The Arrangement (24 page)

Read The Arrangement Online

Authors: Bethany-Kris

Tags: #The Russian Guns

“You gonna smoke with me, baby?”

“Should I?”

“Oh, you definitely should.”

• • •

Anton’s parted lips skimmed up Viviana’s neck as he held the harsh hit he’d just inhaled inside his lungs. He could feel it, the smoke, tumbling through his chest and making it ache with the best burn as he bit the trembling line of her tilted up jaw.

Her hips straddling him shifted in the most tantalizing way, muscles constricting and the sensitive tissues of her pussy fluttering around his cock that was buried balls deep inside her hot core. The action made him groan loudly, allowing just the faintest billow of smoke to escape his mouth. The wisps curled over her face as her lashes blinked and fluttered, fanning over her cheeks. Another roll of her body and his hummed in response with a high induced by her and California grown bud.

The pungent, thick scent of weed in the Mercedes soaked straight through everything, including his very skin. It wasn’t often he got high, but when he did, he preferred a certain kind of smoke to get him there because it simply fucking electrified his nerves like nothing else. Mix that sensation in with Viviana riding his cock above him with a slow, teasing rhythm and he was just about ready to explode.

Nothing ever felt so damned good.

Anton had been a little more than surprised to watch her take hit after hit off the joint and never once choke on the smoke, never mind how goddamn sexy it was to see it roll off her lips. He’d dragged the straps of her lace brassier down her shoulders, kissing and biting her collarbone until it blushed with a pretty pink under his rough motions, just before he removed the item from her body completely.

“Hmm …
… yeah, right there,” she breathed, shifting to rock on him again. Her one hand was lifted, fingers brushing against the soft roof of the car as she tilted her head back farther, giving him better access to the hollow of her throat. The other scratched down the black inked rose that covered his pec with shaking fingers. “More,

Oh, he heard that title three dozen times a day, but nothing quite compared to the way it dripped like silken honey from her sinful little tongue. Fuck, her airless voice had him throbbing. From his fingers, to his toes, to dilated pupils, he burned. With the hand that wasn’t holding the small blunt, he pinched her chin between his forefinger and thumb to draw her head downward.

She shot-gunned the smoke he gave without even hesitating. Anton felt the heavy pressure build inside his middle a little more, causing his heart to stutter and begin to race. It wasn’t just the situation or the smoke that had him feeling so damned sentimental, but the woman above him always trusting and willing.

“Right there?” he asked, bracing his one foot to the floor and the other to the seat as he flexed his hips up into hers. Viviana shuddered on top of him, eyes flying open as air and second-hand smoke blew over his cheeks. “You love my cock, huh? Who fills you like this, Viviana?”

“You. Only you.”

He was thankful his pants had joined the rest of his clothes because her juices had soaked him beautifully. They’d been teasing and touching for only a short while, but he had her just about wet and ready enough to take her like he knew she wanted.

“Who gives you this feeling?” he asked.

Another rock, another roll, another lift of her body on his shaft and she trembled with a cry. Achingly full, that’s how he felt. Damp from sweat, sticky with her, high with smoke, and topped with
. It dripped down every nerve in his body like liquid gold.


“Mmm …who’s yours, baby?”

Pink lips curved around the half inch roach he offered, sucking in a good puff before she whispered, “You.”

Sixteen and curious she wasn’t anymore. Hesitation didn’t flicker in brown eyes, hands moved with knowing yearning, and words fell like a beautiful song. She was so far from the same it hurt, but she still wasn’t any different, either.

It was the third time in less than twenty-four hours that he’d had her body, and it didn’t feel any less intense than the last time. Anton wouldn’t ever tire of the way it felt, or how she pulled him deeper inside than he ever thought possible. Overwhelming and wholly gone, she had him broken to pieces and put back together again in one swift motion.

So close, he was so fucking close to telling her everything he’d been hiding. Anton didn’t want to keep the things he knew that she didn’t inside any longer. Beyond the way she had him tied all the way around her like a protective, wanting bow, he also knew the secrets he held felt like personal bars of a terrible prison he shouldn’t have ever been inside.

