Read The Beats in Rift Online

Authors: Ker Dukey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #novel

The Beats in Rift (14 page)

I’m stretched out; my body suspended in the air as my hands grip the railings. He thrusts in and out, hard and fast before slipping free, leaving me empty and needing more. He raises my hips and buries his face between my thighs, making me erupt in continuous moans of pleasure. My legs grip over his shoulders as he laps, kisses and sucks at my clit. He dips his tongue inside me, groaning when my scent coats his tongue. My body is shaking; my pussy convulses.

My arms begin to burn, growing tired. “Oh God, I can’t hold on,” I plead.

He thrusts his tongue harder, building the explosion in my core. Just when I’m tipping over the edge and think I can’t hold on any longer, he lowers me down and spins me around. “Grip back on, Beats.”

I do as I’m told. I now face the bars and he thrusts back into me from behind. My body tightens around him as an orgasm rocks my body. I scream out as he plunges deeper, reaching around with one hand to trace circles over my clit. My body explodes into the most intense orgasm of my life, my legs going weak, quivering all over.

“I’m coming,” I cry out.

He shouts my name as his hot release pumps into my body.

I slump forward, holding on to the bars to keep myself upright. I feel his lips on my back, his hands roaming all over me.

“Meadow, are you in here? The service is starting,” I hear Ellie call though the door.

“Okay,” I croak, trying to right the sex mess Jared has me in. I straighten my dress and look down at my torn panties. “Rift, I have no panties now and this dress is tiny.”

He grins and scoops up my ruined panties, stuffing them into his pocket. “You’ll have to sit with your legs crossed.”

I rush past him to the small bathroom at the back of the room. Once I’m cleaned up and looking presentable I unlock the door and slip out.

When I reach the wedding party, they’re already seated. Ellie looks me up and down. “You look flushed. You feeling okay?”

I smile and take my seat. “Fine, thank you.”


The service is over quickly and before I know it, we’re back at the bar. I manage to slip on a fresh pair of panties from my suitcase while everyone is welcoming the new bride and groom.

I don’t know what the pre-wedding sex means for me and Jared but all I know is his eyes haven’t left me; they’re devouring me. If a look could make someone combust, I’d be ablaze right now.

My desire sizzles when I see his Dad arrive. My skin crawls, infested with his toxic presence. I didn’t think I would be seeing him here, Drew said he wasn’t invited. Seeing him still has a terrifying effect on me. His eyes catch mine and he looks at me with cold intent. I avert my eyes as quickly as possible and help out behind the bar; it’s getting busy with guests.


The night passes quickly. I end up staying behind the bar most of the night. With it being a free bar, it’s constantly packed with guests wanting drinks and it keeps me busy and away from the prying eyes of the one Jacob I can’t stand. I hadn’t seen him at all apart from the once when he arrived. I hoped Drew had seen him and asked him to leave.

I watch Mom dance and laugh with Drew all night. It’s nice to see her so happy. Maybe she really has changed and things will be different.


The night winds down; people have left and only the main family and stragglers occupy the bar. I notice Mom’s not around but Drew is. I open a beer for Max, slide it along the bar with a wink and head out back. “Ellie, have you seen my Mom?”

“Yeah, she went outside for some air.”

I open the back door and hear voices arguing. I follow the sound and find Mom arguing with Jared’s Dad. “Oh, look. Here comes the mini whore.”

I freeze, fear forcing me to stop. “Go back inside, Meadow.”

“No, stay where you are.” My body shakes as he approaches me. “Did your Momma tell you she was fucking me a few weeks before my stupid ass brother proposed to her? She thinks she can be more than the slut she is.” He laughs and it chills me to the bone. “She can’t be a wife. I’ll have her bent over my car by next week, and if you think I’m going to let my son ruin his life on a skank like you, you can think again.”

Venom pours from him as he reaches up, grabbing me around the throat. Memories of the last time he attacked me surface, making me panic and struggle to get free. I dig my nails into his hand. “Bitch,” he hisses. One hand releases me but then a crack stings my cheek, making me gasp. Pain explodes as he leaves a fire blazing in the shape of his hand on my face.

