Take (Temptation Series) (24 page)

He watched as the car ahead of him crossed over to the outside lane and floored it up a straight stretch of road. When they came to a stop at a red light, he pulled up beside Logan and made sure to look at the tinted window. He couldn’t see in, but he knew Logan was watching him, and it was made clear when the car behind them honked at the green light they’d both missed.

Like a gunshot, Logan punched the car into gear and hurtled down the road. Tate fell back so he was following behind, and when Logan took a left, he was sure to follow.

He knew where Logan was going—home—and he had to wonder what exactly he expected would happen once they arrived.

Making a right at the final turn, Logan pulled into the drive that led them down to the underground parking, and Tate followed in after. Apparently, that was okay because the gate remained open long enough for him to drive inside.

The parking garage was quiet except for the low rumble of Logan’s engine, and when he turned into his parking spot and shut off the vehicle, Tate maneuvered his bike in to fit beside him.

He took his helmet off, placed it on the fuel tank between his thighs, and waited. His heart was hammering and his blood was rushing around his ears as Logan opened his door and got out.

He looked at him over the roof of his car and then slammed the door shut. The echo of it was thunderous in the dark garage as he made his way around the back of the car and over to him.

Tate climbed off the bike and tried to imagine what was about to go down. In his mind, it could go one of two ways.

Logan could tell him to fuck off or
could get the first word in.

He went with the latter.

“It’s rude to leave in the middle of an argument.”

“We weren’t in the middle. We were at the end,” Logan stated, stopping in front of him.

God, he looks amazing.

His black hair was slicked back, and the black pants and white shirt he was wearing paired with a suit jacket that seemed velvety to touch all came together to make Logan look like a fucking rock God—but he would
let that distract him.

“No,” Tate told him. “You got pissed off because someone didn’t do what
wanted. Someone told you no. Told you that they needed space.”

“Is that what you think?”

“It's not what I think. It’s what I
. Everyone knows that Logan Mitchell is the player. The one who
gets turned down if he wants something. I also imagine you’ve never heard the words ‘I’ll call you.’ How’d that feel?”

Tate couldn’t believe the stuff flying out of his mouth, but the more he talked, the angrier he became. He was angry that Logan would accuse him of going elsewhere, and angry that he’d question his own feelings in the first place.

“God, you’re being an asshole right now,” Logan growled as he shoved him slightly until his back was against the concrete pillar. “You made me wait for five fucking days! No phone call, no text, no ‘
Hey, I still want to do this.’
Just nothing—silence. So your parents freaked the fuck out. Whose didn't? Did you expect them to greet you with open arms?”

Tate shook his head, frustrated with Logan—but more so with himself. “I expected them to be a little more fucking compassionate, yes!”

Logan scoffed at him. “Yeah? Well, welcome to the real world.”

In an instant, Tate’s fury turned to dejection. “I don’t even know why I bothered following you tonight. I’m just gonna go.”

Logan scratched the thick stubble covering his chin. “
you know what? Yeah, just go,” he said, his voice deceptively low as he started pacing. “Leave…Why not, right?”

He went to move around Logan, but before he knew it, he felt two hands on his shoulders pinning him in place. Logan’s blue eyes scanned his face in some kind of frantic search, and then he just…exploded.

? Of course, just leave. Fuck me for being so stupid,” he fumed and then dropped his hands away. “And fuck
for making me fall in love with you.”

Tate blinked several times as if Logan had just sucker-punched him.

He stood frozen as Logan walked back and forth, and then, as if he’d come to some inner conclusion, he spun on his heels and stormed back around to his car door.

But there was no
Tate was letting him go after that.

He ran around the other end of the car and got to the driver’s side just before Logan, blocking his way.

Finally finding his tongue, he asked, “What did you just say to me?”

“You need to move,” Logan advised, devoid now of all emotion.

Tate didn’t budge, not even to blink. He just stood there staring back at him.

Did he really just say—

“I said
, Tate.”

Logan reached out to push him aside, and
he stood his ground.

By that point, Logan was all bluster, his anger masking the emotions he’d let surface—the emotions that terrified him.

“Get. Out. Of. My. Way.”

Tate stubbornly shook his head. He’d be damned if he was going to let him leave without acknowledging his words. Plus, who knew where the hell he was going? They were already at

What other options are there?

Apparently done with waiting, Logan grabbed his arm and shoved him aside. “I'm going to get in my car and drive out of here. You can either get in and come with me or never see me again. It's your choice, Tate.” Then he got in the car and slammed the door.

His choice, was it? Not any longer, it wasn’t.

It had stopped being a choice when Tate realized it wasn’t his head but his heart deciding.

He quickly walked around to the passenger’s side door, opened it, and got in. Once the door shut and secured him inside, he looked across the console to Logan.

“Logan?” He waited, and when nothing came, he whispered, “I love you too.”

The only sound in the car was his breathing—until Logan started the engine and revealed four words that almost shattered him.

