Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies (25 page)

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Authors: Nick Bostrom

Tags: #Science, #Philosophy, #Non-Fiction

The claim here is not that there is no possible way to avoid this failure mode. We will explore some potential solutions in later pages. The claim is that it is much easier to convince oneself that one has found a solution than it is to actually find a solution. This should make us extremely wary. We may propose a specification of a final goal that seems sensible and that avoids the problems that have been pointed out so far, yet which upon further consideration—by human or superhuman intelligence—turns out to lead to either perverse instantiation or infrastructure profusion, and hence to existential catastrophe, when embedded in a superintelligent agent able to attain a decisive strategic advantage.

Before we end this subsection, let us consider one more variation. We have been assuming the case of a superintelligence that is seeking to maximize its expected utility, where the utility function expresses its final goal. We have seen that this tends to lead to infrastructure profusion. Might we avoid this malignant outcome if instead of a maximizing agent we build a satisficing agent, one that simply seeks to achieve an outcome that is “good enough” according to some criterion, rather than an outcome that is as good as possible?

There are at least two different ways to formalize this idea. The first would be to make the final goal itself have a satisficing character. For example, instead of giving the AI the final goal of making as many paperclips as possible, or of making exactly one million paperclips, we might give the AI the goal of making between 999,000 and 1,001,000 paperclips. The utility function defined by the final goal would be indifferent between outcomes in this range; and as long as the AI is sure it has hit this wide target, it would see no reason to continue to produce infrastructure. But this method fails in the same way as before: the AI, if reasonable, never assigns exactly zero probability to it having failed to achieve its goal; therefore the expected utility of continuing activity (e.g. by counting and recounting the paperclips) is greater than the expected utility of halting. Thus, a malignant infrastructure profusion can result.

Another way of developing the satisficing idea is by modifying not the final goal but the decision procedure that the AI uses to select plans and actions. Instead of searching for an optimal plan, the AI could be constructed to stop looking as soon as it found a plan that it judged gave a probability of success exceeding a certain threshold, say 95%. Hopefully, the AI could achieve a 95% probability of having manufactured one million paperclips without needing to turn the entire galaxy into infrastructure in the process. But this way of implementing the satisficing idea fails for another reason: there is no guarantee that the AI would select some humanly intuitive and sensible way of achieving a 95% chance of having manufactured a million paperclips, such as by building a single paperclip factory. Suppose that the first solution that pops into the AI’s mind for how to achieve a 95% probability of achieving its final goal is to implement the probability-maximizing plan for achieving the goal. Having thought of this solution, and having correctly judged that it meets the satisficing criterion of giving at least 95% probability to successfully manufacturing one million paperclips, the AI would then have no reason to continue to search for alternative ways of achieving the goal. Infrastructure profusion would result, just as before.

Perhaps there are better ways of building a satisficing agent, but let us take heed: plans that appear natural and intuitive to us humans need not so appear to a superintelligence with a decisive strategic advantage, and vice versa.

Mind crime

Another failure mode for a project, especially a project whose interests incorporate moral considerations, is what we might refer to as
mind crime
. This is similar to infrastructure profusion in that it concerns a potential side effect of actions undertaken by the AI for instrumental reasons. But in mind crime, the side effect is not external to the AI; rather, it concerns what happens within the AI itself (or within the computational processes it generates). This failure mode deserves its own designation because it is easy to overlook yet potentially deeply problematic.

Normally, we do not regard what is going on inside a computer as having any moral significance except insofar as it affects things outside. But a machine
superintelligence could create internal processes that have moral status. For example, a very detailed simulation of some actual or hypothetical human mind might be conscious and in many ways comparable to an emulation. One can imagine scenarios in which an AI creates trillions of such conscious simulations, perhaps in order to improve its understanding of human psychology and sociology. These simulations might be placed in simulated environments and subjected to various stimuli, and their reactions studied. Once their informational usefulness has been exhausted, they might be destroyed (much as lab rats are routinely sacrificed by human scientists at the end of an experiment).

