Sweet Surrender (42 page)

Read Sweet Surrender Online

Authors: Angel Steel

Tags: #Romance

Chapter 39


om sat in his truck down the road from Chantal’s place. He had watched her walk out to check her mailbox, glance up and down the road, and then head back inside. He had plans for her, good plans. He just needed to get through her door for them to actually happen.

Pulling out his bag that he kept in the back, he locked up and ambled towards her home. The plan was set in his head; he just hoped it worked out the way he wanted.

She had never answered his calls the night before so he had driven straight to her shop, ready to march in and demand her attention, but decided against it. He needed to show her how much she meant to him, so it was best to wait until morning, giving them time to calm down.

Standing at her door, bracing himself for whatever was behind it, he knocked. He had never been scared of anything in his life, but right at that point, he was.

When her door opened, he hissed in a breath at the sight in front of him. Chantal stood there in only a towel, if you could call it that. It was the smallest scrap of fabric he had ever seen, it barely covered her body.

“What the hell is that that you’re wearing?” He couldn’t help the growl.
Did she answer the door like this every time? God, I hope not.

“What are
doing here?”

“Answer the question, Chantal.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, and he groaned as the towel inched down, unveiling more of her beautiful breasts, and lifted up, showing more of her legs.

“No. I don’t want to see you anymore. You need to leave, I have plans,” she insisted, pushing the door closed on him.

Like hell, she had plans tonight. The only plans that she had were with him...under him...on top of him...
way with him.

Pushing his way into her house, he passed her and headed towards the lounge room.

She slammed the door, furious. “You are not welcome here anymore, Dominic. You didn’t want anything to do with me for the last week. Seriously, how much can one person apologise, Dom? I know I fucked up, and I’m sorry, but I honestly thought you organised that invitation. I wanted to ask you about it, but I thought it was a surprise!” Her tears streamed down her cheeks as she stood there facing away from him.

He hated when she cried. It tore at his heart. “Baby,” he said, walking up to her and wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into him. Her hands fisted at the front of his shirt, as he spoke, “I know it wasn’t your fault. But I wish you had come to me when you received the letter. I would never send you a letter saying to meet me at the club. I would ask you face to face.”

“I’m sorry, Dom, I truly am. I didn’t want to be up on that stage. I thought it was you and felt safe there, but once I saw you standing in front of me, I was scared shitless. I didn’t know who was behind me, as you stood there,” she whispered.

“I know, baby. And I am sorry he tried to take advantage of you. This will never happen again, ok? I can’t handle seeing you with anyone but me. You are mine, mine to do with whatever I please. Do you understand, baby?”

“Yes,” she answered against his lips. Stepping back, he looked his fill of her. She was everything he wanted in someone, and more.

“I need to tell you something before we go any further.” Now came the hard part on his end. He hated doing this, but he needed more time before he told her the news. “I will be going away for a couple of days. Today, you are all mine to do with whatever I want.”

“When do you leave?”

“Tomorrow. I’ll be back sometime late Saturday. Then, when I get back there is something that you and I need to talk to you about.”

“Why can’t we talk now, Dom?”

“I have other things on my mind besides talking.”

“Oh, ok,” she whimpered.

“Now, as to our conversation yesterday morning, where is my present?” he teased with a wicked grin.

Gasping at his words, her eyes dilated. Licking her lips, she moved away from him towards her room. He stood where he was until she re-entered and handed over what he was waiting for this whole time.

She blushed as he lifted them to his nose and smelled her sweet scent; damn, he wished he had been there when she did what he’d asked her to do. He was shocked when she accepted his order and just did what he said.

Dom smiled towards her, and judging by the look that passed over her face, she knew what was about to happen. He never said a word to her, only walked down towards her room and stood there, waiting for her to follow.

Seconds later she walked in behind him and stood there, waiting.

Turning around, he removed his shirt, Her eyes followed every movement he made and when they reached his jeans, he heard the small moan she let out.

“Now, this will be your second lesson. Up on the bed, Chantal.”

“What for?” she questioned.

