The Balkanization of America (25 page)


I’m here today asking for the United Nations to recognize the new nation of the Liberal States of America. We want to become a full member of the United Nations. We want to take our rightful place on the world’s stage. The people of the LSA deserve to have their voices and desires heard by the other member nations of the world.


Thank you for your time this morning. The people of the LSA are waiting to join you working for world peace.”



President for life Obsma of the LSA receives a standing ovation from the members of the Security Council. He turns and shakes the Secretary General’s hand; they hug on the stage, bringing forth an additional round of applause.

President Brownstone and Rash Linebacker sat in the Oval Office watching the speech live. Rash turns smiling, addressing the President, “Did I really hear him say what he did?”


President Brownstone smiling turns to Rash laughing, “There goes the only man in 2000 years who knows how to walk on water. He steps on the tears and sweat of those lives he’s destroyed. In his mind, he’s the new Messiah.”


President Brownstone laughs before replying, “Rash, I expect the UN to vote for the LSA full member status, I was thinking of using our veto vote to stop them, and decided against using it. I think he should be a member; he should pay his fair share of their dues. He’ll have to because I’m issuing orders that we’re going to reduce the amount we spend at the UN by 90%, let the American hating countries find someone else to line their pockets. We can’t afford it. Where was the UN when the world turned against the US dollar?”


Rash looks thoughtful, he pauses, “General, since we’ve adopted the gold standard, our currency is in demand across the world again, and in fact, the value of the US dollar has risen higher than it was under President Obsma. Frankly I think most of our people would be happy if we withdrew from the UN.”


“Since the UN is located in New York City, which is now a part of the LSA, we’ll sit back and watch how Obsma handles their request for money and special favors. By the way, Rash please issue a press release that any UN diplomat who wishes to leave New York City and visit or travel into USA territory will be required to register with the FBI and purchase a visa. Anyone caught in the USA without a valid visa will be kicked out and barred from entering our country again, that includes the LSA Representatives.”


“Sir, how much will the visas cost?”


“Let Steve figure that out, tell him to use his best judgment.”


Laughing so hard, he’s spilling his coffee, Rash says, “Knowing Steve we’ll pay off our national debt in six months based on the fee structure he’ll put in place.”


“Sounds like a plan to me. By the way, I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to see the recording of your first press briefing, how did it go?”


Rash breaks out laughing again, trying to speak and belly laugh at the same time. “Sir, you should have seen their faces when I walked to the podium, and then, when Glen, Mike, and Sean took seats in the front row, I thought a few of the White House reporters were going to have a heart attack. One gasped out loud enough that most people in the room turned to look at him. When I gave Shawn the first question, the room erupted. I’ve been nicknamed the ‘minister of propaganda’ I guess I should hold today’s briefing wearing a brown uniform shirt with a cigar in my mouth.”


“Oh, please don’t do that, I’m not sure I could hold back laughing. Is the press giving you a harder time than normal?”

“You forget whom you’re talking to, I gave them back worse than they gave me. I’m not a Press Secretary they can push around. I also told them any bullshit reporting or making up things I said will get them expelled from the White House press pool.”


“I see you’ll be making life long friends with our friends in the media.”


“Sir this is something we need to change, we need to go on the offensive with the press; we need to go directly to the American people. I’m suggesting I hold a nightly news update for the American people, say every evening for 30 minutes that will give us a chance to talk directly to the people.”


“Rash, I like it, go get em!”




President for life of the LSA, Obsma announces that Christmas day 2015 will be the official birth and legal formation of the LSA. The LSA now comprises the area of, California above San Diego and to the west of the Central Valley, all of Oregon and Washington, Minnesota, the northern half of Illinois, Hawaii, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, New York City, Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, Massachusetts. Many were surprised when Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont voted to remain in the United States. Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania are split; the urban areas voted to join the LSA while the rural areas voted to remain in the United States. These two states will become battle lines in the civil war between those supporting the LSA and those supporting the USA. The ceremony is planned for noon EST on Christmas day where Presidents Obsma and Brownstone will jointly sign the documents of separation formalizing the breakup of the United States of America into two countries. Las Vegas bookies place the odds at 20 to one against the LSA surviving more than five years before it implodes. After the documents are countersigned, the two national flags are flown next to each other to officially recognize the split. President Obsma asks to speak to President Brownstone in private.


When the two men are seated in a secure conference room, President Obsma addresses President Brownstone, “Mr. President, I’d like to thank you for not using the military to block our separation. I think the split is for the best for all of our people. I would like to inquire about the vast amounts of materials your military and construction people took out of the LSA states.”


“President Obsma, the people of the United States, paid for that equipment since the LSA is no longer part of the USA, it makes no sense to leave such expensive equipment behind. That is unless you’d like to purchase some of the equipment.”


“You’d be willing to sell us the equipment?”


“Of course, however, remember all deals are paid in precious metals, no credit, no cash. We accept gold, silver, platinum, and of course diamonds.”

“Surely we can come to some sort of deal, the LSA is a new nation we don’t have those kinds of assets yet.”


“Nor do I ever think you will ever have them.”


“There is the issue of destroying the bridges and your building of walls between our two countries, sir, really; we don’t need walls and fences between us. We’re a common people.”


