Read Texas Men Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #General Fiction

Texas Men (18 page)


my opened the door as soon as she heard the heavy tread of Logan’s feet crossing her porch.

“Don’t you know you’re supposed to keep me waiting?” he said, the corners of his firm mouth rising.

“Is that a rule?” she asked without thinking and then lost her train of thought. Her first sight of him, standing in the fading sunlight, took her breath away.

He’d dressed in black slacks that hugged his muscled thighs and a gray, button-down dress shirt with the neck opened. Dark hairs brushed the open edges of the fabric, reminding her of just how well furred, how primitive the man beneath the clothes really was.

He held a bouquet of roses in his hand and offered them to her.

She took a moment to close her eyes and inhale the softly scented petals, anything to break her hungry stare and gather her shattered poise.

When she lifted her gaze to his, she found him sweeping her body with a possessive glance. “When I said midthigh…” he took a deep breath and shook his head, “I didn’t have a clue how much skin you’d leave bare.”

“Is it a problem? Is it too much?”

“No. It’s just me. And don’t pay any attention if I start growling to warn any other men away tonight.”

She smiled. As though that would ever happen. “Let me put these in water.”

“Wait. I have something else.”

She paused, catching on the muted intensity of his expression as he dug a hand into his pocket and fished out a metal oval object. Recognizing what it was, because her sister had sent her a link to an online sex-toy shop, she drew in a sharp breath. “I thought you were going to take this slowly. You said…”

“It’s up to you, Amy. You set the pace.”

She raised a shaking hand and took the egg. “Now?” she asked.


She turned away, ready to head to the privacy of her bedroom to insert the little vibrator, but his fingers closed around her hand. “Here.”

She blinked. “We’re facing the street.”

“No one’s here. Just slip your hand under your skirt, slide that sexy little thong to the side, and slip it in.”

The tone of his voice had changed from his signature rumble to a sexy purr. Knowing her face was glowing with embarrassment, she passed him the roses and raised her skirt just enough to get her hand beneath it. She nudged aside the crotch of her underwear and slid the egg into her pussy. “What if it falls out?”

“Push it deeper. But you’re going to have to hold it inside all night.”

With him watching her face, she tried to keep her expression blank, but the egg began to vibrate, and her mouth rounded as she gasped.

She closed her eyes like a child might.
If I can’t see him, he can’t see me.

As the gentle hum continued, she shoved the vibrator deeper and then quickly pulled away her hand.

His hand lifted her chin. A kiss feathered her lips.

She sighed into his mouth. “Can you hear it?” she whispered.

“Only because I’m close to you like now. No one else will. I promise.”

She opened her eyes, surprised to find him still so close, his lips hovering over hers. “I’m going to walk funny, trying to keep it there.”

“Then everyone will know,” he said, amusement lightening the deep purr.

He didn’t seem to care about that fact, almost as though he wished other men would guess and know he’d been the one responsible. The idea grew to a certainty with the slight curl of his lip and dark, glittering stare. She drew back. “The roses?” she said, her voice choking.

Shaken but secretly thrilled, she left them in a vase on the counter, gathered her silver clutch, and followed him outside, placing her trust in his ability to keep her from making a complete fool out of herself tonight.


The night couldn’t have been more perfect—or more frustrating. Over thick steaks at the Steers ’n’ Steaks, they shared stories from their past and talked about work, pretending everything was normal—just a date between two people who were getting to know each other.

Beneath the innocuous chatter, sensual tension built, fueled by their mutual attraction and the wicked little secret they shared.

When the egg was quiet, she had long moments to collect her composure, sip slowly at a glass of wine, and gather her scattered thoughts to keep up her end of the long conversation.

When it hummed into life, she sat with her jaw slowly sagging, her eyelids dipping, and her hands clamping on the edge of the table as her libido rocketed.

He knew just how far to take her before relenting, knew just when to jack up her desire to keep her hovering on that jagged edge of arousal.

By the time he pulled his truck into his driveway, Amy’s excitement had her whole body quivering, her silky panties drenched, and a nasty spot soaking through the back of her short skirt.

