Read The Art of Domination Online

Authors: Ella Dominguez

The Art of Domination (44 page)

Her question catches me off guard. She should be addressing Isabel, not me.

“No. This is about Isa, not me.” I say cantankerously.

“This is about the both of you,” she says coolly.

Isa looks up at me and raises her eyebrows as if to say I-told-you-this-was-a-lame-idea. 

Okay, h
ere it goes
. “I just can’t understand how Isa can want to have sex so soon after what happened and I’m hesitant because I don’t want to push her.”

Isa blushes, looks down at her wedding ring and twirls it

“Isabel? Do you care to respond to his comment?” Maggie says as she looks down at her
paper and frantically jots something down.

I can just imagine what she’
s writing. She’s probably penning a journal or tell-all memoir about all the fucked up well-to-do people she’s treated. I feel like reaching over and grabbing the damned paper out of her hand and shredding it into a thousand pieces.

“Good God,
Dylan. I lived through the same kinds of beatings my entire childhood. Other than the almost rape, it was the same as before. Like you would say; been there, done that,” Isa says softly.

I’m horrified
at her admission. No wonder she’s seemingly blowing it off - it’s nothing new for her. I pull her close to me and guide her chin so she’s looking at me.

“I hate that you’re so accustomed to being treated like that, that what Alex did to you seemed like another day at work.”

She shrugs and kisses me. “I’m not saying what happened is by any means okay. I don’t know that I’ll ever get over the way my father or Alex made me feel. I hope I can, but I’m also not going to dwell on it. I just want to move on as quickly as I possible and only you can help me do that.”

Isa raises her eyebrows suggestively, mentally telling me that fucking her hard is what she needs. She’s always discrete and that’s just one of the many reasons I love her so damned much.

I need to get her mind off of things. Perhaps tonight would be a good night to go to the club as opposed to waiting until after her show.

Maggie seems satis
fied for now and Isa thanks and hugs her as she makes her way out.

On the
elevator ride down, Maggie tells me, “Mr. Young, I can sense that Isabel is holding something back about her father. I’m not going to push the issue right now and I’ll wait until she’s ready to talk more about that, but feel free to call me to schedule another appointment in the near future.”

This woman
clearly has a keen sense. What Isa’s holding back is that her father may or may not have killed her mother, but we’ll deal with that when the time comes.

I ask Maggie if she thinks it’s appropriate for us to start having sex, feeling awkward to be asking something so private, but
without a hitch, she professionally responds.

“If Isabel is comfortable taking that step, than I would say yes.  If she seems reluctant in any way, don’t push her and just listen to what she has to say. Isabel is much stronger than she realizes and I don’t doubt if she has any hesitation, she’ll let you know. ”

Again, she’s spot on about Isabel.

bid Maggie farewell and head back inside. I go straight to the bedroom and into Isa’s closet to find the hot little outfit I’ve been dying to see her in. She’s been stubborn about wearing it, but it will look good on her and with the lighting at the club, she’ll look both heavenly and sinful.

I pull out the white leather prim skirt
and jacket, and find the tall matching boots and the ankle cuffs. Isa calls the boots hooker boots but I prefer to call them alpha boots. I grab the optional leg cuffs as well. I find a pair of white crotchless panties and stockings to go with the short mini skirt. Then I find her collar. She hasn’t worn it since before we left and I need to point out that this isn’t something she can just wear as a fashion statement; she needs to wear it all times.

I call down on the intercom for her to come to the bedroom and she quickly responds. When she ente
rs the room she looks eager. Then she sees the clothes laid out and her look changes to that of irritation.

I thought maybe I was going to finally get some dick.”

“Nice language,” I reprimand

“Why did you dig that out?” she asks sitting on the bed and running her hand over the leather.

“Because I’m taking you to the club tonight. Now put it on.”

Her eyes get big
and exaggerated.

“You want me to wear

“Yes. You’ll look stunn

She flips through the clothes and notices there’s something missing. “Where’s the bra?”

“No bra tonight, just the jacket.”

“Dylan…” she starts whining.

“Don’t argue and do what I say. Now get dressed already.” I say strictly. “But first, let’s put your collar on you.”

She stands and I clasp it around her neck and kiss her shoulder.

“I don’t want you taking this off anymore. I want you to consider this just as important as your wedding ring. It shows that you not only belong to me as my wife, but as my submissive. Do you understand?”

She nods, turns around and
pecks my lips.

“Yes, Sir, I understand,” she answers obediently.

She starts to slowly undress for me while sit down in the chair and watch her. I can feel myself growing hard at the vision of her curvy petite body. Isa looks up at me as if pleading her case, but finally gives up and continues dressing. She slips on the panties, then the jacket, zipping up the front and tucking her breasts into the tight leather. She looks down at herself and shimmies her shoulders and tucks in her large bosom some more. She’s doing her best to make them less noticeable, but it’s a difficult task with her large tits and the cut of the jacket. I’m grinning like a schoolboy watching his first porno at her maneuverings.  At last, she steps into the skirt and zips the side closed.
Christ, I have good taste
. She looks down at the skirt and sees how short it is and looks horrified. Her eyes dart up at me and she points towards the skirt and gives me her are-you-fucking-kidding-me look.