If such practices were applied to beings that have high moral status—such as simulated humans or many other types of sentient mind—the outcome might be equivalent to genocide and thus extremely morally problematic. The number of victims, moreover, might be orders of magnitude larger than in any genocide in history.

The claim here is not that creating sentient simulations is necessarily morally wrong in all situations. Much would depend on the conditions under which these beings would live, in particular the hedonic quality of their experience but possibly on many other factors as well. Developing an ethics for these matters is a task outside the scope of this book. It is clear, however, that there is at least the potential for a vast amount of death and suffering among simulated or digital minds, and,
a fortiori
, the potential for morally catastrophic outcomes.

There might also be other instrumental reasons, aside from epistemic ones, for a machine superintelligence to run computations that instantiate sentient minds or that otherwise infract moral norms. A superintelligence might threaten to mistreat, or commit to reward, sentient simulations in order to blackmail or incentivize various external agents; or it might create simulations in order to induce indexical uncertainty in outside observers.


This inventory is incomplete. We will encounter additional malignant failure modes in later chapters. But we have seen enough to conclude that scenarios in which some machine intelligence gets a decisive strategic advantage are to be viewed with grave concern.

The control problem

If we are threatened with existential catastrophe as the default outcome of an intelligence explosion, our thinking must immediately turn to the search for countermeasures. Is there some way to avoid the default outcome? Is it possible to engineer a controlled detonation? In this chapter we begin to analyze the control problem, the unique principal–agent problem that arises with the creation of an artificial superintelligent agent. We distinguish two broad classes of potential methods for addressing this problem—capability control and motivation selection—and we examine several specific techniques within each class. We also allude to the esoteric possibility of “anthropic capture.”

Two agency problems

If we suspect that the default outcome of an intelligence explosion is existential catastrophe, our thinking must immediately turn to whether, and if so how, this default outcome can be avoided. Is it possible to achieve a “controlled detonation”? Could we engineer the initial conditions of an intelligence explosion so as to achieve a specific desired outcome, or at least to ensure that the result lies somewhere in the class of broadly acceptable outcomes? More specifically: how can the sponsor of a project that aims to develop superintelligence ensure that the project, if successful, produces a superintelligence that would realize the sponsor’s goals? We can divide this control problem into two parts. One part is generic, the other unique to the present context.

This first part—what we shall call the
first principal–agent problem
—arises whenever some human entity (“the principal”) appoints another (“the agent”) to act in the former’s interest. This type of agency problem has been extensively studied by economists.
It becomes relevant to our present concern if the people creating an AI are distinct from the people commissioning its creation. The project’s owner or sponsor (which could be anything ranging from a single individual to humanity as a whole) might then worry that the scientists and programmers
implementing the project will not act in the sponsor’s best interest.
Although this type of agency problem could pose significant challenges to a project sponsor, it is not a problem unique to intelligence amplification or AI projects. Principal–agent problems of this sort are ubiquitous in human economic and political interactions, and there are many ways of dealing with them. For instance, the risk that a disloyal employee will sabotage or subvert the project could be minimized through careful background checks of key personnel, the use of a good version-control system for software projects, and intensive oversight from multiple independent monitors and auditors. Of course, such safeguards come at a cost—they expand staffing needs, complicate personnel selection, hinder creativity, and stifle independent and critical thought, all of which could reduce the pace of progress. These costs could be significant, especially for projects that have tight budgets, or that perceive themselves to be in a close race in a winner-takes-all competition. In such situations, projects may skimp on procedural safeguards, creating possibilities for potentially catastrophic principal–agent failures of the first type.

The other part of the control problem is more specific to the context of an intelligence explosion. This is the problem that a project faces when it seeks to ensure that the superintelligence it is building will not harm the project’s interests. This part, too, can be thought of as a principal–agent problem—the
second principal–agent problem
. In this case, the agent is not a human agent operating on behalf of a human principal. Instead, the agent is the superintelligent system. Whereas the first principal–agent problem occurs mainly in the development phase, the second agency problem threatens to cause trouble mainly in the superintelligence’s operational phase.

