The Balkanization of America (18 page)




President Obsma calls the Speaker, “Mr. Speaker are you ready to see things my way.”


“President Obsma, we have no choice, the country is coming apart. Please return so we, the Congress and you can find a solution to our problems.”


“Mr. Speaker, we have a deal, I’ll arrive at Mount Weather in two hours, and I expect to be formally greeted in the proper manner. We’ll work out a series of bills and executive orders to restore the country. We’ll use these unfortunate events to rebuild and reshape America. I’m going to go down in history as the President that transformed the country. I’m going to oversee the end of capitalism, the rise of a green America.”


“Mr. President, we’ll be waiting for you. Our Sergeant at Arms will greet you at the door, we’ll have the congressional band playing “Hail to the Chief.”


“Excellent, I’m happy we’re going to be able to work together.”


The President releases a large number of press releases before he leaves for the meeting with Congress. He thinks if he releases “good news” press releases he’ll keep the people on his side.

The Speaker readies the Congressional security staff; he’s called the House to order, as has the Senate leader. The articles of impeachment are distributed to all members, discussion has been mostly one sided very few members of Congress want to stand and show public support for the President. Selected members of the press have been invited, they are watching the discussion in a locked conference room that has had all of the phone lines removed. The reporters discover their room has no internet or cellular coverage; they are watching history, but they have no way to report it. Many are watching in horror.


Marine one lands at Mount Weather. The President’s Secret Service detail exits first, they approach the entrance of Mount Weather; they're met by the Speaker and a small reception committee. The Secret Service speaks to the Speaker, the lead agent nods his head in agreement; he returns giving all-clear signal to the President. President Obsma exits the helicopter; he smiles and waves at the press cameras. He extends his right hand to shake the Speakers; his Secret Service detail steps back away from the two men. As the President shakes the Speaker’s hand, the Congressional Sergeant at Arms steps forward, he introduces himself, shakes the President’s hand. He hands the President a subpoena. Four armed security personal advance taking charge of President Obsma, who starts yelling, “Agent, agent, can’t you see they're harming me, stop them, shoot them! I’m your President; I’m giving you a direct order.”


The lead Secret Service agent responds, “Mr. President, no one is harming you, you have been officially served a federal subpoena, you are being brought into the Congressional conference room to face a legal impeachment trial.”


“Mr. Speaker, you can’t do this, we had a deal!”


“The Speaker responds, “Yes, Mr. President we had a deal, just like you had an oath to keep, you didn’t keep your oath, I didn’t keep my end of the deal.”


While the Speaker is escorting the President into the conference room, the House is preparing to vote. The Senate has already impeached President Obsma’s Cabinet and the Vice President. All have been removed from their positions, leaving the country for the first time without an executive branch. The Senate quickly confirms the appointment of US Marine General (retired) Rodney Brownstone as the Secretary of State, placing him into the line of succession.


Chapter 18

The articles of impeachment against the President easily pass in the House, 375 votes pro and 60 nays, the process moves to the Senate where the actual trial takes place. Each of the 100 Senators decides this is his opportunity to get their 15 minutes of fame. In order to limit the debate and hold the vote in a timely manner, the leader of the Senate limits each Senator to ten minutes. Many of the Senators oppose the limit, the debate on the limit takes two hours. Verbal fights break out on the Senate floor. The Sergeant at Arms has to be called in to break up a fist fight between the senior Senator from California and the junior Senator from Alabama. When the Senate finally votes 67 votes yes, 22 vote nay and 11 abstain from voting. General Brownstone is watching the proceedings from a secure room guarded by six of his ex-Marines and four Secret Service agents via live video feed. He’s disgusted over the debate and purely political speeches in the Senate. The Senate leader calls him, “Sir, would you, please join us on the Senate floor?”


“Of course sir, I’ll be right there.”


Wearing a dark blue suit, white shirt with a red tie and a small American flag pin the General could be any successful executive visiting the proceedings. “Senator, I’m here as you requested.”


“Mr. Brownstone we seem to have an issue, the Congress and Senate of these United States have just impeached the sitting President of the United States. For the first time in our history, the Senate has voted to remove the President, the Vice President, and his entire cabinet. This leaves us without a President. Since your confirmation as Secretary of State, you are now the sole member of the senior executive branch. This puts you in the line of succession, as such we have asked one of the Supreme Court Justices to join us, Mr. Rodney Brownstone you’re going to be sworn in as the 45
President of the United States. All of the members of Congress join the Senators for the swearing-in ceremony. When the Supreme Court Justice arrives and administers the oath of office, the new President takes the podium to address the Congress and the people of America.