I walk t
o the bed and grab the boots, push her down onto the bed and kneel down in front of her to help put them on. I slide on the thigh high stockings first, running my fingers up the back of her calves, up her legs to her mid thigh. Isa’s breath hitches and her legs spread open for me, showing me a majestic view of her golden mound. She’s watching me with her mouth slightly parted and her shimmering wet tongue slicks across her teeth. I’m so turned on at her wearing leather that I have to concentrate on getting the boots on her.  I pull the thigh-high boots on her and zip them up in the back. They’re monster heels and she should be at least four inches taller in them. I hook the cuffs around the ankles and the strap on the leg cuffs at the thigh.
I was right; she looks completely fuckable.

She wants to be fucked
hard, so be it. Who am I to deny my wife?

“Lay back,” I order.

She lays back and puts her arms above her head and locks her hands together. I lift her skirt, revealing her beautiful cunt. I pull her down to the edge of bed and bury my face in her glistening slit. I open up her lips and blow on her and her hips wiggle around as she groans. I push my tongue deep inside of her and reach my hands underneath her ass to get a better grip on her. When I squeeze her cheeks, she moans loudly from the pain.
Christ, she tastes good.
I lick and bite her inner thighs and slide my fingers inside of her. She’s swollen and hot. She’s been holding this in for some time and I can feel how anxious she is for release. I pull my fingers out and she whines.

“Don’t stop…”

“Not yet, love.”

I stand up and drop my pants and kick them to the side. I kneel down in between her legs again and guide the
head of my cock inside of her and Isa rises up on her elbows to get a look. She’s watching attentively as I slowly ease myself deeper inside of her. She licks her lips and her eyes flick from open and closed with each of my slow thrusting movements.

“Do you like what you see?” I ask her.

She looks up at me and blushes, but nods

“It’s a beautiful sight, isn’t it? Your pussy taking all of me. See how good we go together? I fit inside yo
u like a hand in a glove, Isa. You were meant for me.”

She continues to watch closely, never ta
king her eyes off of our seductive grinding. When I thrust hard, she throws her head back, but I guide her by her neck to keep watching.

“Can you paint this for me, love
? Can you put this on canvas? Your stunning cunt being fucked by me? Can you capture all of the detail? The shimmering wetness? I want you to paint this for me, Isa. Tell me you can.”

“Yes, Sir,
I can paint this for you,” she breathes out with a sigh and a moan.

“That’s my good little artist. Now tell me you like being fucked hard.”

“You know I do.”

“Tell me,” I
command as I push deep into her. I fill her completely and she whimpers out the words I want to hear.

k me hard, Sir. Make it hurt,” she says closing her eyes tightly.

Holy fuck
. Her request stuns me. I forget that she likes pain just as much as I like giving it. I stand up, pull her up with me and turn her around. I move to the end of the bed.

“Hold on to the bed post. Steady yourself.”

She grabs a hold of the bed post with both hands. I lift her skirt and I shove myself into her hard. I dig my fingers into her fleshy hips and pull her back to me. She looks fucking excellent in her skyscraper heels, leather schoolgirl skirt and holding on for dear life. I twist my hand in her hair and pull back rough.  I bring my other hand down viciously on to her ass, leaving a perfect red hand print. I feel her tighten around me and she rises up on her tiptoes. I know what comes next so I move my hand down to her clit and wait to feel her wet my hand with her spunk. I thrust fast and hard and she pushes back onto me and cries out, wetting the front of my hand. Watching her pussy clutch my hard cock and feeling her tremble, I cum without forewarning, filling her tight hole. I still as my body shudders from the aftermath of another amazing orgasm.

Isa throws herself on the bed on her belly and rubs her ass. I fall onto the bed next to her and try and catch my breath.

I can hard
ly wait to get her to the club and show off my sexy wife.



Finally. It
’s about damned time I get pounded good… but my ass. Sweet baby Jesus. I rub it trying to soothe the ache, but it doesn’t do any good.

“What does it look like?” I ask Dylan.

“What? Your ass? Well, it’s round, soft, perfect in every way really…” Dylan says as he rubs his chin and looks hard at it as if inspecting it.

“That’s not what I mean. Is it red? Did you leave a mark?”

“Hell yes, I left a mark. It’s spectacular, too. You said make it hurt. So… does it hurt?” he asks as he stands and puts his pants back on.

That’s a moronic question if I heard one. I bury my face in th
e bed and let out a loud, “Owww,” and Dylan laughs.
Why the stink is that funny?
I give him my evil eye and he pouts his bottom lip out at me mockingly.

“Poor baby g
irl. Does your bottom hurt?” he asks sweetly.

He leans down and kisses my cheek gently and then seals it with a lick.

“Do you want another?” he asks mischievously.

As much as it hurts, I do want another.

“Yes, Sir. May I have another?” I ask in my most convincing submissive tone. The look on Dylan’s face is priceless. I don’t think he really thought I would say yes. His eyes widen and then narrow.

“Why?” he asks.

“I can’t explain why. I just do. I want it to hurt for days. I want to be reminded of your delicious punishment every time I move,” I tell him as I look sideways at him.

His sky blue eyes dilate and his mouth twitches. The tip of hi
s tongue pokes out briefly and licks his lips. He flips me over on to my back abruptly and grabs my face.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing to me?”

“Giving you what you want and loving you the only way I know how.”

He smiles at me and his eyes gloss over. His gaze is burning into my soul and I ache to have him again and again and again.
I just want to crawl inside his heart and exist there forever.

Hurt me Dylan. Hurt me good,” I whisper to him as his mouth covers mine. He sucks the words right out of me and inhales my essence. He picks me up and carries me into the dungeon.

He sets me down and
I start to undress, but he instructs me to leave the leather costume on.

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