Surge Of Magic (15 page)

Read Surge Of Magic Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #Paranormal Erotica

Kip slipped out from under her legs and crawled up on his elbows and knees until he was in position to impale her. A set of jitters shot through her. For the first time in her life, she planned to let go and immerse herself in total pleasure. If her blue aura surrounded him, it would be her signal to Kip that she wanted to mate with him completely.

“I want you. Now,” Kip panted. He closed his eyes and pressed his cock to her opening.

Chapter Twelve

ip had waited
for this moment for a long time. He’d professed his love for Teagan and she’d returned his sentiment. Maybe now they could put aside her crazy notion once and for all that she had to be apart from him in order to protect him. He needed her, and she needed him, plain and simple.

Teagan dragged his head down and kissed him. With her breasts pressed against his chest and his dick at her entrance, he was about to burst. He dove into her mouth and savored the sweet lingering taste of the sugary marshmallow. They sparred, battled, and loved. Each twist of his tongue with hers heated him up with both desire and an intense passion, sending little zaps of electricity up and down his body.

Not able to hold back any longer, he plunged into her wetness, and his aura expanded larger than he thought possible. She broke the kiss and panted, her hands holding onto his shoulders, acting as if she’d fall without his support. Wanting to join with her in the most intimate way, he thrust into her again. When he filled her to the hilt, she clamped down on him hard and his will to hold back crumbled. Her aura slid over him and his encompassed her. As she yelled her release, a white spark joined them. The moment he let loose his climax, the connection between them formed—a glowing infinity symbol for several seconds before it straightened once more.

Never in his life had he experienced anything so intense. Teagan’s grip loosened and her arms fell limp at her side.

“Did you see that?” she said, her eyes glazing over.

Kip grinned. “It was incredible, wasn’t it?”

She nodded, lifted her hand, and placed it over his heart. “I had heard that when auras blend between Wendayans, there can be a spark, but I’ve never heard about something as large as what we just had.”

He kissed her nose then dragged his lips to hers. He hovered above her, their breaths mingling just as their hearts and minds had done. “I guess that means we’re special mates.”

“We’re forever mates.”

“You’ve got that right.” Kip grabbed his briefs, slipped out of her, and then cleaned them up. As much as he wanted to talk about their future and how incredible it was that they were together, he didn’t want to overwhelm Teagan. “You up for some dinner?”

“Only if we can make more S’mores since I never ate mine.”



By the time
she and Kip roused the next morning, packed up, and drove home, it was a little after noon. As soon as her house appeared and there was no rental car in the driveway, Teagan blew out a breath. She hadn’t wanted Sam to arrive and not find her there. Given how protective he’d always been of her, he would have freaked, especially if he’d called first and she hadn’t answered. Thinking she wouldn’t need her phone in the woods, she’d left her cell at home. In hindsight, she should have brought it with her, if only to text Sam that she might be coming home late.

“Did your brother say what time he was arriving?” Kip asked.

“No, but he should be here any time now.”

Kip cut the engine. “Why don’t you go ahead and shower while I clean the equipment.”

She leaned over and kissed him. “You are the best. Thank you again for the wonderful trip.” Teagan couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so relaxed.

Wanting to be ready for when Sam arrived, Teagan rushed in and headed straight for the bedroom. It might have only been one night in the woods, but she was grimy and smoky. However, she wouldn’t have traded it for anything. Not only was the view from the top of Black Mountain spectacular, mating with Kip had been an experience she would never forget. They were forever mates.

Add in the rather edible dinner and the wonderful S’mores, and the entire experience rated at the top of any vacation she’d ever had.

Because there was only one bathroom in the house, she gathered up her clothes just in case Sam came while she was still in the shower. Greeting him with a towel wrapped around her wouldn’t have been cool.

Not allowing herself to dawdle in the wonderfully hot water, she washed her hair and scrubbed her body quickly. Once finished, she dried then dressed. No sooner had she gathered her dirty clothes and dumped them in the hamper than the front door opened and both Kip and Sam waltzed in. My, didn’t her brother look handsome in his fatigues.

Teagan ran down the hallway, straight into her gorgeous brother’s arms. “Sam!”

The hug that followed nearly strangled her. He leaned back. “I think you’ve grown up a bit.”

“I doubt it. It’s only been eight months since your last leave.” Sam looked different. At thirty-two, he appeared older than his years. His skin was tanned and a bit weathered, and his light brown hair was cropped short instead of how he wore in in high school—shaggy and full. “I see you’ve grown some muscles. What did they have you do in the service? Work out every day?” She pressed on his bicep.

He chuckled. “I was bored and hit the gym a lot. Got a drink for a parched man?”

“I’ll get you something,” Kip said.

Teagan grabbed her brother’s arms. “Let me look at you. I can’t believe you’re here!”