Her hand went to the door handle.

“Wait for me. I’ll get that,” he said, tension adding a bit of rasp to his quiet tone.

She watched him walk around the front of the truck, her gaze catching on the sexy curve of his mouth, the dark intent in his watchful eyes. Her body shivered so violently she doubted she could walk to the front door.

Logan opened her door and waited while she slid sideways to climb down, but his hands cupped her knees, halting her in place. Slowly he pressed them open until her skirt stopped the movement. “Lie back.”

His tone held such a note of command that before she even gave a thought about what he asked and why, she found herself reclining, allowing him to shove up her skirt to her hips and helping him bare her by lifting her bottom for the fabric to bunch at her waist.

“The scent of you in the cab…” A deep inhalation was followed by a soft sigh of air she felt through the thin material covering her sex.

Sweet Jesus.
His head was between her legs, looking at her, smelling her. Fingers traced the length of her pussy through her panties, and then one dipped into her entrance like a small penis sheathed in silk.

Her thighs tensed at the intrusion. Her hand swept her belly, trying to still the little tremors that rippled across it.

The finger withdrew and dragged upward, rubbing on her cloaked clit, sparking another wave of shivering arousal. Her thighs were lifted over strong shoulders, and he dragged her bottom to the edge of the seat. Fingers gently pushed aside the fabric, and his tongue stroked her.

“I can feel the vibrations on my tongue. I can hear them.”

She could, too, as well as the moist clasp of her labia around her entrance. She moaned and then bit her lip to still her cries.

“No one can hear you but me,” he growled. “Let me hear what I do to you. Let me know if I please you.”

“If you please me?” she said, her voice rising in disbelief. “You’re killing me.”

Soft chuckles accompanied short gusts of air that warmed her moist sex. Then his lips took her, suckling on her folds, and his tongue slid along the quivering edges.

Fingers stretched her sex upward, and cool air touched her swollen clit. Then warm, wet, suctioning lips surrounded it, and she couldn’t hold back the high-pitched keening that tore at her throat.

With her vagina filled with strengthening vibrations and his mouth and tongue nipping and circling on her clit, Amy couldn’t halt her headlong flight into ecstasy. Her head thrashed on the seat; her fingers threaded through his warm, thick hair and held him there until she slowly fell back down to earth.

Her panties slid back over her sex. Her legs slid off his shoulders, and Logan pulled her upright.

With her skirt around her waist, and her heart beating madly, Amy’s hand went to her hair to smooth it down, just to stall him for a moment while she gulped deep breaths of air. It was almost embarrassing how quickly she’d come.

“Come inside?” he asked, extending his open palm.

Again she didn’t hesitate, and she let him pull her from the truck.

He led her inside his home. She glanced around, but the living room was darkened. With a similar layout as her own house, she knew he was leading her to his bedroom. Not the naughty room that faced the field.

Inside the bedroom, lamps at each side of the bed cast a golden glow over a brown satin coverlet covering a massive king-size bed.

And although this would be their first time to make love completely, Logan left her standing at the end of the bed while he pulled his wallet from his pocket and dropped it and his keys on a wooden tray on the dresser. Things he probably did every day without thinking. He unbuttoned his cuffs, opened his shirt, and shrugged it off.

Feeling a little forgotten, she asked, “Should I undress?”

His head turned, his gaze narrowing, but not in an intimidating way. He seemed to be studying her. “Are you waiting for me to tell you?”

Because she didn’t know what he expected, she shrugged. Logan wasn’t like any other man she’d ever dated. His needs, his tastes were beyond her comprehension. So were his expectations. “Should I?”

His smile, although warm, sent shivers along her skin and raised goose bumps along her arms. His features were taut, his eyebrows slightly drawn, darkening his eyes. “Do you know what I am?”

“A deputy?”

He shook his head. “Have you heard the term BDSM?”

She nodded slowly. She’d seen the Web sites, the ones her sister sent her to. “The things you did with them, Joe Chavez and Sarah…that’s what you’re talking about.” At his slow nod, she continued. “Do you want to do that with me?” she asked, although not exactly sure she was ready for the answer.

