Stronger With Us (The Strength Series Book 3) (17 page)

He smiles before he puts his chin on the top of my head. “I’m honored. Really. I will do everything in my power to keep that trust.”

“See that you do. Now, I’m starving. Let’s go make some breakfast.” I pull away quickly so that I don’t jump him. This man is breaking through my walls more than I would have ever dreamed.

“All right, food first, but then I’m going to bring you back in here and show you that I’m worth taking a chance on.” I look back and see the vulnerability he’s feeling. I share that emotion, but I also have hope that we can make it work.

“I’m looking forward to it,” I say as I pull on a shirt and yoga pants and leave him to get dressed.




After Christin leaves I find my phone and send Colin a text.

I need info on sex abuse laws in Florida.

It doesn’t take long to get a response.

I want to know why, but we’ll talk later. I’ll do what I can.

Christin will kill me if she finds out I’m looking into a way to prosecute her mother, but that woman needs to pay for what she did.

The smell of bacon gets me out of bed and into my pants. I wonder if she knows about my love of pork fat.

I follow my nose to the kitchen, and I’m greeted with an amazing view of Christin’s ass as she bends over to put something in the oven. My mouth waters and I’m not sure if it’s her or the bacon.

“Do you want some help?” I ask as I move toward her and press my crotch against her butt.

“Not that kind of help. If you want to get the coffee started, that would be good.”

I can’t help but spin her around and place a kiss on her lips. She lets me and even opens to let me plunder her mouth with my tongue. I back her against the counter and press my body against hers.

“Jude,” she says between kisses. I’m not stopping this until she makes me. “The bacon is going to burn,” she says as she tries to push me away.

“Fine, but there’s more of that happening later,” I say as I move back and let her get to the stove. I find the can of coffee in the refrigerator and set about making a pot.

Ten minutes later we’re sitting at the table with a baked omelet and bacon in front of us. I take a bite of the fluffy eggs and can’t help the groan that erupts from the back of my throat.

“Holy shit, that’s good! I’ve never had anything like it.”

Christin laughs and shakes her head. “It’s not that hard to make. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

“I really am. I don’t cook much for myself so this is a real treat.”

“I love to be in the kitchen. It’s like therapy for me. I’m always trying out new recipes. But don’t tell anyone. Once people know you like to cook they start expecting you to bring them stuff.”

“So your friends don’t know?”

“Nope. You’re the only one I’ve ever cooked for since Bobby.” This woman continues to surprise me.

“Well, thank you. I like to eat so whenever you feel the need to cook let me know. I’m happy to do quality control.” I smile as I take another bite of eggs.

“I’ll remember that,” she says as she shakes her head.

Once we’re both finished I stand and take our dishes to the sink. I start the water and rinse the plates.

“You don’t have to do that,” Christin says as she tries to move me away.

“Oh, no. My mother had a rule that the person who cooks does not do the dishes. She’d kick my ass from beyond the grave if she ever found out that I didn’t clean this up. It’s not going to take that long. Go back upstairs and relax in bed. When I’m done here, I’ll come and give you a massage.” I’m starting to act like a pussy-whipped idiot. Strangely, I like it.

“If you insist,” she says as she pulls me down and kisses my cheek. “Don’t be long,” she whispers as she walks away. I can’t help watching her ass sway. My dick starts to twitch, and I know he won’t be as patient today as he was last night. I turn back to the dishes and hurry to finish cleaning up breakfast.

Fifteen minutes later and the kitchen is clean enough for my mother. I make my way upstairs to find my every fantasy asleep in the middle of her bed. I can’t help staring at her from the doorway. Her blonde hair is swept away from her face, one leg is outside the covers, and arms curled under her head. I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I know without a doubt that I will do everything in my power to make her happy and keep her safe.

“Are you going to stand there all day? I’m waiting for the massage you promised.”

“You’re going to bust my balls every chance you get, aren't you?”

“Maybe. Now, get over here and rub my back, bitch,” she says with a laugh. I can’t help my chuckle while I make my way to the bed. Of course my dick wants to join the party, but I silently tell him to shut up. This isn’t about us right now.

I climb on top of Christin and sit on her butt, keeping most of my weight on my legs. When I pull the covers down, I see that she’s gloriously naked. I start the massage by running my fingers lightly over her skin. I’m rewarded with goosebumps and a shiver from her.

“That feels so good.”

“I’m glad. I’ve been told I’m pretty good at this.”

“I guess we’ll find out.” I continue my way down her back, coming back up her spine while pressing a little harder. We fall into silence as I rub, tickle, and touch her everywhere above the waist. Christin moans and purrs.

“Tell me something about yourself, Jude,” she growls.

“What do you want to know?”

“Everything,” she says immediately. I bark out a laugh.

“That may take a while,” I respond.

“Okay, tell me about how you lost your virginity.”

“Jumping right in there, huh? Well, it’s actually a funny story.”

“Don’t stop rubbing my back, but tell me all about it, stud.”

“I was a freshman in high school, and I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. Casey was a sophomore and a cheerleader. God, she was fucking hot. I had been trying out for the basketball team and somehow she noticed me. Of course my cock saw her before I did. Anyway, one day after school she was waiting by my locker.”

