Read Stripped Defenseless Online

Authors: Lia Slater

Stripped Defenseless (4 page)

she said too quickly and then bit into her bottom lip.

He chuckled. “Are you sure about that?”

mouth turned up in a wicked grin, and her cute little nose crinkled. Kade
nearly lost his breath at the sight of her softer side coming through the

can handle you just fine.” She tilted her hips up, letting him farther into her
snug little pussy. “What are you waiting for?”

held back the thundering desire to pump into her without caution. But no matter
what words came out of her mouth, her soft, petite body told him different. She
was more fragile than she was letting on. He couldn’t help but wonder if that
was a trait she had outside of the bedroom as well.

pelvis sloped up against him, and Kade obliged her by inching his way out and
back in. She was slick and almost painfully tight.

parted her rigid lips with his tongue and kissed them. Gentle pecks to relax
her. Like the rest of her body, her mouth was too eager as she crushed it hard
against his. He slipped his tongue in and curved it alongside hers, so sweet
and enchanting. She tasted like pink bubblegum, like innocence.

who needed to be protected rather than hunted.

purring moan rumbled from the back of her throat, and her walls began to
stretch and loosen for him. She molded to his size, allowing him to pull out
farther and delve in faster. His dick throbbed with the need for release, the
primal urge to claim her body. Perspiration beaded his forehead as he held
back. He never let a lover down, and he wouldn’t start now, no matter how this
woman affected him.

she moaned into his mouth and tore away from his kiss, tilting her head back
against the mattress.

smiled to himself and steadied his pace, slowly kneading his cock into her. Her
fingernails scraped down his back again, so he grabbed her hands and tacked
them down above her head.

of that. He wanted her to scream now.

me hear you,” he demanded.

moaned louder, and he thrust deeper, every inch of him filling her, slick and
unbearably hard.

she called out. “Oh, Kade.”

for me,” he whispered into her ear and burrowed his forehead into her long
strawberry-colored hair that splayed out over the pillow. Anything to take his
mind off reaching orgasm before she did.

body shuddered under his as she screamed out his name one more time, her taut
pussy squeezing his cock. His balls tightened as she milked him with her

With all the
strength he could gather, he drove into her one more time and released his
pent-up heat, collapsing hard onto her small body.

* * * * *

woke from too deep of a sleep and blinked repeatedly. The contacts in her eyes
blurred the dark shadows around the room. The only thing reminding her where
she lay was a strong muscular arm tightly wrapped around her waist, pinning her
against the warm, hard flesh of his chest.

was she going to get out of this?

would she want to? It was amazing. She felt safe for the first time in months,
no, years.

eyes began to water, begging for the irritating, foreign objects to be removed.
God, she hated those things. If only she didn’t need them. Unfortunately, she
didn’t have a choice. They were part of the disguise.

she unpeeled his fingers from the underside of her waist and planted them on
the vacant spot she left as she rose. She observed his dark silhouette, large
and intimidating. Only moments ago, he had been filling her with ecstasy with
that same body.

long had it been anyway? Ava squinted to see the green neon numbers on the
clock by the bed. A quarter after six. It was still dark outside, but a beam of
light shone from the bathroom.

followed the path, closed the door behind her, and looked in the mirror. Her
eyes were reddened and somewhat puffy. She had no choice but to remove the

nowhere to store them, she let the water from the faucet carry them down the
drain. It was time for a fresh pair anyway and, lord, did it feel good to have
them out.

image in the mirror was less distorted now. She ran her hands through her messy
hair and remembered how it had gotten that way. Never had she been so satisfied
by a man. A delightful thrill flickered throughout her body as she thought back
to how Kade had pleasured her so thoroughly.

splashed cold water on her face, but the trickles of wetness that ran down her
neck to the tips of her sensitive nipples flustered her more. Her fingers
followed the damp path but didn’t stop at her breasts.

a mind of its own, her hand lowered until she cupped her tender mound. She
instantly recalled how Kade had fucked her there. Meticulously. Completely.

undeniable smile curved her lips. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Spreading her legs farther apart, she carefully stroked her hand across her
smooth folds, against her tender nub, savoring the soreness.

tongue had worked that area with precision. She exhaled and allowed the
self-indulgent fantasy of being in his arms for many nights to come, not just
this once. The idea was foolish, but it warmed her, making the harsh,
fluorescent lights of the bathroom that pierced through her closed lids
disappear. So much so that she didn’t realize when he opened the door and
stepped behind her.

opened her eyes to see him there, grinning at first but then narrowing both his
mouth and his stare.

blue,” he said, looking intently at where her brown contacts had once been.

know,” was all she could say. She had been caught in the lie, the disguise, and
now there was nothing she could say to defend herself.

mouth slowly formed into a full-out smile, and he looked happier than she’d
ever thought a man like him could. “They’re not green.”

brown,” Ava added.
Had he forgotten already? Sheesh.

looked at herself in the mirror again, abruptly remembering the compromising
position he had found her in. As inconspicuously as possible, she removed her
hand from her pussy and planted it at her side, repositioning her legs back
together in the process.

chuckled behind her and her cheeks warmed.

stop because of me. I’d love to watch.” He placed his large rough hand over
hers. “Or help.”

