Read Tempted by Her Boss Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Tempted by Her Boss (16 page)

Tunneling his hands into her hair, he gripped the sides of her head, locking his gaze with hers. “I want you there with me. It’s an important night. Renaldi is being recognized as an industry leader. Stasia is going, as well as my brothers—they’re flying in from Italy. You’re going with me. I need you there.”

“I—I have nothing to wear,” she protested and he silenced her yet again with his lips. “I wish you would’ve given me more notice,” she whispered when he withdrew.

“I forgot.” He had. He’d been so damn busy. “But I’ve been thinking about you…going shopping with my money. You could take Stasia with you. She can help you pick anything you like. But it must be a long gown. Formal. Designer. We’re talking thousands of dollars.”

Her lips parted, a little gasp escaping her. “I can’t spend that much.”

Yet another kiss for her protest. “You can and you will. I insist. My woman isn’t going to show up at that gala wearing an off the rack dress from Macy’s.”

She pouted. “I love Macy’s.”

Laughing, he shook his head. “Not for this, my love. For this night, you must look your absolute best.”

“While all you need to do is throw on a tuxedo and you’re ready to go. Life is so unfair sometimes.”

He smiled. “Not for me when I get to be the one who peels you out of that designer gown at the end of the night.”

Chapter Twelve

“Stop fussing. Now let me step back and look at you.” Stasia did just that, taking a few backward steps so she could fully assess Paige in all her formal glory. “Oh, Paige. You look…amazing.”

“I feel ridiculous.” Paige threw her hands up in the air and turned, glancing at her reflection in the mirror yet again, wondering who the stranger was that stared back at her. “I don’t even look like myself.”

“Yes, you do.” Stasia approached, standing just behind Paige, a little smile on her face. During their shopping excursion for the dress, Paige had confessed everything that was going on between her and Matteo. She figured if he was going to stride into this gala event with her on his arm, she may as well warn her friend beforehand that she was seeing her brother. “Matt is going to die when he sees you.”

“A good sort of dying or a bad one?” She was grumpy, nervous, quite frankly scared out of her mind over this evening. What if she made a fool of herself? What if everyone hated her? What if—and this scared her the most—everyone saw through her and figured out she was a complete fraud?

Because she felt like one. It didn’t matter that she wore a gown that cost more than she’d earned last year or that her hair was sleek and smooth, with subtle waves like a glamorous Hollywood starlet. That she wore cosmetics perfectly applied by one of the best makeup artists in the business, at least according to Stasia, or that she would be soon escorting Matteo Renaldi to the premier fashion industry event of the year.

Midwest bumpkin Paige Stewart was an absolute fraud.

“It will definitely be a good sort of dying,” Stasia said with a nod. “He won’t know what hit him when he catches sight of you.”

Irritated with the praise—and irritated even more when she knew she should be grateful for it—Paige shut off the bathroom light and they both headed out to the living room. Gavin waited for them, already clad in his tuxedo, looking handsome as ever. Stasia wore a fiery red gown, sleek everywhere but the front, where it gathered beneath her breasts and hung loosely, hiding her growing tummy.

Paige’s dress was black lace, floor length, sleeveless. Sexy but sophisticated, Stasia had reassured her when she tried it on at the store. She felt as if she were playing dress up. The black Louboutin heels she wore were both gorgeous and ridiculous and she prayed she wouldn’t end up flat on her face before the night was over.

“Doesn’t she look beautiful, Gavin?” Stasia went to his side, curling her arm through his. He leaned in, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before offering a smile in Paige’s direction. “You look fantastic, Paige.”

“Thank you.”

“And was Matty okay when you left him at the neighbor’s?” Stasia asked.

“He was fine.” Thrilled to be spending the evening with his little friend Nathan, he’d run off without a backward glance when she’d dropped him off earlier, already such a big boy at the mere age of three.

