Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) (3 page)

“I really didn’t do much. Dominic and Malachi arrived just in time save Samuel, and Danyel…well, he was the one who saved me. If he didn’t come when he did, I would have ended up being a Grimlock snack.”

I tried to make light of it, but Danyel’s face suddenly flashed before my eyes. I could vividly see his eyes, and hear the last words he spoke to me before the Hellhound ripped out his throat. I instantly curled up and felt sick.

Before a tear could escape my eyes, Alaine was there, wrapping her arms around me.

“It’s alright, sweetheart. You’ve had so much pain and sadness. It’s okay to cry.”

I did cry. I cried and cried, until I couldn’t cry anymore - and she never let go. She stroked my hair and hugged me. I cried for my parents, and for Danyel, and for the pain that Samuel and Kade had to endure. The sadness had been bottled up for so long, every time it was shaken… it exploded.

I’d hoped to keep it inside, and deal with it myself, but I couldn’t. It overflowed from me, and there was no way of stopping it.

After it was over, I felt a release. I felt like I could move on and start over. My heart would forever have a piece missing, but I knew if I gave up, the people who lost their lives for me would be heartbroken. I would have to move on and make them proud. I would live my life so they did not die in vain. I knew my parents and Danyel would look down on me and smile.

“I’m sorry,” I said, wiping my face dry.

“Emma,” Alaine said softly. “Don’t be sorry. Sometimes it’s good to grieve. It helps the healing process.”

I nodded.

“One of the things I wanted to share with you is that I set up funeral arrangements for your parents. They will be buried on-site, right outside of the property. We have a small cemetery, where Courtney and Caleb’s mother, and my late husband are buried. It’s a small plot, but it’s a beautiful place to be laid to rest.

I think once the funeral is complete you will have some kind of closure. All of their belongings are being packed and will be shipped here. I will put them in storage until you decide what you want to do with it.”

“Thank you so much,” I said. I was glad I would have a final chance to say goodbye to my parents. They deserved to rest in a beautiful place. 

“Of course. I loved my sister. I also wanted to set something up to have Danyel’s ashes spread.”

“That’s great,” I breathed.

“There is one more thing I wanted to talk to you about,” she said, her brow furrowed.

“Is it about my friends coming to visit?”

Her eyes widened. “Yes. That’s exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Yeah, Lia can’t keep secrets.”

“Well, they called me the day you left LA, and asked if they could come and visit you during their break. I told them it was fine, because at the time, there was no immediate threat. I think we can manage four days. This will be good for you. You need to try and relax and have some fun. I also thought it would be a good idea for them to attend the funeral, since they were close to Victoria and Christian. Unless you don’t think that’s a good idea.”

The sound of my parents’ names made my heart ache horribly. I swallowed the huge lump in my throat, and fought the urge to weep again.

“No, that’s a great idea. My parents loved them, and vice versa. I know they would want to attend, and it will be great to have them there for support.”

“Then I’ll finish the arrangements. We can spread Danyel’s ashes after they leave, since they don’t know him. It’s a place Samuel chose, so we might have to fly, which means Ethon and his friends will have to join us.”

“Okay,” I agreed.

Then, as if she could read my mind, she added, “I know you’re confused about the whole double bonding, and I am just as baffled. But just because
has chosen, doesn’t mean you have to make a decision right now.”

“You and Kade have an incredibly strong connection. The first time I saw the two of you together, it reminded me of when I met Samuel. I know why the bond would choose Kade. He is an honorable young man, and I know he would take great care of you. As for the bond with Ethon, well that is something I am still unsure of. But we cannot deny that it chose him.”

“All I can suggest is that you take it slow. Get to know each one of them fully before you make your final decision…because once the bond is sealed, it is forever. Don’t rush it, and don’t feel like you have to shun Ethon.”

As much as I’d like to dislike him, he was placed in our lives for a reason. He never chose the bond, the bond chose him.

Alaine paused and then added one more piece of advice. “Keep your heart guarded, but also open enough to feel what the truth is. I believe in you, Emma, and know when the time comes… you will make the right decision.”

“Thank you,” I said, hugging her.

“And always remember that Samuel and I will be here for you. We have loved you from the moment you took your first breath.”

“Thank you, for everything,” I breathed, fighting the urge to cry. “I’m sorry things turned out the way they did, and I understand you only wanted the best for me. I appreciate you and Samuel for that, and I love you too.” 

“You don’t know how much that means to me,” she smiled, and wiped her tear.

We both stood with tears in our eyes, and then suddenly started laughing.

“Have you eaten anything?” Alaine asked.

“Not yet, but I heard Miss Lily made fried chicken for lunch.”

“She did, and you better head over there quickly because all the boys are there now.”

“I will,” I laughed.

“Remember, Emma. Don’t let anyone push you into sealing the bond. It’s hard to resist, and sometimes if you put yourself into a position…well…” She blushed. I could tell she was embarrassed, and having a hard time trying to convey the message to
be safe
. She was just being a mom. If my mom was here, she would have just come right out and said…
Don’t you dare have sex with any of these boys, Emma. Not until you make it right first!

“Don’t worry. There won’t be any bond sealing anytime soon,” I reassured her.

She exhaled loudly and placed her hand to her heart. “Thank God. I’m glad we got that out of the way.”

“Yes,” I giggled. “I’ll see you later.

“By sweetheart. And remember, you can be nice to Ethon,” she smiled.

I nodded and headed out the door.














Chapter 3



I followed the wonderful aroma wafting down the hallway, and as I rounded the corner to the kitchen, I was hit with an overwhelming dizziness and euphoric feeling.

