Tenacious Trents 02 - A Perfect Gentleman (36 page)

Read Tenacious Trents 02 - A Perfect Gentleman Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #regency romance jane charles vicar england historical tenacious trents

He nearly laughed out loud. “Sleeping has
nothing to do with it. I desire you so badly I won’t get a wink
while you are here.”

Confusion marred her brow. Certainly she knew
what men and women did together, once they were married, didn’t
she? It never occurred to him that she would have no idea. Then
again, her mother died when she was young. Perhaps nobody had
explained. He certainly didn’t want to explain, especially here and
now. Perhaps he would ask Elizabeth to speak with her tomorrow, so
that she was prepared. In the meantime, he would keep reminding
himself how innocent Grace was and not do anything he didn’t have a
right to do.

Hell, he already was. She was in his bed and
he was naked. He wasn’t strong enough to resist the temptation.

“You wish to make love to me.”

Perhaps she did know. “Yes, but we aren’t
married so I won’t.”

“But we will be,” she reminded him.

“That doesn’t make it right.” He forced her
head back against his chest. Looking at her clear green eyes only
made him want her more.

She began to trace a pattern on his chest
with her index finger. “I’ve always been curious about what happens
in the marriage bed.”

Matthew groaned. Now was not the time for
that discussion. His cock was hard, straining against the covers,
eager to show her, but he would resist the urge to roll her on her
back. He was a gentleman and would treat her as such. “In a few
days you will know.”

She sighed and snuggled against him. “Very

At least her hand stilled and Grace was
silent. In a short time her body grew heavy against his as she fell
deeper into slumber. Matthew stroked her hair, enjoying the quiet
solitude of just the two of them. This was his future and he was
very much looking forward to it.

Grace woke and stared into the darkness. She
lay on her side. Matthew was pressed against her back, his hand
cupped her breast. “Matthew?”

He didn’t say anything. Perhaps he was

“Matthew,” she whispered again.

“Hmmm.” He pulled her close. Something rigid
pushed against her backside, warming her insides. She had lived in
the country all of her life and wasn’t ignorant of the various
mating rituals of animals and she suspected what she felt was
Matthews desire. She wiggled her behind. After all, this was the
positions most animals mated in. Of course, she wouldn’t know for
sure until they were married, but her curiosity got the better of
her, especially since he was so close and his hand was now
massaging her breast and he pinched her nipple. She would never get
back to sleep now that the ache in her privates began again.

“Are you awake?”


He kissed her neck and shivers slid down her
spine. If he affected her this way in his sleep, how could he make
her feel when he was awake? Her breast swelled in his hand and her
nipple tightened. Heat spread throughout her body. If she woke him
would he stop?

Matthew’s hand slid from her breast and down
to her belly. Her pulse increased with each inch he moved toward
the place between her thighs. He must be awake. He wouldn’t be
doing such things in his sleep.

He pressed his palm against the place that
pulsed and Grace groaned.

Matthew stilled.

Grace’s eyes flew open.

A moment later he was pushing away from her.
“I am sorry.”

She rolled over to face him “Sorry?”

“I thought I was dreaming. I never meant to
take such liberties.”

“Does that mean you are going to stop?” He
couldn’t. Not now.

“Of course,” he insisted.

She blew out a breath. “Please don’t,” she
finally whispered.

“Grace, you don’t know what you ask.”

“No, I don’t.” She searched his eyes. “But I
do know you make me feel things I never felt before, or even
imagined. Right now my body is, oh, I don’t even know how to

“Don’t tell me these things, Grace.”

“Why?” she cried.

“We can’t, not yet.”

“So I am to lay here and wonder why I

Matthew blew out a breath.

“You think me a horrible wanton don’t

“No, never.”

Matthew stared into her eyes, wishing to find
some semblance of control, but it was too far away to grasp. He
didn’t want to think about Grace aching. He shouldn’t think about
her in this state. Yet, she did, and it was his fault. It was the
sweetest dream, making love to her; until he woke and found out he
had taken liberties he did not yet have a right to.

“Then please show me.”

He wasn’t this strong and Matthew gave up
trying to fight the desire and bent to take her lips with his. She
parted for him almost immediately as she snaked her arms around his
neck and weaved her fingers through his hair. At that moment he was
lost and an urgency to make her his took over.

