Read Stripped Defenseless Online

Authors: Lia Slater

Stripped Defenseless (26 page)

changed my name. It’s Kaden Thompson. I hope you don’t mind,” he said, quickly.

eyes softened as she repeated the name a couple times, rolling it off her
tongue. “I like it. Why would I mind?”

Kaden Thompson after you marry me,” he dared to say.

you?” She smirked, her wet, luscious lips curving up at him.

you’ll have me, that is.” He grinned back.

shrugged her creamy, delicate shoulders. “We’ll see.”

waited anxiously as she maneuvered her naked body around the bed, slowly
untying each of the scarves, teasing him with her lingering, sensual movements.
One of these days he’d get her back good.

now, he only desired to please her. Once all the bindings were loosened and
tossed to the side, he grabbed her by the waist and threw her to the bed,
laying his body on top of her in the process.

giggled and smiled up at him. “Feel good to be free?”

than ever.” He molded his mouth to her moist lips and slid his tongue along
hers. Then he pulled away and kissed her neck, her collarbone, her breast.

sighed and arched her back, meeting his mouth as he sucked in her aroused

was his. All of her. And he didn’t plan on ever letting her go.

me, Kade.” The sweet, familiar words delighted his ears.

you wish.”


Chapter Fifteen


waited, impatiently biting her lip and running her hands through her short,
wispy, trendy hair, or so her hair stylist had told her when she chopped off
all the red.

didn’t seem to mind the change. He released her starved nipple with a slurp and
hungrily took her mouth. In return, she suckled his tongue and skimmed her
fingers over his sexy stubbly head.

was so good to have him back. And hearing he wanted to get married elated her.

cared about what had happened in the past? Shoes? What shoes? She’d gladly
throw them out the window and lock herself in a room as long as he promised
never to leave her again.

wrapped her legs around his lean waist and stared into his eyes as he drew his
lips away. Clear blue eyes that penetrated her. Lord, she could have an orgasm
just from one look.

grinned, showing her his pearly whites. “You going to tell me you love me yet?”

don’t know,” she quipped, unable to help herself. “We’ll see how well you do
after six months with no pulse.”

chuckled and kissed her again. No one had ever adored her as he had. Even after
she opened her big mouth he still loved her.

was wrong with him?

soon realized the answer to that was nothing as he slid his thick cock inside
her. He was perfect—every inch of him. Slowly, he worked his way in, filling
and stretching her sensitive walls, finding the areas of her that welcomed
him—no, screamed for him.

her bottom lip, she closed her eyes and focused on the glorious sensations
she’d been missing for so long. His lips brushed against her cheek and then her
forehead as he slowly slid out and then plunged back in.

think I feel a pulse,” she whispered and grinned up at him.

he pulled out a second time and then drove back into her harder, jouncing her
up the mattress. Wiping the smile off her face.

Kade.” She moaned at the heat building in her womb and tightened her legs
around him, ready for more.

he stilled.

me you love me.” His voice rumbled into her ear.

me come,” she countered.

eyes narrowed at her. “You’re asking for it, Ava.”

right.” She tightened her snug walls around him, and he gasped for air.

been a while, sweetheart. You might want to slow down.” He withdrew from her
body, leaving her with an empty feeling.

are you doing?”

grabbed her by her calves, dragging her to the side of the bed as he stood.

of her body hung over the mattress, her ass on the edge. “Kade, what are you
doing?” she asked again.

your every command.” He gripped her knees and eased them toward her. After
spreading her thighs, he took in the view. His tongue ran over his top lip.
“Looks tasty.”

gulped down the anxiety building in her. “Take a bite,” she dared say.

smirk spread across his greedy face. He released her legs but she held them in
place and ran her hands down the insides of her thighs. Then she inserted a
finger into her wet, swollen pussy.

rippled through her as recognizable raw hunger flashed through his eyes.

dropped to his knees in front of her and jerked her hand away. “Let me do
this.” He clasped his large hand over her mound, rubbing his thumb against her
clit. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful.”

stopped trying to watch his every move and let her head fall back against the
bed. His warm tongue dipped into her and fervently and forcefully stroked her
inner wall. Heat surged up from her thighs, spreading to the tips of her toes,
causing her legs to give out and fall forward.

grasped hold of them and draped them over his shoulders. One long finger sank
into her tight slit, then another. Her juices seeped from her pussy and
trickled down her ass. His thumb followed the slick trail, stopping to massage
her receptive anus.

His hot breath feathered against her clit. “Does this feel good?” He ran his
warm tongue over her swollen nub, slow then fast, working her up to a place
close to insane.

yes,” she cried out and tilted her hips. The smoldering pressure built inside
her, and she grasped for her comforter, clenching it in her fists.

sucked her clit into his mouth and prodded his thick thumb into her puckered
entrance. She loosened for him, trusting his every move, allowing his wet thumb
to press on into her taut warmth. Unexpected sparks jolted straight to her

She lost her train of thought. What the hell was she going to say? Did it
matter? The pleasure was too intense. The wave of ecstasy rolled through her
core to her deep inside her thighs. “Oh, yes! Oh, baby! Oh...”