Smoke billowed again, twisting in thick spirals to the roof, clouding his vision and the car.

“Feel me. Always.” It came out soft and torn, almost like an admission forced from a ripped open heart. His thumb rolled over her lips, down her chin and throat, between perky breasts and the flat expanse of her stomach. Viviana swallowed a gulp of nothing when the tips of his fingers slipped deftly over the hood of her clit and drummed a circling beat. “Almost, yeah?”

A lazy nod answered him back, her body tensing and gently rocking hips still moving. “Yeah.”

The rhythmic clenching of her walls around his dick had him moaning. Her orgasm was so close he could practically feel it clawing its way through his veins himself. But, Anton wanted her sweating more, panting harder, with her body, nerves, and sex singing from smoke and bliss before he filled her in a whole new way.

Still, Viviana didn’t make the move to quicken her riding pace, keeping it unhurried and delicious in the most provokingly lustful way. Anton’s head fell back to the seat as her breath caught on the exhale. Removing his hand from between her thighs, those fast rising breasts of hers caught his palm one after the other, his thumb rolling over taut nipples that felt hot to the touch.

One light draw off the roach and he blew a perfect line of thick smoke from her neck down to her stomach, letting the sharp-tasting weed roll over her skin in billowing waves. Her teeth cut into her bottom lip, reddening the plump flesh to the same hue as her swollen, wet sex. Viviana mewled with the quietest whine of need that said she was so close to toppling under the building pressure that her spine was beginning to curve and her head drew farther back.

“God, yes. I’m creeping up so hard. We gonna do this?”

Oh, she’d been so surprised when he waved a condom he brought back from the front console before they’d really gotten started. They didn’t fuck with them, didn’t have to, and he wouldn’t ever so long as she was only his, but he’d use one this time and she got his point in wanting to straightaway. There wasn’t fear in her voice when she agreed, but he heard the quiet waver even so. It wasn’t like he blamed her; despite the toy they’d played with earlier, his cock was longer and thicker and sure to make her ache.

Anton hummed his assent, feeling that heat sizzle in his blood as a buzz roamed his mind. “Yeah, just wanted you rolling hard first.”

Her fingernails dragged along the ceiling, waves of her hair tumbling down her back, and he caught her free hand curving his jaw with a quick turn of his head, laying a loud open-mouthed kiss to her palm. A shiver rolled over every muscle in her body as two of her slender fingers slid between his lips. His tongue swirled around the digits, tasting the weed and her arousal on her skin.

“Oh … almost,” she sighed, lips smacking as the trembling in her legs grew a bit more.

“One more, just the one. Take it and give it back,” Anton murmured, reaching up to tug on the few strands of hair that had fallen over her shoulder gently. “Come on, I want to taste it out of your sweet mouth.”

With her face leaning down close to his again, his hazy line of vision cleared enough to watch her drag that last hit off the joint hard. Viviana let the smoke roll from her lips upward, French inhaling the final pull from the joint as their gazes met. The pelting rain outside had dimmed to practically nothing at all, but the thundering storm clouds remained, keeping the car dark. The humidity in the air mixed with the heat of their sex and the whispers of smoke fogged up the windows.

“Hold it hard, don’t let it out until I want it, hmm?”

Again, her teeth bared to his cheek when he pulled her close to kiss her eyelids. When his mouth found hers, a tongue was quick to spear into wet heat, allowing the exhale from her lungs to inhale into his. The harshness of the weed was lessened with her taste and he burned all over again. Their lips moved a leisurely speed, slow enough to taste and relish and seek.

Then, her high and broken cry of his name caught in his mouth. The walls of her pussy clamped down tight with the sudden sweep of her orgasm, holding him in as his hand grasped her hip. When her eyes glazed and hands shook, she gasped another one of those sighing sounds. He let her roll out the waves of bliss.

“Just like that, baby. Up, raise up for a moment.”

?” Viviana asked breathlessly.

“Mmhmm. Right now.”

“It’s going to

“Some,” he said, not wanting to lie. “Not for long, I promise.”