“My fellow Americans, today isn’t about right or left, it’s not about conservatives or progressives, it’s not about rich vs. poor. Today we are all Americans today we are beginning a start fresh; we should put our petty differences aside and work together to build a strong and free America. Our nation, our very way of life is under attack, we are in an economic world war. Russia and China have attacked us; their weapon of mass destruction has destroyed most of our economy, the Federal Government, and many of the state governments are broke, we owe more money than there is money in the world. Think about that for a second. We as a nation owe more money than all of the available money in the entire world. Not just more than all of the available dollars, all of the money in any currency. We are broke. We as a people have very little to show for it. How many reports on the sex habits of shrimp does the government need? How many reports do we need to figure out eating too many sweets makes our children overweight? We have to change our way of doing things; we have to change the way the country operates. I was just sworn in as the President of the United States, yes UNITED we have to unite to see ourselves through the crisis we’ve all found ourselves in. As such, I would like to place the following names in front of the Senate for speedy approval so that I can have a cabinet. For Secretary of Finance, Mr. Steven Forbas, I’m sure everyone knows Mr. Forbas. He’s a financial wizard and genius. For Secretary of State, I nominate the Senator from Kentucky, Mr. Randy Paul, for Secretary of HHS, Senator Mark Lee. For Secretary of Labor, Mr. Hal Goldstein from Ambrose funds. For the Secretary of Defense Senator John Sessions from the great state of Alabama, for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I nominate US Navy Admiral Zander I’m asking the Senator from our wayward state of Texas, Mr. Ted Cruise to become my Vice President. For Secretary of the Interior, I’m nominating Sarah Patlin from Alaska. As Secretary of Homeland Security, I’m nominating Mr. Alvin West from the great state of Florida. My first order as President is I hereby sign executive order 1776 to reinstate the US Marines, all previous members of the US Marines may go to either Camp Pendleton, Quantico, Lejeune, Twenty-Nine Palms, Paris Island or Marine Base Hawaii and take the original Marine Corps oath.


All leaves for all military members are canceled. The personal oath to the previous President is hereby overturned. The original oath of service is hereby reinstated. To the members of our armed forces, some of you signed the new oath, some of you refused to sign it. There has been much anger between both sides. I’m ordering all of you as your commander in chief to set aside such issues; we have a greater mission in front of us. The mission to defend the United States of America from all enemies both domestic and foreign. We are in a state of war; the country needs every member of the military to be focused on the real enemy. I’m ordering all units of the US Military, who rebelled and took their equipment with them to return with said equipment, the Navy’s battle groups are ordered to take orders from the chain of command. The US Air Force is ordered to accept orders from the chain of command. I’m hereby granting amnesty to all members of the military and all of the brave first responders who refused to sign the President’s oath. We are one nation, a nation of laws. We are a single combined team with a single mission, to defend the United States of America.

I’m also placing the United States back on the gold standard. I’m reinstating the US Constitution with the original first, second, fourth and fifth amendments. Many of you sold your firearms to the government, I can’t commit to returning the same weapon, all I can do is commit if you sold an AR 15, you will get an AR back, if you sold an AK, you would get an AK back, you will get a similar weapon to that you sold. There’s too much paperwork and cost to ensure you get back the very same weapon you originally sold. If your weapon was destroyed, we will replace it with a similar one. If you have your receipt showing the number of rounds you sold, you will be returned the same number. This will be done without you having to return the funds paid to you. I doubt anyone has those funds available any longer given the massive inflation we’re experiencing.


I’ve been asked if I plan to continue the wage and price controls, my response is executive order 1777 which releases wages and prices to be controlled by the markets. Executive order 1778 overturns the order forbidding fracking, I hereby open all federally owned lands for oil and gas exploration, we will be energy independent within 18 months, we’ll stop sending a trillion dollars a year to countries that hate us. I’m also signing executive order 1779 ending foreign aid payments, our people need the investment here at home, why should we be sending billions of dollars around the world when our own brothers and sisters are in such need, why are we as a nation borrowing money to give away? This makes no sense at all. I’m frankly amazed at the members of this Congress who authorized spending bills that put us in our current position. Executive order 1780 allows private citizens to own precious metals again. In fact, the country will soon be minting coins made of gold and silver, the sizes of these new coins is going to change from what we’re familiar with given the current value of the metals.


Executive order 1781 overturns the censorship of the press. I’m not sure why the press was censored since it appeared to me that the press was the White House press organization; I’m sure they won’t have the same love for me as they did for the previous administration. The country needs a strong and free fourth estate to keep the rest of us honest. When the press took sides and stopped reporting the truth, America suffered. All I ask the press is to open your eyes and try to see the truth. Not the so called truths they wrote, but the real truth. The press is an important factor in a free America; however, the press should report the news and not be the news. I say to the media and to Hollywood, don’t try to play mind games with me, not only won’t it work, but you won’t like the games I play in return. I was trained and spent my entire adult life preparing for war, to defend this great country of ours, I’m not going to allow anyone to destroy it.


I pledge to serve a single term and not to run again for any office. I hereby pledge to appear in front of the American people once a week to take questions and report on our progress. We all have a large task ahead of ourselves. Therefor I ask the Senate quickly to confirm my cabinet and Vice President selections so my new administration can get back to work. I also suggest that the Congress return to Washington DC

I’m inviting President Lawson of the Republic of Texas to allow me to meet with me with the intent of Texas rejoining the United States, we should be united again, President Lawson, you saw your people through some very difficult times. I promise you the American troops on your border will begin to leave within two hours, there will be no invasion of Texas, the declaration of war is declared null and void. I ask the people of the Republic of Texas to think hard on rejoining your brothers and sisters. I promise you the United States is going to be greater than ever before.


My last message, today, is for the President of the Russian Federation and the Premier of the People’s Republic of China, you may think you’ve knocked America down. You may think the two of you can now split up the rest of the world. I’m telling you that may have been true an hour ago. There’s a new sheriff in town today, if you move against our allies, you will find out striking an ally of America is the same as striking America. A friend of America is a true friend an enemy of America is one that will be ultimately destroyed. Just ask Germany and Japan how much they enjoyed fighting us in the Second World War when America saved both of your hides. Don’t deceive yourselves, America is not a paper Eagle, our claws are still sharp and I know how to use them.

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