“Mr. President, we are no longer a common people; you saw to that, you are very proud of your open border policy, I’m very proud of my closed border policy. We blew the bridges because they were ours, not yours. Mr. President may I remind you, you once said, “You didn’t build that.” Well, we as a nation did build those bridges, since the LSA refused to share the financial support of them, there was no reason you should get a free ride on what you did not build.”


“Honestly, this entire visa and permit thing for people to cross the border, isn’t that a bit much?”


“No, I was thinking of a total ban, but that would harm many of the people on both sides of the border who have family members on the other side.”


“I really think you need to rescind your rules, even I as the President for life of the LSA needs to have a visa to cross into the USA.”


“I put the rules in place just for you.”


“Since you’ve taken all of our military assets leaving us without any sort of protection, may we sign a mutual defense agreement?”


“Not very mutual since you don’t have a military. To tell you the truth Mr., President, the United States of America isn’t interested in signing treaties with the LSA. We’re not going to shed a drop of blood for you, we’re not going to spend a penny on you. You wanted to form your perfect nation; you have your chance. I wish you luck and good bye. My Secret Service agent will escort you to your airplane; I’ve tasked the US Air Force to escort you back to Los Angles, which I understand is your new Capital.”


“Mr. President, that’s very nice of you, however, my wife, and I didn’t plan to leave right away, we have plans,,,,”


“I see you don’t yet understand the new reality; the LSA is a separate nation, you are no longer a citizen of the United States of America, you have no visitor visa, and as such you’ve over worn your welcome. I think it’s a good idea if you and your family left Washington right away. The fighter escort will ensure you don’t run into any issues between DC and LAX.”


“But, I promised, ..”


“Agents, please escort Mr. Obsma to his airplane, I want it off the ground twenty minutes after he boards it, if he’s not on the plane and the plane isn’t in the air twenty minutes after he arrives, arrest him for being in the USA without a visa.”

“Mr. President, you may leave at any time, Marine one is out back waiting to take you to Andrews. Please do call and make an appointment with the correctly filled out visa forms the next time you’d like to visit.”


Chapter 24

LSA President for life Obsma boards his plane. It’s a leased Gulfstream; President Brownstone kept both of the Boeing 747s because the LSA couldn’t pay for one of them  As soon as the temporary LSA plane one is airborne three US Air Force F 22s surround the plane as it makes it’s way back to LA. President Obsma is pissed off because he was kicked out of the USA without being able to hold any fundraising meetings. He thought he’d be able to talk some sense into President Brownstone. He didn’t understand why Brownstone disliked him so much. He counted on keeping the military equipment to arm his CDF with; this would have saved the LSA tens of millions of dollars. He has to fall back to his backup plan which is asking Russian President Puten for assistance.


Upon landing at LAX, President Obsma announced he plans to make a series of what he calls earth-shaking announcements on the nationally broadcasted New Years Eve broadcast. He tells everyone to make sure they tune in to watch his live address.


The President arrives at the New Martin Luther King Airport, (ex LaGuardia airport). When the LSA Presidential Air One plane lands, fireworks are fired to celebrate the first arrival in the New York City of the LSA's first President. The happy President exits the plane waving to the thousands of union members bussed in to welcome the President. The crowds wave and cheer the President. Pausing inside the terminal to take friendly questions, the NBX news anchor asks President Obsma, “Sir how about a hint on this earth-shaking announcement you plan on giving this evening?”


“Sorry Sally, it’s going to be such a surprise I’m not telling anyone until the stroke of midnight. I plan to make the announcement at 12: 02 AM. The ball will drop; everyone will welcome 2016, in the joy and happy excitement for the New Year, and the new beginnings I’m going to announce.”


New Years Eve 2015 going into 2016 turns out to be a very unusual New Years Eve celebration. The LSA is officially a week old and already short of cash and marketable resources. Many of those living in the LSA welcome the New Year will hope for a much better future. Many are concerned with the potential loss of their jobs since, in the previous week; 200 small and large companies announced they were pulling up stakes and moving to the USA. In one week, the price of gasoline increased to $14.35 a gallon, the price of food increases 45%. People are concerned but also very excited about the fulfillment of the promises made to them by their new President.


The reality of the unusually cold and wet evening shocks some of the New York City party goers when at the stroke of midnight a blackout hits the city. Tens of thousands of party goers are stranded in the city. Trains have stopped dead on their tracks, restaurants are lit by candles, and hundreds are stuck on elevators. Freshwater stopped flowing; toilets stopped flushing. Without electrical power, the bitter 2 degree outside temperature starts entering inside the apartments and homes. 8.5 million people are now in the dark and cold. President Obsma had just reached for the microphone when the lights went out. The President is stuck standing on the stage confused during tens of thousands panic. Thousands rush the stage, the President’s security detail try to keep the crowds away from the stage and the President; one pulls a small automatic weapon from under his coat. He fires into the air to scare the panicked crowd. The sound of automatic gunfire adds to the panic. The NYPD hearing the shooting thinks a terrorist is attacking the President. Hundreds of heavily armed SWAT tactical officers arrive to take down the would-be assassins. Police snipers see the muzzle flashes; they target the source of the gunfire; they take out the shooter, standing right next to the President without realizing the shooter was one of the President’s bodyguards. President Obsma jumps off the stage out of fear of being shot; he’s carried past the stage by the panicking crowds. The NYPD tries getting into the crowd that is pushing Obsma along Broadway. The mob exceeds ten thousand frightened people. No matter how much pushing the police officers do, they can’t reach the President as he’s swept along Broadway.

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