Texas Blue (30 page)

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Authors: Jodi Thomas

When he laughed, he caught her smiling for just a second.
The current caught them and he had to concentrate on staying alive so she could torture him more. Neither had time to glance back to see if the midnight horse followed them.
HEN THEY REACHED THE TEXAS SIDE OF THE RIO, Em felt as if her arms might drop off. The current seemed far worse than it had two nights ago when they’d crossed over, and the water too deep to stand up in most places.
She glanced at Lewt, and he didn’t look much better than she felt. They sloshed their way to a stand of cottonwoods much weathered by the wind and floods, then followed a stream farther inland. When they were far enough away from the river not to be seen by anyone on the other side, they dropped their gear in a small area circled by trees.
As she’d taught him, Lewt took care of the horse first before seeing to his own comfort. The midnight mare wouldn’t let him very close, but his mount seemed to welcome the weight of the saddle being removed. The horses needed a rest, and now that they were on U.S. soil there didn’t seem to be the urgency.
She guessed they were miles from where they’d all camped before crossing over. Part of her wanted to push on, but the practical side of her knew they needed time to rest and dry out.
Once she’d found dry matches in the tin in her coat pocket, Em built a fire in a small sandy clearing between three of the ancient trees. Firewood was not a problem, with downed branches and limbs circling the place along with driftwood twisted into branches during the last flood. Surprisingly, the clothes they’d wrapped in the bedroll on top of the saddle had stayed mostly dry. The sleeve of her jacket was dripping wet, and Lewt’s white coat, which had been on the bottom of the pile, was soaked. His vest was dry and their boots were fine. All in all, the crossing had been successful.
The wind blew in the branches above them, but the day had warmed considerably. Though winter had stolen most of the leaves, the branches blended light and shade over the area, making the sand look like a patchwork quilt done in shades of gray. Em removed her blouse and hung it on a low branch near enough to the fire to help the heavy cotton dry. After an hour of fighting the current and no food, she felt weak, barely able to function.
When Lewt returned from taking care of the horse, she ordered him to take off his shirt. “We really should remove our trousers,” she said. “They’ll chap our legs if wet, but with the fire they could be dry in half an hour.”
“What if someone comes along?” Lewt asked, sounding very much like an old-maid aunt. “You’re already standing there half naked.”
She looked down. Her camisole was almost dry, but it still clung to her skin. On the ranch she’d often stripped to her undergarments and swum in the water on hot summer days. All of the girls had, even though their father raged about it.
Only now, she wasn’t with her family. She was with Lewt, who was definitely staring. She reached for her coat.
Lewt frowned. “Don’t. The sleeve of that is wet.” He picked up his vest and offered it reluctantly. “Here, take this.”
She wrapped the colorful vest around her and buttoned it up. She’d never seen anything quite like it. Soft, finely made with gold buttons.
Lewt stepped behind her and pulled a strap, making the back come together and tightening the vest around her.
When she looked at him, he smiled. “You look a hell of a lot better in that than I do. Now, take off those trousers.”
“Only if you do the same,” she challenged, realizing that despite everything, she still liked and trusted him. She’d never dreamed she could feel so free with a man, but there was something about Lewt. Maybe the way he tried so hard and dreamed so high. He’d risk his life for Duncan and for her.
He never took his eyes off her as he unbuckled his belt, pulled off his trousers, and hung them on a cottonwood branch near the fire.
She warmed, very much aware that he was watching as she unbuttoned her pants and pulled her long legs free. She wore no long johns beneath, but her cotton bloomers went almost to her knees.
“You look adorable,” he said, as he handed her the bedroll.
“You look hairy,” she answered, as she spread the blanket close to the fire where they could use one of the low branches to lean against. She began twisting her hair free from its braid.
“Oh, but you’ve seen me before. You had my trousers off the first day, remember,” he said, still watching her. “This is my first look at you.”
He frowned when she tugged her knees almost to her chin and shook her hair in the warm air to dry. A mass of waves tumbled almost to her waist.
“If anyone comes by, I’ll probably die of embarrassment.” She motioned him away. “Go over to the other side so I can’t see you.”
He ignored her order and sat down beside her. Apparently he didn’t think his hairy legs looked all that bad. “You’ve got sunshine hair, you know.”
She wasn’t distracted. “Doesn’t it bother you to have hair all over your legs like that?” She seriously considered them the ugliest thing she’d ever seen. Oh, they looked strong, and scarred in a few places, but the hair bothered her.
“My chest is hairy too,” he commented. “Want to see?”
“No.” She laughed.
“All right, I’ll just have to let my shirt dry on me.”
“Please do.” She pulled the edge of the blanket over her legs. Maybe he’d stop staring if she covered up more.
He leaned against the low branch brushing the ground in spots and crossed his arms.
“You going to stare at me until our clothes dry?”
“I was thinking about taking a nap, if you’ll stand guard.” He passed her the rifle. “Wake me if you hear anything.” He lowered his hat over his eyes and went to sleep.
The warmth of the fire made her wish she’d had the nap idea first, but one of them had to stay awake. The last thing she wanted was someone finding them here like this. So she watched through the trees for any sign of people and listened to the birds around them.
The day passed from morning into noon and still Lewt slept. Finally, she realized the clothes had to be dry, but she wasn’t sure how to wake him. She didn’t want to yell at him from three feet away, and touching him didn’t seem proper.
