Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set (16 page)

Read Sweet but Sexy Boxed Set Online

Authors: Maddie James,Jan Scarbrough,Magdalena Scott,Amie Denman,Jennifer Anderson,Constance Phillips,Jennifer Johnson

Tags: #boxed set, #collection, #anthology, #sweet romance, #contemporary romance

“Come with me,” he said gently, “please.”



Chapter Twenty-Three



Something made Jackie follow him from the elevator. She walked like someone in a dream. She let him lead her down the long hallway toward his office at the other end. Stood still and didn’t even think of running away when he let go of her hand to dig a key out of his pocket. He turned on the lights in his office and walked over to his desk.

I want to show you something,” he said.

He drew some papers out of a manila file in his top drawer and handed them to her. He pulled his leather desk chair out and rolled it over, inviting her to sit.

“You’re a smart woman, Jackie,” he said evenly. “I know you’ll understand what you’re seeing here.”

She sat down in his soft leather chair and looked at the papers in her trembling hands. It took only a minute to realize Mitchell
planning to make a big announcement tonight. He was going to double the size of the Chicago operation and employ a lot more people. He had drawings for the expansion of the current building including an employee fitness center, a daycare, a new cafeteria, and a penciled-in smudgy area that she couldn’t quite make out.

What’s this part?” she asked, looking up and meeting his eyes for the first time.

That was Jimmy’s suggestion,” he said. “My brother helps me with all my important decisions.” Mitchell smiled. “It’s an animal rescue shelter.”

That was why Jimmy was here this week?” she asked.

Among other things. Sometimes I need advice from mi hermano.”

You never did explain the ‘technicality’ about your father,” she said.

Jimmy and I have the same father, but his mother was the housekeeper at our Key West estate. I think my father truly loved her and definitely loved Jimmy. We grew up together like brothers.”

What did your mother think of that?”

She died when I was in my early teens, but I think she always had a soft spot for Jimmy. Everyone does. I think our father planned to leave him half his estate, but he never got around to it before he died.”

So you got it all, but you share with him,” Jackie said quietly.

He’s my brother. And he gives me great advice about women.”

What did he say about me?” Jackie asked. “Or don’t I want to know?”

He said I should look at what’s right in front of me.”

Jackie slowly stood up and stepped closer to Mitchell.
“And that is…?”

Something so important that it makes everything else worthwhile. Which explains my
reason for having this elaborate party. I wanted you to be standing at my side when I made my big announcement.”

Jackie could hardly breathe. She could tell Mitchell was holding his breath, too.

“Then we’d better get back to the party,” she said slowly.

Wait. Don’t you want to know my other reason for having the party?”

Well?” she asked even though every nerve in her body sang with the knowledge of what he was going to say.

I was afraid that if I asked you out, you wouldn’t go. And I had to feel you in my arms again. I wanted to dance with you. I needed to touch you.” He grinned. “This is the most expensive date I’ve ever had.”

Jackie giggled. Too much emotion had to come out somewhere and she felt like she could incinerate from the heat rolling off both of them.

“So,” she said. “You’re saying I should make it worth your while?”

Mitchell pulled her close, pressing her against his hard body and kissing her greedily. She returned his kiss with the same urgency. His hands fumbled with the zipper down the back of her dress and the closure at the back of her neck.

“Um, Mitchell,” she said.

He was in the middle of kissing her neck when he reluctantly stopped and said,


Lights? Windows? Free show for all?” she said playfully.

Let the world see that you’re all mine,” he said, tasting her lips.

I think there are other ways to show them that,” she answered.

Come to think of it, I want you all to myself. What are you doing after the party?”

I think,” she said, “that depends on what you’re doing.”

Good question.” Mitchell kissed her nose and pulled a serious face. “There’s something important we’ve never experienced together.”

Jackie waited, his knitted brows making her nervous.

He grinned. “There’s probably a long list, but right now I’m thinking sex.


And soon. Please,” he groaned, kissing the delicate skin of her throat. “I want to get that dress off you and finish what I started. Eyes wide open this time. Me knowing you and you knowing me.”

I like it.”

Which part?”

All of it. No mystery this time.”

None? Maybe a little mystery would be fun,” Mitchell said, grinning. “I might have a few tricks up my sleeve. I haven’t shown my whole hand quite yet.”

A thrill raced over Jackie, desire throbbing through her.
“Where are we going for this indoor, eyes wide open sex with possible mystery involved?”

Believe it or not, I do own a home here in Chicago. I’m even willing to be your date for Shelly’s wedding if you’ll spend tonight with me.”

You know about her wedding?”

I own the company,” he said, a crooked smile on his face. “Of course I know all about my employees.”

Right. Tell me five things you know about the girls in my office,” she teased.

Easy. I know Shelly’s in love. Leah and Teri can be easily bought. You all listen to Margie too much. You missed your flight in Key West. And you look fantastic as elves. Especially you.”

Jackie reached up and toyed with a lock of his dark hair, saying nothing.

“I could look up your social security numbers, too, if that would be more convincing.”

She kissed him, her mouth lingering over his, touching and tracing his lips like she was memorizing them.

“One more important thing,” he said. “My brother is crazy about you. Which reminds me…” He disappeared for a second into a room beside his office and came back holding a small gray kitten.

Jimmy brought him. He said he thought you liked him.”