“It’s good to be home.” Sam slid an arm around her waist and led her over to the sofa. “Kip just told me his brother’s powers were stolen and that a man tried to kidnap you. What the hell has been going on since the last time I was here? And furthermore, have you told Mom and Dad?”

Kip and his big mouth—though in all honesty, she was glad her brother knew. It meant she didn’t have to explain everything. “Randy losing his ability to do magic is terrible, but Kip and his associates are working on it. Right?” she asked just as Kip walked in with three beers on a tray.

“We are. When your tour is up, we could always use a good man.”

Sam grabbed one of the beers. “I might take you up on that. I was considering leaving the service. I’ve put in eight years, but now I’m not sure what I want to do. Working at a security firm would be right up my alley though.”

“Fantastic. Give us a call when you know.”

Kip’s cell rang. He checked the screen. “It’s Connor. Excuse me.” He sauntered toward the kitchen, acting as if he wanted some privacy, but he didn’t lower his voice allowing her to hear his side of the conversation clearly.

“Connor McKinnon?” Sam asked.

“The one and only.”

Sam was two years older than Connor, but two years younger than Rye, so she didn’t know how well they knew each other.

“Yeah, I just got back,” Kip said on the phone. “I can. Thirty minutes? See ya.” He disconnected then returned to the living room. “Good news. James gave us some intel that we need to delve into.” He turned to Sam. “Mind watching your sister until I return?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Sam glanced over at her with a look that bordered on being afraid for her. “You said you believe the man who attacked Teagan was a Changeling?”

“I believe so,” Kip said.

He shook his head. “I should have brought a gun with me.”

That was all they needed. One of these days, a Changeling would die due to a criminal act and end up in the morgue with a human coroner. Once word got out, the shifting world would never be the same.

“You won’t need one. Just don’t open the door for anyone but me,” Kip said.

“Hey, I’m a trained soldier. You have nothing to worry about.”

As soon as Kip left, Teagan felt a bit unsettled. It wasn’t because she feared that crazed man would come after her, but because she didn’t like Kip going after Changelings.

“I see you and Kip are back together again.” Sam’s brows rose.

“Yes, and for good this time.” She explained about her visions and how she thought it was wise to keep her distance from Kip. “After consulting with some experts—like Rosa Rivera—I realized that was the worst thing I could do.”

“It’s serious then?”

Discussing her love life with her brother was a bit embarrassing, but she wanted the world to know. “We’ve mated.”

His eyes grew wide. “That’s fantastic. I take it the parental units have not been informed?”

“No, because we only bonded last night. I haven’t had time to call them. I don’t think they’re back from their week outing until tomorrow anyway.”

A smile split his face. “Then let me be the first to congratulate you.” The hug that followed was warm and welcoming.

“How long will you be able to stay?” she asked, missing him more each minute.

“I only have a four day leave, so I thought I’d better take off tomorrow. It’s a good thirteen hour drive to Florida.”

“Then we need to make the most of the time we have. What would you like to do?”

“How about we talk about what’s been going on in Silver Lake since I left?”

Teagan inwardly groaned. “I have no idea where to begin.”


Kip was excited
to hear what James had to say. He debated telling Randy there was news, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up. Since Teagan was safe at home with Sam, Kip could focus his attention on retrieving his twin’s stolen powers, and hopefully prevent anything like this from ever happening again.

When he arrived at work, not only were his coworkers Connor and Jackson there to meet him, but Devon and Rye McKinnon, along with Kalan Murdoch, were there. “I wasn’t expecting all of you.”

“Have a seat,” Connor said. “I asked Rye and Kalan here because this involves the Clan. If we need to go into the hills, I wanted Devon here too. While James was going to contact you directly, Rye was losing patience, so he contacted James himself.”

“That’s fine. I was out of town until a few minutes ago. James might not have been able to contact me.”

Connor nodded to Rye. “Why don’t you tell everyone what James said?”

Rye sipped his steaming hot coffee. “According to his Changeling sources, Nathan and Olivia, the stolen magic is being stored in a bunker up on the hillside. They were quick to add that they’d never been inside this bunker but had heard that is where the magic is being held.”

Adrenaline rushed through Kip’s veins at the news. “Do you know where this bunker is located?”

“They gave James an address,” Rye said as he leaned back. “While this is excellent information, we can’t just charge in there and bust down the door since that might start a riot.”

Kip couldn’t believe he’d give up. “We can’t sit back and do nothing either.”

Kalan held up his hand. “We’ll do something, but we’ll need to plan this out very carefully. There’s more at stake here than meets the eye.”

Kip bet Kalan wouldn’t have been so cavalier if his shifting ability had been stolen. Kip remembered something Teagan had told him. “I have an idea.”

Connor nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Two things actually. First, let’s put our new drone we just invested in to good use. I’m assuming if any shifters go in to scope out the area that the guards would sense them.”

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