Sweet Deception (Truth) (8 page)

Read Sweet Deception (Truth) Online

Authors: Grace Henderson

"You are such a jerk. You and him. I can't believe he would do that. You need to leave now before I do something I regret. Like tell him you kissed me? I don't think he'd like that very much."
He smiled at my obvious attempt at trying to scare him into contrition. "Don't think for a second that you didn't kiss me back. I felt it. I think we can both leave that part out when we talk to him."
"If you think I'm talking to him now, then you are sorely mistaken. That twat can go to hell for all I care."
"Cassie, you don't mean that. You pushed me away 'cause you care about him. And try to see it from his point of view. You didn't tell him. You kept this dinner a secret even when you had the perfect opportunity on the phone to tell him what you were doing tonight. Talk to him please. He's going to be a miserable bastard otherwise. You are all he's talked about for days."
My heart skipped, and the little butterflies came back. At least Blake felt the same as I did. I sighed heavily, guilt washing over me. "I get what you are saying but he didn't have to do it this way."
James nodded in agreement. "I know. He was just pissed. You need to talk to him though. And if we are going to be hanging out a bit more then I want us to get back on the right foot. He's important to me Cassie. Which makes you important too."
I smiled, who knew he was actually quite sweet. "Okay, I'll think about it. Truce?" I held out my hand for him to shake, which he did, then
pulled me into a hug. If Blake wasn't around this guy would definitely make my shortlist. I cleared my throat and pulled away. He looked at me with his stupidly cute mouth half turned up and winked. "Spoil sport".
I slapped him on the arm, "Time to go mister!"
. She was hot. What I did was wrong but she was there just looking up at me and begging me to kiss her, licking her lips, leaning her body in. I needed a taste. Which is so damn wrong, I'm pissed I did it. How did Blake manage to get a firecracker like Cassie? She was different to his usual groupies who wanted to fuck 'cause they thought they could get him to fall for them. I guess that's why he hadn’t stopped talking about her. But shit, man, those lips, that smile, that body, that laugh. I blew out a breath, I had to calm the fuck down before I spoke to him or he would know something was up. And I needed a sexy blonde who looked nothing like Cassie to help me get over her. Wanting your mate's girl was not allowed.


I dropped my Nan off home before driving to the bar. I parked my car round the corner, knowing I would just be able to come back tomorrow and collect it easily. I headed straight to get a drink and let a few shots hit the back of my throat before ordering a beer. It was busy and everyone was in party mode by now. I stood with my back to the bar, leaning against it with my elbow. My eyes raked over every woman in the building slowly. I frowned slightly as I noticed how many brunettes were in tonight. Can’t a guy catch a break? Then a crowd of guys dispersed slightly and nestled in amongst them was a blonde-haired angel. She was flirting with a drink in her hand and enjoying the attention the guys were giving her. I loved a bit of competition and as she bent over to put her glass on the table I decided it would definitely be worth it.

The situation reminded me of a move I had seen in a film and always wanted to try. If it worked I would think of myself as God. I pulled a note from my wallet and made my way over to the group. Voices died down as I neared them. I leant down towards the girl’s ear so she could hear me above the music and put my hand with the note in hers, “Hey sweetheart, two beers over there at that empty table when you’re ready. Thanks.” I nodded to the table and winked down at her before leaving the money in her hand and walking away. I heard her huff and she yelled out. I kept walking but her voice got closer as she emerged from the group and grabbed my arm to turn me, “Hey, jackass. I don’t work here!”

I smiled to myself because she had just played straight into my bed tonight. The corners of my mouth turned up into the sexiest grin I could pull off. “I know.”

“You know?” She replied, eyeing me curiously but her body was leaning in slightly. She liked what she saw. “Yeah of course. But how else was I supposed to get you away from all those guys?”