Exhibit 1 Two agency problems

The first principal–agent problem

• Human v. Human (Sponsor → Developer)

• Occurs mainly in developmental phase

• Standard management techniques apply

The second principal–agent problem (“the control problem”)

• Human v. Superintelligence (Project → System)

• Occurs mainly in operational (and bootstrap) phase

• New techniques needed

This second agency problem poses an unprecedented challenge. Solving it will require new techniques. We have already considered some of the difficulties involved. We saw, in particular, that the treacherous turn syndrome vitiates what might otherwise have seemed like a promising set of methods, ones that rely on observing an AI’s behavior in its developmental phase and allowing the AI to graduate from a secure environment once it has accumulated a track record of taking appropriate actions. Other technologies can often be safety-tested in the laboratory or in small field studies, and then rolled out gradually with a possibility
of halting deployment if unexpected troubles arise. Their performance in preliminary trials helps us make reasonable inferences about their future reliability. Such behavioral methods are defeated in the case of superintelligence because of the strategic planning ability of general intelligence.

Since the behavioral approach is unavailing, we must look for alternatives. We can divide potential control methods into two broad classes:
capability control methods
, which aim to control what the superintelligence can do; and
motivation selection methods
, which aim to control what it wants to do. Some of the methods are compatible while others represent mutually exclusive alternatives. In this chapter we canvass the main options. (In the next four chapters, we will explore some of the key issues at greater depth.)

It is important to realize that some control method (or combination of methods) must be implemented
the system becomes superintelligent. It cannot be done after the system has obtained a decisive strategic advantage. The need to solve the control problem in advance—and to implement the solution successfully in the very first system to attain superintelligence—is part of what makes achieving a controlled detonation such a daunting challenge.

Capability control methods

Capability control methods seek to prevent undesirable outcomes by limiting what the superintelligence can do. This might involve placing the superintelligence in an environment in which it is unable to cause harm (
boxing methods
) or in which there are strongly convergent instrumental reasons not to engage in harmful behavior (
incentive methods
). It might also involve limiting the internal capacities of the superintelligence (
). In addition, capability control methods might involve the use of mechanisms to automatically detect and react to various kinds of containment failure or attempted transgression (

Boxing methods

Boxing methods can be subdivided into physical and informational containment methods.

Physical containment aims to confine the system to a “box,” i.e. to prevent the system from interacting with the external world otherwise than via specific restricted output channels. The boxed system would not have access to physical manipulators outside of the box. Removing manipulators (such as robotic arms) from inside the box as well would prevent the system from constructing physical devices that could breach the confinement.

For extra security, the system should be placed in a metal mesh to prevent it from transmitting radio signals, which might otherwise offer a means of manipulating electronic objects such as radio receivers in the environment. Note, by the way, how easy it might have been to overlook the need for this precaution. One
might naively have assumed that an agent without a manipulator could not affect the external world. But it might be possible for a machine intelligence to generate radio waves even when it lacks access to external manipulators, simply “by thinking” (that is, by shuffling the electrons in its circuitry in particular patterns).
Once pointed out, this vulnerability can be patched by enclosing the system in a Faraday cage—but we are left wondering how many other similarly subtle vulnerabilities might exist. Each time we hear of a seemingly foolproof security design that has an unexpected flaw, we should prick up our ears. These occasions grace us with the opportunity to abandon a life of overconfidence and resolve to become better Bayesians.

Physical confinement has several advantages. It is easy to implement. It can be applied to many machine intelligence architectures, even ones that were not initially designed with safety as an objective. It can be used in combination with most other control methods. And it seems unlikely to go wrong by backfiring: that is, while it might fail to ensure safety, it is unlikely to cause a catastrophe that would not otherwise have occurred. The main disadvantage with physical confinement is that it reduces the functionality of the superintelligence (an issue to which we will return in
Chapter 10
). Another concern is that it might encourage a false sense of security, though this is avoidable if we regard physical confinement as icing on the cake rather than the main substance of our precautions.

