Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator) (7 page)

Read Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator) Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

Chapter Ten


Leif hated politics. All he wanted to do was to take his queen and her young ones back to his home. What he needed to do was to free his people. There was no question that their needs had to come first. Didn’t mean his duties didn’t sit ill with him. Especially when it meant leaving his woman in the care of another. He’d feel better once she was with Jorak, but it didn’t feel right. Rubbing the back of his neck, he set about readying himself to meet with the chancellor.

Which was a huge fucking waste of time.

By the end of the meeting, Leif was more frustrated and angry than anything else. Not
only that
, but he continually worried over Elsa. The men gathered, requesting to meet with him, hadn’t wanted to hear anything he’d said, hadn’t seemed to even want to be there. So why had they summoned him? The timing seemed too coincidental. Before he’d made public his intention to take Elsa as his mate, Chancellor Nathan had been the only leader expressing interest in talking with him. Though Nathan hadn’t been particularly interested in freeing Leif’s people, he had at least listened. To think the other government officials had suddenly had a change of heart had been too good to be true. He’d been right. But he was puzzled as to the reason for this meeting. Absolutely nothing had been accomplished other than for him to realize freeing his people by political means might not be possible.

But why now? Fear for Elsa gnawed at him, though he continually reminded himself she was safely under the guard of his most trusted warriors. Finally, done with it all, Leif simply left the company of the dignitaries and heads of state as they individually tried to approach him, to reassure him they were the sole voice urging everyone else to listen to his case, to free his people. No doubt he’d insulted more than one of them by his abrupt departure, but he simply couldn’t stomach the duplicity a moment longer.

And always, he worried for Elsa.


Elsa walked through the streets of Skyward Home alone—not that she minded. Though she got along with most everyone she’d ever encountered, there was something about Astrid she disliked on first sight. Knowing there was every possibility her life—and the lives of Jaccob and Surriah—depended on the goodwill of all of Leif’s soldiers, she’d smiled politely and taken direction from Astrid without question.

Until the woman has simply disappeared. One moment she was there; the next she wasn’t. Elsa had stopped in her tracks, looking around her. Though it wasn’t even dusky dark yet, the shadows had been enough that the obviously skilled warrior had vanished without a trace.


Oh well. Elsa hadn’t liked her, had preferred not to be around her. Now she was alone. With a shrug she’d continued on, reaching the familiar route home from the chancellor’s palace soon enough. Thankfully, all the elite government buildings and housing were in the same part of town. It made getting home easy and quick, as she knew the best and fastest route to take.

A hand clamped over her mouth, stifling the scream fighting to get past her lips. Elsa struggled wildly as rough hands held her fast, hurting her tender flesh even as the pain encouraged her to fight harder.

“Why did he bring you to the embassy?” The gruff voice in her ear was vaguely familiar, but she was too terrified to process who it was. “What does he want with you?”

The hand let up just enough for her to get out a reply. “I—nothing! He was flirting!” Terrified beyond anything she’d ever known, Elsa still realized she was a pawn who could be used by either side to get what they wanted. If she gave away too much, it would definitely spell her doom.

There was a pause before she heard another male mutter excitedly, “We can use that to our advantage.” Just as she feared. She was nothing but a pawn. Likely an expendable one.

The other one clamped his hand back over her mouth before Elsa had a chance to claim she’d rebuffed the king, while the one restraining her gave a harsh command next to her ear.

“You will seek him out, tease him, torment him,
him if you have to, but you will gain his trust. Once you do, you will lure him to the glade outside the city.”

“But that’s off limits to anyone but the chancellor—”

He cut off her protest with a harsh squeeze to her cheeks. “Do! It!” He took a breath. “Do it or you’ll never see your children

Elsa’s stomach knotted, and she retched behind his hand. This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be happening!

Without another thought, she managed to get her mouth open just that little bit behind her captor’s hand and sank her teeth into his finger. Tasting blood, she kicked out with her feet, scraping her thin shoes down his shin. It couldn’t have been much, but it was enough to shock the bastard into loosening his hold. When he did, she got a better grip with her teeth and bit him again.

The second man quickly moved in front of her, backhanding her so hard she saw stars. “You will do as we say, girl,” he snarled. “Deliver the wolf to us and your children will be returned to you unharmed. Don’t, and…”

There was nothing quite like a dangling threat of that magnitude to take the fight out of Elsa. Her children were her life, the reason she put up with groping hands at court events, was able to smile as people like the chancellor berated the working class with her standing right in front of them as if she didn’t exist. They were the reason she’d never taken the step to join one of the groups secretly working to free as many shifter slaves as they could.

