Read Taming the Alpha Online

Authors: Savannah Stuart

Tags: #Erotica

Taming the Alpha (4 page)

Her fingers tunneled into his hair and her grip tightened, but he still resisted kissing her exactly where she wanted him to. Instead, with one finger he lazily traced down her slit. He’d expected to find her wet, but damn the woman was soaked.

A growl built in his throat as her scent teased him. Fuck control. He needed to taste her as bad as she wanted it. Burying his face between her legs, he licked her pussy over and over until she was moaning and practically clawing at him.

Her taste always did something wild to him. Shredded almost all of his control and thought processes until all he could focus on was getting inside her and feeling her come around his cock. Shifting slightly, he moved until he was focusing solely on her clit. The tiny nub was pulsing beneath his tongue, begging for his touch.

Talia felt as if she could crawl out of her skin, her pleasure was so acute. She knew how stupid and weak she was being, but right now it was hard to care.

Grant could take her from zero to combustible in seconds. It was something about those dark and dangerous eyes. Once they settled on her, tingles raced along her spine and all she could think about was their naked, entwined bodies.

When he slid two fingers inside her, her inner walls immediately clenched around him. He knew exactly how to make her body dance to his tune. Exactly how to make her climax every time they were together.

As he licked and flicked his tongue across her clit, she didn’t bother hiding a moan. The cooler was practically sound proof anyway. She couldn’t even hear the music blasting out in the bar but she knew the place was still in full swing.

Right now it felt as if she and Grant were the only two people in the world. She had to force herself not to grip him too hard, afraid she’d dig her fingers in too much and hurt him. But when he began moving his fingers inside her, dragging against that hidden sweet spot, her brain practically short-circuited.

“Grant.” She moaned out his name.

He growled against her and the sensation tickled her already aching pussy. All she had to do was say his name and he went crazy. She loved that about him. He might not know much about relationships but he certainly worshipped her body whenever they were together.

“Faster, Grant.” Amazing she could speak, considering the sensitized state of her entire body.

She could barely feel the coolness of the small room with the heat rolling through her. When Grant did exactly as she said and began moving his fingers faster inside her, she instinctively scooted closer to the edge of her seat.

With his tongue he increased his pace until it was too much. Her inner walls contracted wildly around his fingers as her climax surged through her. She didn’t bother biting back a shout as it ripped through her entire system. Her legs tightened around his head, but Grant didn’t seem to notice. He just continued stroking her until her legs slowly fell apart and she was panting from the exquisite relief.

He slowly withdrew his fingers and lifted his head to look at her. For a moment, she swore his eyes changed colors again, but the image was gone so fast she thought she must have imagined it. Even on his knees he was tall so she didn’t have to bend forward much to kiss him.

She tasted herself on his lips and smiled when he moaned into her mouth. Reaching between them, she ran her hand down his muscular chest and stomach and only stopped once she reached his covered erection. The bulge in his pants was hot and waiting for her to unleash it.

But he drew back.

Surprised, she opened her eyes. Before she could question him, he gave his head a slight shake. “I wanted to do that for you. I know you have work and I…don’t want to fuck you right here. Everything you said last night was right. I haven’t had a real relationship in a long time and….”

Shock tore through her at his words for multiple reasons. She couldn’t believe he was admitting he was actually wrong. She also couldn’t believe he’d opened up, as small as his confession was. The truth was, he’d never talked about his past relationships. Not that she wanted all the dirty details but some information would be nice. “And?” Suddenly the cold swept through her as she realized just how exposed she was.

He must have noticed it too because he slowly pulled her panties back up her legs before reaching for her bra and handing it to her. Nervously he cleared his throat. That was a sound she’d never heard from him. Grant was always confident about everything.

At least he kept eye contact. “And I want things to be different between us. I don’t want to lose you, Talia.” The sincerity in his voice nearly undid her.

Her heart was aching but she ignored it. She didn’t want to lose him either but… “I understand you’ve got a lot of responsibilities.” Sometimes she wondered exactly how many he had. It always seemed like he was helping someone at one of the many places he owned. But she brushed past that. “I just don’t like coming in last every time. I need someone who wants to take me out, who wants to call me because he cares about my day and who—”

“Shit, Talia. I’m an asshole. I do care about you. More than…” He sharply shook his head. “Can I take you out tomorrow night? Dinner, a movie, or dancing, whatever you want.”

She bit her bottom lip and winced. He was finally giving her what she wanted and she was busy. And she didn’t plan to change that either. “I have plans.”

Instantly his demeanor changed. His eyes flashed with what looked like anger. “With

She lifted an eyebrow before pulling her shirt over her head. “A couple of girls from the bar. They have the night off so we’re all heading up to the martini lounge
own. You won’t have to worry about me going to a bondage club.”

His eyes flashed again and this time she wasn’t sure what she saw there. Possessiveness maybe. She only knew it made her already damp panties moisten even more.

“Maybe I’ll see you up there,” he murmured.

“Maybe you will.” Standing, she zipped and snapped her pants into place.

He pulled her into a tight embrace. “Let me stay with you tonight.”

Her heart squeezed. She wanted to say yes. The word was on the tip of her tongue. But she couldn’t. Not yet. He might have brought her flowers and asked her out on a date but things hadn’t exactly changed between them. Until she could trust he really meant it, she wasn’t sure how much she wanted to put on the line. How much she wanted to risk her heart. He already owned most of it even if he didn’t realize it, and if they continued down this path and nothing changed, she knew he’d break her heart. Whether he meant to or not. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” she said softly. Disappointment filled her the second she said it.