“Who is in control here, Chantal?”

Looking at the floor, then back to his eyes, she replied, “You are, Sir.”

“Very good. Now, on the bed.” he growled.

She dropped the towel she was wearing and crawled up onto the bed, laid down, and waited for him to continue.

“Now, the first thing I want you to do is masturbate in front of me. This is small compared to what I will ask you to do, or what we will do together,” he said as he stood there, staring at her.

“Dom...,” she whimpered.

“You did it over the phone with ease. Nothing different now, besides me standing here. Now, I need you to show me exactly how you did it, baby.”

Her hand slid down over her body as she spread her legs apart, giving him the best view from where he was standing. He moved closer to the bed as her fingers lightly traced over her clit and her other hand pinched her nipple, making her slightly arch her back. Her moans were the sexiest thing he had ever heard. Pushing his jeans further down his body, until his cock sprang free, he wrapped his hand around it as her fingers disappeared into her pussy. He wasn’t going to pull himself now. He just needed to have his hands occupied for just a little longer.

Her fingers started moving faster, her hips lifting off the bed, and she threw her head back—damn, he never thought it would be like this, just watching her pleasure herself.

“Deeper and slower, baby,” he commanded.

“Yes, Sir.” He heard her trembling voice reply as her fingers obediently slowed their motion in and out of her pussy to a luxurious crawl.

“Such a good, baby girl.”

She bit her lip and smiled slightly before her fingers drew her attention back to between her legs.

She was a beautiful woman: voluptuous body, long wavy blonde hair, olive skin, and deep, piercing green eyes. Needing to touch her, he sat beside her writhing body. Her eyes were closed, and he listened to her soft moaning and gazed along her curves. Her left arm had moved above her head. He began to trace his fingers along the inside of her arm, relishing the small tone of her bicep. When his finger began to trace its way to her underarm, he slowed and circled the little wisps of hair. She jumped a little at what he had done and wriggled away from his touch, but never said anything.

He replaced his finger and lightly continued down to the outside curve of her breast, then all the way around, ever so slowly and softly. He could tell from her breathing and the way she arched her back slightly to meet the touch that she was enjoying his finger there. He began a slow, inward spiral around and around her breast. Finally reaching her nipple, he circled once, and then leaned over to lightly flick her rock hard nipple back and forth with his tongue.

“Mmm!” She let out a brief, high-pitched moan of excitement. At that, he bit her nipple gently and withdrew.

“Slide your fingers out and play with your clit only.”

“Slow or fast, Sir”

“Slow first, baby. We’ll speed up later.”

She did as she was told and slid her fingers from inside her pussy. She was so wet, that it made a little sound when she removed them. When she began to play with her clit, her mouth widened into a silent gasp and her breathing became shorter.

“You like that, baby?”

“God, yes, Sir.”

He then resumed his finger’s journey along the side of her, trailing from the softness beneath her breast, down her belly, to the curve inches above her hips. She had a slight bump as her belly, and he traced his finger a few times over it, from the side of her belly to the side of her lower back. The third time he did that, she stilled.

“Sir, please don’t do that, it makes me self-conscious.”

He looked up at her. Her eyes were still closed, but her voice had lost some of the husky quality of her usual speech during sex. “Self-conscious? About what, baby?”

“My body, Sir,” she replied. She lowered her voice, but it seemed out of embarrassment rather than its earlier sensuality. “You were playing with my fat.”

What the hell?
He frowned. “Your fat? Baby, I’m playing with you. You are incredibly sexy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your absolutely gorgeous body. Hey, sit up a sec. Open your eyes.”

She sat up and looked at him. Looked at him with those beautiful green eyes. “You are perfect. You. All of you. So, you’ve got fat on your body? So does everybody. I like it; it’s how I know you’re not an anorexic zombie alien.” She cracked a little smile at that. Smiling too, he continued, “And I will not let you or our sex be held hostage by this ridiculous idea that you’re not an amazingly hot sex Goddess.” She laughed at this and seemed to relax more.

