Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 (55 page)

Read Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #scifi, #alien, #scifi erotica, #scifi romance, #scifi erotic romance, #evangeline anderson, #fated mate, #kindred, #brides of the kindred

Oh!” She pulled back,
breaking the kiss, but stayed in her correct body.

All right,” he growled
softly. “Now chain me, Frankie. And don’t let me go until it’s

* * * * *

Kerov tried to still the pounding of his
heart as she straddled him and cuffed his wrists to the metal
struts of the headboard. Gods, she was beautiful! With her long,
dark hair falling around her flushed cheeks and her deep brown eyes
looking uncertainly into his, he thought she was the loveliest,
most desirable female he’d ever seen. Not to mention the way her
lush, curvy body pressed against his as she leaned forward to chain

Mmm,” he growled softly
as her soft breasts brushed against his face. She smelled so good—a
light, floral fragrance that was devastatingly feminine. And under
it, the warm female scent of her sex which set him on

Mmm, yourself.” After
making sure the cuffs were securely in place, Frankie sat back to
study him. “You look good chained up—but I should have had you take
your clothes off first.”

Kerov shrugged, the cuffs rattling with his

I’m yours to do with as
you wish,” he murmured. “Undress me if you like,

I think I’ll take you up
on that.” Smiling a little, she leaned forward and started
unbuttoning the pale blue uniform shirt he wore. She opened it to
reveal his chest and then ran her hands up and down his abdomen and

Kerov shivered under her light, teasing

Gods,” he whispered
hoarsely. “Your soft little hands feel so damn good on

I like yours on me too,”
she said, smiling. “But it looks like I’m in charge this

It does,” he murmured,
smiling back.

Good—then I’m going to do
what I want.”

With a look that was half teasing, half
serious, she moved lower and began unfastening his trousers.

Kerov had already been at half mast, just
from having her so close and breathing in her sweet scent. Now he
felt his cock grow almost painfully hard as she took her time
freeing it from the confines of his trousers.

Frankie…” he groaned as
she slipped one soft, cool hand inside the fabric to stroke his
aching shaft.

Hmm, what do we have
here?” she murmured, giving him a little half smile. “It seems to
me that someone has a problem…a very

Kerov bit his tongue to stifle a groan.
Gods, she was killing him here!

When he’d first procured these cuffs from
Commander Sylvan, he had done it solely with the idea that he
wanted Frankie to feel safe and secure with him. He’d never dreamed
that the cuffs could have erotic value as well. But now, cuffed and
helpless as she did what she wanted with him, he had to admit it
was fucking sexy to be open and helpless to her touch. Sexy and a
little scary at the same time.

Mmm, here we are,” she
murmured and he felt her slim fingers wrap around his shaft and
pull it out in the open. “Now as I recall, last time I was having a
little fun and doing
She scooted back and leaned down to place a hot,
open-mouth kiss on the head of his cock. “When I was rudely

he moaned as she began to lap and twirl her hot tongue around
his throbbing shaft. The erotic sight of her sucking him was almost
too much to bear. He tensed his arms, feeling the metal strut he
was cuffed to bend just a tiny bit.

Mmm…” Frankie looked up,
giving him a naughty smile as she teased him more, lapping and
sucking at his cock until he thought he would explode. Then she did
something that caught him completely off guard.

Her slim little hand slipped back into his
trousers and slid down between his thighs. Kerov gasped and
stiffened when he felt her fingertips tickling his balls and then
sliding lower to pry gently between his cheeks.

Frankie?” he whispered

Open up, lover boy,” she
murmured. “Let’s see how you like a taste of your own

I…but I…”

Do it. You said you were
sorry for what happened between us last time, right? And that you
didn’t know how to make it up to me?”

Yes, of course.” He
looked at her earnestly.

Well, then…this is it.
Open for me, the way you made me open for you.”

Frankie’s look was playful but there was
steel in her brown eyes. Kerov realized she was absolutely serious
about this—she was going to treat him in the way he had treated her
the last time they were together. For a moment he didn’t think he
could do it—didn’t think he could open to her and let her explore
such an intimate, forbidden area.

But this is how she
he reminded himself.
And you gave her no choice. At least she’s giving
you a warning—it’s only fair.

All…all right,” he
muttered at last. “I…I’ll open to you.”

Good.” She bit her lip
and watched him with lazy eyes as he slowly spread his thighs. Then
her cool fingers slipped inward and began to trace his tightly
clenched nether entrance. “How does that feel?” she murmured,
watching him intently as she caressed him. “Do you like

I…I don’t know,” Kerov
muttered although to tell the truth, her light touch was driving
him insane. “It…it’s not something that would be permitted on my
home world. It would have been declared deviant…wrong.”

But it feels good,
right?” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Well?”

Kerov gritted his teeth, unwilling to admit
it. But the look in her eyes demanded the truth.

Yes,” he admitted at
last. “Yes, it…it feels good.”

It’s about to feel even
better, baby.” She withdrew her hand and tugged at his trousers
until they were down to his knees.

Wait!” Kerov protested.
“What are you doing?”

You’ll see.” She was
looking into the drawer of the small stand by the side of the
sleeping platform. “Where is it? I know I put it in here somewhere.

She pulled out a small bottle of pink oil or
gel—Kerov couldn’t tell which.

What is that?” he asked

Warming massage oil.”
Frankie gave him that lazy grin again. “It’s going to help me get
just a
deeper, okay?”

