Sun Sign Secrets (22 page)

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Authors: Amy Zerner

Marie Antoinette
Richard Burton
Prince Charles
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Christopher Columbus
Leonardo DiCaprio
Sally Field
Jodie Foster
Bill Gates
Whoopi Goldberg
Goldie Hawn
Grace Kelly
Robert F. Kennedy
Vivien Leigh
Joni Mitchell
Demi Moore
Mike Nichols
Joaquin Phoenix
Pablo Picasso
Julia Roberts
Theodore Roosevelt
Meg Ryan
Carl Sagan
Sam Shepard
Ted Turner
“The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection.”



November 22–December 21

purple (all shades)
hydrangea, saffron, rosemary
amethyst, turquoise, garnet, tanzanite
Personal qualities:
Generous, cosmopolitan, humorous, optimistic, well traveled, and honest to a fault


We call the following words “keywords” because they can help you unlock the core meaning of the astrological sign of Sagittarius. Each keyword represents issues and ideas that are of supreme importance and prominence in the lives of people born with Sagittarius as their Sun sign. You will usually find that every Sagittarius embodies at least one of these keywords in the way she makes a living:




world traveler








positive outlook




broad perspective
higher education



broadcast journalism

publishing world

exotic cuisine


idealistic friendship


Sagittarius' Symbolic Meaning

The symbol for Sagittarius is Chiron, the bow-wielding Centaur—half man and half horse. Chiron the Centaur was the first doctor of herbal medicine and a wise sage. In Greek mythology, he was the teacher of the great warrior Achilles. Chiron's archetype is the Wounded Healer, who, through his own pain and experience, learns to heal others.
The legend of Chiron may have begun with stories of a wise and skillful hunter, perhaps the leader of the first tribe to hunt from horseback. The other tribes might have seen them as being half man and half horse. Travel on horseback made it possible for people to see many different places and tribes with unique customs. When they returned, they kept their own tribe hypnotized with stories of these far-off lands and peoples.
Those born under the sign of Sagittarius share this love of travel, animals—especially horses—the great outdoors, natural healing, and all things foreign. They are the philosopher-teachers of the zodiac, and without this vital function each generation would be forced to start from scratch without the accumulated wisdom of the ages to guide them. Not only do Sagittarians keep the torch of learning alight; they actively seek out knowledge and the wisdom to use it properly. They are interested only in the ultimate truth because, otherwise, it would not be worth knowing and teaching to others. The aim of every Sagittarian is to learn as much as she can about as many subjects as possible.
Sagittarians have a reputation for being blunt. Sagittarians feel that anyone who is telling the truth should be able to defend her position against any question. Sagittarians are in a hurry and want to keep traveling, learning, and sharing what they've learned.
Sagittarius is one of the four Mutable Sun signs in astrology (the other three are Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces). Mutable signs are associated with change, motion, and restlessness. People born under Mutable Sun signs understand flow and the need for constant readjustment.
Sagittarius is also one of three Fire signs (Aries and Leo are the other two). Fire signs are impulsive, energetic, quick to anger, and quick to forgive.
Sagittarians are not uncomfortable exposing even the most private areas of their lives to public scrutiny. Although they are often learned and sophisticated by nature, their natural honesty adds a delightful element of naïveté to their personality. Never expect them to apologize for having annoyed someone when they were only trying to get at the truth.

Recognizing a Sagittarius

People who exhibit the physical characteristics distinctive of the sign of Sagittarius look strong and active. Their eyes are steady, intelligent, bright, open, and honest. They are often taller than average, appear self-confident, and retain a youthful look.
A Sagittarian's face often appears about to break into a smile. Sagittarians use their hands and arms to make broad, sweeping gestures.

Sagittarius' Typical Behavior and Personality Traits

  • pursues learning, teaching, and study
  • says exactly what is on her mind
  • enjoys taking risks
  • is witty and can tell funny jokes
  • has a good memory for facts
  • needs freedom in relationships
  • can laugh about her misfortunes
  • is kindhearted, though tactless
  • often has unconventional attitudes
  • has to tell the truth
  • can be cuttingly sarcastic
  • strikes out when hurt

What Makes a Sagittarius Tick?

The lesson for Sagittarians to learn is that there is an important reason their life does not provide them with as many opportunities to travel, learn, and teach as they would like. They have come into the world with the astrological sign Sagittarius because they want to learn how to study, travel, and especially teach. They can expand their understanding of the way the world works through travel, certainly, but also through travel in their mind via philosophy and learning.

The Sagittarius Personality Expressed Positively

Sagittarians are naturally playful and good-humored. They have a laid-back, philosophical view about life and people that keeps them from taking themselves, their problems, and their concerns too seriously. At their very best they are self-deprecating and free-spirited. Although they are likely to have some firm opinions on many issues, they are the spirit of tolerance.

On a Positive Note

Sagittarians displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:
  • inspiring and stimulating
  • optimistic and enthusiastic
  • interested in diversity
  • honest and fair-minded
  • spiritual
  • frank and open
  • adventurous
  • forgiving, without holding grudges
  • generous

The Sagittarius Personality Expressed Negatively

When Sagittarians channel the negative side of their nature, they may appear to be rather priggish and self-righteous. If they are extremely religious they can have problems getting along with people who don't share their moral view. Also, because they are never hesitant to share their opinions with others, they can find it difficult to keep from lecturing people, hoping to convert them to their point of view.

Negative Traits

Sagittarians displaying the negative characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:
  • feisty and impatient
  • blundering and careless
  • preachy
  • afraid of any heavy responsibility
  • gamblers at heart
  • indulgent of their own cravings
  • roamers, never settling down
  • failures at planning adequately
  • potentially fanatical

Ask a Sagittarius If...

Ask a Sagittarius if you need a worldly perspective on a spiritual matter, since many Sagittarians have the sort of wisdom that is able to cross the boundaries of both points of view. You can also depend on people born under the influence of this sign to spin a good “yarn.” Not only do they seem to have read just about everything, but their own life experiences are about as interesting as it gets. They're never too shy to talk about them, either.

Sagittarians As Friends

Sagittarians respond to all calls for help. They take in stray animals and stray people and support any cause in the name of friendship. They lend friends money without expecting to be repaid. Sagittarians have friends from many walks of life. Among them are likely to be a mixture of ethnic groups, both men and women, a range of ages, and straight and gay people; they are all treated as equals.
Sagittarians accept any friend who lives up to their personal standards. They defend their friends with great loyalty, but they also say exactly what they think. Close friendship with just one or two people is not the Sagittarian norm. In fact, anyone who tries to get too familiar with or who takes advantage of the Sagittarian natural friendliness may be struck by Sagittarians' brutal honesty, which can sometimes cut like a dagger.

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