Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1) (24 page)

     After the band finishes, they begin introducing the drivers. They call each one’s name and they come out on stage and wave to everyone. The audience verbally voices their opinions of each driver with boos and cheers, as everyone has their favorite racer. I get my camera ready to take a picture of Cameron, I want to get each moment of his big day captured. When they call his name our entire row jumps to their feet whooping and hollering, while I snap pictures of my gorgeous man. He looks so happy. Then I hear the two girls behind me. 

     “I would love to get a piece of that action later tonight,” says the blonde-haired woman. 

     I hold my tongue not wanting to piss off any of Cameron’s new followers. Unfortunately, Courtney is not so subtle. “Hey, that’s my twin brother you are talking about and this girl is his
fiancée, so watch what you say,” Courtney warns with a leer on her face.

      “I’m not his fiancé,” I whisper.

     “Well that slut doesn’t know that,” she whispers back, giggling.

     My stomach about falls to my toes when I hear the announcer asking everyone to please rise for the National Anthem. A female, whose name I didn’t catch, sings in a bluesy soulful voice that matches my suddenly somber mood perfectly. Immediately after she finishes, we hear the loud roar of almost fifty cars coming to life. They drive past us one by one taking a lap before lining up at the starting line. I clutch to Courtney’s arm scared to death. 

     “Breath Kylie, it will be okay,” she reassures me, with a quick peck to my cheek.

     The race is four hundred miles or one hundred and sixty laps. The first one hundred and ten laps go by with only a few minor incidents and a couple yellow light cautions, all which were behind Cameron. Through the course of the race, Cameron has managed to bump himself up into tenth position. I have been able to relax a little and enjoy the race, cheering for my man.

     With only fifty laps to go, we notice the racers in front are starting to get a little bolder. They start nudging each other trying to get past one another and increase their position. The cars go zooming by us and then we hear the awful sound of metal against metal, and see cars spinning all over the track through the turn. Other cars are swerving trying to avoid getting mixed up in the crash. I search the cars trying desperately to find Cameron in the mess, then Courtney points to the other side of the track. His car is slowing down untouched, as he was able to avoid the collision altogether. 

     “Oh thank God,” and I release Courtney’s arm that I didn’t realize I was holding onto.

     “It will get easier Kylie,” Courtney tries to assure me.

     “I doubt that, I will always be a nervous wreck.” 

     “That’s why you should go with him. Will you be able to handle seeing that on TV and not being there if he’s involved?” 

     I just shake my head, not sure what to say. The drivers are under a caution for almost an hour while the crew works to clear the track of debris. The drivers take this time to go in for a tire change and fuel, while most
of the spectators use this time to go to the bathroom and refill their beers. When the race restarts, so does my anxiety.
Please lord, only a few more laps to keep him safe. 

     The rest of the race is
uneventful, until the final lap when Kurt Busch’s car, in the second spot, and Juan Pablo Montoya, in the third spot try to make a break for the lead and end up bumping front ends. One car flies off the track near the center field, while the other car slams into the wall. In the meantime, all the other drivers try to avoid them both. No yellow caution goes out and the race continues. Jimmy Johnson maintains the lead and wins the race, while Cameron finishes in fifth place. That’s not bad at all for a rookie and he will be coming home with all his limbs. 

     I had previously agreed to meet Cameron in the garage after the race
, so I say my goodbyes to my parents and his family. Trying to make my way to the garage, is like a fish trying to swim upstream, everyone is in a hurry to leave after a long day in the sun. Walking past the other garages, I hear a variety of different emotions. Some of the drivers are happy with their performance, while others scream and rant at their crew for a car that was running like shit. When I get to Cameron’s garage, the crew is still slapping him on the back for a job well done. When someone whistles at me, Cameron turns and gives me the biggest grin with excitement in his eyes. He is sweaty and grimy, but has never looked sexier. Lord help me, I’m in for a lot of anxiety in the future because there is no other man for me.




















Chapter Seventeen



After the race, Cameron and I hang out in the garage with his crew for a while. They relive the race telling him what he did well, and what to improve upon. He’s completely exhausted when we walk in the door past midnight. He takes a quick shower, while I put something together for him to eat and we relax on the couch watching TV. Within minutes of finishing his food, he’s asleep with his head in my lap. I just let him sleep, while I admire his features and run my fingers through his thick brown hair. Before long, I’m asleep as well.

     Late in the night, I feel myself lifted in the air; my arms instinctively go around his strong neck. He places me gently on the bed and starts undressing me. He lifts my tank top over my head and unfastens my bra, taking one breast in his hand while drawing a nipple into his mouth, I feel myself heat up and become slick instantly. He begins to unfasten my jeans and pulls my zipper down, I help him get both my jeans and panties down past my hips, and he pulls them off my legs.

     “I have been away from you almost the entire day. I need to feel you and taste you.” He groans, staring at my naked body.

     “I would never deny you that request.” 

     He smiles and starts crawling up the bed towards me. He nuzzles my sex with his nose and I watch as his tongue comes out and flicks my clit. My hips arch off the bed begging for more. He slides both hands under my ass holding me up slightly while he sensually assaults my folds, leaving me a quivering mess in minutes. It’s amazing how someone so big can be so gentle and sexual, fulfilling my needs before his own. I pull him up to me and we lay there kissing for several minutes. I can taste myself on his lips and it turns me on even more. I roll him to his back and slide myself onto his shaft loving how he fills me up completely.