Come for me, Ava.” He withdrew his fingers and laved his tongue over and into
her throbbing pussy, milking her. “You taste so good, honey.” He removed his
thumb from her anus and slipped in two slippery fingers. “Feel so fucking

pumped her hips up to meet his rhythm until she exploded, her body bursting
against his sweet mouth. She threw her head back and clapped her hands over her
face. “Oh, God,” she whispered as her body slumped with satisfaction.

pulses tingled throughout, but he didn’t wait for her to recover. Instead, he
slid her back up the mattress and climbed between her legs.

waiting for my love.” He slowly delved his solid cock into her still-sensitive

caught her breath. The game was getting better than she had anticipated as his
hardness teased her all-too receptive nerves. Leisurely, he prodded, kneading
her inner-most walls.

pale blue eyes were heavy and filled with desire as he stared down at her. Telling
him she loved him wouldn’t even begin to describe the emotions he triggered.
She caressed his cheeks and inhaled sharply as another orgasm began to rise.
How easily he could bring her there.

love how you feel inside of me.”

smiled down at her. “Nice, but not what I want to hear.”

Ava could respond, he pulled out of her, letting his cock tease just outside of
her pussy walls.

with the interruption, she gripped his ass and attempted to persuade him back

simply shook his head. “Tell me,” he said with a hint of uncertainty lingering
in his eyes. “Do you love me?”

could he not know? Guilt bit into her gut. The game had gone too far if he had
an ounce of doubt. “Of course I love you.” She lifted her head to kiss his
lips. “My heart can’t contain how much I love you.”

eyes burned from the release of the pent-up emotion.

knowing smile adorned his face, and his expression brightened. “I love you,
too.” He chuckled, and she didn’t know whether to feel annoyed or ecstatic.

had played her well. With a smirk, he lifted off her and went into the

are you going?” Her body ached in his absence. “We’re not done here.” And she
wasn’t about to let him out of her sight. Not anytime soon, anyway.

later, he returned with a small velvety box in his hand. “Trust me, sweetheart,
I know.”

propped herself up on her elbows and stared in astonishment as he displayed an
engagement ring—gold banded with at least half a karat. Princess cut, just like
the ones she’d always ogled in the jewelry store display whenever she went
window-shopping. “Is that what I think it is?” Her eyes honed in on
the shiny object as her belly turned upside down with utter enthusiasm.

This?” He slid the band onto the tip of his pinky and climbed back on top of
her, forcing her to drop back on the mattress.

fisted his hands on either side of her head, and from the corner of her right
eye, she could see the glinting diamond. She desperately wanted to see it in
full view—on her finger. She wanted to be his. Forever.

reached for it, but he stopped her by grabbing her wrists and pinning them
above her head. “This isn’t funny, Kade. I just want to see it.”

How bad?” He clamped both her wrists into one of his large hands. His free hand
brushed down her arm, over the side of her breast, and past her stomach.

skin prickled from the light, teasing touch. When he reached her center, he
took hold of his erection and guided it into her welcoming pussy. Gradually, he
filled her and began working her just as he had only moments ago.

now Ava was distracted. She could feel the band of the ring against her wrist.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

He grasped the backside of her knee and shifted her leg up.

pleasure blurred her mind as he pumped in and out, sliding his thick cock along
her slick walls. “Kade,” she moaned, her mind slowly wandering away from the
ring and her future and focusing on the moment.

hand gripped tightly to her leg as his body spread out against hers. Deeper, he
plunged, driving into an area that erupted from his touch.

Kade.” She met his thrusts as he continued to crash into her with a passion
she’d never experienced. A passion she never wanted to live without again. She
ran her now-free hands down his broad back to his firm ass and held on tight as
she peaked yet again, lifting her hips to meet his last thrust. She indulged in
the way his body shuddered and collapsed onto hers.

he whispered into her ear as if she held the secret to his next breath.

lay motionless for several minutes before she realized something heavy was on
her finger as her hands gripped the damp skin on his back. She loosened them
and brought them into view. A shiny glint caught her eye.

ring was on her finger. And it fit perfectly. “How did you?” she asked but
didn’t wait for the answer. “Oh, Kade, it’s absolutely beautiful.”

chuckled and kissed her cheek. “Ava, will you marry me?” His voice was sweet
and contrasted with the hard, masculine lines of his gorgeous face. The words
were even sweeter. “I love you and I want you to be my wife.”


pulled his lips in, and she observed the familiar telltale sign as his Adam’s
apple bobbed up and down.

I do. Or I will, I mean.” She let out a nervous giggle and a tear ran down her
temple. His expression immediately turned to that of relief. “I had no idea
when I woke this morning that you’d come back to me alive and well.” She
slanted a kiss to his grinning lips. “Now that you’re here, I’m never going to
let you go.”

swiped his thumb down the wet path into her hair. “That’s good to hear because
I’m never leaving. I’m training to become one of the good guys,” he said, with
a crooked grin. “I’ll be working for the police.”

laughed with joy at the good news. “You mean no more pinpointing and abducting
young, innocent women?”

And nothing in my life will ever be cut and dried again. Not when I have you as
a wife,” he teased. “But that’s okay because—” He let out a breath and kissed
her lips. His cock began to harden inside of her again. “Because I love you,
Mrs. Thompson.”

clenched down on him and enjoyed the pulses of pleasure that surged through her
thighs, up her belly, and into her heart. “I love you too, Kaden. Forever.”

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