Read Sunny's Love Online

Authors: Anna Kristell

Sunny's Love (16 page)

“I just had a bug, fever and chills. I’m feeling better now.”

“Well, you’ll be able to rest all weekend. It
’ll be good for you to get away. I know you’ve been busy.”

“Are you excited about your weekend, Mom?”

“Yes, I was so happy when Marty invited me to stay and spend the weekend with her and the kids. We’ll have such a good time.”

“Just don’t spoil my babies too much. We have to live with them when we get back.” She laughed as Brice climbed up in her lap.

“You’ve settled in well, Sunny. I’m proud of you. I wasn’t sure at first about you taking on so much responsibility at once.”

“Thanks, Mom. It has been a lot all at once, but I’m enjoying it. I like being married, I love the kids, and I even like helping out at the office.”

“I have to admit Chase is good for you. You positively glow with happiness.”

“Thanks…I try.” Chase had walked in and heard his mother
-in- law’s praise. “Your daughter makes it very easy.”

“Hon, don’t you think we should
finish packing for the weekend? My being down in bed for two days kept me from getting things ready.”

’re probably right. If you’ll will excuse us, I think my wife’s hinting for me to help her.”

“You two go on. We’ll see to the kids
,” Marty said as she shooed them on.

Chase finished the packing while
Sunny showered. When she came out of the bathroom, she started to change the bed linens.

“What are you doing?”

“I lay in this bed for two days with a fever. I want fresh sheets.”

“Okay, I just don’t want you to exert yourself. Let me help.” Together they made the bed, laughing as they worked. When they were finished, Sunny collapsed in a heap, joined by Chase.

“Rest, baby. We have a whole weekend of nothing to do but shop, eat, and relax.”

“Hold me?”

“Of course I will, sweet dreams, precious.”


The next morning they said their goodbyes, promised the kids to bring them back some goodies
, and began their much anticipated weekend alone.

Chase had booked a suite at the Sheraton in West Des Moines. It was close to the mall and several fabulous restaurants.

“It’s wonderful, Chase,” Sunny said as she walked into the suite.

“I thought you’d like it.”

“You’ve stayed here before?”

“No, but I’ve heard good things about the place. I thought you’d want to be close to the mall to do some Christmas shopping.”

“Not today though. It’s Black Friday and the mall will be packed. I just want to relax today.”

“Fine by me, do you want to watch a movie?”

“Let’s snuggle under the covers, turn on a movie, and go from there.” Sunny kicked off her shoes and crawled under the covers. “I know I’ve been in bed most of the week, but it feels good just to relax.”

Chase joined her on the bed, pulled her into his arms and
turned the movie on. He wasn’t expecting her to want sex since she’d been ill and was content to lay with her.

“This is a pretty good movie, isn’t it?” she asked as she snuggled closer.

“Yes it is,” he answered as he gently caressed her arm. He laughed at a funny scene in the movie.

“This is nice, just the two of us.”

“Peace and quiet…yes…nice,” he replied, leaning over to kiss her forehead.

She unbuttoned his shirt and placed her hand on his chest.

“Sunny…I’m fine with just lying here watching the movie with you.”

“Chase Dupont turning down a tumble with his wife…what’s this world coming to?” Sunny grinned teasingly. “Is this your way of telling me the honeymoon’s over?”

He looked at her and chuckled. “You know that’s not true…just saying I’m quite content like this. I know you’ve felt like crap the past few days. I’m trying to be the sensitive-husband-type.”

Sunny was touched. “How did I ever find someone like you?”
she asked.
“Just lucky I guess.” He grinned and gave her a bear hug.

When the movie was over, Sunny fell asleep. Chase held her close, watching her.
We’re as close as two people can be, but she still has never told me she loves me. Maybe she just can’t say it…

By the time Sunny woke up it was dinnertime. “How long did I sleep? This has got to be the most boring weekend ever for you…and it was supposed to be so romantic.”

“Baby, just being with you with no distractions, is romance enough for me. Ready to go out for some dinner or do you want to order in?”

“Let’s go out.”

“There’s a great place down the street, let’s get ready.”

“You dine at the competition?”

“Yes, occasionally I do…you’re so cute,” he said, touching the tip of her nose.

Choosing a casual pair of black slacks and topping it with a pink sweater, Sunny walked out of the bathroom. “I’m ready, is this okay for the restaurant?”

“It’s fine, you look perfect in anything anyway, so it really doesn’t matter.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Dupont.”

“Just speaking the truth…you do look good in anything, cutie pie.”

pie…where do you come up with these names?” She laughed.

“They come to mind so easily with y
ou,” he said in a thoughtful tone. It was the truth.

“Oh brother, let’s get out of here before another one comes to mind.” She giggled as she took his arm.

As they walked into the dining room of the restaurant, a man called Chase’s name.

“Hello, you two. How are you? I’d like you to meet my wife, Sunny. Sunny, this is Jay and Brenda James, friends of mine.”

“Pleased to meet you both,” Sunny said as she smiled at the friendly-looking couple.

“We’d heard you
’d gotten married. We’ve been away or I would have called and invited the two of you over for dinner,” Brenda told them warmly.

“You were on an extended vacation, I believe.” Chase

“Yes, that’s right. We just got home last weekend. Why don’t you two join us? We haven’t ordered dinner yet. We can catch up on all your news
, and Sunny can tell me all about the wedding, and the honeymoon with this gorgeous guy.” Brenda winked at Sunny.

