The Bargain (24 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Historical, #General

For some reason the thought of carrying his child no longer horrified her, but pleased her. She would love to give him many sons, and a daughter or two. Aye, she would enjoy having many children with the man she loved. Because she did indeed love Renaud de Wulf with all her being. She felt like shouting it from the rooftops.

She entered the great hall, which was full of knights and pages who were frantically setting the room.

"Good morning, my lady."


Her heart leapt with joy. He grinned and came toward her in long strides. She rushed to greet him and flung her arms around his neck. He lifted her and swung her in a circle, his laughter vibrating against her chest. "I hoped you would still be here."

Over his shoulder she saw the flash of white teeth as Renaud smiled. He turned back to face the hearth and the fire roaring within, giving them a moment alone.

Adelstan set her back on her feet. "I told you I would stay overnight at Braemere."

She cupped his face between her palms. "I am so pleased to see you, brother."

"Aye, and you as well."

"Will you be staying?"

His grin broadened. "For now. I do not know how long I will stay. At least until MacMillan's threat is no more or William calls for my head." Adelstan sobered a little. "He is a good man, Aleysia. He forfeited much to make this happen."

She frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Renaud did not tell me, but I want you to know what happened with William so you prepare yourself for what might happen. I have heard whispers that he was stripped of Braemere."

Aleysia's stomach clenched. "Elena said that could happen."

"William says he must surrender the fief to another Norman baron who will be here in the near future."

Her mind reeled with the news. Renaud had sacrificed so much, and it had all been for her. She felt nauseous.

"What will we do?"

"Only time will tell, but you must be strong." He smiled, trying to soothe her. "You look beautiful in your gown," he said in an effort to comfort her from the sobering news. "Methinks this new attire suits you."

"It is hard to get used to," she said, tugging at the skirt. "I confess I miss the freedom breeches and a tunic allow."

"I think de Wulf appreciates seeing your feminine side," Adelstan said, motioning toward Renaud. "Perhaps later we can go to the cemetery?"

She nodded. "I would like that very much."

He kissed her cheek. "I will give the two of you time alone."

She nodded, and gave him another hug before she left him again and walked toward Renaud.

She drank in the sight of him. The broad shoulders, the lean waist, the tight buttocks, and long strong thighs. What a truly amazing specimen he was. Perfect in every way, and he had come to her rescue. This protector of hers.

Her blood quickened the closer she came to him, anxious for tonight when they could be alone together.

Uncaring of who watched, she walked right up to him and hugged him from behind, her arms wrapping around his waist, greedily feeling the muscles of his abdomen ripple beneath her fingers. Her cheek lay against his back, and she listened to the pounding of his heart. She inhaled deeply of his scent, realizing how much she had missed him while he'd been in York. "Thank you, Renaud. Thank you so much for all that you have given up for me."

His palms covered the backs of her hands, his thumbs smoothing over her wrists. "I would do it all over again, Aleysia." He turned and smiled down at her, pulling her into his embrace.

Desire pulsed in every nerve ending. An ache that went beyond just the physical. How perfect this man was, she thought, joy bubbling within her, taking in his striking features. The long eyelashes, sharp cheekbones that were even more pronounced. He looked like he had lost a stone in the past week. No doubt he had had little time for rest, and was exhausted from the trip to York and then her rescue. "What will you do now?"

"William asked me to bring you to York, but with MacMillan's threat I have sent him word and asked for time. We must await word."

Her heart hammered. "I am afraid, Renaud. I do not want to go to York."

He pulled her to him, crushing her against his chest. "Nor do I."

"What if William marries me to another? I have heard of such things happening."

He lifted her chin with gentle fingers, rubbing his thumb along her lip. "I will never let you go."

She remembered the words he had said on that day not so long ago. "Not now, not ever," she finished for him, and he smiled.

"Aye, and I mean it. Aleysia, you are my woman."

She knew he would never tell her what he'd given up for her. It was not in him to intentionally hurt another. Just as he had kept to himself the truth about Duncan not asking for Adelstan's release. He had done it to save her the pain.