He stiffened and his gaze became shuttered as he tightly nodded. Still, he didn’t pull away from her. Instead he leaned down and lightly brushed his lips over hers. “I know you need to get back to work. I’ll probably see you tomorrow night, okay?”

Unable to find her voice, she simply nodded and watched him pick up the case of beer she’d originally been sent to get before he strode from the cooler. The thrill she experienced at the thought of seeing him out tomorrow night made her want to curse. So much for staying strong.

Chapter Three

Grant nodded at the hostess as he strode into the Sunset Martini Bar. Erica, one of his youngest pack members, smiled at him and motioned toward the roped off area where plush, microfiber chairs and high-top tables mixed with each other. “Talia’s in there.”

Yeah, he was pathetic if even Erica knew he was there to see Talia and not for work. Not that he cared. He
want to see Talia. So bad he ached for her. Thinking he might lose her because of his own stupidity had been an abrupt wakeup call. He’d tried to call her today but she hadn’t answered. Whether to annoy him or because she’d been busy, he couldn’t be sure. The frustration he’d experienced when she hadn’t picked up had been foreign. And he’d realized she’d been right about so many things. In the back of his mind he’d just assumed Talia would always be available for him.

Arrogant and stupid.

If he was really unlucky, he’d lose the only woman he’d ever truly cared about. The one woman he wanted to mark and claim so bad his canines ached just thinking about it.

He knew she was having a girls’ night but it was close to midnight so he hoped she didn’t mind him showing up. Last night when he’d told her he might see her here tonight she’d seemed interested by that so he hoped that was still the case. When his palms dampened, he inwardly cursed himself. He was no better than a randy cub right now.

Heading to the right, he stepped down the two steps into the roped off section. The lighting was dim in this area. Red and purple-hued overhead lights illuminated everything in a soft glow. The place was fairly packed. Most of the tables were full and the bar was two deep. Not bad for a Sunday night.

Talia sat at a high-top table with two of the waitresses from Crescent Moon. Both members of his pack. God, he really did need to tell Talia about what he was. It was just a matter of easing her into it. Admitting he turned into a wolf a few times a week, was leader of a pack and oh yeah, was about two hundred years old might freak her out. Of course, right now, he just needed to convince her they were meant to be together. Then he’d drop the big stuff on her.

As soon as the two females with Talia saw him, one nudged the other then quickly left the table and made a beeline for the bar, leaving Talia frowning. Until she spotted him.

Talia shook her head but a slight smile played across her lips. “Did you growl at them or something?”

He shrugged and took a seat at the table. “Mind if I sit?”

She raised an eyebrow. “I think you already are.”

“Smartass.” He looked at her almost empty martini glass. The slight scent of vodka and vermouth teased his nostrils. “Want another one?”

She quickly shook her head. “I’m pretty much done for the night. After Friday night…” She mock shuddered. “I’m taking things easy for a while.”

“Sarah isn’t out with you tonight?” he asked as he quickly scanned the place. He didn’t scent her, but there were a lot of people around.

Her cheeks tinged pink. “No, she decided to go back to uh, that other place.”

“Klub Kink?” Instantly his canines ached at the thought of Talia being there. He wondered what she’d thought of it. He wasn’t into pain but he was definitely into domination. Talia was rarely submissive about
but in the bedroom she didn’t mind giving up control. And the thought of tying her up had played in his fantasies on more than one occasion.

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“You never told me if you liked it there.”

“Not exactly. I mean, it was interesting, if a little eye-opening, to see what people are into, but it definitely isn’t my scene.
Are you…into that kind of stuff?” There was a hint of nervousness in her question.

Biting back a grin, he shook his head. “No, but I won’t lie. The thought of tying you up gets me hot.”

At his words, a full blown surge of lust rolled off her. The scent was so sweet he had to bite back a groan. She liked that idea too. Even if she wouldn’t admit it. She cleared her throat and rolled her eyes. “I bet it does,” she muttered.

“That thought turns you on.”

Her eyes slightly narrowed but she didn’t deny it.

“Cat got your tongue?” he murmured.

Her jaw clenched. “No.”

“Then what are you thinking?” He intentionally dropped his voice.

She gave him a hard, searching look then quickly averted her gaze. After a glance at the bar, she plucked her clutch purse from the tabletop. “I think I have work and a lot of studying to do tomorrow so I need to sleep.”

Disappointment pitched through him but he knew she was right, even if he could sense that she was still turned on. She’d been out all night with friends. He’d just wanted to see her for a few minutes before she headed home. Or at least that’s what he told himself. What he really wanted was for her to stay the night at his place. Or for him to stay at hers. But after last night he wouldn’t ask again. Not until they were on steadier footing. He didn’t care what it said about him, he didn’t want to risk her rejection a second time. “Did you drive?”

“No, I caught a ride with them.” She motioned toward her friends.

“Want me to take you home?”

Indecisiveness flared on her face but she eventually nodded. “Yeah. I know they’re not ready to leave yet.”

“I’ll meet you outside.” As she headed for the bar, he quickly exited.

There were more than a few pack members inside and he’d seen a few look their way in the past few minutes. If he waited inside he knew more than one of them would come over and want to talk. Probably about pack issues. Right now he just wanted to forget about all his responsibilities and focus on Talia. She meant more to him than anything and he needed to start acting like it.

Talia found Grant leaning against his truck in the parking lot. A slight breeze whipped up, teasing her bare legs and arms. The dress she’d worn tonight wasn’t as revealing as the one she’d worn Friday, but as the soft wind blew up her dress she was suddenly very aware all she had on underneath was a thong that barely covered her. Grant’s talk about tying her up had gotten her good and wet and now all she could envision was what it would be like to be splayed out before him and allow him to do anything he wanted.

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