Read Stronger (The Unit Book 2) Online

Authors: Sarah Greyson

Tags: #The Unit 2

Stronger (The Unit Book 2) (22 page)

“What are you waiting for? Fuck me,” Lola demanded. Rob wrapped her hair around his hand and placed his hand under her ass cheek to angle her so he could penetrate deeper. He thrust inside her harder and faster. With each thrust he pulled her hair until she screamed. He wanted to make her scream with the same desire he knew. Faster and deeper he thrust until his balls were bouncing off of her ass. Her legs were wrapped firmly around his thighs. She matched his rhythm with counter thrusts of her own. Her head was pulled the whole way back which gave Rob unobscured access to her neck. He bit her, then licked at the wound. He did it again, and she screamed his name. He had her bound by her hair, unable to move her head as he thrust into her over and over again. With each thrust she approached the edge. He bit her again and pain shot through her body, but his thrusting quickly turned the bite mark into pleasure. She wanted desperately to bite him back. To be rough with him. She reached around him and used her nails to dig her way down his back. She was sure she drew blood with how hard she dug her nails in. It was the most exquisite kind of pain. Pain that caused his momentum to increase. She was so close.

“I’m going to come all over your cock while it’s buried deep inside my pussy,” she said. She found it turned her on to say dirty things to him while he fucked her. It was one of the ways she had of controlling him.

With her words, Rob’s body tensed. “Come with me, Love,” he said loosening his hold on her hair. “Look into my eyes and come with me,” he exhaled as his body went rigid and his hot seed filled her while her hot, tight pussy convulsed around his thick hard cock. Their eyes met as they lost themselves to this world. He continued spurting his seed into her with slow, deep thrusts, while her pussy continued to suck him dry.

They stayed in each other’s embrace, staring into each other’s eyes communicating words left unspoken between them. She blinked as she started to come down from her orgasm-induced high. His body started to relax and she could feel his cock going semi-soft inside her.

“Good thing we’re alone,” she said as a smile touched her lips.

When Rob had started to touch her, she had forgotten everything but him. The way he claimed her, marked her, controlled her, was the most inviting thing she had ever experienced. She was lost to this man. This domineering, tough, muscular, down-to-earth man. Just thinking about how he possessed her made her want more of him. She pressed her thighs together trying to dull the ache that was constant when she thought of Rob, when she was near Rob. She reached up and kissed his lips in a possessive kiss demanding he kiss back.

“Thank you,” she said when she pulled back.

“For what?”

“Rescuing me, protecting me, wanting me.”

“Love, you don’t have to ever thank me for that. I should be thanking you.” He leaned in and covered her lips with his hot mouth kissing her reverently. He brushed his lips lightly over hers before he devoured her in a soul-aching kiss.




Chapter 31



Rob’s eyes squinted against the afternoon sun that shone directly into the room through the sheers which were hanging over the bedroom windows. He looked to Lola lying there so peaceful; he didn’t have the heart to wake her up. What he saw took his breath away. She laid on her side, arm tucked under her pillow, blonde hair fanning down her side and onto the mattress. He ran his rough hand up and down her exposed skin marveling at the soft feel. When he completed two passes of her arm, she opened her eyes and smiled suggestively at him.

“Good morning,” she cooed.

“Good morning. Come here,” he demanded as he moved his body closer to hers. She turned fully on her side and moved into him. Her body was now pressed firmly up against his. He lifted his leg and her leg fell in between his. He tightened his grip around her so that not as much as a molecule of air existed between them. He brushed his lips over hers in a teasing manner. She caught his bottom lip and suckled it into her hot mouth. He moaned a guttural sound from deep within his body and pressed his pelvis into hers. She responded by pressing against his erection with her body. He ran his hand through her hair, over and over as he kissed her gently and thoroughly. He used his tongue to part her lips begging for entrance into her mouth. She obliged and he thrust his tongue into her mouth at the same time he grabbed and wrapped her hair around his hand. He turned her head to accept the angle of his mouth as he intensified the kiss. He moved his free hand, which laid under his head, to caress her face. He stroked her cheek gently as he pulled her hair roughly. The contrasting signals her body was receiving sent Lola into a spin. She loved to be kissed gently while having her hair pulled. It was the perfect combination in her opinion.

