Taken by Aliens: An Erotic Sci-Fi Saga (8 page)

unusually quiet Saturday afternoon, George was scheduled to speak to teamsters
meeting at a ritzy downtown hotel.

An hour
before he was scheduled to appear, George Wilson’s complicated mess of keys
rattled loudly as he locked the front door of his palatial estate.  He gave a
quick wave to the gardener and walked around to the six-car garage.  From
behind a thick hedge only a few feet away, Alice watched his every move.

The hair
on his head was still as slick as ever, though a light spray of pepper was
starting to form at his temples.  Below his eyes, the beginnings of dark bags
were forming like storm clouds.  The navy blue, almost black suit that he wore
fit a little tight around his fuller gut and made his gait awkward as he
hurried toward the door right next to her.

waited in silence and watched like a vulture.  Her eyes never strayed from
George.  She noticed every small flick of the wrist and twitch in his round
cheeks.  She watched as he effortlessly slipped another key into the door and
flung it open.

It was
finally time.

burst out of the bushes and rushed the aging Senator.  He yelped and dropped
his collection of keys just as Alice slammed the door behind them and pushed
him up against the wall.

he stuttered, “please, you can have whatever you want.  Just don’t hurt me!”

slipped a knife out of her pocket and wrapped it around George’s throat.

“What if
all I want,” she whispered into his shaking ear, “
to hurt you?”

could feel him swallow a lump in his throat.  Even though he didn’t say it, she
knew that a single word was enough to remind him of who she was and what he had

The two
of them stayed in silence.  Alice’s full breasts pressed up against his back
and her sharp weapon hovered just above his windpipe.

“We are
leaving, Senator.”

if,” his voice cracked, “if you do this, you are in for a world of trouble.”

grabbed his head and yanked it backwards, exposing his bare neck.

can’t hurt me as badly as you did, George.  Do you understand?”

didn’t answer, afraid that even the slightest move would force his flesh onto
the serrated teeth waiting for him.  Alice let go of his head and ran her hand
through his hair.  It felt exactly how she remembered; even smelled the same. 
She took a deep breath and let the familiar scent fill her with warm
melancholy, though it was quickly tempered by her burning rage.

she asked into his ear.

didn’t have a choice.”

The mere
sound of his voice made her jaw clench.

George.  That’s not good enough.”

slipped the knife away from his throat just long enough to bring the heavy
handle down onto his temple.  The wealthy Senator crumpled down onto the floor
and she slipped the knife back into the sheath that she had hidden in her waist

Once she
loaded him up in the trunk and bound his wrists with some old rope she found
lying around, Alice only took a minute to get his town car started.  After
that, she turned out onto Adams Street with a smirk.

long now, Senator Wilson,” she called back to the unconscious man in her trunk,
“not long at all.”




golden, shining sun began to dip down below the horizon just as the Senator’s
vehicle bounced down an overgrown dirt road.  It had been many years since
Alice and her friends, still gripped in the perpetual drama of strip club
politics, ran around the area without a care in the world.  And yet, every
subtle twist and bump in the road was just like it was back then.

pushed the vehicle until it could go no further, its headlights illuminating a
dark clearing just a short distance away.  When she clicked the key to the off
position, the Senator’s muffled voice came up from the trunk.

down, George.”

She left
the keys in the ignition and stepped out, not even bothering to shut the door
behind her.  As she made her way to the trunk, she could hear George pounding
against the roof with his bound fists.


popped the trunk open and looked down at the startled Senator.

Alice.  Don’t do this!

knife made its second appearance as she demanded, “Get out and walk with me.”

obeyed silently.

The two
of them walked past a fallen tree and eventually stopped at the back of the
cleared patch of forest.


his voice was trembling.  “I didn’t want to send you, but they made me!  I’ve
thought about you every day since it happened.”

words made Alice stop fumbling with the backpack that she hid there earlier
that day.  She looked over to the Senator, who sat on the ground looking more
pathetic than she had imagined.

For his
part, George wasn’t lying completely.  He had thought of sultry Alice, though
mostly he reminisced about the gentle curves of her body.  Even on those rare
nights when his wife would go all out with lingerie and champagne, the
Senator’s mind would travel to his past exploits with his secret lover.

listened incredulously, so George decided to take things a step further.  He
was willing to lie a little to get out of his precarious position.  After all,
a politician.

he inched toward her on his knees, “you have to believe me.  I loved you.”

thumbed a cord of dingy rope and eyed him carefully.

George,” she dropped the bag and pointed her blade at him; “you had your

minutes, she had the cowering politician bound and strung up on an overhead
tree branch.  There was just enough slack to allow him to keep kneeling, but
not much more.

stepped back to admire her work and, since he wasn’t going anywhere, plunged
her weapon into the soft ground near her feet.  From the ragged backpack, she
produced a long, thin whip and ran its hard tail through her fingers.

do you remember all of the things that we used to do; all of the fun that we
used to have?”

A slight
glimmer of hope flashed across his eyes, “Yes, yes I do.”

walked around until she was behind him.

