Temple of the Winds (97 page)

Read Temple of the Winds Online

Authors: Terry Goodkind

Tags: #Fiction, #Epic, #Fantasy

Legate Rishi rose up in a rage. Blood frothed at his mouth. Strings of it whipped from his chin.

Wavering flares of light and undulating flutters of darkness radiated up his arms, gathering at his chest as he rose up. He was gathering his magic, preparing to unleash it against Richard. Richard went for his sword.

Cara shoved Richard again and rebounded back at the legate, backhanding him across his bloody mouth. The legate whirled, redirecting his rage at her.

Cat-quick, Cara spun past him, striking him again, turning his attention away from Richard as he followed her.

His magic already gathered, he unleashed it at her.

The air thumped and at the same time seemed to oscillate.

The legate went down with a grunt of pain. Cara was on him before he hit the ground. She pressed her Agiel to his throat.

You are mine, now,” she sneered as he gagged in agony. “Your magic is mine, now.”

Cara!” Kahlan yelled. “Don’t kill him!”

The six sisters were squatted down in a shivering clump, hugging one another in terror. Kahlan put a hand to the frightened sisters, reassuring them that they wouldn’t be harmed.

Cara, don’t hurt him,” Kahlan said. “He carries a message from the Temple of the Winds.”

Cara’s head came up. She had a disturbing look in her eyes.

I know. It came to him with magic. His magic is mine, now. The message he carries is embedded within his magic.”

Richard let his sword drop back into its scabbard. “You mean, you know the message?”

Cara nodded, her blue eyes filling with tears.

I know it with him. I share his magic, his knowledge of the message.”

Ulic, Egan,” Richard said, “clear the soldiers out. Shut the doors. Keep everyone out.”

As Ulic and Egan were ushering the soldiers out, Richard seized the legate by the robes at his throat and lifted him. He heaved him into a chair. Richard towered over the suddenly meek-looking, panting Andolian leader.

His chest heaving, Richard gripped the amulet and Raina’s Agiel in a fist. The muscles in his jaw flexed as he pointed at the legate’s face.

Let’s have the message. And you had better tell it true. Thousands of people have already died while you delayed your arrival to get drunk.”

The message from the winds is for two people.”

Richard looked up. The words had come not only from the legate, but also from Cara. She had spoken the words along with him.

Cara, do you know the message, too? Just as he does?”

Cara looked as surprised as Richard. “I … it came to me, as it came to him. I knew only that he carried a message. He didn’t know it until he spoke it. I knew it when he did.”

Who is the message for?”

Kahlan knew.

For Wizard Richard Rahl, and for Mother Confessor Kahlan Amnell.” Once again, both had spoken the words.

What is the message?” Richard asked.

Kahlan knew. She went to Richard’s side, taking his hand in hers, holding it for dear life.

The room was empty of everyone except Richard, Kahlan, Cara, Legate Rishi, and the six sisters, cowering under a table. The lamps around the room dimmed, as if their wicks had been turned down. It cast them all in an eerie, wavering light.

The legate, his face gone blank, looked to have gone into a trance. He rose from the chair, blood still dripping from his chin. His arm lifted, pointing at Richard. Only he spoke, this time.

The winds summon you, Wizard Richard Rahl. Magic has been stolen from the Winds, and used in this world to cause harm. You must wed in order to enter the Temple of the Winds.

Your wife is to be one named Nadine Brighton.”

Unable to speak, Richard brought Kahlan’s hand to his heart, holding it there in both of his hands.

Cara’s arm lifted, pointing at Kahlan. Only she spoke, this time, in a frigid, heartless voice.

The winds summon you, Mother Confessor Kahlan Amnell. Magic has been stolen from the winds, and used in this world to cause harm. You must wed in order to help Wizard Richard Rahl enter the Temple of the Winds.

You husband is to be one named Drefan Rahl.”

Richard dropped to his knees. Kahlan sank down beside him.

She thought she should feel something. She felt only numbness. It seemed a dream.

She had thought it would never come. Now that it was happening, it seemed too fast, as if she were tumbling over a cliff, grasping for a handhold, but finding nothing to stop her fall as she plunged into icy blackness.

It was over. Everything was over. Her life, her dreams, her future, her joy, was over. It only remained to act it out until the end.

Richard’s ashen face looked up from Cara’s feet.

Cara, please, I’m begging you, don’t do this to us.” His voice broke. “Dear spirits, please don’t do this to us, Cara.”

Cara’s cold blue eyes stared back.

I do not do this to you. I only bear the message from the winds. You must both agree to this, if you wish to enter the Temple of the Winds.”

Why must Kahlan marry?”

The winds require a virgin bride.”

Richard’s eyes darted to Kahlan. He looked back to Cara.

She isn’t a virgin.”

Yes, she is,” Cara said.

No! She’s not!”

Kahlan put her forehead against the side of Richard’s face as she gripped his muscular neck, hugging herself to him.

Yes, Richard. I am,” she whispered. “In this world, I am. Shota told me that that was all that mattered to the spirits. In this world, in our world, the world of life, I am a virgin. We were together in another world. It doesn’t apply here.”

That’s crazy,” he whispered in a hoarse voice. “That’s just crazy.”

It fulfills the requirements of the winds,” Cara said.

