Read Surrender: Erotic Tales of Female Pleasure and Submission Online

Authors: Rachel Kramer Bussel,Donna George Storey

Surrender: Erotic Tales of Female Pleasure and Submission (21 page)

“Not so fast, girl.”
Brianna slowed down. He inserted a second finger, and she moaned in frustration.
“Oh please, Noah,” she cried out, and her teeth bit hard against her lip.
“Beg for me. Beg and I’ll let you come, girl. Do it now.”
“Please, Noah, I’ll do anything you tell me. You can do anything you want to me, just please, oh please, sir, may I come?” Her words burst out in short, breathless sobs.
He knew exactly how far to push her. It excited him beyond belief to have this kind of power over a woman. It was time.
Noah whispered the words in Brianna’s ear, “Yes, slave, that’s right, you will do anything for me. And now you are going to come for me, Brianna, come for your master.”
Noah watched as Brianna let go. Her body relaxed, but her cunt tightened up around his fingers. These were the words she’d needed. And he was the one to give them to her. He could provide this release for her. He was a strong wind, and she, the embers. Sparks and air mingled and culminated in flame. She came hard, her juices flowing over his hand.
He awoke from the dream completely aroused. In reality he knew that it would take much more than that to get Brianna to the stage where she would come on demand for him.
The phone beside his bed rang.
“Hello,” he said, still out of breath from his dream.
“Noah,” Brianna said, her voice clear and sexy first thing in the morning. “Would you like to have breakfast?”
Brianna had passed the first test.
Dominic Santi
rom the moment I first saw Christa, I wanted her naked and kneeling at my feet. Looking was easy. Getting her to submit took some serious negotiation. She was wearing a power suit and doing her level best to fleece my start-up company into providing a cut-rate contract for the corporation she represented. My cock twitched at the sight of her shoulder-length blonde hair brushing against hand-tailored silk that complemented the almost startling blue of her eyes. Her breasts were full, firm mounds. She had the most perfect ass I’d ever seen.
It wasn’t long before the innuendo in our conversations showed we both knew we were discussing a private as well as a public deal. Sparks flew between us with every offer and counteroffer. Christa made it clear she was only interested in doing things my way if it got her what she wanted. And she was willing to play dirty. She had a habit of chewing her lower lip that kept me so hard I would have been embarrassed if I were the type to blush at an erection.
I wasn’t. Apparently, neither was Christa. She couldn’t keep her eyes off my crotch. Each time I caught her looking, she just closed her jacket over the aroused points of her nipples and sucked on that full, red, pouty lip. Then she smiled and went back to business.
Two days later, I was so horny I swung the negotiations to an agreement that gave her more than I’d planned, though it still turned a tidy profit for me. The initial gut punch of meeting her had progressed beyond a simple hunger. I wanted her willing, and I wanted her for good. The day we signed the contract, I ratcheted our private negotiations to the next step by convincing my new colleague to join me for a celebratory dinner.
Christa told me I didn’t need to pick her up—or open doors or choose the restaurant where we were going. I told her I did, keeping my hand firmly on the small of her back as I guided her into Alberto’s, where I’d requested a secluded, candlelit table in the back. She was dressed for sin in a short, backless, skintight black knit sheath that showed off the delectable curve of her ass. No obvious panty lines. No garter bulges where the seamed black silk stockings rose from her four-inch strappy heels and disappeared under a hem that was barely a hand span below her crotch. The dress was cut low enough in front to show the cleavage between firm, high breasts I had no doubt would fit perfectly in my hands. She wasn’t wearing a bra. However, when I looked closely, and I did, blatantly, I saw the almost imperceptible line at her waist telling me she was wearing a very tiny thong.
“You’re gorgeous,” I said as the waiter showed us to our table. When I moved my hand against her back, her nipples hardened. My hand slid lower, rubbing the string of the thong. I was done with innuendo. “You’re overdressed.”