     Cameron’s eyes burn into me with desire as he watches me slide up and down his length. His fingers dig lightly into my
hips, as I tease him by going slower than he likes. He watches my tits as they bounce with each thrust. When he can’t take it anymore, he flips me to my back and pounds into me. I grind my hips against him as we both find our sweet spot and come together.

     “I will never get tired of making love to you. I can’t bear the thought of being away from you next week when I have to go to Talladega for a race. Can’t I persuade you to come with me?” He pleads, pushing his cock inside me.

     “Umm, that feels good. Keep it up and I don’t know how I could possibly say no,” I pant, wanting it again.

     He slides himself in and out slowly this time making me feel every wonderful inch of him. Sex like this is the best, slow, deep, and unhurried. He lifts up and rubs his thumb over my clit while thrusting agonizingly slow inside me. I start to come apart, arching into him, begging him to make me
come; finally, he picks up speed. I draw my legs up near my chest allowing him to pound into me deep and fast. I feel him harden and grab his ass holding him deep inside me as he pulses, sending me over the edge. I crush my mouth to his, muffling yet another scream of ecstasy that wants to escape. 

     “Baby, you need to let me get some sleep now. We have to be up to take your parents to the airport
,” he states.

     I smack him in the stomach and roll over; he automatically pulls me to him and we fall back asleep, my back to his chest.

     In the morning, we shower, make a quick breakfast, and then take off to pick up my parents. My mom takes the back seat with me so we can talk on the way to the airport. My dad talks to Cameron about keeping me safe and watching over me. Cameron explains that it will be a little harder to do when I work or when he’s on the road. I hear my dad telling Cameron to persuade me to go with him and thoughts of the previous night flood my memory. I don’t know if I can handle going days without his touch.

     Arriving at the airport is bittersweet, I hate to see my parents go
, because I’m going to miss them terribly, yet I’m anxious to start my new job and finally make some money. Mom and I get in our hugs and shed a few tears, while dad and Cameron shake hands and whisper amongst themselves. 

     “What are those two up to over there whispering?” I ask my mom.

     “Not sure. He told me earlier that Cameron wanted to speak with him but didn’t go into details about what,” Mom replies.

     “Well I don’t like
it; it looks like those two are up to no good.” 

     “Doubtful, those two together couldn’t or wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Mom says smiling. “They are just two great big handsome teddy bears.” 

     With one final hug for both of them, they walk off towards security to begin checking in for their flight. I wave several times before they disappear around a corner and are gone. Cameron folds me up in his arms and holds me for a few minutes knowing I’m going to miss having them here. “Are you ready to go home, babe?” 

     “Yeah, I guess so,” I reply depressed.

     “Anyway I can make you happier when we get home?” He jokes with that sexy smirk.

     “Don’t you ever get enough of that?”

     “I could never get enough of you,” he replies giving me butterflies in my stomach.

     “So, what were you and my dad whispering about?”

     “Just something I had to ask him, you will find out in time.” He laughs knowing how impatient I can be.

     We drive back in silence and decide to go for an afternoon swim. After a few hours on the beach, we order pizza and he runs out to get a red box movie. We spend the night cuddled on the couch like an old married couple, completely content in each other’s arms. He gives me a shocked look when I get up around ten o’clock to wash up for bed. 

     “I’m going to go to bed early.” 

     “That’s a great idea, we can start early,” Cameron suggests, with that gleam in his eye.

     “Oh no, I have to start my new job tomorrow. I need to be well rested; you know I’m not a morning person. I have to be up by eight o’clock to shower and be there by nine,” I explain.

     He gets that pouty look. “No nooky?” 

     “No nooky, but a back rub to help me fall asleep would be nice.” 

     He follows me into the bedroom, “I guess I will have to take you any way I can.” 


     The next morning I wake up to the smell of frying sausage and coffee. I take a quick shower and dress in my new work clothes, throw my hair up in a bun, and go in search of some breakfast. Cameron is so sweet, he has made sausage, pancakes with strawberries, and coffee. When I walk into the kitchen, he smiles at my attire. 

     “You kind of look like a sexy librarian, one I would have loved to have in school,” he teases me and kisses the tip of my nose.

     I go to the hall mirror and glance at my reflection, “It doesn’t look that bad, does it?”

     “Just a little stuffy for your spunkiness, now if you came with me on the road you could dress in that lovely tank top and short shorts every day,” he nuzzles my neck from behind.

     “You and my dad are relentless. I need to try working and doing my own thing for a while. I need to know I can stand on my two feet and support myself. I hope you understand.” 

     “Well your dad was right; you definitely have a stubborn streak. I will have to work harder to break it and make you an offer you can’t refuse. Maybe I will start persuading you after you get home from work. Let me drop you off and pick you up later, I’ll only be at the track a few hours today.”

Alright, but I need to get going now. I can’t be late on my first day.” I push him towards the door.

     Cameron drops me off and I go in to find Stephanie. Stephanie is just as excited as I am that she’s training me. She shows me the break room and assigns me a locker for my personal items. We spend about an hour in the training room where she teaches me the computer
system, then how to program the key cards for the guest rooms. She wanted to show me without interruption and give me time to try the system. It seems easy enough but when I have the phone ringing off the hook for reservations, it may not be as easy. They are only going to have me train for three days, and then on Thursday I will be on my own.

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