This is the only chance you will be offered,” the legate said. “If you do not take it, then the obligation of the winds to remedy the damage will be ended.”

Please, Cara,” Richard whispered. “Please … don’t do this. There has to be another way.”

This is the only way.” Cara, in her red leather, towered above them. “It is up to you whether you will repair the damage. You must agree. If you fail to answer the call, it will not come again, and the magic released will run free.”

The winds wish to know your answer,” the legate said. “You must both agree to this of your free will. It must be a true marriage in all aspects. It must be for life. You must both be of honest intent in your marriages, and faithful to the ones you wed.”

He speaks the truth of the winds. What is your answer?” Cara asked in a voice like ice.

Kahlan looked through the watery blur into Richard’s eyes. She could see him dying behind those eyes.

It is our duty. Only we can save those people, but I will say no if you wish it, Richard.”

How many more Rainas must die in my arms? I couldn’t ask you to have me at the cost of another life.”

Kahlan swallowed the wail. “Is there anything … do you know of anything we could do to stop the plague?”

Richard shook his head. “I’m sorry. I have failed you. I haven’t found a way around this.”

You haven’t failed me, Richard. I couldn’t bear to think we were the cause of more death, like Raina’s, today.” She threw her arms around his neck. “I love you so much, Richard.”

Richard’s big hand held her head to him. “We are agreed, then. We must do this.”

Richard brought her to her feet with him. There was so much she wanted to say to him. No words came. When she looked into Richard’s eyes, she knew words weren’t needed.

They turned to Cara and the legate.

I agree. I will marry Nadine.”

I agree. I will marry Drefan.”

Kahlan fell into Richard’s arms as she lost control of her tears. She sobbed in agony. Richard embraced her, nearly squeezing the life out of her.

Cara and the legate were suddenly there, pulling them apart.

You are each promised to another,” Cara said. “You may not do this now. You must each be loyal to your mates.”

Kahlan looked past the legate into Richard’s eyes, each of them knowing that they had embraced for the last time.

In that moment, her world ended.


Kahlan and Richard sat apart, with the legate and Cara between them. Kahlan heard the doors open. It was Nadine and Drefan. After Ulic had let them in, he closed the doors.

Richard raked his hair back as he rose. Kahlan didn’t want to test her legs, yet. It had all slipped through her fingers. Everything was lost to duty.

Nadine eyed everyone in the room: the legate, his six wives, Cara, Kahlan, and finally Richard as he walked haltingly to her.

Richard stared at the floor. “You both know that the plague was started with magic. I told you both how it was stolen from the Temple of the Winds. The temple has sent its requirements if I am to be allowed to enter and stop the plague.

The temple requires that both Kahlan and I wed. The temple has named who it is it requires we wed. I’m sorry that both of you have been … tangled in this. I don’t know the reason. The temple will not explain why it must be so, only that this is our only chance to halt the plague. I can’t force either of you to be part of this; I can only ask.”

Richard cleared his throat, trying to steady his voice. He lifted Nadine’s hand. He couldn’t look her in the eye.

Nadine, will you marry me?”

Nadine’s gaze immediately went to Kahlan. Kahlan wore her Confessor’s face, as her mother taught her. Duty, as her mother had taught her.

Nadine glanced to the others, and then back to the top of Richard’s head.

Do you love me, Richard?”

Richard finally looked up into her eyes. “No. I’m sorry, Nadine, but, no. I don’t love you.”

She was unruffled by the answer. Kahlan was sure that she had expected it.

I’ll marry you, Richard. I’ll make you happy. You’ll see. You’ll come to love me, in time.”

No, Nadine,” Richard whispered, “I won’t. We will be husband and wife, if you agree to this, and I will be faithful to you, but my heart will always belong to Kahlan. I’m sorry to say such a harsh thing to you when I’m asking you to marry me, but I won’t deceive you.”

Nadine thought a moment. “Well, many marriages are arranged, and they turn out well in the end.” She smiled at him. To Kahlan, it looked a sympathetic smile. “The spirits have arranged this one. That means something. I will marry you, Richard.”

Richard glanced back at Kahlan. It was her turn. She saw in those dead gray eyes a glimmer of something: rage.

Kahlan knew that his insides were being torn apart the same as were hers.

She found herself before Drefan before she realized it. The first time she tried, her voice wouldn’t come out. It simply wouldn’t. She tried again.

Drefan, will you … be … my husband?”

His blue, Darken Rahl eyes appraised her without emotion. For some reason, she recalled his hand between Cara’s legs, and she almost vomited.

As Nadine said, I could do worse than a marriage arranged by the spirits. I don’t suppose there’s any chance you will ever come to love me?”

Kahlan’s jaw trembled as she stared at the floor. Her voice wouldn’t work. She shook her head.

Well, no matter. We may still have some good times. I’ll do it. I will marry you, Kahlan.”

She was glad that she had never told Richard about what Drefan had done to Cara. If she had, Richard might have lost control when Drefan said he would marry Kahlan and pulled free his sword.

Cara and the legate stepped forward. “It is agreed, then,” they said as one. “The winds are pleased to have the consent of all involved.”

When?” Richard asked in a hoarse voice. “When will we … when do we… ? And when can I get into the Temple of the Winds? People are dying. I have to help the winds put a stop to it.”

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