And the reason she’d given herself to Leif.

With a roar of rage, something hit the second of her captors in a full-bodied tackle. The man restraining her let her go to help his partner, but whatever was attacking was just too bloody big. Too…enraged. The speed with which he struck out at her captors was incredible. Blood spurted from one’s nose while the other one screamed at the sickening snap of bone muffled in the thick fog. Elsa cringed at the sound. It wasn’t until the big man stood to his full, towering height that Elsa realized it was Leif who’d come to her rescue.

“No!” She screamed before she could stop herself. If he killed the pair, it was likely she’d never see her children again. Assuming they already had the little boy and girl, and that Jorak had been unable—or unwilling—to protect them. Elsa honestly had no doubts her children were already in the hands of the chancellor’s men. He might deny it, might even truly have plausible deniability, but Elsa had seen the intrigues of the court long enough to know that what the chancellor wanted, he got.

“They struck you,” came the deceptively calm voice of the wolf king. He looked like he was holding himself back, holding violence at bay by sheer force of will.

“They mistook me for someone else,” she said, lamely. But really, it was the best she could do given the blow to the face, the sudden violence of the situation, and the shocking blow that they possibly already had her children. A small part of her wanted to confide in Leif, but taking the chance he’d fail to get them back before the chancellor’s men killed them was just too great a risk. His own personal guard seemed to be against him. How could she trust they’d be loyal to her if they weren’t loyal to their own king?

“It was a misunderstanding, Leif,” she pleaded, reaching for him. When he stood and took her hand, giving the two men one last menacing glare, she held to him tightly, urging him away. “I need to go home. Can you escort me? That way this won’t happen again.”

“Where’s Astrid?” he bit out, still eyeing the men with menace.

“I’m not sure. Just before these two approached me, she disappeared.”

Leif seemed to process this, to decide something. He didn’t look as scary as when he’d first barreled into her captor, but then what she’d seen had to have been a trick of the light. He’d looked bigger. More beastly looking, though still like a human. Looking at him now, she noticed his once immaculate clothing was ripped in places. Likely from the altercation. But the rips were along his biceps. His shoulders. His thighs. The largest muscles in his body seemed to have ripped his clothing, but that was impossible. It was said the people from the shifter realm could change into their animal form in battle, but Elsa had always thought that a mere rumor to keep the people living in fear. Now, she was beginning to wonder.

“Come then,” he finally said, pulling her into the shelter of his body. His brawny arm went around her shoulders protectively. “Show me to your home, and we’ll discuss this…misunderstanding.”

Glancing over her shoulder, the last sight Elsa had of the two men was one lying face down on the ground, the other with an evil grin on his face. She had to wonder if it was because the man knew Elsa would do what he wanted. Or because he wanted to see Leif, the man who’d just bested him and his partner with so little effort, dead.

Chapter Eleven


There was definitely something more going on than a simple misunderstanding. Everything in Leif screamed for him to take his woman and run, but he could sense her unease just as strongly as his instinct urged him to run. Gone was her trusting acceptance of him of only a half an hour before. Instead, Elsa was a woman ready for trouble, expecting it from anyone and everyone. Including him.

Alert for more trouble, it was all Leif could do to keep from growling at anyone unlucky enough to get near them. As it was, more than one person did a double take and backed away, suddenly finding the opposite direction a desired way to go.

“Really,” Elsa said with a little shrug—probably trying to hint that he should let her go. “I’m fine. You don’t have to walk me all the way home. I’m certain your guard is there waiting for me. I don’t want to be a bother.”

“You’re not.”

“This isn’t a good idea,” Elsa muttered. “None if it was. You need to leave this place. Go home. Now.”

“Not possible,” he said with a shake of his head. “I came here to establish a dialogue between our people. If I’m to bring home all the shifters of my realm this must be so.”

“You just don’t understand!” Elsa was practically yelling at him, but trailed off, making a visible effort to calm herself. She glanced around as if expecting they were being watched.

“Then explain it to me.” Leif reached out to cup her face, but she flinched away as if afraid he’d been going to strike her. The contrast in her actions now with how she’d craved his touch less than an hour ago was so marked Leif was at once infuriated and so confused he was at a loss. What had really happened with those men? It was then he saw the faint reddish-blue finger marks on her cheeks. The right side of her face was also bruising where she’d been struck. Fury like he’d never known washed over him, but Leif tamped it down, knowing any show of aggression on his part right now wouldn’t be wise. He needed to get her the hell out of here.

