Terrible Swift Sword (85 page)

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Authors: Bruce Catton

Tags: #Non Fiction, #Military

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and The Escape, Hartford, Conn., 1865. Roberts, A. S., The Federal Government
and Confederate Cotton,

American Historical Review, Vol. XXXII,
No. 2, Ian. 1927. Robinson, William M., Jr., Drewry's Bluff, Naval Defense of

Richmond, 1862, Civil
War History, Vol. VII, No. 2, June 1961. Roland, Charles P., Albert Sidney
Johnston and the Loss of Forts

Henry and Donelson,
Journal of Southern History, February


Roland, Charles P., Albert Sidney
Johnston and the Shiloh Campaign, Civil War History, Dec. 1958.

Ropes, John Codman, The Army Under Pope, New
York, 1881.

Rosin, Wilbert Henry, Hamilton Rowan
Gamble, Missouri's Civil War Governor, Dissertation, University of Missouri,
Columbia, 1960.

Saltonstall, William
G., Personal Reminiscences of the War, 1861-

1865, Vol. XII,
Military Historical Society of Massachusetts. Sands, Francis P. B., A
Volunteer's Reminiscences of Life in the

North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 1862-1865,
War Paper 20,

Commandery of the
District of Columbia, 1894. Schenck, Martin, Up Came Hill, The Story of the
Light Division

Its Leader, Harrisburg, Pa., 1958. Scherer, James A. B., Cotton As a World
Power, New York, 1916. Schofield, John M., Forty-six Years in the Army, New
York, 1897. Seitz, Don C, Braxton Bragg: General of the Confederacy,

S.C., 1924. Selfridge, Thomas O., Jr., Memoirs of, New York, 1924. Selfridge,
Thomas O., Jr., The Story of the Cumberland, Vol. XII,

Historical Society of Massachusetts, Boston, 1902. Semmes, Raphael, Memoirs of
Service Afloat, Baltimore, 1869. Shaler, Nathaniel S., The Kentucky Campaign of
1862, Vol. VU,

Historical Society of Massachusetts, Boston, 1908. Sheridan, P. H., Personal
Memoirs of, two vols., New York, 1888. The Siege of Cincinnati, Atlantic
Monthly, Feb. 1863. Smith, Ernest Ashton, The History of the Confederate

History Association, Harrisburg, Pa., 1901. Smith, G. W., Confederate War
Papers, New York, 1884. Smith, J. L., Philadelphia's Corn Exchange Regiment,
History of

the 118th Pennsylvania Regiment
Volunteers—from Antietam to Appomattox, Philadelphia, 1888. Smith, William
Farrar, Shiloh, Magazine of American History, April 1886.

G. Moxley, Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer,

edited by Bell I.
Wiley, Jackson, Tenn., 1958. Southern Historical Society Papers, Richmond, Va.,
various issues

and dates.

Speed, Thomas, The
Union Cause in Kentucky, 1860-1865, New York, 1907.

James, Chronicles of the Cape Fear River, Raleigh, 1914. Stackpole, Edward J.,
From Cedar Mountain to Antietam, Harris-burg, Pa., 1959.

Stanley, D. S., The
Battle of Corinth, Personal Recollections of the War of the Rebellion, Second
Series, Vol. H, New York, 1897.

Stevens, Hazard,
Military Operations in South Carolina in 1862, Against Charleston, Port Royal
Ferry, James Island and Seces-sionville, Vol. IX, Military Historical Society
of Massachusetts, Boston, 1912.

Stickles, Arndt,
Simon Bolivar Buckner, Borderland Knight, Chapel Hill, N.C., 1940.

Stiles, Israel N., The Merrimac and the
Monitor, Military Essays and Recollections, Vol. I, Chicago, 1891.

Stone, Henry, The
Battle of Shiloh, Vol. VII, Military Historical Society of Massachusetts,
Boston, 1908.

Stone, Henry, The Operations of General
Buell in Kentucky and Tennessee in 1862, Vol. VII, Military Historical Society
of Massachusetts, Boston, 1908.

D. H., Personal Recollections of the War, Harper's, Vol. XXXVI, Feb. 1868.

Strother, David Hunter, A Virginia
Yankee in the Civil War, The Diaries of David Hunter Strother, edited and with
an introduction by Cecil E. Eby, Jr., Chapel Hill, N.C., 1961.

Tarbell, Ida M., The
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Taylor, Walter H., Four Years with General
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Vandiver, Frank E., Confederate Blockade
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Wainwright, Charles S., A Diary of
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Walcott, Charles F., The Battle of
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Several hundreds of
persons and institutions have contributed in scores of ways to the research for
The Centennial History of the Civil War. It is impossible to list or record all
their names, but it is the wish of the author and the research director personally
to express their gratitude.

