The 40th Day (After the Cure Book 5) (33 page)

Of course, I always appreciate sharing how you feel with the rest of the reading world too, and if you felt sad, angry, happy, satisfied, frustrated or excited for more, I hope you’ll leave a review for this, and
book you read. Finding out someone loved or loathed a book is usually how I find my next read!

So many of you have written to me in the past few years to tell me what you thought, to yell at me about those nasty villains or a favorite character’s choices, and I want you to know I’ve loved and appreciated every single note. Your support, your suggestions and your enthusiasm has meant the world to me, and my sincerest hope is that I haven’t disappointed. I hope we’ll talk soon, about this book or any other!


January 22, 2016

Deirdre Gould

Other Books

Other Books


In the After the Cure world:

After the Cure (book 1)

The Cured (book 2)

Krisis (book 3)

Poveglia (book 4)


Curing Khang Yeo (companion story)

Andy and Igor (companion story)

Pet Shop (companion story in Tails of the Apocalypse)



Non-Zombie Stuff:

System Failure in The Robot Chronicles

Iteration in The Future Chronicles

The Moon Polisher’s Apprentice: The Moth Queen

Other books

The New Wild by Holly Brasher
Savage Arrow by Cassie Edwards
The Dark Detective: Venator by Jane Harvey-Berrick
Seducing Celestine by Amarinda Jones
Fallen Into You by Ann Collins
Los cuentos de Mamá Oca by Charles Perrault