Read The Audacious Crimes of Colonel Blood Online
Authors: Robert Hutchinson
imprisonment and interrogation, 132â48
and Leving's death, 85
and licences for worship, 163â4
marriage, xxiiiâxxv
meeting with Ludlow, 66â8, 136
his notebook, 188â9
and Pentland uprising, 71
and plots against king, 114, 136, 138â9
and political clubs, 173
and Presbyterian conspiracy, 59â65
and rehabilitation of nonconformists, 154â66
relations with nonconformists, 143â4, 154â5, 158, 166
rescue of Mason, 75â85, 133, 188
restoration of properties, 149, 167, 204â5
Romford medical practice, 71â2, 87â9
rumour of his death, 87
suspected presence in Ireland, 68â70
trial of fellow conspirators, 61â2
warrants for his arrest, 71, 73, 84, 185â6
his will, 190â1, 204
Blood, Thomas (alias âThomas Hunt') (Colonel Blood's eldest son), xxv, 71, 188â9
and highway robbery, 88â9, 143, 189
and assault on Ormond, 91â2, 95â8, 100â3, 106, 108â9, 133
and attempt on Crown Jewels, 121, 126â7, 129â30
imprisonment, 134, 141, 148
army career, 168
his widow, 191, 204
Blood, William (Colonel Blood's son), xxv, 166, 168, 191, 202
Blood, William (Edmund Blood's son), xviii
Bloxton, Barnaby, 88
Bold, Samuel (vicar of Shapwick, Dorset), 284
Boleyn, Anne, xxiv
Book of Common Prayer
, 6
Book of Daniel, 54
Book of Revelation, 54
Boscobel woods, 108
Boulter, Margaret, 102
Boyd, Thomas, 48
Boyle, Archbishop Michael (lord chancellor of Ireland), 174
Boyne, Battle of the, 203
Bradford, William, 21â2
Bradley, Jane (barmaid), 181â2
Bradshaw, John, 262
Braithwaite, Mr, 130
Brandon, Richard, 239
Brazil, or Brasil, isle of, discovery of, 240
Breten, John, 68
Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, 144
Bridges, Sir Thomas, 154
broadsheets, 193
Broderick, Sir Allan, 237
Brooks, Thomas, 97
Browne, Captain, 18, 28, 63
Browne, Sir Richard, 160
Bruce, Alexander, 130
Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, 53â4, 56â7, 62, 86
and assault on Ormond, 110â12, 135
and attempt on Crown Jewels, 142, 144â5
and Blood's downfall, 182â90
death, 195â6
enmity towards Ormond, 110â12, 135â6, 262, 269
founder of Bilsdale Hunt, 288
and political conspiracies, 173, 175â6, 179â80, 202
reputation for violence, 183
Buffalo Head tavern, Westminster, 185
Buggery Act, 183
Bull Head tavern, Charing Cross, London, 94â5
Burghclere, Lady, 258
Burgoyne, Sir Roger, 150
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 142
Burnett, Ralph (Lincoln postmaster), 285
Bury, Captain John, 180 Butler, Dr Nicholas, 155â6, 158, 162, 164
Butler, Timothy, 60, 71, 73, 76, 81, 83â5, 87, 114
Buxton, John, 106, 141
Calveley, Edward, 5
Calveley, Ralph, 237
Calveley, Richard, 169
canary wine, 95, 264
Careless, William, 108
Caroon House, South Lambeth, housing debtors, 280
Carpenter, Philip, 244
Carr, Colonel Gilbert (âGibby'), 28, 30â2, 41â2, 60, 64
Carr, Mrs, 42
Carrickfergus, capture of, 203
Carter, Captain Nicholas, 168
Cartmel Priory, xxiv
Cashel, capture of, 203
Catherine of Braganza, Queen, 92â3, 107, 178, 198, 262, 273
Catholicism, royal family and, 165â6
Catholics, banished from London, 179
Cellier, Elizabeth, 284â5
Chamberlain, Dr (Middlesex magistrate), 182
Chamberlain, Thomas, 202
Chamberlin, John (Dublin brewer), 28, 32, 43
Chambers, Captain John, 21, 32, 48
Chambers, Robert, 28
Chapel of the Pyx, Westminster Abbey, xvi, 115, 229
Charles I, King, xx, xxiii, xxv, 115, 196, 233, 238â9, 252
Charles II, King
and assault on Coventry, 112
and assault on Ormond, 99â100
and Blood's
interrogation, 134â41
and Blood's pardon, 146â9
and Blood's role in Pentland uprising, 71
and Crown Jewels, 116, 119, 137, 144â5
and Dublin Castle conspiracy, 8â9, 15, 25, 30, 33, 35â6, 44, 48
entry into London, 248
