Read Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health Online
Authors: Dr. Caroline Leaf
Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Christian Living, #Mental Health, #Christian Books & Bibles
but of love, power, and a sound mind (see 2 Tim. 1:7). Our
default mind mode—our soul, which is our intellect, will, and
emotions—is powerful, strong, and driven by principles of
love. Don’t let the media, doctors, or other people in your life
convince you otherwise. You have the power in your mind to
change the negative, toxic manifestations. Our minds shape
the world. This is what neuroplasticity is all about: change.
Neuroplasticity is God’s design for renewing the mind.
Our Perceptions Count
Our perception of the environment plus how we manage our
environment controls our bodies and lives. So if you change
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your perception, you change your biology. You become the
master of your life instead of a victim. But don’t do it without
Christ; remember, he is the vine from which we grow (John
15:5). The billion-dollar self-help industry does not have sus-
tainability14 because it misses the basic elements required for
success and change: Primarily, it is not connected to the vine.
These practitioners try to teach successful living without the
originator of successful living: God. Secondly, there is a lot of
visualization and verbalizations in their advice, but the intent
of the heart is not considered, leaving a disconnect between
what is being said and what is really believed and felt deep
down. This is called cognitive dissonance. Thirdly, there is
often very little real action involved. Action on both a spiri-
tual and scientific level is required for change to take place.
Research also shows that there is a negative side to positive
self-statements and affirmations, showing that individuals
with low self-esteem felt worse after repeating positive self-
statements.15 Don’t become part of that statistic.
The world may tell us that the mind is what the brain does,
but God tells us that the brain will do what the mind tells it
to do. And when your spirit, under the leading of the Holy
Spirit, controls your soul, then the gold standard of think-
ing is achieved. This is a very different perspective from the
traditional view, which tells us we are machines that just need
parts changed and chemicals added. Choices are real; you are
free to make choices about how you focus your attention,
and this affects how the chemicals and wiring of your brain
change and function.
Scientists are now proving that the relationship between
you and how you understand and perceive your inner thought
life, your community, and God has a huge impact on how
your brain works.16 Moment by moment of each day you
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Your Choices Change Your Brain
can choose who you will be in the next moment, and these
choices are captured in the resultant thought networks you
build. In that process, the precepts of Scripture should be
the overarching, undergirding, and foundational framework.
They should be so entrenched that our attention is viewed
through them and them alone as we form a view of ourselves
that God created us to be.
Personally, my spiritual life informs my scientific life. As
Joshua 1:8 says, insight, mindfulness, and wisdom come
through meditation on God’s truth versus rote study of in-
formation. I want to shape my world around God’s truth
because I know as a scientist and a believer, paying attention
to my thoughts and purposefully focusing my mind leads to
great transformations.
You Have the Power to Change
Your patterns of genetic experience don’t determine what
you are; you do. How you live, the cultural environment you
live in, whatever you immerse yourself in, your beliefs and
the beliefs of those around you, how you interact with those
people, your faith and how you grow it, what you expose
yourself to—all of these lead to differences in the way you
focus your attention and have a direct effect on how your
proteins are synthesized, how your enzymes act, and how
your neurochemicals work together. If you don’t believe you
have the power to change your thoughts and control your
choices, you are not going to do it.
Doing your own brain surgery or neuroplastic intervention
of toxic thinking and renewing your mind is based on regular
exercising of your brain; change takes place over time through
continual persistence. Intervention of the mind changes the
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brain physically, chemically, structurally, and functionally.
Research shows there is no more effective way to produce
localized and specific changes in the brain than behavioral or
mental intervention. Since psychosocial factors modulate the
course of certain diseases—such as cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, and asthma—this means the things going on in the
environment get into the mind, changing the brain and having
an impact on the body. So it is vital for us to pay attention to
the precepts laid down in God’s Word. Understanding how
God designed neuroplasticity to work for and against us will
help us move forward.
1. Our thoughts, imagination, and choices can change
the structure and function of our brains on every level:
molecular, genetic, epigenetic, cellular, structural, neu-
rochemical, and electromagnetic, and even subatomic.
Through our thoughts, we can be our own brain sur-
geons as we make choices that change the circuits in our
brain. We are designed to do our own brain surgery.
2. Choices become signals that change our brain and body,
and these changes are not necessarily dictated by our
3. Epigenetics is referred to as a new science, but actu-
ally it is an ancient science that we find throughout
the Bible. At its most basic level, epigenetics is the fact
that your thoughts and choices impact your physical
brain and body, your mental health, and your spiritual
4. These choices will affect not only your
spirit, soul,
and body but also the people with whom you have
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Your Choices Change Your Brain
relationships. In fact, it goes even deeper: Your choices
might impact the generations that follow.