fingers intertwined as he led her hand back down, past her navel, over her
mound. Ava held her breath and met his stare through the mirror. His light blue
eyes seemed to sparkle at her darker, grayer version.

foot guided her legs into a wider stance as he pressed his erection against her
lower back. Combined fingers moved together to delve into her wetness, cramming
between her sensitive walls. With her other hand, she held tight to the edge of
the bathroom counter. That and Kade’s free arm wrapped snug under her breasts
were the only things holding her up—her trembling legs were useless.

long fingers bypassed hers and plunged farther up inside of her. “I think
you’re ready for me,” he said with a raspy voice into her ear. “Don’t move.
I’ll be right back.”

she could respond, he withdrew his hand and body and left her there, weak with
desire. Less than a second later, he appeared behind her again. A crinkling
sound could only mean he had retrieved a condom and was preparing himself to
enter her.

gulped in anticipation, now fastening both hands on the counter as she waited
for him.

of his strong hands gripped her waist while the other leaned her over, nudging
gently against her back. She followed his lead without argument and ignored the
tiny voice in her head telling her to stop the foolishness and leave.

breasts brushed against the cold tiled sink, contrasting with her scorching
skin. She could still see him through the mirror. His expression was heated and
full of passion.

fingers ran down her back to her bare ass. He gripped her butt cheeks forcefully,
spreading them as his eyes took in the sight. “I want to fuck you so hard,” he
said through his teeth.

on by his words, she dropped her head, bracing for the threat to take place.
All signs of sanity hid deep in the corners of her mind while lust throbbed and

rough fingers around her waist grew tighter, piercing her with delightful pain
as he rubbed his hard cock over the sensitive area between her anus and her
drenched entrance.

you want me?” he asked with a deep rumbling voice and then inched the head of
his penis into her slick channel.

held her breath. Perspiration moistened her cheeks and forehead. She nodded
once before he had a reason to pull out and leave her filled with want.

need a better answer than that,
.” His cock slid in only slightly.
“Do you want me?”

she attempted to maneuver her hips to get him in further, but he held her
still. “Yes, I want you to fuck me.”

a fast and powerful thrust, he filled her. Ava gasped and nearly lost her
footing as the wicked pleasure surged through her body.

his arms wrapped around her, steadying her. “I thought you could handle me?” he
asked in a teasing voice.

haven’t asked you stop, have I?” The presence of his hardness inside her pussy
made her anxious for friction. “Can we quit talking now?”

devil’s grin appeared on his face, and he bent her over again but with more
force this time. She grasped the edge of the counter as his left arm gripped
around her waist and his right hand slid past her hip and over her mound to her

fingers rubbed in a circular motion over her sensitive nub as he pulled his
ever-increasing erection out of her and then slowly eased it back in. A moan
left her throat as he continued this same steady motion.

her legs lost their balance as a climax threatened to paralyze her with its
enormity. A blaze of fire twisted and smoldered deep in her womb as she gasped
for air. She’d never experienced such a powerful sensation. And now she didn’t
know how she would ever want it any other way. Who else could bring her this
much pleasure?

she called out as she hit what she thought was the pinnacle of titillation. But
then he hastened his pace, slamming into her, winding her to an even higher
level of ecstasy. “Oh, God, yes, Kade.”

scream echoed in the small bathroom as she collapsed against the sink, her
entire body pulsing...tingling...rushing with heat.

isn’t working,” he grumbled from behind. Or at least that was what she thought
he said as he pulled out of her and picked her up in his arms. Her mind was
still cloudy, and her body still pulsed uncontrollably.

left the bathroom, and before Ava knew which way was up, she was dropped face
down on the bed.

* * * * *

despised uncomfortable sex. And the way he wanted to fuck Lily required a much
safer backdrop to do it against. He spread her legs as she lay on her stomach.
Then he kneeled on the mattress between them, staring down at her lush ass.
This promised to be a better position. He gripped her hips and forced her ass
towards his welcoming cock. “Much better.”

slid his finger into her wet hot pussy, worshiping her creamy silken entrance.
So perfectly tight. Then he pulled out, listening carefully to the sound of her
syrupy liquid against his movement. A careening rush of blood surged to the
head of his swollen cock, and he held back a groan.

harsh light from the bathroom shone on her beautiful face as she turned her
head and stared at him over her shoulder. He licked his finger and tasted the
juice that was her. Her cum was so sweet. He’d have to remember to get more of
that later.

now all he wanted to do was swipe that desperate look off her face. It was as
if she’d never been screwed properly. That was a shame. A tight pussy like hers
deserved special treatment. Repeatedly. And since she wasn’t the green-eyed Ava
Lureau, he could do it as often as she’d let him.

ran his hands over her beautifully rounded ass and spread her folds apart with
his thumbs. His cock swelled painfully as he crowded it against her slit and
eased in his engorged head. Her drenched pussy constricted and seemed to suck
him in. He hissed in a breath and steadied his legs. God, she was perfect.

of the corner of one deep blue eye, she still stared at him, so he tilted his
head toward her. “You’re very quiet down there.”

waiting for something to happen,” she snapped back at him.

a sassy girl, she was. Kade loved it. She was a woman he could verbally spar
with without getting bored—the kind that would bite back when bitten.

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