Realisation washed over her face and she smiled the cutest smile I had ever seen. I grabbed her hand and nodded to the bar. She was already well on her way to being drunk. We downed a few more shots before she giggled and gestured to the dance floor. Usually I wasn’t the dancing type but as she started swaying her hips to the music and rubbing against me I knew I couldn’t turn down the opportunity. She spent the next few songs with her hands all over me and eventually I leant down to whisper in her ear, “Let’s get out of here.” She looked up at me and as her eyes met mine she smiled seductively and nodded. Winner!


Chapter 10





"Hey, gorgeous." Blake said as he pulled open the door. His grin was wide and my heart skipped a beat as I took in his deliciousness. Tight black shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms again, just how I liked, and black trousers. The scent of Bolognese came rushing out his house, it smelled divine. None of that mattered though because I was still mad at him.
"Hi," I replied as I walked through the door, turning my head so he kissed my cheek instead of my lips.
He frowned and eyed me warily. "Everything okay?"

"Oh yeah its fine, I just need to talk to you that's all. Come and sit down."
I went straight into the sitting room after removing my jacket and sat down on the sofa. Blake followed looking very confused and sat next to me. I fiddled with the buttons on my dress and wondered whether I would be able to do this. I wanted to laugh but I had to contain it for as long as I could.
I sighed, "Blake, I was going to talk to you on the phone but then I realised that you deserved this in person." I looked up at him and his eyebrows were knit together and his jaw was tense. "I'm really sorry, but I've met someone else and it wouldn't be fair on you or him to carry this on."
"What? But what about us?" His jaw fell. He looked shocked, confusion was written all over his face.
"I'm sorry. But my Gran set us up last night. I didn't plan on it but I just sort of fell for him. He's everything I ever wanted in a boyfriend, and a lover." I was bursting at the seams. I bit the inside of my cheek to try and stop myself from laughing. He looked so serious.
"Last night? What? So, you want...him?" He was having trouble getting his head round it. A vein in his neck looked like it was going to pop out at any moment.
"Yes, his name is James and he's the hottest guy I've ever seen. I am so sorry."
"James, you like James. Wait, you said lover? Have you slept with him? You and James had sex last night?" He was so angry, raising his voice. I thought he would explode right there.
"Yes. I’m so sorry. I know it was wrong of me when we were seeing each other but I couldn't stop myself. He flirted and I just couldn’t resist. Anyway I just wanted to come by and tell you myself." I was laying it on thick and it sounded so ridiculous. Like I could fall for someone in a night. But he was just caught so unaware that he believed me.
As I stood he grabbed my hand and pulled me back down. "You weren't supposed to like him." I was getting close to the confession I wanted.
"What do you mean? My grandmother set us up and he was lovely.”