and forfeiture of Blood's property, 67
and intelligence gathering, 49, 51â2, 56â7
interrogation of Oates, 180
Lauderdale's influence with, 157
pardons Blood's accomplices, 159â60
plots against, xv, 50, 113â14, 121, 135â6, 138â9, 144, 160, 170, 174â81, 198â200
proclaimed king at Pontefract, 233
and religious toleration, 156, 158, 161â3, 165â6
and restoration of Blood's properties, 149, 167, 204
Rochester's satire on, 150â1
and scientific experiments, 177
shortage of money, 92, 117, 144, 151
and succession to throne, 92â3, 165
tendency to absolutism, 165
total of illegitimate children, 263
Charnock, Stephen, 14, 31, 33â4, 42
Choqueux, Dr (French physician), 179
Christian, Edward, 182â3, 186
Christmas Day, observance of during Commonwealth, 248
Church, Mr, 155â6, 158, 186
Churchill, Winston, 24, 237, 242
ciphers, 50â1
Clancarty, Earl of, 17
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 10, 56, 61, 90, 110, 231
Clarendon House, Piccadilly, London, 90, 96â8, 100, 262
Clarges, Sir Thomas, 33
Clarke, Thomas, 98
Claveley, John, 6
Cleveland, Barbara Villiers (née Palmer), Duchess of, no, 135â6, 198
Clifford, Sir Thomas, 149
Clotworthy, John, 39
cock-fighting, 259
Coddan, Philemon, 182, 184â5
coffee houses, 11, 133, 142, 160, 239
Committee of Foreign Affairs, 153
Congress of Cologne, 167
Constable, John, 108
Conventicles Act, 154â5
Conway, Viscount, 71, 257
Cook, Mrs Dorothy, 204
Cooke, Colonel Edward, 237
Cooke, William, xix
Cooke (brewer), 64
Corbet, Miles, 67
Court of Claims, 4, 15, 22, 24, 179
Covent Garden, London, 94, 263
Coventry, Sir John, 112â13
Craven, William, Earl of, 139, 265
Cromwell, Henry, xxv, 14, 18, 21â2, 31, 34
Cromwell, Oliver, xxv, 1â2, 233â4, 262
Cromwell, Richard, xxv, 173, 285
Cromwell, Thomas, 183, 253
âCromwell's Barracks', 236
Crowe, Captain Thomas, 150
Crown Jewels, 115â31, 143â5, 151, 155, 175
and improved security, 205â6
Crown tavern, Ram Alley, London, 184
Cruice, Patrick, 3
Curtis, Thomas, 184, 186
Cutts, Lord, 203
daggers, associated with Blood, 130, 274â5
Dale, William, 144
Dalziel, Lieutenant General Thomas, 70
Danby, Countess of, 184
Danby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of, 170, 178â9, 182, 185
Danvers, Colonel Henry, 73
Darcy, Patrick, 34, 37, 39, 244
Darcy, Corporal William, 75â6, 78, 81â2
Darrington, affray at, 75â85
Davies, Jonathan, 99
Davies, Sir Paul, 23
Davies, Robert, 21
Davis, Henry, 268
Dawson, Christopher, 60
de Gomme, Bernard, 273
De la Rock, Lieutenant, 28
de Ros, General William Fitz-Gerald, 206, 290â1
de Ruyter, Admiral Michiel, 59, 92
Declaration of Indulgence, 161â3, 165, 277
Dering, Sir Edward, 237
Devonshire, William Cavendish, Duke of, 264
Devonshire House, Piccadilly, London, 264â5
Dixey, Thomas, 108
Dizey,John, 108
âdog killers', 63
Dog tavern, Westminster, 185
Dolben, Sir William, 187, 287
Dolman (butcher), 4â5
Domville, Sir William, 38â9
Done, William, 104
âDons', the, 155
Downing, Sir George, 67, 256
Draper, Henry, 108
Draper, Sir Thomas, 280
Drayton, Thomas, 89
Drinkwater, Robert, 5
Drogheda, massacre at, xviii, 2, 234
Dryden,John, 173
Dublin Castle conspiracy, 8â48, 91, 117, 133
âDucklings', the, 156
duelling, 112
Dungannon, Lord, 19
Duval, Claude, 145
Dyve, Sir Lewis, xxi
Edith, Queen, 116
Edwards, Elizabeth, 118, 123â4, 127, 201
Edwards, Talbot, 118â19, 122â7, 130, 151â2, 206
Edwards, Wythe, 118, 126â7, 129, 134, 151
Egerton, Daniel, 50
Elizabeth I, Queen, anniversary of her accession, 198, 289
Elton, Lieutenant, 87
Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of, 167, 200
Evelyn, John, 55â6, 91, 136, 149
Exby (footman), 96
executions, in Dublin, 39â40, 44â6, 48
Fairfax, Sir Thomas, xxi
Farriner, Thomas, 69
Fellows, John, 36
Feversham, George Sondes, First Earl of, 54
