Temptation at Twilight: Lords of Pleasure (10 page)

“Consider yourself invited. Your friend, too.”
“Until then.”
The big demon prince strode away with a brush of raven wings, but in the opposite direction of the club’s main room, and disappeared around the corner. Soren guessed there was a back entrance. If so, that was the route he’d be taking.
Steeling himself, he walked to the door of the room containing the woman who would no doubt change him completely. Pushed it open.
And stepped inside to meet his destiny.
arley stood shaking in her shoes. Well, her bare feet, since she was still as naked as the day she’d entered the world.
She was cold, but that wasn’t the only reason for the attack of shivers. All she’d been through in the past few days had finally caught up with her. And out there tonight . . .
Blazing Hades, she’d been a total slut in front of all those people. Creatures. Whatever. They’d reacted in kind, hurling all sorts of lewd comments and suggestions, and she couldn’t even blame them. Part of her had been freaked out. But the other part had loved the attention and the control the handler possessed over her body. He’d played her like a master does a fine instrument, making her sing.
The trembling was a culmination of everything. Her old life gone in the blink of an eye. And good riddance, anyway, because it had mostly been for shit. But would the future that lay in wait be any better?
The door to the dressing room opened, and she jumped. Beside her, she was vaguely aware of Kai doing the same with a gasp. All her focus was on the male filling the doorway.
Oh. My
. She stared, and he returned her regard with a heated look.
He wasn’t as big in muscle mass as Valafar, but he commanded the room all the same. He was tall and broad shouldered, with just the right amount of muscle on his lean frame, from what she could tell with him fully clothed. His legs, hugged by black dress pants, went on forever and showed off a nice package at the front. Long, straight, silky, dark brown hair brushed the shoulders of his tailored blue shirt and contrasted with his piercing amber eyes fringed with dark lashes.
Eagle’s eyes,
she thought. And his
Beautiful. Whereas the demons were sexy in their brutal, primitive way, this man was simply the most gorgeous creature she’d ever seen. Bar none. Full lips, high, arched brows, cheekbones to die for. He could have been the signature model for one of those art exhibits she used to write about. What artist wouldn’t long to immortalize that face?
His eyes flicked from hers momentarily to pin the assistant to the floor. “What’s your name, boy?”
The kid swallowed. “Kai, sir.”
“Where are her clothes, Kai? She can’t leave like that,” he said, gesturing to her nakedness.
“She didn’t arrive with anything but this wrap.” Quickly, the boy fetched the lacy scrap and held it up.
“That won’t do. Get her something decent to wear, and make it fast.”
“Right away, sir!” He fled.
Which left her alone with this man she had no idea how to address. She opted for keeping it simple. “Thank you.”
He nodded. “You’re welcome, Harley. But there’s no reason for thanks. Clothing is a simple, basic need.”
“Some wouldn’t think so where a slave is concerned.” She wondered how he’d known her name, but decided one of the club’s workers must’ve told him.
“True. But I have no intention of keeping you as my slave.”
“Oh.” That news should’ve given her vast relief. But it didn’t. All she felt was sharp disappointment. “So you bought me for someone else? Where will I go?”
Stepping up to her, he reached out and ran his fingers down her cheek. “Oh, you’re going home with me, just not as my slave. My brothers and I don’t believe in that practice. We’re much more into . . .
Her drooping spirits lifted again. “Really? That sounds rather tempting,” she said, her voice husky.
Am I let down? Do I actually need to be an official slave in order to be dominated? No,
she decided. A strong male wouldn’t need that distinction between them. “How does it work for me, then? Legally, I mean.”
“Easy. You go home with me and we light a bonfire with your papers before my oldest brother shoves them up my ass.”
She laughed softly. “Well, we can’t have that. Can I ask . . . I don’t know what I should call you.”
“How rude of me. I’m Lord Soren Fontaine.”
A vampire lord!
. The name sent a skitter through her, and her pulse fluttered. For a moment she couldn’t catch her breath, and he took her arm.
“Are you all right?” he asked in concern.
“I think so. Just felt a little strange for a second. I’m okay now.”
“You’re sure?” He didn’t sound convinced.
“Positive. Your name sounded familiar,” she said, changing the subject. “I could swear I’ve seen or heard it before.”
A flash of very real pain was there in his golden eyes, gone in an instant to be replaced by a neutral expression. “We’re in the society pages quite a bit. My brothers and I run La Petite Mort, an adult pleasure resort outside the city. Aldric is the oldest, then me, and then Luc. You might have seen any of our names in the paper, recounting our legendary carousing.” He winked. “Or, more likely, you’ve read about Aldric and his battles on the Council. He’s the leader of all the vampires in the Southern Coalition. The ancient ones would call him king, but he hates that term and refuses to be addressed as such.”
“I might have read of you all. I’m from St. Louis and I wrote society articles at the paper there. Sometimes we’d catch news from the south, so it’s possible.”
Just then, Kai returned with a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt, and handed them over to her with an apologetic smile. “Sorry there’s no underwear. These aren’t the greatest, but you’ll be covered.”
“A little late for that,” she said wryly. Still, she took them gratefully, yanking on the sweats and then the shirt with relief. Nothing stranger than being naked among clothed people.
“Here’s your slave’s papers, sir.” Kai handed them over. “The manager sends his regards.”
Soren took the documents, a faint look of distaste crossing his face. “Thanks.”
“Good-bye, Kai,” she added.
“Take care,” the assistant said cheerfully. Satisfied with his night’s work, he left.
She eyed Soren curiously as he tucked away the papers. “Tell me something.”
“If I can.”