"But you can't! He's..."He looked down at his hands and I knew he was about to crack.
"He's what?" Blake stayed silent. He didn’t look at me.
"Tell me then Blake, what is he? Your best friend. Let's start with that."
Blake's eyes flew to mine. And confusion was replaced with guilt as he realised I knew. I shook my head. "I cannot believe you would stoop so low as to get your friend to test me or whatever it was." I was angry, but part of me was quite flattered in some warped way. That he cared enough to do that. I doubt he would have had James test Amber. Because the likelihood was she had probably slept with him anyway.
"I'm so sorry. I know it was a stupid move. I was just so pissed at you for not telling me when I rang. It wasn't right for you not to be honest. And you don't have a thing for him, do you?" He looked so worried, like a lost little boy.
I sighed, "Yes I realise that now, but at the time, I knew nothing was going to happen. It was a silly dinner with our grandmothers breathing down our necks. And no I don't have a thing for him, I wanted you." He let out a deep breath he'd been holding.
, as in past tense?"
"No, I want you. As in right now."
"Well I'm game if you want to forget about dinner." He grinned and the dimple brought the butterflies back. I elbowed him in the side. "That is not what I meant. I'm happy to see where this is going, because I think it could be…something." My voice was quiet, I was going to say more but I just let the word hang there, waiting for some kind of reaction from him. I laid out how I was feeling but I didn't know whether he felt he same. And my breath was hitching as I sat there waiting for him to respond.
"I feel the same. I have never wanted to spend all my free time with one girl. You make me want to be a better man, someone who deserves you."
I smiled. "Well I'm happy we are on the same page, but you have to trust me. And I in turn will try and trust you, even when I know you have girls throwing themselves at you." He brushed some loose hair back behind my ear.
"I'm not interested in any of them. Only you. Now we have established that you haven't fallen for my best friend, let's eat. I'm hungry."
Blake pulled out a chair, and I sat down. He brought over the bottle of wine and poured us each a glass then served the food.
"It smells so good. Where did you learn to cook?" He paused and stiffened, "My mum taught me. She's very intent on me meeting the right girl and settling down. Thought that being able to impress them with my culinary skills would help me with that."
"And has it?" I asked tentatively.
"Well, you are the only girl I've ever cooked for, so you answer. Has it?" He stared at me whilst I took a bite. I closed my eyes and chewed letting it hit my taste buds, then let out a moan that came across way too sexy for eating Bolognese. He laughed, "I think I can take that as a yes then."
I gave a lopsided grin. "Definitely."
He always managed to change the subject from his family to something else but I wanted to know more so I carried on.
"So, you know about my pretty much non-existent family, but I don't know much about yours? Do you have any brothers and sisters?"
He finished his mouthful and put down his knife and fork pausing again. I could tell there was something big that he wasn't telling me. "No. None. Family isn't high up on my list of priorities anymore." He took another bite. "So you didn't tell me anything about your date with James."

I rolled my eyes. "Do we have to talk about that? I just want to forget about it."
"I was just curious. Thought he might have tried something. He can't really control himself around a beautiful woman."