How much deeper?” Kerov
demanded as she drizzled some of the pink, sweet smelling oil onto
her fingertips.

You’ll see.” She cocked
an eyebrow at him again. “Well? Are you going to open up for me or

Kerov had another struggle
with himself. Gods, when he’d insisted that she chain him to the
bed he’d
considered a scenario like this. And yet, as strange and
somewhat frightening as it was, he didn’t want Frankie to stop. He
wanted her to take what she wanted—what she needed from him. This
was a payback he fully deserved and he knew it.

All right,” he growled at
last, forcing himself to bend his knees and spread his thighs for
her. “Do it—do whatever you want with me.”

Dios mio
it’s sexy to hear you talk like that.” Frankie
gave him that naughty, mischievous smile again that seemed to make
his cock surge despite what she was about to do to him.

She reached between his legs and Kerov tried
hard not to flinch as her fingertips found his ass and began to
penetrate him.

I deserve this,
he reminded himself as one slim finger found its
way inside and began to caress and stroke and probe.
I…I… “Gods!”

Are you okay?” Frankie
stopped for a moment, looking at him uncertainly and he realized
that he’d shouted the last word aloud. But he couldn’t help
it—somehow she had found a spot inside him that gave immediate,
intense pleasure when she touched him there.

I…you…it feels…” Kerov
could hardly get out the words. “Incredible,” he murmured at

What—this?” She rubbed
over the spot again and he nearly jumped off the sleeping platform
as his back arched helplessly. “

Mmm-hmm.” She gave him a
satisfied little grin. “Feels good, right? Good and scary and a
little dirty and you’re not sure what to do because the person
doing it to you won’t stop.”

She rubbed him again and Kerov thought if
she didn’t stop he was surely going to come.

Please,” he gasped.
“Gods, please…you’re pushing me…pushing me over the edge,

. The way you pushed me.” She
rubbed him again, a slow, deliberate massage that made him moan and
writhe on the bed some more. “That’s all right, baby—we’ve got
plenty of time. You can come.”

Kerov wasn’t sure if
to come
this way—but it didn’t seem that he had much choice. Her finger was
rubbing against that sensitive spot inside him—rubbing over and
over until he felt like he couldn’t breathe. His cock was rock
hard, a river of precum slicking the head and running down his
shaft. Every muscle in his body was tight and he could feel the
metal of the headboard bending more and more as he tugged
helplessly against the cuffs.

If I wanted to I could probably snap it.
Snap it and stop her now.

But somehow he didn’t want
to. Didn’t want this last sexual experience with Frankie to end so
abruptly. And besides, what she was doing felt
even if it was frightening
and strange.

All right,” he whispered
in a low, strained voice. “All right…make me come.”

With pleasure,” Frankie
murmured. She rubbed again, harder this time and Kerov gasped as he
felt a bolt of pure pleasure shoot through him.

Frankie,” he groaned.
“Ah, Gods,
His cock erupted, spurting jet after jet of hot cum across
his flat belly and all the while he could feel her still working
him, massaging while he shook and quaked and gave himself up for
her completely.

Somewhere, someone was groaning hoarsely.
Someone was begging in a deep, harsh voice—someone who couldn’t be
silent while the pleasure went on and on.

It’s me—I’m making those
Kerov realized, and yet he seemed
helpless to stop. In fact, he didn’t stop coming until Frankie
finally withdrew, ending the intense pleasure and leaving him
panting on the bed.

Ah, Gods…” Kerov leaned
his head back against the bent metal headboard and tried to
breathe, drawing deep, gasping breaths into his lungs. His eyes
closed tight, he tried to collect himself. Gods, what had she done
to him? She’d decimated him—torn him down to the ground.

And he loved her for it.

Frankie?” he whispered
when he could catch his breath.

Just a

Her voice sounded like it was coming from
another room. Opening his eyes, he saw her coming back from the
fresher, a steaming washcloth in one hand.

What are you doing?” he
asked as she began to stroke the warm, wet cloth over his

Cleaning up. You come
murmured. “Is it always like that?”

Our bodies want to bond a
female to us,” Kerov answered matter-of-factly. “The
, female,

What about with Xirnah?
Did you…?”

She was not the right
female for me,” he murmured. “I knew it and my body did as well—a
Kindred has an unerring sense about these things. Our encounters
were never very…productive.”

But for the right female
you’d make more?”

He nodded. “Much more. When trying to bond a
desired female to him, a Kindred’s body produces a lot of seed.
That’s because the more of our seed we fill her with, the stronger
the bond will be if it forms.”

Good thing you used up
your supply then.” She gave him a small smile. “I mean, not that
I’m your desired female or anything…”

But I do desire you,”
Kerov murmured, looking into her eyes. “Very much,

Oh, I…” She blushed and
looked down. “I guess it doesn’t matter anyway since when we make
love you’re going to, you know, pull out.”

If I
intent on bonding you to me I
would make even more seed than I’ve spilled just now,” he told her,
giving her a direct look. “My body would realize my intention and
make enough to fill you to overflowing and bond you to me

Oh…” Frankie put a hand
to her chest and her brown eyes grew wide. “Really?”

Really.” Kerov rattled
the chain of the handcuffs against the headboard. “Now let me
go—I’ve paid my debt and it’s my turn to pleasure you.”

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