“Why go to the trouble of coming here, going against your own policy to buy me, only to free me five minutes later? Especially when I’m sure you have willing captives, as you put it, at your beck and call.”
The vampire hesitated, appearing unsettled. “I’m not sure I have a good answer for you just yet, other than ‘I have my reasons.’ But in the meantime, I plan to keep you busy.”
“Doing what, exactly?” At least she’d have a purpose.
“Do you know what it means to be a vampire’s Chosen?”
A jolt of excitement went through her every cell, but she tried to contain it. He might be leading up to something else for her rather than an offer that many men and women would give their souls to obtain. “It means being available to the vampire any time of day for feedings and sex. It’s a symbiotic relationship, because while the Chosen provides those two essential things to the vampires of his or her coven, the Chosen’s life is naturally extended by the contact.”
“Extended by a few decades, but it doesn’t make the Chosen immortal or keep them from aging,” he clarified.
“Right. But it’s still good job security,” she said.
Soren laughed, and she liked the deep rumble. “That’s one way to look at it. Anyway, you will be one of my Chosen, for my exclusive use.”
Oh yes!
Inside she did the victory dance, but common sense demanded more answers. Outwardly, she remained collected. “How is that any different from being a vampire’s slave?”
“Very. Acting as my Chosen is a job offer. Yes, I’m requiring you to try it out for a few weeks before I grant your freedom. But should you find that you dislike the duties, or me in particular, you have the option to leave and seek other employment. Unlike a slave.”
A thrill went through her body at the prospect of belonging to this man—in every way. Staring at him, taking in the determined set of his jaw, the heat in his eyes, she knew that no piece of paper, or lack thereof, would stand in his way when it came to owning her.
He stepped close, reached out to brush a strand of hair from her face. That golden gaze mesmerized her, drawing her into the flames. Her skin burned from the mere graze of his fingers, and she wanted more. “Is this acceptable to you?”
“Yes,” she breathed. “I want to know what it’s like to be Chosen.”
He gave her a sexy half smile. “It’s pure pleasure, like nothing you’ve felt before.” Cupping the back of her head, he brought his lips to hers, whispering against them. “It’s addictive, a little dangerous. Complete ecstasy. I’ll show you.”
He captured her mouth and thrust his tongue inside, exploring. The vampire tasted so good, and felt even better with his hard chest pressed against her, holding her close. He surrounded her totally, and while she knew the very real dangers of succumbing to such a cunning predator, she’d never had the sense of peace that swamped her now. There was freedom in allowing him to have his way, a sense of rightness. She wanted him to take everything.
As he ate her mouth, one big hand slipped under her T-shirt to palm a breast, and he squeezed firmly but not hard enough to hurt. Two fingers pinched a taut nipple, then the other, sending wonderful little shocks through her nerve endings. Then his palm skimmed down her stomach, his hand dipping inside the waistband of the sweats to brush through the curls between her thighs, and on to rub the moist folds of her sex.
“Spread for me, sweetheart,” he murmured.
Widening her stance, she locked her arms around his neck, breath hitching. “I need . . .” She didn’t know how to verbalize it. She’d never been with a vampire.
“I know what you need. Trust me.”
His fingers caressed her pussy, parted the slick flesh to enter her channel. He pumped them in and out, slowly finger-fucking her, taking care to rub against her throbbing clit.
“Ohh, it’s so good,” she rasped.
“It gets better, baby. Much better.”
The hand at the back of her head burrowed in her hair, pulled back her head to expose her neck.
His voice was low, hypnotic. “You’re mine. I’m going to feast on you, do whatever I want, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. And you’re so fucking hot and ready for me, I think you love that idea.”
She couldn’t deny it. At the moment she was helpless against his power, and that knowledge was such a huge turn-on, she could hardly stand the anticipation of what he’d do next. Her pussy was wet, his fingers gliding, spreading her arousal. But when he bent and grazed her vulnerable neck with his fangs, she almost came.
So this was what it meant to be under a vampire’s thrall! Every cell in her body screamed to be claimed. Used.
“Do it, please,” she begged.
He nibbled kisses along her neck, teased with lips and tongue. Then he lingered at a spot near her jugular, hesitated—
And struck. The pain was indescribable, a jolt of agony that shot straight to her heart and limbs as she cried out. But it was over just as quickly as it began, and in its wake was a slow pulse. It started like ripples in a pond, deep in her womb, flowing to her aching sex, to her toes and fingertips. The pleasure grew with every draw he took of her life’s blood, became so big it couldn’t be contained.
“Oh, gods, yes. Yes! Please don’t stop.”
She plastered herself to his front, clinging desperately, babbling. So close.
Her orgasm exploded and she cried out again, riding the waves crashing into her over and over. Just as she thought her body would shake apart from the sheer intensity, the pleasure began to ebb, gradually bringing her down from the awesome high to leave her sated. And so tired.
She slumped against his chest, and he withdrew his fangs, licking the wounds to close them. “Thank you, Harley.” He kissed her temple. “You taste like the sweetest wine. I didn’t want to stop.”
“I’ve never felt anything like that. It’s incredible.”
Pulling back, he held her cheeks in his hands. “How are you feeling?”
“A bit tired, but good.” She paused. “It was painful at first, and then . . . wow. What a high.”
He nodded. “That’s what you can expect as my Chosen, and the initial pain of my bite will become less with every feeding, until it has faded to mere discomfort. Or so the other Chosen tell me.”
she wanted to ask, but the details could wait.
“I’m taking you home. Are you ready?”
“I am.” The word
chimed in her head, and she tried to imagine what having an actual
, not simply a place to sleep, would be like. Obviously Soren wanted her there. But it was much too early to pin her hopes on this new relationship, whatever his motivation.

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