“I don’t believe you.




Logan stared out the windshield as he drove up the highway and told himself to focus on the road, not the mute man sitting beside him. He was still reeling from what happened back at his place, replaying the words over in his head.

They’d been driving around an hour now, and he was surprised Tate hadn’t spoken since they’d left. The last words he’d said were, “
I love you too.”

Unable to help himself, Logan took a quick moment to glance at the passenger’s seat and found Tate angled toward him. His back was half pressed against the door, his arms crossed over his chest. Logan then looked up to find him watching his quick perusal with such quiet intensity.

“Where are we going?”

Something to focus on other than, “
I love you too.”

“Do you care?”

Logan knew he sounded surly, but that was too fucking bad. He’d had a shitty week. His plan to go to HAZE and ask Tate to go away with him had not gone the way he’d anticipated.

Instead, everything had just gotten shittier until, “
I love you too.”

“Yes, I care. Especially since I need to come up with a good excuse for being gone.”

“New Buffalo,” Logan told him, and when he got no response, he looked over at Tate who gave a few slow nods.

“What’s in New Buffalo?”

Logan saw his exit coming up and crossed several lanes, ready to leave the highway. “A beach.”

“I know that. I’ve been there before.”

“Then why’d you ask?”

Tate sighed and then asked, “Are you gonna be like this the entire time?”

“And how’s that?”

“Pissed off, annoyed, moody?”

Logan took the off-ramp, and when he pulled to a stop at a red light, he turned to face his passenger. “Yeah, I think I might be. At least for the rest of the night.”

“It’s already the morning.”

at least
until noon. Smartass.”

The light changed to green and Logan put his foot on the gas. There was silence in the car again until, “I
going to call you.”

Logan ran a hand back through his hair but offered no reply.


* * *


Tate continued to watch the guarded man focused on his driving.

“Why can’t you ever just say what you’re really feeling?”

Logan whipped his head around and drilled him with an expression so fierce that Tate was surprised it didn’t leave marks on him where it held him in place.

“I do say what I’m feeling.”

“No you don’t.”

Logan made a turn onto a street and remained silent.

“Okay,” Tate mused. Then he stated quite adamantly, “I love you,” and waited for a reaction.

He watched Logan pull his bottom lip behind his top teeth as if he were holding back his words. Then he released it and said, “I told you how I feel about that.”

Tate remembered all too well. “You said you didn’t believe me.”

“That’s right.”

Tate shrugged as if it didn’t bother him, when really, it cut deep—really fucking deep. “You may not believe me, but it’s true. And at least
can say the words.”

“I can say them.”

“Ah huh,” Tate placated, but he said nothing else.

He felt his mouth curving into a victorious smile as Logan pulled off onto a side street and parked, keeping the engine idling.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you always mask what you’re really feeling. Even earlier, you didn’t actually
the words.”

Tate knew he was slowly chipping away at Logan’s annoyance because he now had one hand up on the headrest and his fingers were very lightly—almost as if he didn’t even notice—touching his hair.

“I said them. Maybe you didn’t hear me after spending the night in a

Tate decided if ever there was a time to remind Logan that he was exactly where he wanted to be, that time was now. He reached out, took him by the lapels, and jerked him across the console. When their noses were touching, he ran his fingers along the scruff covering Logan’s jawline.

“I didn’t think it was possible for you to be any sexier, but damn, Logan…you proved me wrong.”

This close, he could see the way Logan’s eyes dilated in response, but the pleasure was short-lived when he heard him ask in a gruff voice, “Then why did you leave me?”

Before Tate could remind him that he hadn’t
—he’d just needed space—Logan cupped the back of his neck and connected their mouths.

Molten fire lit his veins as his lips parted and Logan pushed inside. As their tongues tasted and they strained to get closer to one another, Tate felt the hand at the back of his neck slide up into his hair.

He groaned as Logan’s fingers twisted and tightened, reminding him that he loved the slight bite of pain that came when getting his hair pulled.

Damn, I’ve missed this—missed him.

The forceful way Logan took what he wanted and demanded that
do the same made Tate’s body respond in a way it never had with anyone else.

As a deep growl reverberated through the car, Tate felt his cock harden in response. Then Logan pulled his mouth free and demanded,

“Stop?” Tate repeated, not quite sure he’d heard correctly. He couldn’t remember that word
leaving Logan’s mouth.

“Yes. Stop,” he said again, moving to his side of the car.

Tate sat back in his seat, pressed a palm to his erection, and moaned.

“Don’t do it.”

He looked over to see Logan’s eyes moving between his hand and his face. “Don’t do what?”

“Sit there and get off in my car. You put me through the fucking wringer this week.”

“So you didn’t—”

“Didn’t what? Jerk myself off to the guy who told me to get lost? No, I didn’t.”

Tate removed his hand, his cock instantly deflating. Then Logan’s voice cut through the tense silence.

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