“Thank…I beg your pardon?” She turned so fast she tipped on her heels. I steadied her and pulled out her chair for her.
“You heard me.”
The look on her face was priceless as she slid into the chair. Ignoring the waiter, I leaned forward and spoke softly in her ear. “The dress is perfect. Take off the panties.”
I moved past her to take my seat and turned my attention to the waiter. Christa’s eyes flashed as I told him to bring me the wine list and two glasses of ice water. As soon as the waiter was out of earshot, Christa tapped her fingernails on the tablecloth and gave me a look that had brought Fortune 500 CEOs to their knees.
“What makes you think I’m taking my clothes off for you?”
I wasn’t going to be the one kneeling. I handed her a napkin. “I’m going to be your lover, eventually your husband. The sooner you’re naked, the sooner I’ll give you orgasms.”
I didn’t expect Christa to let that pass unanswered either. But from my position, I could see the waiter returning with the water pitcher. As she drew in her breath, the waiter reached her side and picked up her glass. She snapped her mouth closed, biting her lip and drumming her fingers on the table as he filled our glasses. I covered her hand with mine, stroking my middle finger in her palm while I rubbed my thumb over the back of her knuckles and ordered my favorite wine. Eventually, her hand relaxed and she smiled tightly.
“You have quite the little fantasy world going there.” She pulled her hand back as the waiter again left us. “Do you suffer such delusions often?”
I caught her fingertips and lifted her hand to my lips. “I believe in making fantasies come true.” I kissed her fingers. When she shivered, I sucked the tip of her index finger into my mouth. Her eyes softened as a beautiful blush crept up her cheeks. I bit lightly, then sucked again, smiling as she once more set her teeth to her beautiful, full lower lip.
“I’ll stop anytime you want, anytime you ask me to. All you have to do is say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ or ‘don’t.’ ” I ran my teeth over the full pad of her finger. “Trust me, Christa. I’m going to make you beg me to take you, and I’m going to make you come so hard you scream.”
“This is ridiculous,” she muttered, blowing her bangs off her forehead. But she didn’t move her finger from my lips. Each time my teeth touched her skin, she shivered.
“It’s sexy.” I kissed her fingertip and set her hand back on the table.
The dining room was filling, but the light was low and tables nearest us were still empty. I took an ice cube from my water, trailing it over the exposed upper curves of her breasts.
“What on earth?” She grabbed my fingers, her eyes flicking quickly around the room to see if anyone had seen us.
I shook my head. “We want each other, Christa. What others think doesn’t signify.”
For a moment, she chewed her lip. Then she smiled and dropped her hand back to the table. The melting ice was running down over her skin and between her breasts. Her nipples were pebbled like rocks, the wet fabric clinging like a second skin as she shivered again. When the ice was almost gone, I dropped it into her cleavage. This time, when she touched her tongue to her lip, she licked slowly and sensuously.
“I don’t know why I’m letting you do this,” she whispered as the waiter appeared again. I left my hand against her breast.
“You’re letting me pleasure you because it feels good, and because I’m going to make you come like you never have before. Don’t move.” Although the waiter didn’t bat an eye, Christa flushed and looked away. I ordered for both of us, looking only at her as I carefully eased the top of her dress lower. I tucked in the edges of the damp fabric until her nipples were barely covered. When the waiter left us again, I picked up another ice cube.
“Tell me you want me, Christa.”
The waiter was seating another couple at the table in back of Christa. With my hand innocently against the edge of her dress, I slipped the ice inside, so it rested on the top of her nipple beneath the clinging fabric. Christa gasped. The man being seated turned toward us. I ignored him, keeping my eyes on her more wildly flushing face as the wet circle grew over her breast. When the man turned away again, I picked up another piece of ice. I held it in my hand over her other breast.
“I dislike waiting, Christa.”