Jackie took the kitten and cuddled him.
“When I held him at the animal shelter, I thought he would fit in so well in our office. He’s gray and needs attention.”

Mitchell frowned.
“Your office is gray and needs attention?”

Jackie stood on tiptoe and kissed him playfully on the lips.
“Have you ever been in our office? Even the coffee is gray.”

We’re going to have to do something about that,” he said. “Although my plans for you and your friends for next week would certainly have livened it up quite a bit.”

Jackie groaned.
“I’m almost afraid to ask what you were going to do to all of us next week.”

Let’s just say that my brother Jimmy has quite a few exotic animals in need of a good home. I thought that my most devoted employees would want to adopt a few of them in a show of goodwill for the holidays.”

You will stop at nothing, Mitchell Ames,” Jackie said. “You were starting to make me so desperate that I was considering sacrificing myself and running away just so you’d leave my friends alone.”

Mitchell pulled her abruptly to him, nearly crushing the gray kitten between them. He kissed her tenderly on the lips then looked seriously into her eyes.
“The only way to get me off your case is to stay right here in my arms,” he said.

That,” she said, “is a price I’m more than willing to pay.”

About next week,” he said seriously.

Don’t tell me. We have to wear our elf costumes to work? Free gift wrapping in the lobby?”

There’s only one present I want to get my hands on this Christmas,” he said.

So…no more torture for the accounting office?”

Well,” he said, “I have to admit I liked what you said about sacrificing yourself so I’d leave your friends alone.”

Oh?” she asked, turning her blue eyes and huge smile up to Mitchell’s face.

If you fly away with me to someplace warm next week, I probably won’t have any time at all to think about accountants or business.”

I guess I’d do just about anything for my friends,” she said with a grin.

Mitchell pulled her close again.
“When we were in Key West, I felt more complete than I ever have in my life. I thought it was the beach and the sun and you.”

And?” she asked softly.

I was right about one thing. It’s you. Even standing by the park bench in the freezing cold watching you smile through the snowflakes, I knew I had to have you.”

’s throat felt tight and her eyes filled with shining tears. “I believe Santa approved,” she said. “He gave me your coat.”

And you?” he asked, his green eyes intent, “do you approve?”

Nothing has ever felt so right,” she said. “When we were in Key West, I told you that I could get used to living there. It’s an amazing place, but it wasn’t that. I belong with you.”

Mitchell claimed her lips with a kiss which threatened to erase any chance of getting back to the party he had thrown in her honor.

The kitten woke up and mewed, protesting being crushed between them. Jackie laughed and put the kitten gently back into his box. She took Mitchell’s hand.

Showtime,” she said. “The way the rumors were spreading when we left, you may be facing a firing squad if we don’t get back to the party with good news soon.”

With you at my side,” he said, “I’m not worried in the least.”

Hoping the rotten tomatoes will hit me instead of you?”

Nope. It improves my image to be seen with you. You are, by far, the most beautiful woman at the party.”

Can I ask a favor?”


Ask the orchestra to play
Jingle Bells
for us.”

He groaned.
“Just because some buffoon got musical with his boat horn in Key West, don’t tell me we’re going to be stuck with that as our song.”

Afraid so.”

Hell of a story to tell our children.”

Jackie wrapped her arms around Mitchell
’s neck and wished the elevator ride would last a lot longer than it did. They stepped out together this time into the music and lights of the party. Someone must have quelled the rumors in their absence, because the party rang with good cheer.

No evil glances shot their way as Mitchell took her hand and led her past the tables of people eating gourmet food, past her friends who smiled at her from the dance floor, and up on to the stage by the orchestra. Jackie stood next to Mitchell and looked out at the happy faces, the twinkling lights, and the raised glasses of champagne.

She squeezed his hand and their eyes met.

She felt as warm as a tropical breeze across a sparkling ocean.






The fireworks that lit the sky over Key West on New Year
’s Eve were brighter and more colorful than Jackie had ever seen. Her bare toes hugged the sand and the warm breeze from the ocean caressed her face.

I can’t wait until this show is over,” Mitchell said as his lips brushed her ear. “I have a picnic basket and a blanket in the K car.”

Are you suggesting we spend the night here on Blue Bottle Beach?” Jackie asked playfully.

Nope,” he said as he pulled a small black box from his pocket. He opened it, and Jackie saw a diamond that caught the fire and sparkle of every explosion in the sky.

I’m suggesting we spend a lifetime here.”

Jackie caught her breath and watched the colors of the Grand Finale dance across Mitchell
’s face.

I’m afraid,” she said, her voice cracking and shifting, “there’s a company policy against marrying your boss.”

Mitchell laughed.
“I make the policies. I can change ‘em anytime I want.” He got down on one knee.

Jackie held out her left hand, fingers spread.
“Maybe I could get a job working for your brother.”

He owns half the company. He might let you rent out mopeds or find homes for stray animals.” He slipped the ring on her finger. “But I think I’m going to keep you pretty busy.”

A last stray firework exploded with white streamers in the night sky. She stared at the sparkling ring and then lifted her shining eyes to Mitchell

Will you marry me, Jackie?”

I will,” she said. “Oh, yes.”

Her words were sure and clear on the still night air.

The official fireworks show ended, but Jackie and Mitchell found another way to celebrate the New Year as their bodies entwined like the twisted palms on Blue Bottle Beach.




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