Tenderness (30 page)

Read Tenderness Online

Authors: Dorothy Garlock

Jesse turned to see that Pauline still held the man down with the point of her parasol. She clapped her hands and laughed.

“Oh, Pauline, I wish I had a picture of that.”

Ethan was wiping the blood off his hands with his handkerchief and smiling proudly at Pauline.

“I knew that you were my kind of woman the minute I laid eyes on you. Might as well let him up, honey. Your parasol took the
fight right out of him.”

Pauline stepped back. The man scrambled to his feet. He looked around and hurriedly followed his friends down the road. It
was then that Jesse noticed the dozen or more spectators that had stood back to watch the fight.

“Well,” she exclaimed in a voice loud enough to carry to the group watching. “It seems we have some cowards here who stood
aside and let two men defend themselves against four.”

“It wasn’t our fight,” a man called.

“You see what you’re in for, Miss Jesse,” another said. “Fightin’ and feudin’ is all them hill people know.”

“Never mind, honey.” Wade said. “We didn’t need their help.”

“That’s beside the point. It’s the principle of the thing that makes me furious.” She glared at the group and vowed that the
next time one of the men came to the surgery to have a cut sewn up or anything else tended to she was going to be less than
gentle. Much less.

“I’ve not had so much fun in a month of Sundays.” Ethan rolled down his sleeves. Pauline handed him the sleeve garters, his
hat and his watch. “We make a pretty good team, Miss Pauline. I punch ’em out and you hold ’em down.”

“Don’t read anything into that. I still think you’re a lecher.” She opened the parasol and started down the road. Ethan hurried
to catch up with her.

“Can I get under that weapon you’re carrying before I get an eye gouged out?”

“I guess so.”

“You’ll have to take my arm—”

“What for?”

“So we can walk close together under this thing.”

“—Oh, all right.”

Walking behind them, Jesse smiled up at Wade and hugged his arm close to her.

“The man was right, Jesse, that kind of trouble is what you’re in for. There’s always going to be someone in this town who
wants a piece of my hide.”

“We’ll deal with it when it comes, my love. I’m convinced that you can take care of yourself… and me too.”

By nightfall the story was all over town that Wade Simmer and the new man at the newspaper had beaten John Secory and his
friends and sent them off with their tails between their legs. Wade, however, felt less than proud of what he’d had to do
in front of Jesse.

“Run along with Ethan, Pauline,” the doctor said when they had finished the evening meal. “Susan will help clear the table.”

“Papa,” Susan protested.

“Run along,” Doctor Forbes reiterated when Pauline hesitated.

“I’m not going out on that porch with this… this… lecher.”

“If he gets fresh, just sing out and I’ll be right out to put him in his place.”

“Come on, sugarfoot. I’m not a boogyman.” Ethan winked at the doctor as he put his hand in the small of Pauline’s back and
gave her a gentle push.

“I’m not so sure—and stop calling me that stupid name.”

“You don’t like sugarfoot? All right, I’ll shorten it to sugar. How’s that?”

The screen door slammed behind them. It was dark and cool on the porch. The sweet smell of honeysuckle was in the air. Pauline
hurried to the swing and sat down in the middle.

“Move over, sugar, and make room for me.”

“You can sit in a chair or on the railing.”

“I’ll not do either. I going to sit in the swing with you. If you don’t move over, I’ll sit on your lap.”

“Oh, all right! You’re an insensitive boor or you’d not go where you’re not wanted.”

“I never go where I’m not wanted, sugar. I know you were hoping and praying that I would come to take you to the ball game.”


“You’ve said that three times tonight. What does it mean?”

“It means I don’t believe you.”

“Well, never mind that now. I’m going to kiss you, sugar.”

“No you’re not!”

“Yes, I am.”

“I’ll bite you.”

“I’ll risk it.”

Ethan pulled her up close and held her chin in a firm grip. With a wide-eyed gaze she watched as his face came closer to hers.
He tilted her face up to his and fastened his lips on hers. At first her mouth was as tight as a miser’s purse. Ethan’s lips
were firm; and when she didn’t resist, they gentled and he placed small kisses on her mouth, her chin, her cheeks. When he
returned to her mouth it had softened. He no longer held her chin in his hand and she didn’t move.

