The Assistant (48 page)

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Authors: Elle Brace

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult


“Oh, come on Shortcake! Look at her,” He grabbed my cheeks in between his hand and forced my face to look towards Alana. “You don’t want any more of her? Or What about Mason? No more of him?”


“I… Ugh, I hate it when you’re right,” I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.


Adrian smirked, before his fact transformed into a look of realisation. “I have something for you.”


“Is it that dagger that kills you? New Blu-Ray disks of Dave Franco?” I asked eagerly, trying to hide the amusement as Adrian’s glare instantly switched onto his face.


” He scowled, before turning around and producing a clear container that contained green vegetables.


“Broccoli!” I squealed, grinning up at him. “You’re the best husband ever.” I sighed, pulling him in for another, deeper kiss.


“I know I am. That shit fucking stinks by the way, and took forever to cook.”


“Oh… you… you cooked it?” I asked, no longer feeling like the vegetables.


He chuckled. “No. I just wanted to see your reaction to that. Maria made them.”


I pushed him slightly, laughing. “Asshole.”




Three Years Later…


“I don’t think that’s a safe place to put the vase Adrian, you know how Alana and Theo are with new things.” I pointed out before rubbing my back in pain from the full stomach in front of me.


Adrian frowned. “They won’t touch it.”


“Yes, they will. Don’t you remember what they did to that hideous – I mean
looking elephant ornament that I was absolutely shattered about when they broke it?” I asked, correcting myself quickly and grinning just as Adrian’s frown transformed into a look of surprise.


“I thought you liked Martin!” he exclaimed, confusing me.


“What? Who is Martin and how did he come into the conversation? Hey, Theo! Don’t eat daddy’s tie!” I scolded, frowning down at the little boy who instantly dropped the green silk material and laughed.


“Martin is the elephant! I told you his name when we were watching
with the kids on the day I bought him.”


A mental image of my 3 children sitting on top of Adrian and I and laughing at the animated character came into my mind, but I dismissed it because I wasn’t able to recall the conversation. “Oh, right. Well, Martin will be missed; and so will this if you leave it within their reach,” I pointed out, hoping he’d break from his stubbornness.


Adrian’s lips pursed as a frown reappeared on his forehead before he nodded. “You’re right. We’ll just throw it out.”


“What?! That cost you $2000!” I exclaimed.


“So? I’ve got enough money to last us
our great children. We’ll just buy another one when they’re all grown up.” Adrian shrugged, already beginning to walk to the back door of the house with the vase in his grasp.


“No! Why don’t we put it in your office? It’ll look nice with your… um, wooden chairs?” I tried, hoping to convince him.


“No. Is the food done yet? They’ll be here any second and we have to leave straight away.”


“Please don’t throw out the vase,” I whispered, feeling tears well up and blur my vision.


“I’m throwing it out Shortcake, nothing you say will change my mi- Emily? Are you crying?” Adrian asked, dropping the vase completely. The beautiful piece bounced slightly on the floor before shattering into hundreds of tiny pieces of glass; making me squeal in shock and choke from the noise and Adrian swear under his breath.


“I’ll clean it! At least now I don’t have to throw it out in one piece.” He chuckled, before stopping abruptly once he noticed my angered glare. “I mean… Are you okay, my most beautiful pregnant wife?”


“Most beautiful? Do you have other pregnant wives that aren’t as ‘beautiful’ as I am?” I question, my eyes narrowing even further.


“No other woman has your face or body – even after being a whale for nine months for the past 5 years – which you’re not right now because carrying my child is your best feature – I mean, along with your other features and MARIA! HEY, EMILY NEEDS YOU TO COME CLEAN UP THIS GLASS BECAUSE SHE CAN’T BEND OVER!” Adrian called out, avoiding eye contact completely.


The doorbell rang as soon as his voice died down, making him look up at me. “Oh would you look at that? They’re here and don’t you miss Amy? I think you should be angry with her and just remember how I grow more in love with you as the days pass by and you grow older.” Adrian cringed, before realising what he said. “I mean not that you
any older. You still look sexy,” he clarified, before pulling me in for a kiss.


“You’re scary when you’re pregnancy mood swings fall into play – Oh that was the doorbell. I’LL GET IT!”  He called out to no one in particular before running off.


I rolled my eyes just as Maria walked into the backroom with a dustpan and broomstick. “I’m so sorry Maria, let me do it.”


“No Emily! You’re pregnant. Go pack your things and get ready to leave. I’ll take care of everything here,” she assured me, giving me a comforting pat on the shoulder.


“Hey bitc- whoa, Mason! Hey little guy, I didn’t see you there!” Amy squealed, laughing in a hysterical panic as she ruffled Mason’s hair and gave me a look of horror. “Are you ready to go?”


“Yes, I told Allen and Blake to take our shi- stuff to the car.” Adrian spoke up suddenly, also correcting himself and grinning down at Mason.


“You guys need a filter for your mouths,” I muttered, laughing.


“I’m pretty sure you don’t want a filter on my mouth Shortcake; it’d get in the way of… things.” He smirked, making his way towards me.