Informational containment aims to restrict what information is allowed to exit the box. We have already seen how a superintelligence that has access to an Internet port, such that it can message outside entities, is potentially unsafe: even if it starts out without access to physical actuators, it may use its information output channel to get human beings to do its bidding. An obvious informational containment method, therefore, is to bar the system from accessing communications networks.

Unplugging an AI from the Internet does not, however, ensure safety if there are one or more humans serving as the system’s gatekeepers and remaining in communication with it. During the development phase, the programmers serve as gatekeepers; during the operational phase, the system’s owner might play this role. If the AI can persuade or trick a gatekeeper to let it out of the box, resulting in its gaining access either to the Internet or directly to physical manipulators, then the boxing strategy has failed. Human beings are not secure systems, especially not when pitched against a superintelligent schemer and persuader.

Although routing the outbound communications of a machine intelligence to a human gatekeeper does not guarantee safety, it could serve as an auxiliary safety measure. There are precautions that might reduce the risk of the AI escaping through the gatekeeper. The AI could be allowed to communicate only via a low-bandwidth teletype interface. This would make it slightly harder to psychologically manipulate the gatekeepers (precluding the use of emotive sound and imagery and tricks such as flashing hypnotic patterns to induce a trancelike state).
Going further, the content (not just the mode of presentation) of the output could be restricted; so that, for example, the AI would be constrained to giving
single-bit answers to yes/no questions. The idea of building a question-answering system will be examined further in the next chapter.

The limiting case of the boxing approach would be a system kept in complete physical and informational isolation. Even if achievable, however, such an isolated system would be rather useless since it would have no effect on the external world. It might perhaps be thought that some scientific purpose could be served by creating a superintelligence and keeping it in isolation: by studying a self-contained model system, one could learn about its internal dynamics and its behavior patterns. But this would be an error. As soon as the system is observed, it ceases to be informationally isolated.
Information can be transmitted not only via messages that an AI sends out through a designated “output channel” but also via any observation an outsider makes of some causal consequence of the AI’s workings, direct or indirect—its power consumption, its CPU and memory usage, its computational states, or indeed any traces left behind after it has been shut down. An AI anticipating that it might be observed in any of these ways could strategically adopt behaviors designed to influence the hypothesized observers. For example, the AI could “malfunction” in whichever way would most increase the probability that it will ultimately be reactivated or that another superintelligence will be created with goals similar to its own.

Incentive methods

Incentive methods involve placing an agent in an environment where it finds instrumental reasons to act in ways that promote the principal’s interests.

Consider a billionaire who uses her fortune to set up a large charitable foundation. Once created, the foundation may be powerful—more powerful than most individuals, including its founder, who might have donated most of her wealth. To control the foundation, the founder lays down its purpose in articles of incorporation and bylaws, and appoints a board of directors sympathetic to her cause. These measures constitute a form of motivation selection, since they aim to shape foundation’s preferences. But even if such attempts to customize the organizational internals fail, the foundation’s behavior would remain circumscribed by its social and legal milieu. The foundation would have an incentive to obey the law, for example, lest it be shut down or fined. It would have an incentive to offer its employees acceptable pay and working conditions, and to satisfy external stakeholders. Whatever its final goals, the foundation thus has instrumental reasons to conform its behavior to various social norms.

Might one not hope that a machine superintelligence would likewise be hemmed in by the need to get along with the other actors with which it shares the stage? Though this might seem like a straightforward way of dealing with the control problem, it is not free of obstacles. In particular, it presupposes a balance of power: legal or economic sanctions cannot restrain an agent that has a decisive strategic advantage. Social integration can therefore not be relied upon as a control method in fast or medium takeoff scenarios that feature a winner-takes-all dynamic.

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