With a quick movement, Anton had the window rolled down just enough to toss the stub out. At the same time, Viviana had lifted up, her still trembling-thighs straddling his sides. In a flash his hand was between their bodies, grasping his shaft at the base as her hips tilted upwards and forwards and her spine arched to give him better access to her back entrance.

He needed her steady, wanted her movements controlled and careful. Given the toy had prepped her a little and she had soaked him with more than enough of her fluids to give them plenty of lubrication, it could be an easy go for her first time … or if she went too fast, took him too hard, it might not.

Viviana didn’t give him the chance to get her steady or careful. The moment the latex-covered head of his cock slid against the tight hole of her ass, she was pressing down on his length all over again. Damn, he could feel her vibrating under the hand that was splayed to her back … muscles practically shuddering with want and need, so beautifully harsh.

Beads of perspiration had dampened the valley between her breasts. That pink stain she’d applied to her lips earlier was all but gone, but they were kissed and bitten so red she didn’t need to put on any more. The dark kohl that had lined her lids was smudged at the corners, making her eyes look deeper and smoky.

Anton went to speak, to tell her to take it slow, to breathe, to calm down, but the ring of muscles and walls of sensitive tissues that flexed and stretched to take him in had his throat tightening like a vise. The channel of her ass felt like velvet gripping steel.

The fit of her ass around his shaft
tight. Tight like his teeth gritting between parted lips. Tight like his fingers squeezing to dig into her waist. Just fucking tight and hot. Too goddamn tight. So tight it hurt and his eyes flew open, flicking up to seek out hers.

Before he’d even really knew how it happened, Viviana had sunk down his length totally, taking in his cock completely. The pulse in his shaft increased. Anton swallowed, blinked, and forced himself to breathe again so he could think for a moment.

The flicker of pain that flitted over her features had his grip tightening. “Baby …”

Viviana whined under her breath, air rushing from her nose as her eyes screwed shut. Suddenly, her hands clenched into balled fists on his chest. It was clear she couldn’t quite find words to say, or she wasn’t able. Either way, the last thing he wanted to see in her eyes was

Finally, his voice was working again as he slid those hands up her spine and drove her forward into his embrace, shushing a low sound in her ear. Gently, he rolled the tips of his fingers over her trembling shoulders. Her face buried into his neck with another noise that had his heart racing and guilt rising. He could feel her bearing down.

Shit, he should have slowed her the fuck down.

“You all right?”

. Jesus Christ.” Air blew in a huff against his neck before she whispered, “Out, I want it—”

“Okay, okay.”

Keeping his hands splayed open on her back, Anton urged her body upwards much slower than she had lowered herself onto his length. With the feeling of muscles rippling around his cock, he found himself biting the inside of his cheek to ignore the sweet burning hum that swept throughout his entire nervous system.

Fucking hell, she was still tighter than a fist and hotter than fire.

Then, Viviana sighed shakily, her legs almost relaxing. Her fists unclenched and the pads of fingers pressed down softly to each of his pecs.

.” The word didn’t even sound like it came from her, but more like built up pressure that burst from somewhere inside. Raw and aching, that’s how it felt caressing his senses. “Just … oh God, do that again.”

Anton swallowed thickly. “I didn’t do anything.”

“That … I-I don’t know …
, Anton.”

Still not knowing what it was she wanted, he pressed a kiss to her temple, smoothing out her hair and waiting for the turmoil of emotions running through his soul to simmer. He flinched as she lowered onto his length once more. Again, her teeth clenched, air hissed, and her fists balled.

But when she raised … Oh, fuck, when she raised, her chest expanded with a tumbling moan that rocked him to the core. It almost felt like the inside of her channel was grasping even harder on the withdrawal, wanting to keep him inside. Warmth created by her and the buzzing high still creeping around his senses licked like flames over his skin.

,” she repeated in a breath.

Anton nodded. Releasing his hold on her back, he untangled her curled fingers on his chest and weaved them with his own. Pressing feather-light kisses to her knuckles, he let her stretch and open around his cock, feeling muscles relax ever so slightly with every single slow rise and fall. Pants of her breaths turned a little faster against his neck. When her fingernails bit into the skin of his hands, she moaned a deep noise as the tightening in his groin increased.

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