“Ha-ha.” I glared, just as he pulled me into his torso. My pregnant stomach got in the way of Adrian getting his way completely, but his tall frame still allowed him to bend down and place a kiss on my lips.


A groan suddenly sounded from behind us, and we both pulled away slight and faced Amy who was picking up Mason and giving a disgusted look. “Let’s go Mase, mom and dad don’t know how to keep their pants on around each other for more than 15 minutes!” She informed him in a sarcastic enthusiastic tone, before sending a glare over in our direction.


“Not true. They’re on when we’re asleep!” I argued, trying to hold back a grin.


Adrian smirked and shook his head. “Actually, that’s not true either because even when we aren’t having-”


“LEAVING!” Amy shouted, blocking Mason’s ears with her hands and speed walking out of the room.


“Finally,” Adrian grumbled, before turning back to me. “Now, where were we-”


“Hey Adrian, there’s a – oh. Am I interrupting something?” Allen asked, raising both eyebrows with an entertained grin.


“Yes, now fuck off,” Adrian snapped, growing annoyed at the interruptions.


Allen nodded. “See, I’d do that but-”


“But I don’t care. I’m pregnant and horny and want two minutes
with my husband. Go away.” I scowled, losing my own patience.


Adrian turned back around to face me with an amused and impressed look. “Don’t let him stop you. Be horny away.” He smirked, bending back down slightly to kiss me.


“No, now I’m not in the mood. And fix your English. You’re from London for crying out loud! ‘Be horny away’?” I asked, giving him a disorientated look.


“Adrian Kingston. Cock blocked by grammar,” Allen announced, chuckling to himself.


“Fuck off.” Adrian scowled, flipping him off. “Wait! I know what will make you in the mood again!” Adrian grinned, before taking a step back away from me.


“Please do tell,” I mumbled sarcastically.


He glared in my direction before taking off his suit jacket and rolling up the sleeves of his button up shirt, making me choke on nothing in particular as my eyes widened. “Are you in the mood yet?” he asked in a low voice, the usual smirk replacing his previous grin.


I bit my lip and nodded eagerly, just as he wrapped his arms around my rounded body and held me up. “Your stomach isn’t that huge, and I can still carry you with my
rolled up sleeves,
which means you’re not a whale, see?”


“Shut up and kiss-”


“Mommy’s cheek because daddy loves her so much and doesn’t want to scar his children!” Another sarcastic yet excited voice called out; interrupting us again.


“Jesus Christ,” I muttered angrily, before forcing Adrian to turn our bodies slightly so we were both able to face the voice without breaking our necks in the process.


This time both Amy and Allen were standing there, along with Blake and Adrian and I’s children, grinning knowingly.


“Oh I’m sorry, have we interrupted something?” Blake asked in an innocent voice.


“Oh my, I hope not!” Amy added, widening her eyes before breaking out into a cheeky grin.“Please do go on! Don’t let us or your
get in the way of anything!”


“You kill the ones you introduced to me, and I’ll do the same for you,” Adrian whispered in my ear, before placing a peck on my cheek.


“Please let me do the honours and kill them all?” I begged, pouting at him.


He chuckled and placed another soft kiss on my lips before sighing irritably and putting me back down so that I was standing on solid ground. “Alright a-s-s-h-o-l-e-s, let’s go. They’re probably wondering where we are by now.” He called out, before picking up Alana and placing her on his shoulders.


“Actually, they probably a
See my parents and your parents are
used to the fact that you two are always inside one another, they just know not to expect you until three hours after the initial invitation time,” Blake informed us with a smug look.


I glared and pulled my tongue out at my brother just as the familiar shrill of Adrian’s phone was brought to life by a phone call. “Yes dad,” he answered, looking bored. “No, we’re not having se-
We’re about to leave.”


Mason’s loud and characteristic voice could be heard from my position beside Adrian, and I watched as my husband rolled his eyes at his father before taking Alana off his shoulders and holding her in a more secure position. “Yes, I know her ass has grown bigger. I see her naked, remember?”


Amy, Blake and Allen all began to laugh at this, and I shook my head and smiled at my father in law’s concerns of the day. “She will still be able to fit in the car. It’s not as big as that Kardashian woman, dad.” Adrian gave the wall a flat look, before sighing. “Okay I’ll see you in about 20 minutes and you can discuss your daughter-in-law’s physique then, deal?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at the same wall.


An agreement must’ve come from Mason, because Adrian locked the phone shut seconds after Mason spoke, before he shoved the small piece of technology back into his pocket. “Let’s go. Shortcake, my dad said to make sure your ass doesn’t grow as big as that Kardashian girl and that your body is amazing just the way it is right now; which is practically what I’ve been saying to you this entire time.” He scoffed, before focusing on Allen. “Oh, and he said you’re a twat and a cock block – which I also agree with.”


“Adrian! The kids!” I cried, reminding him of the infants surrounding us – particularly the one in his arms.


“Shi- Sheets are nice! Kids, don’t say anything dad says, okay?” Adrian looked over at Mason and Alana, not bothering with Theo’s one year and eight months of vocabulary.


Both children looked at their dad cautiously, before looking over at me with panicked expressions. “What’s wrong?” I asked, both concerned and confused.

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