Read The Art of Domination Online

Authors: Ella Dominguez

The Art of Domination (17 page)

“What is this?” I ask jerking my wrist upward, bringing his hand up with mine.

“It’s exactly what it looks like.”

“Take it off of me right now,
” I demand.

“Do you promise not to leave?” he asks.

I stare at him angrily. When I don’t answer, Dylan responds.

“I’m not taking it off
until you promise you won’t leave.” His voice is stern and it aggravates the hell out of me.

“Well, since promises d
on’t mean anything to you,
I promise.

Dylan looks a combination of hurt and irate. He
grimaces at me, furrows his eyebrows and scans my face. “My promises
mean something.”

“Since when? Today? Starting today they mean something?”

“They always did.  I promised that I would always protect and take care of you, and that’s exactly what I was trying to do by lying to you.”

The gall.
I snort laugh at him and roll my eyes.

“I know how it sounds, but that was my thinking at the time.  I wa
s also trying to protect myself,” he says. His voice is raspy and low, and he sounds as if he’s choking back tears.

“Protect yourself from what?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” he asks me as he lifts our cuffed wrists. “From losing you.”

I can see by the look on his face he’s being completely sincere and my heart aches. I start to twirl the ring on my finger as we both sit watching each other. He looks down at me spinning the ring round and round and he blinks rapidly several times. When he looks back up at me, his eyes are glossy.

“Whether or not you decide to stay with me, that ring belongs to you.”

He’s waiting for my response, but I don’t know what to say to him. I’m still so angry with him. I keep picturing him with Erika and the
ghastly images I saw in the photos won’t leave my mind.

“Why did you keep those pictures and that disc?” I ask him.

He looks taken aback at my question and I’m surprised myself that I asked it. Do I really want to know his answer?
Probably not.
He opens his mouth to say something and then stops himself. He looks down and runs his hand through his hair, pushing it back from his eyes. He shakes his head
and then answers me.

“I’m not even sure why. I initially kept that stuff as proof when Eri…, when
threatened to expose our relationship. I should’ve handed it over to my lawyers then. I honestly forgot about the disc.”

“Do you have
pictures of your other submissives?”

He he
sitates to answer me. “Yes, a few.”

hy did you keep those?”

His cheeks flush and he shrugs.

Like I don’t know why
. I sigh with disgust and turn my face away from him. 

“Did you watch the videos?” he asks me.

“One of them. That’s all I could stomach.” I say to him.

“Jesus, Isa.
Why would you want to watch that?”

“Morbid curiosity
, I guess. You never talk to me about the things you’ve done or about your past, and my curiosity got the best of me. I wish to God I had never seen any of that crap. I truly hate that woman.” I still can’t bring myself to look at him. “Who sent it to me?” I ask.

“I don’t know. Someone broke into my office last night and took it. They also destroyed your paintings.”

“What? No…” I say as I start to cry.

“I know. I’m sick about it
, too. I have them in the Rover. I don’t know if there’s any way to repair them, but I’ll do my best to find someone who can restore them.”

I decide it’s probably time to
tell him about the note and the horrible phone call.

It must’ve been the same person who sent me the threatening note. It’s in with the pictures. I also got a phone call from the same woman. She’s seriously mentally ill, Dylan, and I’m not saying that light-heartedly. I know mentally ill people and the things she said to me…”

When I turn to look at Dy
lan, he looks furious.

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me about this sooner? Like yesterday after it happened?” he yells at me.

He yanks my wrist as he jumps off the bed and I have no choice but to follow him since I’m still cuffed to him. I’m half naked and just wearing my panties and bra, but he still drags me in to the office as I practically fall behind him. He picks up the envelope that’s lying on his desk and empties it. I look away because I don’t feel like getting sick looking at the images again. Dylan digs around and finds the note. He picks it up by the corner and lays it out and reads it.

“God damn it, Isa. You should’ve tol
d me about this earlier,” he says angrily.

“Well, I’m sorry, but I was just a little preoccupied with th
e fact that the man I love has been lying to me and my short-lived marriage is over,” I yell back at him as I yank our cuffed wrists.

“Don’t say that. It’s not over. We just have some things to work out, okay?” His eyes are soft blue and needy.

He touches my hair and I just want to hug him and forget about everything, but I pull away from him instead.
How could he lie to me like that?
He sighs and then calls Sawyer.

“The situation is more serious than we thought. One of the files that was stolen from the office was delivered to Isa with a threatening note, and she got a phone call from the same person. Yeah. Uh-huh. Get the records on Isa’s phone and see if you can trace the number.  Uh-huh. Could you make out a face? Are you on your way? Okay. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

He hangs up and rubs the back of his neck. “What did the woman say to you? Tell me exactly what she said and don’t leave anything out.”

“Can you please take these off of me first?” I ask motioning towards the cuffs.

“You still haven’t promised that you won’t leave,” Dylan says in all seriousness.

“Do you really think a pair of cuffs is going to make me stay, Dylan?”

“For now, yes. I’m serious about not taking them off of you until you promise you won’t leave.”

I’m seriously getting
incensed. “How the hell am I supposed to get dressed with these on?”

“You don’t. You can stay like that all day for all I care. In fact, I’d quite enjoy it,” he says, raising an eyebrow at me.