“He wanted to dump his nice girl for a tart like you. You are sin, Meadow. Made to test me.”

Mom pulls on his arm. “Let her go you asshole.”

He shrugs her off and smirks. “Okay.” He lets go with a shove.

My stomach somersaults as I fall backwards and realize there’s nothing under my feet. I reach out, grasping air and tumble down the concrete stairs, scraping my skin against its harsh surface and landing in a heap on the floor.

My head falls back with skull-crunching force, making contact with a thud and robbing me of sight, sound and consciousness.



“YOU CAN’T ALL be in here.”

“Well, we aren’t leaving.” I hear Jared’s voice but he sounds distant, like he’s in a tunnel.

My eyes flick open. My vision is blurry and it takes a few minutes for the room to come into focus. I see figures standing around me before I realize I’m lying in a hospital bed.

“She’s awake.” Justin comes into view. “Hey, how you feeling?”

I flex my body and everything hurts. “Sore.”

“Beats, what the fuck happened? The police arrested our Dad. Did he hurt you?” Jared asks.

“Her Mom already said he didn’t, Jared. Stop trying to force lies on her just to spite Dad.”

“Fuck off, Justin! You’re so blind when it comes to him.”

“You’re just bitter and want to take the only person I have left from me, and I won’t let you.” He turns his eyes to me. “Med, don’t listen to him poison you. You can’t send Dad to prison for him bumping into you by accident when he was drunk. Don’t take him from me, Meds. I’ve lost enough.” I see the fear in Justin’s eyes and it breaks my heart. He is so frightened of being alone he can’t see what a monster his Father really is. I understand his fear, I have been alone my whole life, my mother was a there in form but God, she didn’t have maternal instincts and she was never interested in learning how to be a parent. It leaves a hole that no one can fill when you don’t feel love from the people that created you. Justin had his Father love but he didn’t know the sickness that lived in him, and just like my Mom didn’t want to learn about being a parent, Justin, didn’t want to see the truth behind the anxiety I had always had towards his Dad.

“What did Mom say?” I ask, curious as to why she hasn’t already told them what happened. My voice breaks as I speak. He could have killed me! Right in front of her, for a second time and she didn’t protect me. I should learn by now about disappointment, but it hurts every time someone who’s supposed to care about me, lets me down.

“It was an accident,” I hear her say as she steps up to the bottom of my bed. I didn’t even realize she’s here. She’s pleading with me with her eyes. “He will tell Drew,” she whispers. The final thread of my childhood self, clinging on to the hope she would one day want me, love me tethers.

Both brothers look at her. “What does that mean?” Jared asks. She shakes her head. “Did he hurt her on purpose?” he bellows.

“Stop saying that, Jared! He wouldn’t hurt a woman. You’re trying to manipulate the situation to get revenge on him for having an affair. He wouldn’t hurt Mom or Meadow.”

Hot tears slide down my face, causing a fire trial in their wake. “Mom, is this really what you want?” I need her to confirm it one last time, and she nods. Indifference for her washes through me, cleansing me of the sting of her betrayal. “Fine, I won’t press charges.”

Justin exhales hard. “He wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose, Meadow. You’re doing the right thing.”

I pull myself into a sitting position, wincing from the sudden pain shooting through my head, and look at my Mom. “You’ve never been a mother to me.” She drops her eyes; she can’t even look at me. “You never protected me from anyone. All you care about is yourself.”

I turn my eyes to Justin. “I know I hurt you, and how much you love your Dad, and that’s the only reason I won’t press charges but this is it between us. If we do ever see each other, don’t mention him to me again. He is a vile man who strangled me until I passed out when I was sixteen, when he saw Jared leaving my house after finding out he was a cheat.”