5. The landmark study on agouti mice fostered a host of
studies—including some done on humans—that show
that not only does food change generational patterns,
but so does thinking.
6. Taken collectively, these studies show us that the good,
the bad, and the ugly do come down through the gen-
erations. But your mind is the signal—the epigenetic
factor—that switches these genes on or off.
7. Therefore, you are not destined to live out the nega-
tive patterns of your forebearers, but you can instead
make a life choice to overcome them by tweaking their
expression. In part 2 of this book I will show you how.
8. Epigenetic changes represent a biological response to
an environmental signal. That response can be inher-
ited through the generations via the epigenetic marks.
But if you remove the signal, the epigenetic marks will
fade. If you choose to add a signal, then the epigenetic
marks are activated.
9. Herein lies the key: The sins of parents can create a
, not a
. You are not responsible for
something you are predisposed to because of ancestral
decisions. You are responsible, however, to be aware of
them, evaluate those predispositions, and choose to
eliminate them.
10. When you make a bad choice, genes switch on in the
hippocampus that dampen the stress response.
11. Scientists now know that the brain has the amazing abil-
ity to reorganize throughout life, changing its structure
and function through thinking alone.
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12. Neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to change in
response to thinking) can operate for you as well as
against you because whatever you think about the most
will grow. This applies to both the positive and negative
ends of the spectrum.
13. Our perception of the environment plus how we man-
age our environment controls our bodies and lives. So if
you change your perception, you change your biology.
You become the master of your life instead of a victim.
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Catch Those Thoughts
Main Scripture: We destroy arguments and every
lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God,
and take every thought captive to obey Christ. 2 Co-
rinthians 10:5 ESV
Linked Science Concept: When you objectively ob-
serve your own thinking with the view to capturing
rogue thoughts, you in effect direct your attention
to stop the negative impact and rewire healthy new
circuits into your brain.
The ability to quiet your mind, focus your attention on
the present issue, capture your thoughts, and dismiss
the distractions that come your way is an excellent
and powerful ability that God has placed within you. In the
busy age we live in, however, we have trained ourselves out of
this natural and necessary skill.
because it is wired
into the design of the brain, allowing the brain to capture and
discipline chaotic rogue thoughts;
because it calms
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our spirits so we can tune in and listen to God. When we are
mindful of catching our thoughts in this way, we change our
connection with God from uninvolved and independent to
involved and dependent.
Research dating back to the 1970s shows that capturing our
thoughts in a disciplined way rather than letting them chaoti-
cally run rampant can bring about impressive changes in how
we feel and think. This change is evidenced in cognitive, emo-
tional functioning as well as at the neural level.1 My research
shows that controlled focused thinking leads to impressive
improvement in cognitive functioning and emotional balance.2
Freeing Yourself from Burdens
Getting your thoughts disciplined and under control is one of
the first steps in freeing yourself of the burdens of the world
and beginning to enjoy life despite the burdens of the world.
When you objectively observe your own thinking with the
view to capturing rogue thoughts, you in effect direct your
attention to stop the negative impact and rewire healthy new
circuits into your brain. Second Corinthians 10:3–5 is so clear
in the instructions on this matter: “For though we live in the
world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons
we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the con-
trary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We
demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up
against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every
thought to make it obedient to Christ” (NIV). In Proverbs
4:20–22 the sage advice is to “give attention to my words;
incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from
your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are
life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.”
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Catch Those Thoughts
The primary success of capturing your thoughts will be to
focus on God’s way first, not the world’s ways. And science
is showing that meditating on the elements of Jesus’s teach-
ings rewires healthy new circuits in the brain.
Science Shows the Benefits of Catching Your Thoughts
When you make a conscious decision to focus and direct your
attention correctly, you change physical matter—your brain and
your body change in a healthy way. Purposefully catching your
thoughts can control the brain’s sensory processing, the brain’s
rewiring, the neurotransmitters, the genetic expression, and
cellular activity in a positive or negative direction. You choose.
The benefits are even greater than the scientists back in
the ’70s and ’80s imagined. My patients who were successful
in therapy took their first steps to success when they started
focusing their attention and capturing their thoughts—for
example “I can’t do this,” “It’s too hard,” “It’s never worked
before,” and “I am not smart enough.” The benefits of catch-
ing any negative thoughts like these cannot be emphasized
enough. Not catching those thoughts will lead to a potential
spiral into confusion and varying levels of mental despair.