“This is
going to be fun, too.”  She lashed the whip across his back, forcing a weak
yelp out of his mouth, “Fun for me, anyway.”

The whip
cracked across the lower part of his back, forcing him to whimper and arch
forward.  The weapon’s powerful blows ripped into his button-down shirt,
tearing away jagged flaps with every pass.

the tightening zipper of his tailored slacks, George’s thick cock began to rise
up.  Every sharp snap made it harden until it was as solid as a block of
concrete.  He needed more; needed to remember how she felt.

moved the whip down after each blow, eventually coming to his ass.  From there,
the beating was relentless.  After every smack, Alice would find her free hand
slowly creeping down into the tight shorts that she wore.  Seeing the
previously untouchable Senator squirm made her delicate parts tingle and

By the
time that her roaming hand cupped around her soft mound, her slave’s clothes
were ripped to shreds and hung off of him like a mummy.

With a
flick of the wrist, Alice flung the whip into the forest surrounding them and
kneeled down behind the Senator.  She slipped her hands over his shoulders and
onto his chest.

me, George,” she rubbed her palms over his small, erect nipples, “do you
remember how good it felt?”

hands explored his somewhat familiar body.


tore his shirt off and pushed the ragged scraps of fabric up to his wrists. 
Underneath it, his hot skin almost sizzled beneath her touch.

used to make me your bitch.”


grabbed his head and forced it back while her other hand jammed below his belt
and immediately gripped his erect member.  She rested her lips on the outer
folds of his ear and whispered, “You’re my bitch now.”

didn’t say a word.  Instead, Alice let go of his cock and stood up.  In one,
quick motion, she pulled her shorts and panties off, leaving the lower half of
her body completely naked.  After that, her top went, too.

completely naked, she walked around and stood with her wet pussy hovering just
over the Senator’s face.

lick me.”

raised his chin and buried his face into her slit.  His tongue worked back and
forth over Alice’s throbbing nub with amazing precision, eliciting a powerful
moan from between her lips.  She rocked her hips over him in a frenzied, almost
greedy fashion.

“Oh fuck
yes,” she cried.

Senator wrapped his lips around her bud and suckled.  Alice threw her head back
and massaged her own breasts, stopping only to tease out her pointed nipples. 
The position of power made her head swim with possibilities.  Every tiny hitch
and bump was magnified, making her feel like the Earth its self was trembling
beneath her feet.

could feel herself already starting to slip over the edge.

“Oh no,”
she said to nobody in particular, “not yet.”

climbed off of the Senator and took a few steps back, allowing the rising tide
of release to go back down.  When it did, she grabbed the backpack and reached
her hand in.

“Are you
going to beat me again?”

looked over to him.  His chin and cheeks glistened in the car’s yellow
headlights.  Down below, the zipper of his slacks had been pushed outward like
a tent over his raging erection.

“Do you
want me to?”

he begged, “do it again!”

walked over and stood with her mound just an inch from George’s lips.  She
looked down at him for a while, the backpack still clenched in her left hand. 
When she finally did speak, her tone reflected every ounce of anger that had
been seething below the surface during the three years that had passed.

She rocked her mound against his chin but didn’t let him actually touch the
damp folds just below it, “You get nothing.”

From the
bottom of her bag came a long, purple dildo attached to several pieces of
leather: a strap-on.  The Senator stared up at her with wide eyes.

aren’t going to-“

reached down and slapped the bound politician hard enough to make his face slam
up against the inside of her thigh.

worry, George.  This isn’t for you.”

With a
few quick movements, Alice strapped the obscene toy onto him so that the base
of the rubber cock sat just above his own.  As she wrapped the last strap
around his waist, she jerked her hand away, forcing the metal loop down so hard
that it bit into George’s skin.  He swallowed hard but didn’t squeal.

just made Alice more angry.

When she
was finished, Alice grabbed onto the purple shaft and guided the tip to her
entrance, crouching down as she did so.  The slick member slid into her and she
began to bounce her body up and down over it.

George.”  She said between moans and thrusts, “Do you see what you’ve given

yes.  Oh God I-“

continued to ride the fake dick.  She reached down to her open area and began
to circle her finger tips around her clit.  Her eyes never left the Senator’s. 
The pleading in them made her feel so good; she was drunk with power.

closer, she bore down onto the strap-on with increasing speed until she reached
the very edge of what she could handle.  Then, as quickly as everything had
changed before, the tense sensation building in her gut snapped, unleashing
wave after wave of pleasurable echoes that raced through her body at break-neck
speeds.  She screamed out to the darkened sky above and rode out every last

When she
was finished, Alice rose up from the rubber cock.  Her breaths were short and
shallow, but it was nothing compared to the pitiful, begging sight before her.

from somewhere beyond the tree line, a bright burst of light illuminated the
small patch of forest where they were.  Alice looked up with one hand shielding
her eyes.  Above her, the alien ship belonging to the tentacle monsters was
hovering and flashing.

The mere
sight of it made Alice’s stomach turn.

screamed up at the ship and balled her fists, “How did you find me?!”

the Captain’s voice rang out in her head, “Alice, those creatures implanted you
with a tracking device.  You need to get away.”

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