Damn it.

Ethon was close.

I was about to turn around when Alaine’s words resounded loudly in my head.

I sighed. I guess I should be nice. She was right, it wasn’t his fault the bond had chosen him. And, because of him, we did get out of hell free. Well, almost free. Someone would have to pay a price for our freedom, but I didn’t want to think about that right now.

As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, I was hit with the smell of heaven, and was immediately greeted by Miss Lily.

“Emma! Oh dear Lord, it’s so good to see you again.” Her face lit up when she saw me.

“Hi, Miss Lily. It’s great to see you again, and so good to be back,” I answered.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a figure shift. I turned and, lo and behold, it was Ethon.

As soon as our eyes connected there was an electric buzz filling the air. I saw him glance down, avoiding eye contact, probably trying to fight the immense pull of the bond.

“Hey Emma,” he said, quickly glancing back up to me.

“Hey, Ethon. So how’s the tower?” As soon as the words left my mouth I felt completely lame. I hope he didn’t feel like was banished or something. Well, Alaine did banish them, but for good reason. I couldn’t have both of the boys I was bonded with in the same house. They’d rip each other to shreds.

“The tower is fine. Alaine has been a gracious host and has provided us with whatever we need,” he answered. I had a feeling he wanted to say more, but didn’t.

His eyes captured mine again, and as they did, I couldn’t help but feel a deep seeded connection. Damn this bond. It was just as strong with Ethon as it had been with Kade. I hated that it was putting me in this position.

Ethon’s crimson eyes were even darker now, and I awed at the perfect and strong definitions of his facial features. Unknowingly, my eyes slowly wandered down, and I began taking in his well-defined arms and chest, and finally resting on his ridiculous abs.

My mind started to wonder why the bond had chosen him. What was it about him that connected us?

The room began to feel heated. I swallowed the lump growing in my throat, and as I glanced back up, a grin graced his lips.

Oh. My. God
. He just noticed me, noticing him. That was slightly mortifying.

Instantly blushing, I turned away. My emotions and insides were going haywire. I closed my eyes to pull myself back together.

“Here you go, Ethon. I hope you enjoy it,” Miss Lily said. I opened my eyes as she was handing him a plate of food. Two pieces of crispy fried chicken, corn, and mashed potatoes smothered in gravy.

“Beautiful,” he said, but was staring straight at me. “Thank you, Miss Lily. I greatly appreciate it, and am sure I will enjoy every bite.” He smiled at her, and it made my insides melt.

“Well, I better go,” he said. “I’ll see you around, Emma.”

“Yes, I’m sure I’ll be running into you soon. Have your friends eaten?” I asked. I really didn’t care about them, but I thought it was a nice gesture. As much as I wanted not to like Ethon, the power of the bond wouldn’t allow me to. It filled my heart with compassion, and desire, which kept me from pushing him away.

“Yes, they have eaten and they’ve also come back for seconds.” Ethon rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I’m sorry Miss Lily. They couldn’t resist your sinfully delicious food.”

“Oh, don’t you worry about that. It just means I’m doing my job, and doing it well.” She laughed, and her laughter became contagious.

“Well, ladies, I wish you both a good day,” Ethon said with a crooked grin. He then turned and headed out the door.

I held my breath and waited for the dizziness to subside, and in a few moments, the pull of the bond released and I started to feel normal again.

Holy crap on a cracker.

Miss Lily started working on making me a plate. With her eyes still on her work, I heard. “It seems you have a few boys on your tail.” She quickly glanced up and smiled.

My eyes widened. “You have no idea, Miss Lily.”

“Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea. I may only be the cook here, but I work in the central area of this house. I see and hear almost everything going on. I know the truth about the residents in this house, and haven’t been told anything directly.”

“I know they aren’t of this world, but I also know they are good and wouldn’t bring harm to anyone who didn’t deserve it. I just keep my mouth shut and do my job. I’m not paid to get into anyone’s business, and I don’t go looking for it.”

Miss Lily’s eyes suddenly fixed on mine. “I overheard them talking about the Immortal Bond. Now, I know it’s not my place to speak, but I thought that I’d give you a little feedback. I have a gift of seeing people’s auras.”

“Oh, I’d love your feedback.” I leaned in closer to her.

“I’ve come into contact with both boys and both of them have good, healthy auras. I’ve known Kade for a while now. He is a good person, and would be a great choice. He would give his life for you. On the other hand, I also have a feeling Ethon would do the same. I know where he comes from, but the aura around him is not evil. There are some dark edges, but we all have those.”

“What I’m trying to say is don’t close your heart. Don’t make a decision based on what you see. Make the decision based on what your heart tells you. You have a very good heart, Emma, and a very strong, bright aura. When the time comes, I know you will choose correctly. Either boy will make a fine catch. Hell, if I were younger, I’d take one off your hands,” she rolled with laughter.

“I wish you could. They would be lucky to have you,” I said, winking at her. “If I was a guy, I’d swipe you up in a second. You have the key to a man’s heart – through his stomach.”

“Oh, my dear child. You are too kind. I don’t envy you one bit. You are like a caterpillar in a cocoon, waiting for your time. Every trial and every tribulation is molding your destiny. One day, you will emerge as a beautiful butterfly.”

“Thank you, Miss Lily,” I said. “I do feel like I’m in a cocoon right now, but am terrified I will never be released.”

“Oh, you will, dear. You will.” Miss Lily, handed me a hot plate of food. “Just believe in yourself.”

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