"I asked King William if I could take you as my wife."

Her pulse skittered. "And?"

"He did not agree, but I believe he will think upon it." Renaud bent and kissed her. "I betrayed him when I released Adelstan." He brushed a thumb along her jaw. "I believe even I would turn traitor to have you as my wife, Aleysia. You belong to me and no other."

She could see the sincerity in his eyes. Knowing how devoted he was to his king, she felt humbled.

"Will you return to our chamber with me?" he asked, a devilish grin on his face.

Excitement raced along her spine. "Aye, I would."


Renaud removed his clothing and lay down on the bed, waiting for Aleysia. She slowly removed the kirtle, untied the ribbon holding her chemise together, and let it slide down her body to puddle at her feet. His heart thumped erratically. How beautiful she was. Knowing she would truly be his one day soon, in name and body, pleased him more than she would ever know.

Once he thought happiness was made by riches, castles, and land, but now he knew the true importance of loving, and how fulfilling that could be.

He felt that with Aleysia, and he would do whatever he must to make her his bride.

Renaud's gaze shifted over her slowly, noting how her nipples hardened into tiny buds. "Come here."

Her lips curved and as he stared, she climbed onto the bed, settling between his thighs.

She leaned over him, kissing him fiercely, only to break away to kiss a path along his jaw, his neck, his chest, his abdomen that tightened as her velvety tongue laved his navel. "You have a beautiful body, Renaud."

Her soft words surprised him, but pleased him greatly. "I am glad I please you."

She looked up at him and the hot look in her eyes had the blood in his veins boiling.

Her pink tongue reached out and touched the crown of his shaft, swirling around the edge, stroking the tiny slit of his cock head.

She opened her mouth and took him into her mouth, using care with her teeth. He moaned with pleasure as her hot and silky tongue worked magic.

Her fingers grazed his thighs, splaying there. She grew bolder, cupping his sac, her fingers stroking, exploring the sensitive flesh.

She took him farther into her mouth, and he groaned at the multiple sensations.

He reached down, his fingers weaving through her hair. He ached to touch her, but she stilled his hands, apparently intent on pleasing him.

His balls lifted as she continued, his blood coursing through him like liquid fire. "Aleysia, I cannot..."

She didn't stop, and knew he was close. Knew that he could not contain himself. He shifted his hips. She glanced up at him then, her tongue licking, rolling, teasing. "What do you want, Renaud?"

He looked to her glorious breasts, the tips erect, and then at his cock, remembering the fantasy he'd had the first time he saw her naked. For an instant he could see confusion in her eyes, then she leaned down, resting his cock between her breasts. She pushed them together and he moved his hips slowly. He closed his eyes, telling himself there would be time later for slow pleasure, but for now his body begged for release, and he came instantly, smiling when he heard her gasp of surprise.

He opened his eyes and she was beside him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Grabbing a corner of the bed linen, he cleaned his seed from her body. Finished, he kissed a path down her jaw, to the swell of her breasts, laving one, then the other. With a contented sigh, her head fell back on the pillows, her hands above her, fingers curling around the headboard.

He kissed her navel, his tongue circling it, dipping into it. The muscles of her abdomen contracted as he made a path to her slick folds. Already she was drenched, and he took in her woman's scent, the sweet musk, with a deep inhalation. He stroked her slit with his tongue, and he smiled, hearing her low-throated moan.

Her thighs fell open and he cupped her bottom, bringing her closer to his mouth, stroking her again.

He lifted her hidden pearl with his tongue, sucked it lightly, then hard again, leaving her squirming beneath him.

"Renaud," she breathed, with a sigh. "It feels wonderful."

He held her fast so she couldn't move, and plunged his tongue inside her sheath, which pulsed around him.

He watched her for a moment, the look of pleasure on her face, the smile, the hot desire in her eyes.

Then he stroked her again. Taking her to that pinnacle where she cried out, reaching for him. "Renaud," she said, her breathing uneven. "I want you inside me."