Sure, her curiosity had been whetted by her voyeuristic introduction, but it had been so long since she’d been with a man. She wanted tenderness. Comfort.

“You’re afraid, but you’re willing, aren’t you?”

She nodded quickly before her courage deserted her.

His chest lifted, and his features softened. “Someday. Maybe sooner than I think. For now, let’s go slowly. I want you undressed.”

Because she didn’t want to extend this conversation, she reached to the zipper at the back of her dress.

“I’d do that for you, but I want to watch. Do you understand?”

“I know you can be a gentleman. But I understand. I watched you, after all.” She started the zipper down behind her neck and then dropped her hands and reached behind again to lower it the length of her back. The fabric parted, cool air slipping beneath to lick at the perspiration beginning to gather between her shoulder blades.

The dress slithered to the floor, and she stepped out of the dark silken pool and then bent to take off the sandals and straightened.

Standing in her corset and panties, she should have felt more at ease. He’d seen her like this before.

But his unrelenting stare didn’t give her a clue about what he really thought. Did he think her torso was too long? Too lacking in curves?

“Turn around.”

Again, without a moment’s thought, she did as he commanded, turning slowly. Now, this was a view she hadn’t offered him before, and she closed her eyes. She knew her ass was small.

When her back was to him, he said, “Bend at the waist.”

God, no.
But she hesitated for only a moment and then bent, bracing her hands on her knees.

His footsteps drew close. The strap that bisected her buttocks was tugged, tightening it against her, and then dropped. Fingers slid beneath the crotch of her panties and tunneled into her. The egg and his fingers withdrew.

He walked away, but still she remained bent. Some instinct told her she’d pleased him before with her obedience. His pleasure warmed her. However embarrassing presenting her ass for him to watch might be, she wanted to please him more than any woman ever had.

He approached again. A palm cupped one cheek and squeezed and then cupped the other and patted it.

“Your skin’s beautiful. Soft.”

She’d loofahed until her whole body was reddened and then smoothed on moisturizer lightly scented with mango and rose. She was damn glad she’d gone to the extra effort.

Fingers plucked the ties of her corset, and it gradually loosened. She drew a deep breath.

“Straighten and turn around.”

Her hand clutched the sagging garment to her chest as she turned.

One dark eyebrow arched.

Amy firmed her mouth and dropped her hands. The corset slipped just beneath her breasts, catching on the slim curves of her hips.

His gaze dropped immediately to her breasts, which she knew were small with proportionately small nipples. There was barely enough curve for a man to cup inside his palm.

“Are you sensitive there?” he asked.

She nodded. Wasn’t every woman?


“I don’t know.”

“We’ll see.” His fingers curved around the dainty tips and pinched.

Her breath hitched as pleasure arced, sending darts of heat toward her core.

“Too much?” he asked.

“Please…don’t stop.”

He came closer, his fingers tugging and squeezing her tender tips. “I could suck all of you into my mouth,” he said in that deepening tone that made her shiver.

“I know I’m small.”

“You’re perfect.”

She snorted. Her first act of dissension.

“You don’t think so?”

Amy kept her gaze on a point on the wall beyond his shoulder as he continued to tease her nipples with alternating strong tugs and gentle rubs.

“See?” he said, dropping his hands. “Perfect. They look as though they’re begging to be sipped.”

The tips of her nipples were elongated and a deep, rosy brown. The areolae were slightly dimpled. Staring at herself and knowing he was watching her face for her reaction and not her chest seemed somehow more erotic than his touches had been.

“Take the rest of your clothes off and meet me in the bathroom.” Without a backward glance, he left her standing in the middle of his bedroom floor.

The sound of water filling a tub galvanized her. She shimmied the corset over her hips and let it drop, kicking it away. Then she pushed her panties down.

She was hurrying to the bathroom door before she thought that maybe she shouldn’t act so eager. He liked her obedience, but he’d also enjoyed Sarah’s defiance. Would he become bored if she succumbed too quickly, if she surrendered herself completely to his whims?

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