Oh, hell no.
“That’s fine with me. I’d love to see the look on Sawyer’s face when he comes over. He might quite enjoy it, too.” I say, knowing that Dylan is extremely jealous of any man. Then again, he did make me open the hotel door naked.

frowns at me and his searing blue eyes scan my face. “Do you want me to call your bluff, Isabel? I already told you I trust Sawyer implicitly.”

Shit. This isn’t going the way I had hoped.
I narrow my eyes at him and stand motionless as he waits for my response.

“Just say the words, Isabel, and I’ll take them off. It’s really easy. Say it, ‘I promise I won’t leave, Dylan’.”

“Oh, fine. I promise I won’t leave Dylan! Now take these damned things off of me before I go ape shit on your ass!” I scream at him. 

Dylan looks thoroughly amused and smiles at me.

“What the fuck are you smiling about? Take them off of me now!”

“Are you done with the profanities
and yelling, because I’m done listening to it come out of your sassy mouth,” he says with his smile fading quickly. His eyes dilate and I know what that means.

“If you think for one minute that you get to punish me after the crap you pulled the last few
days, you’d better think again,” I tell him.

“Is that a challenge? Because t
he last time I checked, you’re still married to me.”

“Grow the fuck up,
” I say and I immediately regret my words when I see him clench his jaw.

He jumps up from his chair
and pulls me around by the wrist so that I’m standing face-to-face with him. He catches me by complete surprise as he spins me around and bends me over the desk with my cuffed wrist behind me. Then he swiftly plants his hand on my ass.

Holy soaked panties.
I’m livid, but of course, my body betrays me, my hormones kick in and I want nothing more than to be fucked hard.
Yes, I am still his wife
. Despite what Erika wants,
he still belongs to me
. I crank my head to the side and breathily squeak out my wants.

“Are you just going to stand there or are you going to fuck me?”

Dylan fumbles with his pants and he rips my panties off with his free hand. The fabric shreds and the harshness against my skin is painful, but it feels good and I don’t care. He pushes my legs apart with his knee and then shoves his hard dick into me. He pushes with such intensity that I start to moan. He thrusts fast and hard as my body slams against the desk. He leans down onto my back and bites my shoulder where he cut it yesterday and the pain makes me scream out.

“Tell me you won’t leave me. Tell me, Isabel,” he says out of breath and desperate. When I don’t respond
, he thrusts harder into me and bites my shoulder again.

Say you won’t leave me.
Say it.
I swear I won’t lie to you again. I need you, God damn it.
I need you, Isabel.
Tell me.”

grabs a handful of my hair and pulls back hard, but kisses my neck sweetly. I can’t deny how I feel about him or the physical attraction between us. Yes, he lied to me, but he’s genuinely sorry about it and he’s said he won’t do it again. I love him and I need him, too. I need this thing that he gives to me; this discipline; his love; and his unconditional acceptance of me. And I can’t deny that I need to be fucked and taken like this; I don’t want it any other way.
I don’t want any other man.



Chapter 12

She belongs to me, damn it
. I fuck her hard, trying to force a promise out of her, and concentrate only on how I will keep her. She feels so good.
She can’t leave me.
I demand her to tell me as I push deeper into her and she finally gives me what I want.

“I won’t leave you,
I promise,” she says completely out of breath.

I can only hope that she means it.
I pull out of her, turn her back around and lift her onto the desk. I stand between her legs and fuck her hard again. She grabs my face and kisses me ferociously, biting my bottom lip and sucking the blood that trickles down.

“I love you, Isa. I’ll never lie to you again,” I whisper into her mouth. I slow my pace and
gently move in and out of her.

She pulls back away from me, watching my mouth intently. “No. You won’t.
And this thing with Erika ends today.”

She kisses me again and pushes her
hips against my raging hard-on and wraps her legs around my waist.

“I don’t care what secrets she’s threatened you with and I don’t care who knows about our lifestyle. You belong to me and I’ll never be ashamed of the things we do. You have no reason to be afraid of her Dylan. She can tell the wor
ld about what you’ve done together and I will always stand by your side,” she says seductively as she grinds her hips into me and pulls me close.

Her statement stuns me.

“But if you ever lie to me again…”

I don’t let her finish because I know what will happen if I lie to her again and can’t bear the thought. I pull her face to me and kiss her before she can get her words out. She sucks my tongue and then bites it as I slowly fuck her.  I f
eel her pussy tighten around me as she throws her head back and I feel her hot cum all around me.  A moment later, I pull out of her, push her back on the desk and shoot my load all over her tits and belly, marking my territory and reminding her that she belongs to me.

lies on the desk staring at me with amber heated eyes as I catch my breath.

Isa’s absolutely fucking right. Why am I so ashamed of the things I did to Erika? She wanted it and so did I. It was consensual and I can prove that.
As for my parents, I’ll have to figure out a way to explain it to Isa.

“I want to be the only woman you’re obsessed with, Dylan. I don’t want you fixating on anyone but me,” she says in a soft voic
e and her face looks heartrending.

I pul
l her sitting up and kiss her. “You
the only woman I’m obsessed with. All those other women are in the past and that’s exactly where I plan on leaving them.”

She hugs me tightly and I feel relieved. There’s a knock on the door and we both jump. It’s Sawyer. He’s brought the surveillance video with him so we can both look it over. I walk with Isa over to the safe and get the key to the cuffs out and release my prisoner from her shackles. She rubs her wrist and then holds it out to me.

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