He could no longer hold back and thrust within her heated core. She moaned low in her throat, her thighs opening wider, her ankles locking behind his back.

For as long as he lived, he would never get enough of this woman.

Her fingers moved over his body, down his back, and his buttocks, curling there, holding him tighter, urging him deeper. He grit hit teeth as he kept his climax at bay, wanting to see to her pleasure first.

Hearing her breath hitch, he knew she was close, even before she cried out his name and lifted her hips. Looking into her forest-green eyes, he felt a peace he had never before known. He would never let her go.

And he told her in his native tongue exactly what she meant to him, and the joy she brought to him. Hopefully, one day he would be able to tell her in a language she could understand exactly how much he cared for her.

Her insides clamped tightly around him, and he thrust once more, following her over the edge.


Later that afternoon, Aleysia and Adelstan made their way to the home they had shared with their parents, which now served as sleeping quarters for some of Renaud's men-at-arms, including Adelstan, who reclaimed his old chamber as his own. She was elated that Renaud already trusted her twin, but was not so naive as not to know that Galeran's constant presence wasn't by accident—and though the two young men had become fast friends, they both understood Galeran would report anything and everything to Renaud.

Adelstan opened the gate to the cemetery, and hand in hand they stood before the large headstone. A sad smile came over Adelstan's face, and he squeezed her hand. "Mother, Father, we know you never wanted the Normans here in your beloved Braemere, but we have come to respect this man, and I believe you respect him as well. We may not be staying on at Braemere, but we will never forget her, nor will we ever forget you. Thank you for all that you taught us of loyalty and duty. We shall strive to make you proud."

The words pleased Aleysia, especially since she knew Adelstan was sincere. He liked Renaud. She wanted her brother to be happy for her. "I love him," she said the words aloud, surprising herself, and her brother as well, for he lifted a tawny brow, followed by a smile.

"See, she loves him and he loves her."

"Does he?"

Adelstan smiled softly. "Aye, one only needs to see you two together to realize it is so. So rest in peace, dear parents, and know that your children are well cared for."

Adelstan handed her a rose and together they each lay one before the headstone.

As they left the cemetery and walked toward the bailey, Aleysia caught Adelstan watching her. She stopped in midstride. "What?"

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head. "Who knew that a Norman could make you so happy? Especially, the merciless Baron de Wulf."

She laughed under her breath. How afraid they had been of Renaud. Instead of the fire-breathing dragon she had expected, she had found an honorable man. Now she no longer feared him, but she feared losing him. "Aye, and perhaps one day you shall find love where you least expect it."

He smiled as though to say he doubted it, then wrapped an arm about her shoulder. "I am relieved to see you happy."

As they approached the bailey, a loud roar of applause and laughter sounded. Adelstan looked at Aleysia with a frown. "What are they up to?"

They soon found out. Set up along the far wall were two targets. Two knights stood side by side, each with an arrow notched in his bow. One of the soldiers was Philip, who she had not seen since that night in the great hall when she had flirted with him.

"Release!" Galeran yelled, and the men released their arrows.

Philip smiled widely, and nodded to the men who yelled their approval. The loser shook his head and fell back, while the next in line took his place.

Renaud turned to Aleysia, a wide smile on his face. One that made her heart miss a beat. "Ah, here she is."

Everyone turned and looked her way. "What is he about?" she asked Adelstan.

"No doubt he has been bragging about your skill with bow and arrow."

Renaud stepped toward her and extended his hand. "Come, I told my men that you were a sure shot. I have the scar to prove it."

"And you are right." Adelstan's voice brimmed with pride. "Show them, sister."

Never in her life had she backed down from any challenge. All around them, men voiced their encouragement, all save the man she was going up against. Philip smiled widely seeing her, and she returned the smile, taking pleasure in the fact that Renaud bristled beside her. Yes, he was jealous of the young man who would never be the man Renaud was.


"Lady Aleysia, it is good to have you home."

"Enough of the pleasantries," Renaud said gruffly, handing her a long bow and arrow.

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