“So, you’ve always been attracted to sexually aggressive women?” Christin interrupts me to ask.

“Do you think you’re one of those women?”

“I know I am. I see something I want and I go for it. Sex isn’t something for a woman to be embarrassed about. We need it and want it just as much as men. I don’t think we should have to wait for a guy to offer it to us when we can just go ask for it.”

“Well then, yes, I guess I am attracted to you,” I smile knowing just how much she turns me on.

“All right, continue with your story,” she says snuggling into her pillow and wiggling her butt against my balls.

“Stop moving or I won’t be able to concentrate.”


“Okay, now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted?”

“The hussy was waiting at your locker,” she laughs.

“There’s no way you’re jealous of a woman I fucked over fifteen years ago, are you?”

“No! I use the word hussy with all the love and respect in the world.”

“Of course you do. Now, here’s where things get interesting,” I wink at her and she smiles.

"I walked slowly up to Casey, who was leaning against my locker, twirling her hair with her finger." I look at Christin and wait for her to make another comment but she stays silent. "She asked if I had practice, but I'm pretty sure she knew that the team hadn't been chosen yet. Then she shocked me by asking if I wanted to come over to her house. She brushed her breast against my arm and my brain fried. I know I agreed to go over, but I'm sure it came out all stupid. I had been to her house once before when her older brother, Chase, had one of his famous football team parties. The things I saw would rival scenes in movies."

“Hold on," she interjects. "You expect me to believe that a freshman went to a football party and didn’t get his ass kicked? You’re full of shit.”

“If you don’t stop interrupting me you’re never going to hear this story. And, yes, I went to the party. Everyone in the school was there, so nobody really noticed me. I drank a couple beers and left. No big deal.”

“Whatever you say. Continue,” she says as I put my hands against her ribs, digging in a little.

“Do you promise to keep your mouth shut and let me finish? Your comments aren’t welcome here.” I can’t help the laugh that follows that statement. She can interrupt me any time she wants.

“I promise that my lips are buttoned. Now, I want to hear about you and this Casey chick.”

“Okay. So, I ended up riding with her to her house. I didn’t have my license yet. She lived in a pretty nice neighborhood. Her dad owned a few gas stations in the area and her mom was a doctor. When we got into the house I asked about her brother. He was a senior that year and a big fucker. He was the star defensive back for our school’s football team and six feet of solid muscle. I hadn’t really gotten my growth spurt so I was pretty skinny and I feared for my life if he caught us.

“Anyway, Casey took me up to her room, and I thought I would come in my pants. She was the star of many guys' wet dreams. Creamy skin, big tits, tiny waist, perfection. Of course I was a nervous wreck so I did the first thing I could think of. I took off my pants.”

Laughter stops me before I get to the really funny part.

“You just took off your pants? No conversation, no foreplay, no kissing, just rip off the drawers and go for it?” she says between laughing fits.

“I know you’re not mocking me right now. You know what, forget it, you don’t get to hear the rest of it.”

“No. I’m sorry, I’ll be good, I promise,” she says as she rolls over exposing her breasts. My hands move directly over them and continue the massage.

“I think I’d rather concentrate on these than talk about the past.” I wink. She pushes my hands away and pulls me down so our chests touch.

“Spill it, Schaefer. What happened after you unceremoniously removed your pants?”

I roll us so we’re lying on our sides and I can keep my hands on her.

“As you can imagine, she was surprised to see me getting naked. But she went with it and started to take her clothes off, too. Next thing I knew I was being pushed onto her bed and she was straddling me. My dick was so hard I knew it wouldn’t take long so I tried to think about dead puppies and basketball. Then she gripped my dick and I let out a sound that wasn’t completely human. She laughed a little and started to stroke me. My brain short-circuited; I knew I should be trying to make her feel good too, but I couldn’t get my hands to move. Just as I was about to explode, she was gone. I opened my eyes to find her walking around the bed to her nightstand. She took out a condom and removed the rest of her clothes as she got back up on the bed. Thankfully, I got control of myself and rolled us over so I was on top. Then I started kissing her neck and down her body, knowing that this was what I should have been doing. She rolled the condom on and when I sank into her I thought I’d found nirvana. I got one thrust in before I went flying through the air.”

“Wait, what? She threw you off?”

“No, her brother did. He came crashing into her room and picked me up off her, throwing me onto the floor. I saw my life flash before my eyes. Casey was yelling at him to get out of her room, but he wasn’t listening. It was obvious that Chase was going to kill me.”

“Okay, so what actually happened since you’re still alive and well?”

“I did the impossible. I grabbed my pants and ran out of the room, down the stairs and out the front door. I could hear Chase following me so I kept running away from the house, my dick swinging in the breeze, the condom still on though slipping off. I tried to keep my pants in front of me because there were kids playing in their yards, but I was more concerned with saving my life. About fifteen minutes later I slowed down a little to look behind me. Thankfully, he was gone, so I stopped long enough to put my pants on before I walked the rest of the way home.”

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