The Arrangement (18 page)

Read The Arrangement Online

Authors: Bethany-Kris

Tags: #The Russian Guns

The dog in question was already on high alert as Viviana glanced back at him. With eyes sharp, ears pointed, and his tail straight, Rocco was in no way distracted. Anton was making a bigger deal out of it than it really was. The dog still took the lead when she walked into a room, accompanied her on all her trips away from the house, and she’d even taken to cooking his food the way his special diet required instead of having Clarissa do it.

“You’re just jealous that I get to spend all day with him when it used to be you he followed after.”

“Viviana, he whines to get upstairs with us at night.”

“He does not.”

Anton huffed a breath, making her look away guiltily. “More than once his chirping woke me up. I can’t help it that you sleep like the dead and I don’t.”

“You let him up into the bedroom that first night I was here, so that makes it your fault by default.”

For a moment, the man staring down at her seemed flabbergasted—totally speechless. The giggles caught in her throat were just barely held back. One of the biggest mob bosses in North America was wrapped around her finger. Viviana had to wonder if he truly realized just how much he let her get away with sometimes.

“Is this how I can expect the next seventy years of our life to go down?”

She smoothed out a wrinkle in the silk, white shirt he wore, cocking her head to the side with a sly smile. “Yes.”


He didn’t seem to mind all that much about it, especially when she felt her chin being tilted up in strong hands. His lips melded so smoothly to hers, and for once, Anton didn’t dominate the kiss like he usually did. Instead, she found herself probing gently against the seam of his mouth, wanting it opened. When it was, their tongues moved a slow, lazy rhythm, taking time to explore, taste, and feel the sweet kiss. The lingering taste of tobacco, mint, and heat danced from his mouth to hers.

“Happy birthday, Anton.”

The hum he sounded against her lips rocked Viviana straight to the core. “Thank you.”

“Do you feel any older?”

“Ancient. Three years off thirty. Arthritis and Alzheimer’s will be setting in soon.”

“Ah, you have jokes so you must be in a better mood.”

“A little.”

“And Daniil?”

Anton’s quiet sigh held both relief and sadness. “Better, too, but they’re keeping him sedated a lot while they continue to drain the remaining fluid from his lungs.”

“Are we going to the hospital?” Viviana asked, wondering why he chose to wear such a smart looking suit.

“No. I spoke to Mom for well over an hour a little while ago, and she was pretty insistent that I just let you enjoy the surprises in store for you today.”

“It’s your birthday.”

“Oh, well,” he replied with a wink. “Like I said, Sasha insisted.”

“I wouldn’t mind going.”

“I know, so we’ll visit first thing tomorrow morning. We have a lot to do today.”

“Just the party, right?” She assumed that was the surprise, considering she had yet to see one of his businesses up close and personal.

Anton’s grin had a whole lot hidden behind it. “Maybe a little more. I had something special brought in for you.”

“Something like what?”

“Something you don’t have yet, but need.”

With his forehead resting on hers, Viviana smiled as his thumbs rolled over the apples of her cheeks. “I don’t need—”

“You haven’t bought a single dress, baby. Nothing fancy. No pretty shoes to make your legs look a mile long. How on earth am I supposed to show you off tonight if you haven’t a thing to wear?”

Viviana eyed his suit. “I am feeling sorely underdressed standing next to you.”

“Well I need to fix that. Can’t have my fiancée feeling that way now, could I? Arrangements were already made for you in my office at Seven Lights. Nothing too big, but you’ll have a decent choice to pick through. You haven’t been to Brighton Beach in what, ever?”

“Something like that,” she agreed. “Wasn’t a smart move for the daughter of a Cosa Nostra boss to be slummin’ it in the Russian territory, or so I was told. We don’t mix well.”

Anton laughed. “We do now.”

Viviana caught his gaze traveling down to her fingers spread across his chest.

“And this …” Anton added quietly, a finger tracing where an engagement ring should have been resting, “…is something I need to rectify before tonight. You’re off the market, and I damn well plan on having everybody else know it, too.”

“I was wondering when you planned on doing that.”