“What makes a woman sexy to me isn’t just her tits and her ass—though yours are out of this world—it’s the whole woman. That includes her armpit hair and her curvy sides and her smell.” Their eyes met. “And the way her green eyes make me forget to care about anything else in the world.” A look came over her at that, and her eyes welled slightly. She leaned in and kissed him lovingly. As they kissed, he placed his hand on her neck and slowly slid it up to the back of her head. Gently but firmly he gripped a handful of her hair and pulled her head back. She inhaled sharply. “So, no more worries about this. Got it?”

After half a moment’s pause, she answered, “Yes, Sir.” The sexy whisper was back.

“Good,” he said as he threw her back on the bed. “Now back to playing with your clit, baby. Remember, slow.”

“Yes, Sir....Thank you, Sir,” she hissed out, as she played with her increasingly wet pussy.

He kissed her between her breasts. Moving down, he did the same just above her belly button. He traced his nose, as he had his finger, from her bump of a belly to the soft sides, and began to kiss it softly. There was no squirming away this time, no objections. She breathed deeply. “Would you like to go faster, baby?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Then do it.” She sped up, moving over her clit more rapidly in a small circular motion. Her hips began to gyrate slightly, moving in time to her masturbation. He kissed down her hips and followed the diagonal of her hip inward towards her pussy, and right hand. Careful to avoid getting in the way of her fingers, he kissed her hip, her wrist, her mould, and the very inside of her leg where it met her. He noticed that her breathing as well as her hip motions accelerated.

After a few moments, she asked, “May I come, Sir?” No longer a sensuous whisper, the request came out as a definite moan.

“No, baby. You may not.”

“Mmmhhh, but I want it so bad, Sir. Please?”

“Not yet, baby,” he commanded, “Keep going.”

“But, Sirrrrrrr!” she whined in agony.

“Not yet. Do not come without permission.”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

Even as he watched her struggle to obey, he could tell she wasn’t going to last much longer. He knelt beside her and put his face close to hers. “Keep playing with your clit. Open your eyes, baby.” Her green eyes sprung open and locked with his, desperate for release. “Come, Chantal. Come for me right now.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her hips bucked wildly and she moaned, so wonderfully, as he watched the orgasm in her eyes.

* * *

fter what felt like hours, she opened her eyes finding Dom’s head bent over her chest.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned as he gave both her breasts the attention they so badly needed.

His lips encircled her nipple, drawing it slowly into his mouth, using his teeth to gently nip at the hard little bud. She could feel the pressure building between her thighs and the throbbing pulse deep in her core. Her breasts were incredibly sensitive, and she had orgasmed before with just that sensation alone. She didn’t want him to stop, but she also wanted more from him. She wanted to feel him slide into her, something she had missed over the last week.

He pulled his lips away for her breast and began to kiss his way down her abdomen, leaving a trail of tingles down her entire torso. Kissing her belly button, he continued down further, to that soft, smooth skin of her pussy, kissing her there, loving her, tasting her. He let his lips move over the surface of the blonde curls she had left there. The rest of her was clean-shaven, soft. He went even lower, kissing her labia as if it was her mouth, slipping his tongue between the lips and dipping it into her wetness.

“Mmmm, you taste so sweet, baby,” he rasped.

The thought that he might be hungry crossed her mind, and a little giggle escaped her lips. Lifting his head, he looked at her face and asked with a smile, “What’s so funny?”

She had always been a bit reserved with people, never being totally honest about all of her thoughts and feelings with anyone. It came down to the way she was brought up. She had grown up with no siblings; the only ones close to her age were her two male cousins. She ran with them and their friends from a very young age. They had jokingly teased her for years about her figure—a blonde freckled fat kid that looked like more of a boy than a girl. She had learned to be guarded and to fight like a boy at a young age, too. It wasn’t until later when her cousins’ friends had started acting differently towards her, that she realised her blonde hair and freckles was an attribute and not a detriment. All of a sudden, they approached her for things other than teasing and fighting. She learned to turn them away with a laugh and ignore their requests in a joking way.

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