They entered her building and took the elevator to her floor once again. More than once, Elsa glanced up. It was then Leif noted the tiny camera affixed to the ceiling of the conveyance. The doors opened and she stepped off, hurrying down the corridor to her apartment. On the way, Leif glanced at the ceiling, noting more of the small surveillance devices. Were they being watched? Each time she took her eyes from her path, she looked toward another camera. Interesting. Was she trying to point them out to him?

Producing a key from her handbag, she unlocked the door with efficient movements and stepped inside. She tried to shut it before he could gain entry, but he simply shouldered his way inside. Glancing around, he saw a bedroom and bathroom off to one side, but the rest of the place was one small area. This is where she lived? And where were her children?

She was frantically dashing about the tiny place, into the bedroom and bathroom, even dropping to her knees to look under the sofa. When she opened the door to what appeared to be a small closet, apparently not finding whatever it was she was looking for, Elsa put her hand to her mouth, turning away from him. Her slim form trembled slightly. It was obvious she was in distress though he couldn’t imagine why. Unless…

“Elsa?” He laid his hand lightly on her shoulder, but she stiffened under his touch. When she turned to face him, her eyes glittered with tears, but none fell. Thank the gods. If she cried, he’d have to kill someone. “I thought you said Jorak was here with your children?”

“He was,” she said without turning around. “Jaccob had studying to do. He likely asked your guard to take them to the library.” It sounded reasonable, but Leif found himself doubting the explanation.

“Really.” He didn’t make it a question.

“I’m a little out of sorts.” She turned, giving him a forced smile, and seemed to force herself to relax under his touch. “I think those men startled me more than I realized.”

“Perhaps I should stay with you tonight.”

“No!” Her adamant refusal made him frown until she softened her tone, explaining, “I’m not prepared for company, especially not of the male variety. I’ll see you tomorrow though. Right?”

Leif’s internal alarm was shrieking at him, but he knew it wouldn’t be wise to push her in this state. He’d proclaimed her his Mate in Waiting in front of his people. He’d shown her he could give her pleasure. But she wasn’t cleaving to him.

 When he’d checked into the quarters provided by the chancellor and his staff, Leif had been given a personal comm device and instructions on how to use it. The wolf in him had been too curious not to have studied it thoroughly and now he was glad of it. He handed her a card with key code. “Use this if you have need of me. I’m only one call away.”

Large, luminous eyes met his. “OK.” Looking away, she cleared her throat. “I’m sure you have work. I promise I’ll contact you tomorrow.”

“So anxious to be rid of me,” he said with a smile. He knew she needed space, but there was more to this. Whatever it was, Leif knew he wasn’t getting it out of her tonight. Best to back off and regroup.

“Just go,” she replied. “Please.”

Nodding, Leif stepped into her personal space. “I’m going,
. But before I do, I have to taste you once more.” The moment she realized he was about to kiss her, her lovely eyes widened and her lips parted. Such a sweet invitation. One Leif simply couldn’t resist.

Instinct made him want to cup her head, to hold her still for his kiss as he took what he wanted from her, but Leif knew he couldn’t. Not this time. She was spooked, trying to pull away for some reason. Though she’d tried to convince him she wasn’t worried about her young ones, Leif knew she was. For some reason she didn’t want to confide in him. Instead of forcing Elsa to accept him, he simply brushed his lips over hers, coaxing her to respond rather than demanding it. When she stiffened, he ran his tongue over her lips, licking the delicate bow until she whimpered against him.

Taking that as a cue to continue, Leif stepped into her until their bodies were brushing lightly. Still he didn’t wrap her in his arms as he so badly wanted to, as he had before, but let her guide him as to what she would allow. It was hell not simply taking her where he desperately wanted to lead. Her need called to his own even now. Elsa tried not to react, but Leif could scent her arousal. The faint, musky smell was driving him wild with the need to stoke it, to make her crazed for him, rode him hard. Vaguely, he had to wonder if there were cameras in her rooms as well. Given the guarded way she still acted around him it was likely.

At length, he ended the kiss, resting his forehead against hers as he caught his breath. Though he was barely touching her with his body, Leif could feel her trembling. When he finally pulled back to look into her eyes, he found hers wide with shock, dilated with budding desire. She raised a shaking hand to her mouth before gingerly laying it on his chest in an intimate, tender gesture. Leif’s chest bowed, arching into her touch. Gods, he
her touch!