He nudged her over so he could press his erection against her backside. He pressed a tender kiss to her spine and continued with tender kisses up her back until he reached her neck. He moved her hair to the side of her body and pressed firm lips against the center of her neck. She began to moan and move her hips back into his, gyrating against his hard cock.

This morning, she was going to ask him to show her what he liked. She rolled over again to face him and he groaned at the loss of the feel of her ass pressed firmly against his member.

“I have a surprise for you,” she said playfully smiling down at him as she got to a kneeling position.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

She pushed his shoulder back to touch the bed so that he was now lying with his back on the bed. She crawled and then straddled his pelvic area.

“I’m not wearing any underwear,” she said playfully as she rubbed herself unashamedly up and down the length of his hard cock.

“Let me join you.” He smiled up at her.

She removed her leg from his side and went back into the kneeling position.

“I like the way you look when you kneel like that. Like you’re waiting for me to do naughty things to you,” Rob assessed.

“This morning I’m going to do naughty things to you. I want you to show me how. You’re my first, so I have never been on top. But I want to. I want to fuck you today,” she confessed with a sultry look in her eyes. She moved so she was straddling him again. She felt his large cock nestled in between her folds and pressed right up against her clit. She bent forward and kissed the long scar that ran from the top of his chest across one pectoral muscle while she slid back and forth against his rock hard erection.

“You’re going to kill me,” Rob confessed as he placed his hands on her hips. He lifted slightly and his cock sprang up and met the entrance to her pussy. She pushed her hips down slowly, and they both moaned at the feel of his thick cock entering her tight pussy.

“Show me how,” she demanded.

“Just do whatever feels good to you. I promise if you do that, it will feel twice as good to me.”

She began rocking back and forth against him. She lifted and seated herself again and again on his cock. But the friction was what felt really good to her. So she placed her hands behind her on his thighs and started moving into him so that she bumped her clit into his pelvic bone with each thrust. Rob couldn’t take it anymore. He had to be closer to her. He had to touch more than her hips. He sat up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her large breasts molded to his muscular chest. She placed her legs in front of her so she was now seated on him. She used her feet to push back and forth against him as he thrust himself into her. Push and pull, thrust and bump, she was nearing the edge.

“This is supposed to be about you. I’m going to come if you keep up this rhythm,” she moaned.

“I am right there with you. Just hold on with me, Love. We come together today.”

He pressed his lips firmly against her mouth. She opened her lips allowing his tongue access. She was lost in the kiss. All she could do was hold on and let him kiss her. She kept her mouth open. “Yes,” she cried.

“Yes,” he returned.

“Yes,” she cried again. She felt his body tense.

“Come now,” he demanded. His words were her undoing. She shattered, stars appearing behind her closed eyes. She had a hold of his hair and was pulling it hard when she started to come back into herself. They stayed entwined in each other’s arm for several minutes making love with their mouths. They kissed and nipped. Nipped and licked at each other trying to express what each one meant to the other. Rob felt it so very deeply he could never erase her. She was it for him. These thoughts played on his mind as he tightened his hold around her body. She didn’t mind it. She loved being held, caressed, dominated, anything by this man.

She slowly rose from his body, his semi-hard cock falling from the holds of her perfect, tight pussy. “Let’s get a shower and clean you up,” he said pressing his soft lips against the tip of her nose.

In the bathroom he removed her t-shirt.

“What about breakfast? Aren’t you hungry?” she asked him.

“After our shower. I need to take care of you first,” he pointed out as he turned on the shower faucets to find the perfect temperature. “Do you like your showers warm or hot?”