Sunny instantly liked Brenda. The two became engrossed in conversation as the two men discussed business and golf.

When the evening was over, Brenda said, “Sunny, we have to get together for lunch sometime. I’ve really enjoyed meeting you, and I can see why this guy didn’t waste any time getting you to the altar.” She turned to Chase and added, “And you did well this time around. I’m happy for you.”

Jay shook Sunny’s hand, “Welcome to the clan, Sunny. I’m so glad Chase has found someone like you. This has been a very pleasant evening.”

“Good seeing you, we’ll call you for a night out again soon,” Chase told them, as he and Sunny stood to leave.

“I enjoyed this evening too. Goodnight
,” Sunny said as she and Chase walked away.

When they returned to their room, Chase asked, “What did you think of them?”

“I like them.”

“Brittney would never socialize with my friends unless she had to attend a business function of some sort.”

“Why on earth not?” she asked.

“That was just Brittney. I told you, Sunny, we
weren’t the perfect couple. Marriage to you, no matter how it came about, is so much better. It’s so much more than I could have ever imagined.”

honey, you have no idea what it means to hear you say that.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him and was pulled into a passionate embrace.

“Let’s go to bed,” he suggested in a low
, husky voice.

“I thought you’d never ask.” She took his hand and led him to the bed. She completely surrendered herself to him that night, body and soul

The next day was spent at the mall Christmas shopping.

As they stopped for a hot chocolate break, Chase remarked, “Baby, I know this has been a big adjustment for you, being a newlywed, learning a new job, and taking on two rambunctious kids all at once. Have I told you, I think you’re doing an amazing job juggling it all?”

“You don’t have to tell me. I love it all.” She looked at him happily as she took a sip of her cocoa.

You love it all…but you didn’t say you love me
…he pushed the thought out of his mind, as he brought up an idea he’d been planning. “What would you say, to spending the week of Christmas at the beach house, you, me, the kids, your mom and my mom?”

“That’s a fantastic idea. Will Alice and John be there?”

“Maybe part of the week, but they’ll be going to Orlando to spend Christmas with their sons, and their families. We can manage on our own, can’t we?”

“Well of course we can, silly, but I’d like to see them while we’re down there.”

“I’m sure we will. When we get home tomorrow, we’ll tell our mothers, and see if they want to go with us.”

“Okay…sounds great. Now let’s finish up this shopping list. I’m about ready for a soak in the tub.”

“Vanilla bubble bath?” he asked seductively.

“Hmm…well…if you want a replay of that, we’ll have to stop at Bath and Body Works and pick
some up.”

, but you’re sexy, woman.”

“Let’s go, Daddy, we have kids to buy for. You’ll have to contain yourself for a few more hours.”

“I love it when you take charge.”

She smiled, gave him a peck on the cheek
, and pushed him out of the café so they could finish shopping.

Three hours later, after making their last stop at Bath and Body Works, they were finally back in their room at the hotel. Sunny kicked off her shoes and
lay on the bed.

“That was the best day ever, but
I’m beat.”

’re quite the little shopper.” He chuckled.

“I didn’t go overboard, did I? It’s my first Christmas with the kids. I just want it to be special.”

“You did fine, don’t worry about that.”

Before Chase had a chance to lay down with her
Sunny popped up and went into the bathroom to fill the tub. When the water was the perfect temperature and the bubbles had been added, she peered around the edge of the bathroom door seductively.

honey, I’m getting into the tub now. Do you want to join me?”

“What kind of question is that? Of course, I do.” He followed her into the bathroom.

“This time, I’m going to seduce you, Mrs. Dupont.” He began to seductively spread bubbles onto her body, caressing each section, giving his full attention to her.

She laid back and relaxed, giving in to his touch. He kissed her then moving down her body slowly caressed. When he reached her inner thigh, he stuck his head under the bubbles and found the spot he knew would bring her the most intense pleasure. As he worked his magic, Sunny moaned, “Chase…don’t stop.”

He raised his head and moving up, he kissed her. “You want more?”

“I want you…Chase…only you.” She touched him, letting him know what she needed.

He gave her exactly what she asked for, sending her into a spiraling tailspin of sensation. Water and bubbles splashing all around them, they reached the point of no return in unison as he murmured in her ear, “Sunny…you’re my angel.”

Later as the lay in bed watching television, he told her, “You are the most exciting woman I’ve ever been with. Not that there have been that many before you.”

“Really, there haven’t?”

“That surprises you?”

“Yes, it does…you’re…well…hot.”

He chuckled
and rolled his eyes. “There you go with that hot thing again. I don’t see where you get that. After all, I’m eleven years older than you. Do you have a thing for older men?”

“Just one older man, but seriously, you really haven’t had many lovers?”

“I told you I dated Brittney off and on for years, during and after college. There were only two girls during the off times and neither one was anything serious or exciting.”

I’m amazed. I was only with Scott before you, but I assumed you’d had many women. What about Lindy?”

“What about her? She tried to get me to cheat on Brittney with her
, but I wouldn’t. Even though Brittney and I were rocky, I would never cheat. And after Brittney’s death, she tried several times to get me into bed, but I was never interested. She’s not my type at all. Hell, Brittney probably wasn’t even my type. I would never have married her, if I hadn’t gotten her pregnant. I think she planned that, anyway, suspecting I was never going to ask her.”

“Wow, and I thought I had a bad time of it
, with what Scott did to me.”

“But look at us, Sunny. A marriage
-of-convenience that has turned out to be the best decision I ever made.”

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