I hear the sharp intake of breath from Jared. The atmosphere chills and thickens. “He called me names and intimidated me whenever he could. When Jared left the second time, he tried to force himself on me. That’s why I was topless and my clothes were ripped in your bathroom that day.” I swipe at the angry tears staining my cheeks. “Did you never wonder about that, Justin? Or did you just ignore it like you always did when he talked about me behind my back?” Justin has unshed tears forming in his eyes; he’s shaking his head in denial. “Tonight he grabbed me by the throat and pushed me down the stairs in front of my Mom, and she’s more worried about Drew finding out she still puts it about than protecting me.”

Justin pushes away from my bed and flees the room.

“I’m going to kill him. I’m going to fucking KILL HIM!” Jared roars. “I can’t believe you never told me any of this, Beats!” He’s pacing the length of my bed. “You can’t let him get away with it. It’s an insult to you, me and everything he put my Mom through.”

“I can’t do that to Justin,” I murmur.

“Beats!” he bellows, smashing his hand down on the side table. “When are you going to stop doing everything to suit Justin’s feelings? What about how I feel? Do you even care?”

My tears continue to stream down my cheeks. “I’ve hurt him enough. I can’t do that to him, I won’t.”

Jared brings his face close to mine. “You’re choosing him again, Beats. Do you realize that?” He storms away from the bed. “I’m not staying around for you to break my heart again. If you let him off from this I’ll fucking kill him with my bare hands.” He looks to my Mom. “And you’re a disgrace.” I watch his back as he walks away from me again.

“Just go, Mom,” I tell her as she tries to approach the bed. She doesn’t hesitate as she scurries from the room. I take in a few deep breaths to try and calm myself. I will never get used to being left by him. How easily people can walk away from me leaves a shadow on my soul, haunting me, taunting me. I was never good enough to make Rift stay, my Mom love me or Justin believe me.

A plump nurse enters the room, smiling at me. “Hello there. I’m glad your guests have left, I was just going to get security.”

She checks some buttons on a machine next to me. “You took a nasty fall but no broken bones, just a few bruises and a bump on the head. We want to keep you overnight to keep an eye on you.” She wraps a strap around my arm and begins to pump it up until its squeezing the skin and making my arm feel numb.

“Do I
to stay the night?”

She writes something down on her clipboard. “Your blood pressure is fine. You don’t have to stay, but we do recommend you stay twenty-four hours when suffering a head injury.” I pull back the covers and notice a small tear in my satin dress. “We can get you a gown to change into.”

I shake my head. “I’m not staying.” I scoot my ass to the side of the mattress and attempt to stand. I feel a little woozy but it passes. I thank the nurse and head to reception to discharge myself.


I stumble from the reception area and out the exit door; the fresh night breeze hits my face. I inhale it into my lungs, promising myself this was the last time that man will ever touch me. If he ever tries again I will kill him myself.

I jump into a taxi after it drops someone off. I give the driver the address for Drew’s bar and close my eyes as he drives me there.

I’m almost asleep when he says, “We’re here, sweetheart.”

My eyes flutter open, and pulling the handle on the car door I scoot out. “I just need to go and get some money.”

He opens his door and comes around to me. “You okay, sweetheart? Let me help you.” He grips my elbow and helps me into the bar. The doors are open and I’m grateful I don’t have to knock. The bar is empty except for Drew who’s sitting at the bar with a bottle of whisky. He turns when the door opens. He rushes over to me, taking me from the cab driver. “What are you doing here? I thought they were keeping you overnight.”

“I couldn’t stay there. Have you seen Jared?” He looks down at me with sympathy on his face.

“He left, babe.”

My heart plummets. I knew when he walked away at the hospital I had lost him again, but it still hurts to hear it spoken out loud. I turn to the cab driver. “Would you mind taking me to the airport?”

“Of course not, sweetheart.”

“Drew, can you bring my suitcase out? It’s behind the bar.”

He strokes down my arms. “You sure you don’t want to stay? You’re pretty banged up.”

I shake my head and hurry back out of the bar. I slip into the cab and wait for Drew to bring out my suitcase. He hands the cab driver some money and kisses the top of my head before shutting the door and tapping the roof to signal for the driver to leave.

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