Paige glanced toward the door, chewing on her lower lip. God, if Matteo didn’t show up soon, she was going to be an even worse nervous wreck than she already was.

As if he heard her thoughts, the front door opened and Matteo strode inside, absently shutting the door behind him as he studied his cell phone. He didn’t look up as he entered the living room and Stasia cleared her throat, catching his attention.

“Oh. You’re all already here.” He glanced in Stasia’s and Gavin’s direction, offering them a smile. “Guess I should get my monkey suit on and we can go.”

Stasia inclined her head toward Paige. “Look at your date first. Let her know just how beautiful she looks.”

Matteo looked to his right, his eyes widening when he took her in. Without a word, he went to her, grabbing both of her hands and giving them a squeeze as he leaned in and kissed her square on the lips. “God, Paige, you’re gorgeous.”

She smiled, all the trouble, heartache and bad moods over the last few days suddenly worth it. “Thank you.”

“I have something for you.” He let go of one of her hands to reach inside his suit pocket and pulled out a long, narrow box. “A gift to wear tonight.”

“You shouldn’t have.” With trembling fingers, she opened the box, gasping when she saw what was nestled within.

A simple, delicate gold chain that was so thin, it almost looked as if it might disappear. And hanging from the chain was a giant, round, brilliant diamond pendant. The piece was simple, elegant—and an unmistakable Stasia Renaldi design.

“It’s beautiful,” Paige breathed. “But I can’t wear this.”

“Yes, you will. Turn around.” She did as he asked without question, offering her back to him. He smoothed the heavy, straight strands away from her neck, leaning in close to whisper, “I love what you’ve done with your hair.”

She shivered, didn’t answer him as she heard him pull the necklace from the box. With careful hands he brought it around her neck, setting the clasp into place, his fingers brushing the sensitive skin of her nape before he stepped away. “Now face me.”

When she did so, his gaze lit with pleasure as he slowly drank her in from head to toe. “It looks perfect with her gown,” he told Stasia, never taking his gaze off Paige.

“I agree. I’m pleased to see that you gave her one of my designs, Matt.” Stasia went to her brother and kissed his cheek. “I’m honored at the choice, big brother.”

“Your work is exquisite, as is Paige. They make the perfect pair.” He smiled fondly at his sister, then turned his heated gaze to Paige. “Let me get changed, then we’ll be on our way?”

“Of course,” Paige said, nodding dumbly. Which was probably best else she open her mouth and say something stupid.

She watched him leave the room, her gaze lingering on his backside when Stasia nudged her in the ribs. “Ow, what was that for?”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner that you and my brother are so hot for each other?” Stasia accused.

“We are not hot for each other…”

“Ha,” Stasia interrupted. “I saw the way he looked at you. He was envisioning you naked beneath that lace dress. You two are so hot for each other I’m surprised you didn’t set each other on fire just a minute ago.”

“Stasia,” Gavin started, but she threw him a look.

“It’s like I told you before, we’re just seeing each other,” Paige explained. “Nothing too serious.”

“If you want my opinion, I’d say he was madly in love with you. But what do I know?” Stasia shrugged, as if she knew her statement would throw Paige for a complete loop.

Which it did.

In fact, it was all she could think about as she waited for Matteo to get dressed, as they climbed into the limo, as they took the ride over to the Met, where the gala was being held. Matteo sat next to her, his thigh nudging against hers, their hands clasped. And still her mind replayed what Stasia said, over and over and over again.

I’d say he was madly in love with you.

He couldn’t be. Could he? Lust didn’t equal love and she knew he lusted for her. Their nights were filled with intense lovemaking. She’d never been with a man who was so…insatiable. So completely focused on her pleasure that she became lost to it time and again.

But that didn’t mean he loved her. Love was so serious and she knew enough about his past to understand he wasn’t ready for another commitment. Claudia had told her so months ago. Stasia had pretty much confirmed it when they went shopping for dresses. His dead wife had done a number on him. Whereas she believed he’d still mourned her and wasn’t interested in women, it turned out that Lucia Renaldi had burned him, made him wary of any type of relationship.

