star in the world. Oh, and I’m having
his babies. Damn that just sounds so bad doesn’t it? And you’re a
slut groupie with nothing to show for it.” I whisper nastily in her

She doesn’t say a word. She’s probably coming
up with some stupid comeback so I take her phone from James and I
search through her contacts.

“I guess it’s time to call mommy and tell her
what her poor daughters been doing.”

“Don’t you fucking call my mom!” she

“I wouldn’t have to if you’d leave willingly.
But I’ll give you till the count of ten to get up and leave and
admit defeat or I will be having a lovely conversation with your
mom about you fucking with my man and all that fun stuff.” I

“Fine.” She growls pissed off.

“James honey, could you be a dear and hold
her here so I can get up and don’t get hit? Then see her ass out.
I’d appreciate it.” I say overly sweet for show. I know he gets

He does what I ask and I get off of the bitch
and he holds her down and he’s like five times my size. I go into
the bathroom and wash my face and take off his vest. What an
adrenaline rush. I am a bad ass and I am going to have to go kick
some more ass in a second. But I’ll give him a chance to get her
out of the plane so I don’t have to see her again. I might hurt her
more if she’s not gone.

Knock. Knock.

“If it not James or Davis I don’t want to
hear it.” I say rudely.

“It’s just me I wanted to let you know….”

I open the door.

“Let you know that Davis has taken her and
we’ve locked up the cabin again. She’s got some good rug burns on
her face and I think a cracked lip but I think she’ll be okay.”

He clasps me on my shoulder. “You were
amazing back there. I am very proud of you. I couldn’t have done
that. I would’ve gotten some hefty assault charges because I’m a
man. But I’m glad you handled it as well as you did.”

I push his vet into his chest. “If you think
I handled it well your even crazier than I am.” I laugh loudly and
so does he.


Twenty Nine


I walk back through the hall to the main
cabin, it’s eerily quiet. Nobody has moved or said a damn thing
since I busted their party like a cop. It’s like when your mom
walks in on your masturbating you freak out and freeze. But it’s
worse because I’m not as nice as a mom. I grab up all the clothes
that are lying on the floor in my path.

Johnathan is sitting on the Captain’s chair
turned toward everyone else, his face is blank and white as a
ghost. Price is on the couch, D’s sat down next to Johnathan on a
chair, Stacy’s in a chair. Jasmine’s on the couch now and Keith is
on the couch next to Jasmine. Davis, James and I are the only ones
standing. Every male is mostly naked. Jasmine’s topless. So… first
things first.

“Okay let’s start with getting dressed I
don’t need to see a bunch of wangs and a pair of tits.” I order and
throw the clothes onto the floor into a big pile and back away. “Go
on!” I yell.

They all scramble and grab their belongings
and tug them on without a sound. It’s kind of cool in a weird way
that I have this kind of power.

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