I smirked. "Aww you really think I'm beautiful?"
"Yes, and I can tell a subject change when I hear one."
"I should hope so. You are the expert after all."
He laughed. "Touché. Want some more wine?" I nodded, and he picked up my empty wine glass and went to the kitchen to refill it. I followed him with the dirty plates.
"Dinner was delicious," I spoke softly as I cleared the plates into the trash and laid them carefully on the worktop. "It's a real treat to be cooked for. Usually I'm the one that has to think about it."
"Your last boyfriend never cooked for you?" He made his way slowly around the kitchen island and my heart started racing.
"Er no, I don't think Dan ever thought about anything other than himself in the time we were together. Well, himself and his secretary."
He looked up and tutted, "Sorry, I'm such an ass. I don’t know why I even opened my mouth. Asking about your ex boyfriend isn't exactly fun date talk, especially when I'm trying to seduce you."
By now he was standing right in front of me with barely any distance between us.
I gasped in mock horror and smiled.
"Seduce me? Why Mr Richards, what kind of girl do you think I am?" I used my best southern belle accent to try and lighten the mood but the look in his eyes told me he was serious.
"I'll answer that question. I think you're beautiful, you don't take any crap, and you challenge me. You're caring and passionate and fun."
He brought his arms around my waist and rested them on top of my backside.
"Not to mention, sexy as hell in this dress."
He spoke into my ear as his cheek brushed mine and the heat from his body was warming me inside. I reached up on my tiptoes and whispered back into his ear, my voice low and rough, giving away just how much I wanted to him. "I'm sexy as hell out of this dress too."
He moaned as his lips sank into mine and his body backed me against the kitchen island.
Whilst my hands gripped his waist, he ran a hand up my side and his fingers found their way into my hair, pulling me to him. He kissed me with urgency, like he couldn't get enough and wanted to taste every inch of my mouth. The other hand that had been at my waist edged higher until his thumb was grazing the side of my breast. It was slow as if he were giving me the chance to stop him but there was no way I could stop now. I was lost in the feel of his body against mine, of the power his kisses were having over my reactions and responses.
A quiet whimper that escaped me spurred him on. He lifted me up onto the counter and settled in between my legs, his erection pressing hard against me and making me throb at my core. Losing my inhibitions I rocked against his length and he groaned at my participation. My hands joined his in roaming and they were on his face, his shoulders, his biceps, his back and the rippling muscles under his shirt.
"Maybe we can do round two in here, but right now I want you spread out lying on my bed. It's what I've been imagining for days."
My heart fluttered and I just managed to breathe a heavy 'okay' before he slipped his hands underneath my bottom and lifted me against his chest. I laid my hands on his shoulders, nibbling his ear and lightly kissed his neck, wrapping my legs tightly round his waist. As he walked me up the stairs his hand was playing with the edge of the thong I had on underneath my dress.
"Damn, Cassie, you're so ready for me." He caught my moan in his mouth as he brought it round to let his tongue explore again.
As we reached the door he let me go to slide down his front. I stepped back into the bedroom and stripped off my dress so I was standing in just my black silk underwear. His gaze soaked me in and I flushed as his eyes burnt through the scraps of silk. In that moment all I could think about was him. It was shutting everything else out. I wanted him to feel that way about me.
"Now you,” I demanded as I walked over to him and grabbed fistfuls of his shirt. I ripped it open, not caring that the buttons scattered all over the floor. I just couldn’t wait any longer to see those abs, and I ran my hands over the smooth hard ripples. I giggled at the shock on his face and he pounced on me backing me onto the bed.
He kissed my lips, neck, shoulder, using his hands to search out every inch of my body and leave goose bumps all over my skin. His kisses continued to find their way down my body, in between my breasts, over my stomach and as he passed my belly button he slipped his tongue inside which made me throb harder. "Mmm that feels so good," I whispered. He kissed further down until he reached the edge of my thong.
"I hope this wasn't expensive," he muttered and before I could ask him why he ripped the scrap of material from me and threw it onto the floor.
"Mmm that’s better, I can really taste you now," he panted. He grabbed my thighs and pushed them apart, lowering his head and burying his face in me. He pulled apart with his fingers and began sliding the tip of his tongue around, alternating between licks and kisses. I cried out, climax building, but not giving me the prospect of release, it was teasing and I loved it.
He slipped his tongue inside me and thrusted in and out. "I can taste how much you're enjoying this, what do you want baby?"
He said it seductively, eyes fixed on mine, and continued to lick and suck everywhere but the tight little bud that would allow me to orgasm. All I could do was moan with pleasure but he gripped my thighs tighter and was so persistent with his tongue thrusting that had me bucking against his face. I forgot any embarrassment, he made me feel wild and crazy, but so sexy.
"Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you," he tried again. His eyes were so intense, but I was having trouble thinking of anything but his tongue lapping at me. He stopped and watched me, waiting for my reply. "I want to come...just...please," I finally managed to choke out.
With that, he let out a low growl and swirled his tongue over my clit a few times. His finger slipped inside me and he curled it to stroke that sweet spot. I could feel the pleasure building quickly and I moved my hands to grab hold of something, anything. They were gripping his hair tightly, and holding him to me whilst he sucked the swollen peak until I erupted, arching my back off the bed, legs shaking, stars shooting all around me, pleasure seeping through every part of my body, completely draining me. I had orgasms before but nothing compared to the sweet torture and release Blake had just given me. He continued to kiss me and as the waves washed over me he moved onto my inner thigh and I guided him back up my body, hands still in his hair, gently stroking. "I hope you're not too tired because I really need to be inside you now. You have got me so turned on I think I'm ready to explode. "
I squirmed underneath him feeling his thick length against me with only his trousers in between, and smiled. “I’m ready when you are."
He stood to shake his trousers and boxers in one swift move, and reached into his bedside drawer to get the condom. "Let me...” I said as I ripped open the packet with my teeth and gently rolled it down over his hard cock. I‘d never been that brazen before but there was something about the way he looked at me that had me willing to do anything to satisfy his desire. His eyes never left me as I ducked my head to kiss his stomach, and ran my tongue up and down the length of him.
He hissed. “Fuck, Cassie, as much as I don’t want you to stop, you have to or this will be over too quickly.”

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