The thought alone made Paige sad.

“You’re quiet.” Matteo squeezed her hand. “Nervous?”

She nodded, her stomach quivering. “A little.”

“You’ll be fine. But just a warning, they’ll want to take our picture.”

“Who?” She turned to look at him. She hadn’t thought of that.

“The media. They take photos of everyone as they arrive.” He squeezed her hand again, leaning in so he could whisper in her ear, “You won’t have to say a thing. Just stand there and smile prettily.”

His deep, reassuring voice sent a ribbon of heat curling through her. “Do I really look all right? I mean, I don’t want to be one of those insecure women who always needs to be reassured but I’ve never worn a gown like this before and I’m afraid I look…”

“You look magnificent.” He kissed her, right there in front of Stasia and Gavin, who sat mere feet away from them. Engrossed in their own conversation, but still. “You steal my breath away.” He kissed her again, this time longer, hungrier, his tongue sliding against hers for the briefest moment before he pulled away. “I’ll be proud to have you on my arm.”

Her cheeks flushed, she licked her lips, noting that Matteo watched her every move. It was so exciting, how much he always seemed to want her. “Thank you. You look wonderful too.”

He was so elegantly gorgeous in his suit he looked as if he’d walked straight out of a magazine. She was a lucky woman, to claim this man as her own. However fleeting it may be.

For tonight, he was hers and hers alone.



The entry at the Met was a mob scene, the crowded line of paparazzi yelling at everyone as they arrived, trying to get their attention for the perfect photo op. Spectators stood on the other side of the entrance, restrained by a long black velvet rope, holding their phones up and calling the names of the more famous people in attendance this evening.

Matteo escorted a nervous Paige up the red carpet that covered the steps leading to the entrance, Stasia and Gavin just behind them. He knew his brothers were already inside—he’d received a text from Rafe earlier in the limo. They were all sitting together for the evening and Matteo had already warned his brothers he wanted no trouble where Paige was concerned.

Tonight was an evening of celebration. He wasn’t about to let his disapproving brothers hurt Paige’s feelings with their careless words and unwanted protectiveness.

Clutching Paige’s arm closer, he offered her a reassuring smile when she looked at him. She was so beautiful his entire body ached with wanting her. The black lace gown fit her to perfection, her hair was smooth with subtle waves at the end, and he wanted to bury his hands in it, feel the silky strands slide all over his fingers.

All over his naked body…

Banishing the distracting thought, he nodded toward several acquaintances as they passed by. The building was crowded, filled to the brim with the top movers and shakers of all aspects in the fashion industry. Clothing designers, jewelry designers, photographers, models, magazine editors, makeup artists and a sprinkling of celebrities. The annual event was huge. One of the biggest nights for the industry.

He was proud to have Paige on his arm, though he saw the curious looks, the whispered “Who is that with Renaldi?” as they passed by. She was a mystery, making everyone curious, and he wondered for the briefest moment if it had been smart, bringing her after all.

She was a private person, young and inexperienced with the jaded circles he moved within on a daily basis. Given the opportunity, they would eat her alive, chew her up and spit her back out. He refused to give them the satisfaction but he couldn’t always protect her.

Eventually, if she was going to become a permanent part of his life, she would have to learn how to swim with the sharks.

The thought made him bristle with protectiveness. No wonder he didn’t like bringing Paige out into his world. Not that he was embarrassed—on the contrary, he was proud to have her on his arm. But she was so young, innocent and too kind. If she displayed even a hint of vulnerability, she would be attacked.

He would need to watch out for her at all times.

“There’s Rafe and Vince,” Stasia said and Matteo glanced around, spotting his brothers just inside the ballroom. They approached, everyone eagerly greeting each other, though they were coolly polite to Paige, the bastards.

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