Fielding, Henry, 99
Fifth Monarchists, 54â5, 59, 95â6, 102, 106, 109, 121, 143, 160, 173, 175
fireworks, 179
Fisher, John, 191
Fitzgerald, Colonel John, 273
FitzJames, Lady, 166
Fitzpatrick, Colonel, 17
Fitzpatrick, Teige and Simon, xx
Fleet prison, London, burnt down, 280
Forbes, Sir Arthur, 24
Ford, Sir Richard, 93, 101, 103
Foulke, John, 22, 28, 32
Four Days Battle, 255
Freer, William, 69â70, 73â4, 86, 259
French Guards, 202
Frend, Sarah, 191
Frying Pan Alley, London, 100â1, 265
Fuller, William, Bishop of Lincoln, 165
Fyan, Thomas, 244
Gant, William, 88
Gardiner, Thomas, 258
Garret, William, 52
Gascoign, Sir Bernard (ambassador in Vienna), 161
Gatehouse prison, Westminster, 106â8, 141, 185â7, 267
General Post Office, 50, 156
George VI, King, 270
Gilson, Thomas, 164
Gladman, Major John, 159
Glencairn, William Cunningham, Earl of, 246
Glorious Revolution, 203
Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry (magistrate), 178â9
Gorges, Colonel, 29
Gower, Sir Thomas, 58
Grafton, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 197â8
Graham, Sir James, 206
Great Fire of London, 69, 177, 188, 257â8, 262, 280
Great Ormond Street, London, 144
Great Plague, 63, 251, 254, 265
Great Seal of England, 144
Great West Road, 90
Green, Robert (Dublin resident), 30
Green, Robert (labourer), 178
Green Ribbon Club, 173â4
Grey of Wilton, Arthur, Lord, 232
Grice, Captain John, 68, 71, 256â7
Griffin, John, 21
Gunpowder Plot, 118, 179, 198
Gwynn, Nell, 53, 112
H., R. (Richard Halliwell?), Blood's biographer, xxi, 61, 76, 193â4
Hacker, Francis, 238
Hale, Sir Matthew, 109
Halliwell, Captain Richard, 198, 266
and assault on Ormond, 95, 100â4, 109
and attempt on Crown Jewels, 121, 124, 126, 129, 141
in Spitalfields, London, 198
Halliwell, Katherine, 102â3
Hampton Court, 63
hanging, drawing and quartering, 39â40
Harris, James, 198
Harrison, John, 139, 199
Harrison, Major General Thomas, 121, 272
Hart, Mr (Scottish minister), 41
Harwood, Sarah, 183
hearth (chimney) tax, 53, 57, 250â1
Henley (coachman), 96
Henry IV, King, 116
Henry V, King, 270
Henry VII, King, 35, 116â17
Henry VIII, King, 91, 117
his effigy, 235â6
Henry, Hugh, 205
Henry, Joseph, 205
Henshaw, Sir Thomas, 140â1, 149
Herostratus, 120, 271
Heselrige, Sir Arthur, 57, 256
Hewlett, Captain William, 10â12, 238
Heywood (prisoner), 118
Hickeringill, Edmund (rector of All Saints, Colchester, Essex), 284
Hickey, Maurice, 184, 186
highway robbery, 73â4, 86, 88, 96, 101, 143, 175
Hill, Lawrence, 178, 286
Hobart, Sir Nathaniel, 150
Hobson, Paul, 10
Hogan, Hugh, xx
Hogden, Widow, 61
Holcroft:, Charles, 168
Holcroft, Hamlet, 5
Holcroft, Lieutenant Colonel John, xxiiiâxxiv, 5
his estate, 168â9
Holcroft, Margaret, xxiii, 5â6, 59
Holcroft, Thomas, xxiiiâxxiv, 5â6
Holland Henry, 205
Holles, Denzil, 147
Holmes, Samuel, 88, 106
Hone, William, 199
Hooker, Justice, 106
Hopkins, Jenkin, 10
Hopton, Sir John, 166
House of Lords, planned attack on, 138â9, 144, 170
Howard, Lord, 104
Howell (friend of Halliwell), 102â3
Hubert, Patrick, 257
hue and cry, 81, 260
Huggett, William, 52
Huguenots, 284
Hunt, Michael, xx
Hurst, Elizabeth, 104
Hurst, John, 101â2, 104â5
Hutton, William, 205
Hyde, Edward,
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of
Inchiquin, Murrough McMur-rough O'Brien, Earl of, xvii, 230â1
spies and informers
Ingoldesby, Sir Henry, 17
Inishbofin island, 2
Innes, James, 155â6
intelligence gathering, 49â56
Ireton, Henry, 238, 262
Irish Confederation Wars, xx, 1, 4, 97, 237â8, 241
Jamaica, 2, 104
James I, King, 271
James II, King (James, Duke of York), 110, 136, 160, 170, 174, 181, 186
accedes to throne, 195, 202
and naming of New York, 263
plots against, 50, 198â202