“I was trying to not stress over it, honestly.”

Viviana suddenly felt a whole lot more nervous. “Do you have it?”

“Ah, now, now,” he murmured, smirking. “That is for me to know, and you to find out.”

Well, she could play that game, too. “Would you like your birthday gift—part of it,” she corrected, grinning wickedly. “The rest may or may not come later, depending on a few things.”

“Vine, you didn’t have to get me anything.”

A small palm-sized remote was placed into Anton’s hand before he could say another word. Staring at the oval shaped device, she was positive he was unsure of what he should say. It wasn’t like he could know what it was he was looking at. With a single power button, and two speed buttons, it simply appeared to be nothing more than a remote for a massager.

“Care to explain what this controls?”

Viviana turned quiet under his gaze. “You’ll figure it out.”

“I’d rather you just told me.” Heat flooded her body, a blush of pink reddening her chest and cheeks. “Viviana?”

“Like I said, you’ll figure it—”

Anton hit the power button on the small remote then proceeded to push the first speed button. A strangled cry escaped as the vibrating anal plug was suddenly activated, stimulating her freshly stretched tissues, and sensitive nerve endings with the most intense rush she’d felt ever.

Her fingers clenched into the lapels of his jacket, her knees damn near buckling as the gentle speed of the first setting hummed inside her tight hole. Viviana was straight up lost in the sensations traveling straight through her ass, into her pussy, and up the base of her spine.


“Shit,” Viviana hissed, unable to speak much more than that.

The plug shut off, giving her just enough of a moment to breathe. The slight sting of pain was nothing compared to the sweet singing pleasure rocking her most sensitive area. Juices leaked into her thong, soaking the fabric. Anton breathed a heavy sound and when she stared up at him, she could see his eyes were slightly glazed.

The sound of her voice was high and airless, totally unknown to her, when Viviana said, “Try it again.”

“What did you do?”

When she wouldn’t answer, the sudden buzzing hum of the plug in her ass was turned on again, sending her spiraling right back into that gasping ache once more. Muscles clenched around the plug instinctively, holding the silicone toy inside. Anton pressed on the small of her back, driving lower until he’d reached the elastic waist of her sweatpants. A little lower under the fabric, and she knew he could feel the soft vibrations tickling against his fingertips when his mouth opened and another sexy sound rolled from his lips.

In one fluid movement, Viviana found herself turned, her chest sprawled over the countertop as her hands grappled to find purchase. The pants and black thong she wore were pulled down to her knees, making her legs tremble at the force of his roughness. Two of his fingers slid down the crack of her ass, and Viviana shuddered when he came in contact with the remnants of the lube she’d used to help insert the toy.

The plug was suddenly ramped up to the second speed, causing her shaking to increase. Teeth clenched as Viviana pressed her forehead to the granite counter. “Pl-please … Fuck, it’s … that’s to-too much.”

The toy shut off immediately at her words. Not a second later, the cheeks of her ass were spread and his fingers came in contact against the flat, silicone end of the toy. With the softest pressure, she felt him pushing against the plug, the tapered tip reaching a delicious spot that sent another soft cry forcing its way from her lungs. His teeth bit into the tender flesh of her ass. Viviana jerked in surprise when the vibrating began once more on the slower setting.

A growl formed in the back of Anton’s throat, echoing in the silent kitchen, making her body respond to the want in his tone instantly. “Oh, baby. How…

When the toy abruptly stopped again, Viviana could finally speak, albeit still feeling a little overcome. “A healthy exploration of my own body.” She swore she heard him swallow behind her. “Lucky for me that certain stores allow their packages to come in the mail with privacy labels so that no one knows what I’ve bought.”

“I’ve never checked your cards or packages.”

Viviana chanced a glace over her shoulder, but his face was turned away. Even so, she could see the tension in his hands as he grabbed her ass and the tick in his tight jaw. If it were any other situation, she might have thought he was angry, but given his cock was hard and pressing into the back of her thigh, she knew he wasn’t.