I wanted her so badly I would have waited forever, but I wasn’t going to tell her that. Instead, I watched the pink tip of her tongue flick in and out as she worried her lip. My cock was so hard I had no doubt the front of my pants was as wet as the front of her dress. Her skin was warm beneath my motionless fingers. She shivered as the water from the melting ice dripped onto her. When the waiter walked past with the drinks for the other table, she took a deep breath and whispered, “I want you.”
I slipped the rest of the ice cube onto her nipple. She shook as I smoothed the folded top of her dress back into place.
“The sooner you obey me, the sooner you’ll receive your pleasure. Remember that.”
Christa nodded as I stroked the back of my fingers down her cleavage where the water had run. Her skin was cool to my touch. I knew my hand felt warm.
“Go to the restroom. Take off your panties and throw them away. Keep the top of your dress just as I have it.”
Christa hesitated only a moment. Then she nodded and got carefully to her feet. She didn’t bother looking at the rest of the room. The beautiful, strong-willed woman I wanted so badly I hurt just smiled, turned, and walked slowly and seductively toward the hall. With each step, her hips swayed with a practiced gait that let me know she had made her decision.
By the time she returned, the ice had melted, leaving her dress clinging to her pointed nipples. When she was seated, I rested my hand where her stocking met the bottom of her dress, and I rewarded her with a slow, wet kiss.
“I’m proud of you, Christa.” The tablecloths at Alberto’s were long enough to hide a multitude of sins. I slid my hand over the top of her stocking, then over the even silkier skin at the top of her thigh. Then higher.
“Was it difficult to obey me?”
The neatly-trimmed thatch was slick with her juices. She shuddered as my fingers slid into her slit. With a soft moan, she slid forward on the seat.
“It was harder than hell.” Her eyes closed as she sucked her lip between her teeth. “It was worth it.”
I laughed softly, my fingers pushing deep into her cunt as my thumb settled on the protruding nub of her clit. I rubbed in slow, firm circles. When she gasped, I curled my fingers toward her belly button and rocked my hand.
“Come for me.” My voice was harsh, but I couldn’t help it. I nearly came in my pants watching her.
Fortunately, the first quaking shudder was almost immediate. The other tables were filling, and the waiter was approaching with our food. Christa was still trembling when I pulled us both up. I smiled indulgently at her bemused look as the waiter served us and quickly left. Christa gasped as I once more quietly slipped ice cubes over her nipples. Then I picked up my wineglass and proposed a toast to all our forthcoming mergers. Christa clinked her glass to mine, and with her eyes still smoldering, dug into her dinner.
I was tempted to insist on having dessert, for the pure pleasure of watching her face as I licked chocolate mousse off her fingers. But now that Christa had decided what she wanted, the naked desire on her face had me so hard I could wait no longer to get her alone in the car.
The waiter was too well trained to comment when I asked for a cup of ice to go. I tipped him handsomely. Then I slid my arm around Christa’s shoulders and guided her out through a room now full of people who were much too busy to notice the passing of any two individuals.
It took Christa a minute to finesse her heels and that short skirt back into my car, though she was much less concerned about letting me look up her skirt than she had been on the way to the restaurant. When we were finally in, I opened the small container of ice. I took out two pieces, wetting them briefly in my mouth. Christa gasped as I slipped them in the now familiar positions on her nipples. When I picked up a third cube, she raised an eyebrow at me. I grinned and closed my palm around it, until water dripped out the side of my hand.
“Slide down in the seat and spread your legs.”
She hesitated for only the briefest second. There wasn’t much room, but the sight of her hiked-up skirt and the tops of her stockings framing her naked, well-trimmed pussy, was something I would take to my grave.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this!” Her laugh was shaky as she slid down against the butter-soft leather. “I love it. Ooh!” Her eyes closed as I slid the ice down and up her slit, then back to circle the hypersensitive nub.
I put her hand on the ice, then directed her fingers to continue stroking in the same, slow, lazy pattern. With my left hand, I started the car. The familiar high pitch vibrated through me. “Keep circling.”

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