Many of those who
unstintingly gave of their knowledge and aid were mentioned in
Coming Fury,
Volume I, of the
Centennial History. Others are presented in the lists of resources found in the
bibliography of each volume.

librarians, historians, and others all over the nation gave freely of their
time and allowed use of their valuable documents. Among those deserving
special mention is Allan Nevins of Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif., who
allowed us full access to his own voluminous research notes. In addition, he
read the manuscript and made many valuable suggestions. Others who read the
manuscript in preparation were Edwin C. Bearss, Carl Haver-lin, Ralph G.
Newman, T. Harry Williams, Bell I. Wiley, and Frank Vandiver. Mr. Newman also
made available his collection of manuscripts and books, among countless other
services. Stanley Horn read the work in galley proofs.

The following are among those whose
names should be added to the roll call of helpers:

Henry B. Bass, Enid, Okla.; James L.
Borroum, Corinth, Miss.; B. F. Boyce, New York, for permission to use certain
papers of Allan Pinkerton; Chester D. Bradley, Fort Monroe, Va.; Thomas D.
Clark, Lexington, Ky.; Monroe F. Cockrell,-Evanston, 111.; Mrs. William Hunter
de Butts, Upperville, Va., for permission to use certain papers of R. E. Lee;
Mrs. Henry Clinton de Rahm, Gar-rison-on-Hudson, N.Y., for permission to use
various manuscripts; Allen M. Ergood, Silver Spring, Md., for permission to use
the Diary of John Price Kepner; Gilbert Govan, Chattanooga, Tenn.;

Donald Hamill, North Olmsted, Ohio;
Henry B. Hunt, Jr., Baltimore, Md., for permission to use certain papers; T.
S. Kennedy, Pensacola, Fla., for use of the S. R. Mallory Papers; Donald W.
Krummel, Newberry Library, Chicago; L. E. Meador, Springfield, Mo.; Thomas E.
Mulligan, Jr., Albany, N.Y.; Ray D. Smith, Chicago, for making available his
extensive index to the
Confederate Veteran;
Enoch Squires, Albany, N.Y.; Frederick Tilberg,
Gettysburg, Pa.; Lawrence W. Towner, Newberry Library, Chicago; Justin Turner,
Los Angeles, Calif.; John Vela, Triumph, La.; Ray Williams, Cleveland, Ohio;
Robert Waitt, Richmond, Va.; Miss Emily Warren, Newport, R.I.



327-28 Adams, Charles Francis, 3, 4-5, 30, 81, 90, 104-6, 108, 109, 113, 129,
191, 374, 376, 446 Adams, Henry, 3-4, 105 Adams, John Quincy, 4-5 Albemarle
Sound, 158, 160 Albert, Prince, 107-8 Alexandria, Virginia, 192, 250,

418 ff Anaconda Plan, 78, 87, 136 Anderson, Brig. General Joseph

278 Anderson, Larz, 58 Anderson, Brig. General Robert, 38, 57 Andrew, Governor
John A.,

324 Annandale, Virginia, 419 Annapolis, Maryland, 93, 186 ff Annapolis Naval
Academy, 195 Antietam, Battle of, 429-35 Antietam Creek, 428, 433
C.S. ironclad, 358-60 Arkansas, contest
for, 157, 204, 207-8

of Northern Virginia, 46, 298-99, 363, 366, 369, 372, 401, 403, 404, 407, 428
Army of the Cumberland, 449 Army of the Potomac, 44, 82, 83, 93, 114, 121, 126,

137, 138, 177, 178, 182, 183, 185, 186,
187-88, 189, 250-51, 253, 255-56, 258, 261, 264, 267, 268, 269, 290, 296, 302,
304, 305, 317, 319, 320, 321, 366, 367 ff, 368, 369, 370-71, 372, 373, 395,
396, 399, 401, 408, 416-18, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 425, 426, 427, 428, 432,
433, 436, 451, 453, 454, 455 Aspinwall, William H., 441

Baker, Colonel Edward D., 83,


Balloons, observation, 260, 314 Ball's Bluff,
engagement at, 83-

86, 178, 179, 182 Baltimore, Maryland, 414 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 43,

45, 183, 184, 185,
252, 253 Banks, Major General Nathaniel P., 187, 251-52, 253, 254, 278, 279,
281-82, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288, 303, 364, 371, 372, 401 Bardstown, Kentucky,
393 ff, 394

Barlow, S. L. M., 134, 138, 176, 191,
192, 268, 269 ff, 270, 330, 344, 368, 374, 437, 440, 443

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