Not once had he brought up the topic of anal to her, never mind approaching it while they were in the midst of something sexual. With her own private trials, Viviana knew it was something she might like, and she trusted Anton enough to give her that experience, if he wanted.

“I know,” she said, still trying to catch her breath. “I’ve never …”

Anton did look up then, his eyes piercing into hers with registering surprise and desire. “Never?”

“No one,
. Like I said, a healthy exploration. I’ve tried some things, so I know what I like. And today, you’re the one with the remote.”

“I am, aren’t I?
.” He fixed her thong and pants before letting her stand up again. The remote was slipped into his pocket as she turned in his embrace. Viviana could see the battle raging in Anton’s eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t want that with me?”

“No … God, no, it’s not that.”

The quiet murmur of anxiety crept up her spine with a cold grip. “I just thought—”

“Shut up. Shut those pretty lips of yours right up,” Anton muttered, eyes flashing down at her in warning. “Of course I want that with you, yes. I just …
. What happened to that innocent girl in Barbados who hadn’t even kissed a boy until she met me; where did that girl go? I’m not saying it’s not okay she grew up, but sometimes this is a serious mind fuck for me, okay?”

“Okay. I get that.”

“Not that I’m complaining, but where did she go?” he repeated, lips curving with the most sinful grin.

Viviana returned the gesture, letting her fingers dance up the silky material of his shirt before replying, “She wasn’t all that innocent. After all, she agreed to marry you.”

Chapter Eleven

Anton chuckled as Viviana’s eyes widened at the sight staring back at her. The upstairs office inside Seven Lights had been all but turned inside out for her the evening before. It had taken some serious wrangling on his part, and Ivan’s wife, to get what they needed, but it had come together, despite the craziness over the last few days. Now, the entire office was filled with clothes, shoes, and whatever else his lover might like.

The office was a good twenty by twenty in size. Anton liked it a little bigger than usual, seeing as how when his men came in to pay their tributes, they always seemed to stay and chat. Another would arrive, and the same thing would follow suit. A dozen cigars later and the club would be closed, but the raucous, loud laughter would still be banging out from his office above.

There was no denying he liked it. Of course he did, it was all he ever knew. Even at five years old with droopy eyes and little understanding as to what was happening around him, Anton could remember sitting perched on his father’s or step-grandfather’s legs. He learned some of the dirtiest Russian slang before he even understood English completely.

“What do you think?”

Viviana gaped a little more. “It’s …”


Still, he got nothing.

Unable to stop himself, Anton found the little remote hidden in the inner pocket of his suit jacket, and pressed the first gentle speed. Her jerk of surprise as the toy turned on did the wickedest of things to his insides.


A shrug fell flippantly from his shoulders and he turned it back off. “You wanted to play this game, baby.”

“I’m …” Her eyes closed as she breathed heavily. “I will take that remote away from you.”

Anton grinned slyly, turning away. No, she wouldn’t. Viviana had a dirty streak he hadn’t even thought to consider, but now that he knew … well, the boss was going to have some fun. The sexiest of sights had been in his car as they drove through the city on their way to Brighton Beach. It was clear that with every little jostle or bump of the tires, Viviana was just barely hanging on to the ledge of control. He desperately wanted to see her lose it, but Anton wanted it to be his cock that did it to her, too.

“How does that feel, having your own body fucking you like that?”

Fuck, the way her quiet moan couldn’t quite be hidden when he pressed that button on again just about did him in. How he hadn’t already shot off a load inside his pants, Anton wasn’t quite sure.

“Are you going to answer me, now? Do you like the clothes?”

Viviana simply looked around again. Anton understood it was a little much for her, probably. In fact, he might have overdone it a bit, but he really had no clue as to her personal preferences and styles when it came to clothing. Especially dress wear.

So, he had just about a little bit of everything brought in from shops across New York. Only the best names with price tags that would make someone’s heart stutter. She could pick what she wanted for the evening, but the rest had already been bought and paid for by him. His office had suddenly turned into a clothing store. Garment bags hung off several dress racks, boxes of designer shoes sitting opened on leather couches and chairs, and the glittering gems of crystals reflecting light off the many clutches on the desk.

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