“Hot,” she replied. He tested the temperature to make sure it wasn’t too hot and then held open the door for her to enter. He stepped in after her. He grabbed a body buff and squeezed some shower gel onto it. He lathered it up and started to cleanse her body. He took his time washing every inch of her flesh. When he was done, he rinsed her with the removable shower head. Once she was rinsed, he tilted her head back and wet her hair. Then he squeezed some shampoo into his hands and massaged it into her scalp. She moaned in delight. No one had bathed her since she was a little girl.
She could get used to this
. When he was done with his lavish massage of her scalp, he applied the conditioner and massaged that in, too. He rinsed her hair. She had to take equal care of him so she reached for the body buff, but he wouldn’t let her. He made quick work of washing himself and his hair while she traced his back muscles with her fingertips. Her touch was undoing him and his erection was straining, pointing upwards towards his navel. When he turned in her arms, she felt him hard against her. Although she was sore, she didn’t want to disappoint Rob, so she got to her knees. She lovingly looked up at Rob from her position on the floor of the shower as she grabbed his cock firmly in her hand. She rubbed the tip of his cock against her lips while maintaining eye contact.

Rob lost control of himself. “You are so God-damned sexy. I will kill anyone who tries to take you from me. You are mine. Do you hear me? All mine. God, you’re fucking unbelievable. You belong to me! Say that you are mine,” he rambled to her through gritted teeth. She sparked a fire that raged in him. He had to hear her say it again, but she remained tight lipped. She couldn’t say it again until she told him about her pregnancy.

She couldn’t speak because she chose that moment to place his cock inside her hot mouth. She drew her lips tight around his large cock. She used her hand to stroke his length while she sucked as much as she could into her mouth. He was huge. There was no way she could fit all of him inside her mouth. She stroked him with a tight fist. She withdrew him from her mouth and spit on the head of his cock. He stared intently at the sight. She used her hand to move the saliva up and down the length of him as she sucked him back inside flicking the tip of his head with her tongue. He reached down and tilted her head up so she could look at him. The sight of her with his cock in her mouth made him go caveman on her.

“Say it now. Say that you are mine. I swear to God I will kill anyone that tries to take you from me. I will protect you always, but you have to tell me. Tell me you are mine. I have to hear it from your lips again.” She opened her throat and took him deeper still. She kept her throat open as she fisted his length bringing his cock into and out her mouth in rhythm with her hand. She sucked hard. She reached her free hand around and started to spread his ass cheeks. He let her. She pushed a finger at the opening of his anus as she sucked harder. She wiggled her finger back and forth pressing it into him.

“Fuck! Do you have any idea what you are doing to me? Fuck,” he growled.

She pushed in a little further with her finger, opened her throat, wrapped her full lips firmly around his head, flicked his head with her tongue, and then sucked him into her throat. She felt his body tense.

“I’m going to come.”

She continued to stroke his length while she sucked and fucked his cock with her mouth. He started to tremble and she knew she had him. She felt the hot seed hit her tongue and she swallowed around his cock. The swallowing created a vacuum for him. “Fuck me,” he yelled as he finished shooting his seed into her mouth and she finished by swallowing it all. Every last drop. He was still trembling. His legs were shaking.

She stood up and looked him straight in the eye. “What was your question?” Oh, how she loved to tease.

“God damn it, Lola. Tell me you are mine. I am going out of my mind here.”

She remained silent. She had to tell him about the baby first. If he couldn’t accept the baby, then she couldn’t be his.




Chapter 32



Down in the kitchen they grabbed a cereal bar and a banana for lunch. Rob even made a turkey sandwich because sex that morning with Lola had given him an appetite.

“Is that all you’re eating?” Rob asked when Lola could not finish her banana.

Lola’s face flushed. She needed to find the right time to tell him about her pregnancy, and she needed somewhere private to do it.

“Would you mind coming back to the room with me? I need to talk to you,” Lola asked cautiously. She had no idea how Rob felt on the issue of children, but if he wasn’t on board, she was out of there. She didn’t want to be with someone who didn’t want kids, as much as she was falling in love with this man, it was more than her feelings at stake now. She had a baby to think about. She really prayed Rob would take the news well. She hoped this wouldn’t break their fragile relationship. It was so new. They hadn’t even confessed feelings to each other yet. Yes, he had said he was hers, but would that include a child? That was a big commitment to ask from him. Although he was talking like it was forever with them. He was willing to die for her, and he had proven that fact when he got shot. That had to mean he had feelings for her. But would they be enough?

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