His chest was firm against her breasts, his hip and thigh pressed tightly to hers. His hands began to caress her through her
clothes in desperate seeking. Pauline shuddered uncontrollably at the wonderful sensation that passed through her. A hot,
delicious feeling coursed though her and a pleasure-pain curled in her stomach.

When her arms slid around his neck, a low growling sound came from his throat, and then his warm, wet lips claimed hers again.
Pauline felt a sweet singing in her blood. He lifted his head and looked down at her. Her lids fluttered open. He was looking
at her with so much love and passion that she was speechless for a moment. When she spoke it was low and breathless.

“You do strange things to… me.”

“Honey, you are as sweet as honey—” Ethan murmured as he placed soft kisses on her face. “Please… don’t fight me. I hung around
because I knew what was beneath all that bluster—the sweetest, dearest girl in the world.”

Tears came to Pauline’s eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Ethan was surprised to feel the wetness.

“Honey, you’re crying!”

“I… am not!”

“I’ll never hurt you. Don’t you know that?”

“You’ll honey up to me. Make me like you and you’ll… leave.”

“I won’t leave. I’m going to marry you.”

“I’ll not marry a smart-mouthed lecher who probably has women in every town.” Her delivery was not convincing and Ethan smiled
into her hair.

“Honey, whatever gave you that idea?” If this moment hadn’t been so important to him, Ethan would have laughed.

“ ’Cause you’re so… smooth. You’ve got a quick answer for everything.”

“You bothered and confused me so, sweetheart. I didn’t know of any way to talk to you. And besides, you gave me a cold shoulder
every time I came near you.”

“I didn’t want to… like you.”

“But you do, don’t you?”

“I… guess so.”

“After we’re married, I’d like to start a newspaper in a town about this size.”

“What do you know about the newspaper business? Setting type and writing stories is only a part of it.” Her head was resting
on his shoulder and his arms were around her. Her palm rested at the base of his throat. Pauline had never felt so loved,
so protected.

“I could learn everything I need to know. Sweetheart, why have you been giving me such a bad time? You knocked me right out
of my socks that first day when I met you and Jesse on the sidewalk. You looked so beautiful and so… sad. Did you love someone
who left you?”

“No. I’ve never been in love.”

“You are now. Tell me you are.”

“I don’t know. I… like you a lot.”

“I love you, Miss Pauline.” As Ethan said the words he tightened his arm around her and placed a ge$$$ kiss on her lips. “I
love you so much. I know I sound $$$ of myself, but I’ve been scared to death that you’d never love me back.”

“Please, Ethan. If you don’t mean what you say… don’t say it. Don’t break my heart. I don’t think I could bear it.”

“Honey, I won’t do that. I just want the name of the bastard who hurt you and caused you to close your heart against me.”

“I don’t know who he is, but we’re going to find out.” Pauline hid her face in his neck. “He… he stripped me… naked and looked
at me. I felt like a piece of meat lying there. Like I was… nothing but a curiosity.” She began to tremble violently.

“Godamighty! The Looker got to you? Oh, precious girl. Nothing like that will ever happen to you again. I swear it!” Ethan
held her tightly until she calmed.

“No one knows about it except Jesse and the doctor. It happened just before school was out. I was going to leave town, but
Wade asked me to tutor Jody. The only way I could do it was on the sly. I’d not get a recommendation from the school board
if they knew I was teaching a darkie. This town and everyone in it, with the exception of Doctor Forbes’ family, are run by
the Harper’s, and they hate darkies.”

“If you don’t like this town, we won’t stay here when we’re married. We’ll go wherever you want to go, just so we stay together.”

To Pauline it was a wondrous dream come true to have someone of her own. To Ethan it was like a new beginning. He knew deep
in his heart that he would love this spunky, daring, mouthy woman for the rest of his life and not a day of it would be dull.

* 19 *

n the following Saturday Jesse, Doctor Forbes and Susan went to Frony’s store and vaccinated the few people who came in. By
mid-morning they had treated fewer than two dozen children. As noon approached, Wade arrived in a wagon that held Mrs. Merfeld
and her children. He helped Mrs. Merfeld down and she waddled into the store followed by Wade and her brood.