When she raised her head to his once more, sliding her hand up to his neck to pull her closer to him, Leif groaned as he kissed her again. This time, he took her mouth in something closer to expressing how badly he wanted her. Had it been less than an hour since he’d had her naked in his bed? He knew it would be disrespectful to take her before they were formally joined, but the reasons why were becoming more and more hazy. Leif wanted Elsa like he’d never wanted anything in his life. In that moment, all he wanted to do was just scoop her up and take her back to Denwulf and damn the consequences. Never had he resented his commitment to his people like he did now.

His tongue plunged between her lips, seeking her own. She tentatively licked him, her tongue darting forward, then back. Leif was aware of her body trembling as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her so instinct had her wrapping her legs around him just as tightly as his arms held her. Backing her against the wall, he thrust against her once, trying with little success to control the lust raging inside him.

Her fingers threading through the hair at the nape of his neck, she pulled back sharply. With a growl, he released his kiss. Elsa didn’t pull away completely, but kept her lips nearly touching his when she whispered, “Go back to your home, Leif. I’m begging you to just disappear into the night where no one can find you or your men. Please.” She kissed him again, but he now sensed the roiling tension in her. Her trembling wasn’t from excitement or lust this time—as his was—but from fear.

Bloody politics!
Had to be the chancellor’s doing. But what had happened? And why wouldn’t she share it with him?

“Am I frightening you that much? Any other woman would be at least a little bit tempted to stay with me. You’re to be my queen, Elsa. All you have to do is be brave enough to stay with me.” He kept his voice low, remembering the way she’d glanced up at the cameras in the elevator and the hall.

“If I say yes, will you go?” Even her voice wavered. What had her so spooked?

“Is it the men who harmed you?”

“Just go!” Her hissed command was anything but that of a terrified woman. She might be frightened, but she was also vexed. Desperate?

In contradiction to her words, she pulled him to her for another kiss. Leif nearly lost his mind when her tongue darted out again to tangle with his. The little vixen kissed him like she intended to take him to her bed, all the while pushing him to leave. What the hell?

With a sigh, he pulled her close even as he ended the kiss, sliding his lips down to the slim column of her neck to place soft licks and nips at the tender flesh there. Masking his whisper against her skin he asked, “Will you come with me?” If she would, he’d take her and her children and leave this second. He’d figure out how to help his people later. His mate had to come first, and he sensed Elsa was slipping away from him with every passing second.

“No,” she answered without hesitation.

“Then will you confide in me the reason why?”

“No.” Again, her answer was immediate. No hesitation.

“Because I was so wrapped up in my own desire that I mistook your anxiety for the same attraction I feel for you?”

“You didn’t. But now isn’t the time.” She spoke so softly that he barely heard her. Had he not had such keen hearing, he likely wouldn’t have.

“Then know my next actions are colored by your own desires. This isn’t over between us.” Before she could speak again, Leif gave her another soft but lingering kiss. When he pulled away from her, he sighed heavily. “I wish I could stay,
, but affairs of state weigh heavily on me. I once again meet with your chancellor and the other representatives from nearby provinces tomorrow. There is much to prepare for.”

“Then you should go,” she replied, much to eagerly for his liking even if there was more going on than on the surface. “I wouldn’t want to keep you from your work.”

“You will contact me tomorrow. Or I
come for you, Elsa.” He made his voice stern, needing her to understand he meant what he said. One way or another, she would be coming home with him when he left.

“Fine.” She sounded almost put out, as if she couldn’t wait to be rid of him, but he could still smell her budding desire. The woman baffled him. But then, most women baffled men, no matter what realm the female was from.

Leif snagged her hand as he walked back to the door. This time, he paid more attention to the finer details of her rooms. His gaze drifted over the walls, the ceiling, even the pictures. He noticed several of a boy and girl. While the male child was fair-skinned with dark blond, cropped hair, the girl was a smaller, younger version of Elsa—dark skin and locks the color of midnight with shining curls. Her children?

Now that he’d had the chance to really take in his surroundings, he was better able to notice the tiny cameras. Two of them at different angles in the one room. He had no idea if there were any in her bedroom or the bathroom but knowing they were in her living area was enough. Elsa would be leaving here as soon as he could convince her.

At the door, Leif brought the backs of her fingers to his lips. Meeting her gaze, he said. “Remember. Contact me. I’ll be waiting, but not for too long. You’re not getting away from me this easily.”

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