He repeated in his mind to go slow and
remember that she was innocent, and he fought to keep from moving
too quickly and frightening her.

He trailed his lips across her cheek and down
her neck as he molded her full breasts. Her nipples pebbled beneath
his fingers and Grace arched into him. He wanted to taste her, but
he couldn’t through the linen. He pulled away and began bunching
the material of her gown, drawing it up her body until he pulled it
over her head and tossed it on the floor. She now lay naked before
him and he wished he would have built the fire more so that he
could see her more clearly.

Grace moved to cover her breasts but Matthew
captured her hands and bent to suckle a nipple. Grace’s head fell
back and she was arching again. He let go of her wrist and caressed
her stomach, moving lower until his fingers brushed the curls of
her womanhood. He moved to the other breast and nibbled as his
fingers parted her folds, already damp. He needed to bring her
pleasure quickly or he may not last long enough to join with

He circled the nub slowly, drawing her body’s
moisture. Grace’s thighs fell open and it was all he could do not
to settle between them and plunge forward. But Matthew restrained
himself and increased the pressure. As her moans grew louder he
brought his mouth back to hers, taking her cries into himself until
she shuddered and fell limp against the bed. He pulled away and
watched her face. He eyes opened slowly.

“Oh my goodness.”

Matthew bit back a grin and moved over her.
He found her opening and slid one finger in, then a second,
stretching. This first time would be difficult and he feared he
might hurt Grace, but whether it was tonight or in a few nights, he
would have to breech her maidenhead.

Grace was still trying to recover from what
she just experienced. It was as if her body exploded with pleasure
from inside. Goodness, it was spectacular, yet it seemed as if
something was missing, empty. At least until Matthew started
filling her. It was a bit uncomfortable but she desired it and knew
this is what she needed. Her pulse quickened anew and her breathing
became harsh. Deep inside her continued to ache. He just needed to
get there.

Grace bent her knees and tilted her hips,
drawing him closer, deeper.

Matthew stopped and her eyes opened. Surely
this wasn’t all there was.

He leaned forward and gave her the most
gentle and sweetest kiss she had ever experienced a moment before
he thrust forward. Pain tore through her insides and Grace bit her
lip to keep from crying out.

Matthew stilled again and she looked up at
him. “I am sorry.”

“I wasn’t expecting pain.”

He kissed a tear from her cheek. “No one had
ever explained the veil of virginity to you before.”


He rested his forehead against hers. “I will,
another time.”

He edged deeper. It wasn’t nearly as painful,
but Grace feared it would hurt again.

“I promise you that you will never know that
pain again.”

Thank goodness.

He moved deeper yet. She didn’t think it was
possible for him to go any further.

“Does it still hurt?”

There was a dull ache, which was
disappearing. “Not as it did,”

“Thank goodness.” He withdrew and plunged
again. There was no pain this time and heat once again began to
spread through her body.

“His pace increased and a moment later he
stiffened before collapsing beside her on the bed.

His breathing was harsh and all Grace could
assume was that he had just experienced something similar to the
explosion he caused in her earlier.

Matthew smiled up at her and tucked a stray
hair behind her ear. “Thank you.”

She grew cold and shivered now that the heat
from their making love had passed. Matthew rose from the bed and
tossed more logs on the fire. When he bent she got a good glimpse
of his backside. His buttocks was tight and thighs muscular and
Grace started to become warm all over again. It wasn’t long before
the fire was burning hot and bright. But she no longer needed it to
keep her warm.

Matthew picked her nightgown up off of the
floor and helped her put it back on.

“It is best that you are covered if anyone
were to come in the room.”

“I don’t think anyone would.”

“Were you expecting Mrs. Montgomery the other

It was a valid point and Grace pulled the
nightgown over her head and crawled back beneath the covers.
Matthew slid in the bed beside her and pulled her close. “I think
we shall both be able to sleep now.”

Grace hid a yawn behind her hand and nodded.
“With very sweet dreams I am sure.”

A moment later she was jolted from her

“Stay here.” Matthew jumped from the bed and
put on his breeches before moving to the door. He stopped only long
enough to retrieve a pistol from the inside of his coat draped
across a chair.

Shouts and crashes could be heard from below.
It had to be her uncle. Who else would John be fighting with?

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