Jesse’s eyes caught his the instant he filled the doorway. She smiled and blushed with pleasure at the sight of him. Her face
glowed. Wade had a moment when his mouth went dry, a moment when he knew that this woman was dearer to him than life. He couldn’t
stop looking at her. She was starchy clean in her blue dress covered with the white nurse’s apron. The little round cap was
perched atop her head. Lord, she was lovely. And she loved him!

Jesse talked to the children while she worked, soothing their fears. Once she looked at Wade and mouthed, “Don’t leave.”

He grinned at her and nodded. He had waited all week for this day, knowing she would be here at the store and that he would
have a chance to be alone with her.

After the children were vaccinated, Doctor Forbes took Mrs. Merfeld to the back room to talk about her pregnancy. It was only
then that Jesse had a chance to speak to Wade alone. She went to him, took his hand and pulled him outside. They stood beside
his wagon.

“I’m so glad to see you. I was afraid you’d go before I had a chance to talk to you.”

His green eyes smiled down at her. “I’m glad to see you too. I wasn’t going to leave. I’m hoping to take you away for a while
this afternoon. Do you think you can come?”

“We’re not nearly as busy as we thought we’d be. Why haven’t more people come in?”

“It might be the distance they have to come. The doctor might want to go over to Violet, the colored town. People over there
get sick too, and they would welcome him.”

“I’ll tell him. Where did you want to take me?”

“For a little ride so we can talk.”

“Talk?” A worried frown came over her face. “What about, Wade?”

At that moment the sound of a rifle shot split the silence. Wade looked quickly toward the direction from which it had come
and saw a straw-haired man run out of the woods and jump upon a mule A rifle was in his hands. Otis Merfeld! He ought to have
killed the son of a bitch today when Otis had threatened him for taking his family to get their vaccinations.

“Wade—” Jesse gasped.

He turned to Jesse and in horror looked down at the blood that had blossomed on her dress. Her knees began to give way. Terror
clutched at Wade’s heart.

Godamighty! His love had caught the bullet meant for him.

“No!” he shouted.

“Wade… I think… I’ve been… shot—”

“No!” he shouted again. Then, “Oh God, sweetheart. My love—”

“Take me to Papa—”

He swung her up in his arms and headed for the store.

“Doc!” he shouted. “Doc!”

Doctor Forbes came hurrying out through the door with Susan not far behind. She ran past her father.

“What’s the matter with Jesse? Oh… she’s all bloody!”

“Out of the way, Susan,” Wade said sharply. “She’s been shot, Doc. The bullet was meant for me.” The anguish in Wade’s voice
transferred to Susan and she screamed.

“Jesse! Jesse! Papa do something—” Susan began to sob.

“Get hold of yourself, girl,” Doctor Forbes said crossly. “You’ll have to help me. Go clear off a place on the table and spread
it with one of the cloths from our bag. Go!” he shouted when Susan hesitated.

“Open the door, Doc, and I’ll carry her inside.”

Wade kissed Jesse’s forehead and her lips as he carried her into the store. He didn’t care who witnessed the caress. His heart
felt like lead in his chest. He placed her on the table and moved out of the way to allow her father to examine her. It was
then he realized that Doctor Forbes’s face was deathly pale and his hands shook.

“Move over by the door, Wade. I’ve got to take down her dress.”

Wade moved away and Susan, with bandages and the doctor’s bag, came to take his place. Still sniffing, she opened the bag
for her father and placed it where he could reach it easily.

“Who did it?” she asked.

“That’s not important now,” Doctor Forbes snapped. “I’ll lift her shoulders and you pull off the dress. I want to see the
damage before she comes to.”

Knowing that there was nothing he could do, but determined to stay close by, Wade went to stand in the doorway and answer
the questions of the curious and concerned folk who gathered in the yard.

“Who done it, Wade?” Mr. Frony asked.

“Otis Merfeld. He was shooting at me. We had a set-to a few weeks ago about him beating his kids, and when I went to get them
this morning we had another. He didn’t want his kids to be vaccinated. Mrs. Merfeld did, so we loaded them in the wagon. I
intend to beat the son of a bitch to within an inch of his life when I get my hands on him. If anything happens to Jesse,
I’ll kill him and save the law the trouble.” Wade spoke with rock-hard certainty, and none who heard his words doubted that
he would do exactly what he said he would do.

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