Em laughed. She was sitting next to him in her underwear and his vest. She’d already gone way beyond proper.
Finally, she crawled over to him and lifted his hat. His brown hair that he always kept combed back and neat was a mess. His face that had been so pale when he’d arrived at Whispering Mountain now looked tanned and rugged, with the beginnings of a beard darkening his chin. She thought she could see a bit of the boy in the man as he slept, and she wondered what had molded him into a gambler.
On impulse, she leaned forward and kissed him.
For a moment, he didn’t respond, and then she felt him smile against her lips and come awake. He pulled her to him as he returned her kiss. Em knew she should pull away, but the moment seemed magic. Time out of time.
She kissed him as he held her in the cradle of his arm. When he deepened the kiss, she went with him, knowing that this was a moment in her life worth saving, treasuring. When she remembered this moment years from now, she’d wonder if it really happened or if she’d just dreamed it.
His hand moved along her body so gently she barely felt it, but every sense followed his touch. She opened her mouth to him and the touch settled over her, stronger, bolder.
When he broke the kiss, she leaned her head back and let him brush his lips along her neck, warming her skin wherever he paused to taste, to kiss. His hand moved over the vest and pushed beneath her breast, shoving the mound up slightly so he could kiss the skin just above the material.
She started to say something but couldn’t seem to think of words. He stopped her attempt by returning to her mouth and kissing her until she forgot even trying to make an effort to speak. What he was doing to her was beyond what she thought could happen, and it felt so much better than anything she’d ever known.
She felt boneless in his arms. She felt worshipped, cherished. He held her tightly with one arm as he raised his head and stared down into her eyes. Silently, he studied her as his hand moved over the vest until it rested, spread over her breast, and then he tightened his grip ever so slightly and she arched her back with the jolt of pleasure that shot through her body.
His slow smile warmed her from inside as his hand relaxed, then pressed slightly once more over the peak of her breast. When his fingers tightened again, she rode a wave of fire streaming through her. He smiled, knowing he was learning what brought her joy.
He whispered softly against her ear as his hand moved down to her waist, and for a while he felt each breath she took with the rise and fall of his hand. While she calmed, he kissed first her ear, then gently down her throat. “Hush now, my Em,” he whispered when he returned to her ear. “Relax. Don’t be afraid of me. I would never hurt you.”
Then he moved back to brush her mouth feather light as his hand crossed tenderly back to her breast. This time she felt the warmth of his fingers through the thin material of the vest. He was touching her with a boldness that surprised her. She leaned into his palm, wanting his caress, wanting the pleasure of it.
When her mouth opened to sigh, he kissed her again, deep and endless, and all the while his hand held a firm grip over her breast.
Wave after wave of passion washed over her tired body. He trailed his fingers along her legs and kissed her throat all the way down to where the buttons held the vest together. When he stopped kissing her long enough to look into her eyes, she watched him smile, and she knew he was loving this moment as dearly as she did.
She kissed him back, enjoying the way his arm tightened around her when she explored his mouth. But she didn’t touch him. She didn’t know how. And he didn’t venture further, though she doubted she would have stopped him. What few clothes she had on, stayed on.
Finally, when she was exhausted and cuddling in his arms, he whispered as his fingers moved lazily down her throat, “Don’t say a word, Em. Not one word. We have to go, but I want to hold you longer in my thoughts.”
She understood. Slowly, with several last kisses, she left his arms and dressed. She was aware of him doing the same. They collected their belongings and started out again, the afternoon sun burning away newly made memories.
Neither said a word, but now and then his hand would brush across her leg in a familiar way of one who knows his touch will be welcomed, or his arm would press against the side of her breast and she knew they were both remembering.
When they stopped to water the horses, he stepped in front of her, cupped the back of her head gently, and kissed her so sweetly she wanted to cry. Only their lips touched, but the memory of the way he’d held her returned almost as if they were back by the fire.
The next time they stopped, the sun was setting and they saw the campsite they’d camped at just before they’d crossed into Mexico.
He circled his arm about her waist and pulled her back against him. “What we had back there was real, Em. Not pretend, or lies, or the way we thought we should be. It was the most beautiful hour I’ve lived. No matter what happens after we ride into camp, the way I feel about you, the way I want to hold you, won’t change but like you did by the fire, you’ll have to come to me. I’ll not come to you. When, or if, we go further has to be up to you.”
He moved his hand along her leg, more in comfort than passion. “I know something or someone must have frightened you once, and I want no part of frightening you again. If you want me to touch you, you have to come to me. I’ll be waiting.” He moved her hair aside and kissed her neck.
She didn’t know if she’d ever be as brave as she’d been today. By the river, hidden in the trees, it seemed another world. In a few minutes she’d step back into the real world, where proper ladies didn’t do what they’d done. “How long?” she asked, knowing she needed time to think about all that had happened. “How long will you wait?”
He kissed her cheek and guided the horse toward camp. “Forever,” he answered. “Forever.”

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