The Beginning—A Duet: Ryder & Two Worlds Colliding (20 page)

Read The Beginning—A Duet: Ryder & Two Worlds Colliding Online

Authors: Jani Kay

Tags: #new adult, #Motorcycle Clubs, #biker romance, #bikers, #suspense, #erotic romance, #alpha males, #part of series, #happy ever after

And that’s exactly why I was so surprised about this thing with Jade. Now I'd had her, I thought I'd have gotten her
of my system. Instead she was fucking with my head, even when she wasn’t around.

I started feeling more sympathy for Cobra. I’d always teased him about his possessiveness with Mia: the way he wanted to own her, and went mental if another man just looked at her too long. And Mia was a beautiful woman, so it happened a lot. Especially when she had that glow about her when she was pregnant; then, men had found her irresistible. So much so that Cobra considered locking her up at home when he wasn’t around. Understanding was beginning to dawn on me about how a man could feel like that.

It also said a lot about our brotherhood that he trusted me to live alone in a house with Mia and his two kids. Not that he really had a fucking choice with all those bullets lodged in his body.

Cobra brought me out of my thoughts with a slap on the back. “Hey man, I’m talking to you.”


“I said: I’ve organized for a barbeque next Sunday—here at the compound. Brothers need a morale booster. We need to get our fucking shit together. Show those motherfuckers we ain't scared or broken.”

I sucked in a breath.
. That would be dangerous. But Cobra was right—we were acting like scared pussies. It was time to get back in the saddle.

“Are you up to it, brother?” I was concerned that Cobra was trying to do too much too soon.

“Yeah. Fuck this shit. A man’s gotta do what he has to do. Besides, I already spoke to Mia about it. She agrees it will be good for building the club spirit back up. In typical woman fashion, she’s already planning the food.”

Mia was levelheaded. I trusted her judgment. If she thought Cobra was up to it—and she should know—I’d go along with it.

I nodded. I'd just put extra security on for the day. Be extra careful, ‘cause I had a tingling down my spine, and that didn't bode well.

Lexi sauntered back behind the bar counter, not looking in my direction. She smiled sweetly at an agitated Razor, and flirted outrageously with the man. Razor’s frown melted and he seemed to lap up the attention. Was she trying to make me jealous? I chuckled to myself.
When would a man ever understand them? At least Razor was happy and was benefitting, so I just watched their interaction with amusement.

It still niggled at my mind: I knew Lexi from somewhere. But where?

“Ready to head back to LA?” I finished my beer and banged the glass down on the counter, suddenly eager to get back to the city.

Chapter 13 ~ Jade

wasn’t sure exactly how to dress for the occasion. I'd never been to a barbeque at a MC compound. Why I'd even accepted Mia’s invitation was beyond me. Mia had told me Ryder was living between the house and the compound since Cobra had come out of hospital. I guessed it was because he wanted to give the family their own space, yet needed to check that they were safe. I also knew that Ryder would use any excuse to go for a ride on his beautiful Harley.

But it was all a new experience for me. I was going into unknown and scary-as-hell territory. Especially after I’d had such tainted ideas of what bikers were all about for so long.

In my gut, I knew the answer: I wanted to see Ryder in his natural habitat, so to speak. I’d only ever seen him in LA, far away from his normal environment. The fancy house in Beverly Hills was out of his comfort zone, and I’d picked that up from day one. So now I wanted to see the place where he was comfortable to just be himself.

Besides, I was an adult now, I had to find out for myself what a group of bikers were all about and make up my own mind. That didn't mean I wasn’t still freaking out. Especially if Harrison found out about my plan. I shuddered just thinking about his reaction.

It was hot. Summer was in full-swing, and California was humid and uncomfortable. I chose a pair of denim shorts that I hadn’t worn in years and a white tank top. Usually I was self conscious about showing off my bare legs, but I wanted to be comfortable and just a little bit sexy. At the last minute, I slipped a shirt on, and tied a knot at my belly.

Both Mom and Daddy were on the patio, reading the Sunday paper over a cup of coffee. I poured some orange juice into a glass and made small-talk for a few minutes before announcing that I was off to a friend’s place for the day.

friend or
friend?” Mom asked. The woman was shrewd.

I laughed. “I'm going to a barbeque with a girl friend and her family. I adore her kiddies. And—I’m hoping to make lots of new friends—girls

“Remember lots of sunscreen. You don’t want to burn and be sore tomorrow,” she warned.

“And drink lots of water, especially if you’re having alcohol,” Daddy added.

They were just acting like they always did—caring and somewhat overprotective—but God, today it grated on my nerves. I rolled my eyes and sighed. They had to stop treating me like a damn kid.

Kissing both their foreheads, I headed off for the day. If they really knew where I was going they’d probably try to ground me.

Pressing the button to let the top of my convertible down, I decided I was going to enjoy the wind in my hair and just live for today. I wasn’t going to worry about what Harrison and my parents would think. I was determined to have an open mind.

I got to the house in Beverly Hills within fifteen minutes. Mia had already strapped the kiddies into their car seats, and Cobra leaned against the SUV. Mia hugged me and pulled me by the hand—I was finally going to meet Cobra face-to-face.

To say that I was apprehensive was an understatement. What if he didn't like me? And what if he turned out to be everything I expected from a biker? How would I handle that?

At first he appeared intimidating. He was over six feet of brawn and muscle, a full sleeve tattooed on both arms with a piercing in his eyebrow. He looked mean, dressed in all black and with a scowl on his face. His head was completely shaven and his square jaw was set as he appraised me, arms folded over his wide chest. I couldn’t see his eyes; they were hidden behind sunglasses.

Scary biker.

“Baby, this is the lovely Jade.” Mia turned to Cobra and smiled.

What I saw next shocked the hell out of me. The big man pushed away from the SUV and the biggest, warmest smile spread across his face. He removed his sunglasses as he held out a hand.

“So you’re the girl who’s caused so much fuss.” His smile spread to his eyes, chocolate brown, just like Mia’s and the kids. He took my hand in his and shook it, squeezing just enough so that it was welcoming but not painful. Small creases ran from his eyes to his mouth as he grinned.

Mia swatted his arm, laughing. “Baby, don’t make her uncomfortable.”

“So who’s been talking about me? Ryder? Only he’d think I make a fuss.” I frowned. What had Ryder said about me? Remembering my manners, I held out my hand. “I’m glad you’re out of the hospital. Your family missed you,” I said politely.
Phew, he isn’t that scary after all

With the formalities out of the way, I shuffled in next to Jamie, kissing the little ones and enjoying their welcoming smiles. Jamie had a picture book in his hands and was eager for me to read him a story. Well, at least if everything else tanked and I really didn't fit in, I could take the kids off Mia’s hands and let her relax with her friends. Either way, it would work out.

As we got closer to the compound, I started doubting my decisions. Firstly, the decision to accept Mia’s invitation. Curiosity had gotten the better of me, but I knew I wouldn’t fit in, so it would be damn awkward. I came from a world so different, I didn't really have a clue what to expect.

Secondly, about what I was wearing.
Shorts, Jade? What the hell was I thinking?
There were going to be lots of guys around. I didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression. I should’ve worn jeans or a dress. But right now there was nothing I could do about it.
Suck it up, Princess.
I had to chuckle quietly to myself at the situation I’d found myself in. Who was I bluffing? I wanted Ryder's eyes to fall out when he saw me. I wanted him panting for me. Yes, I wanted his eyes, his hands and his mouth all over me . . .

I was conflicted between what I knew I
be doing, and what I wanted. My lust for Ryder was overwhelming, and making me do things that the old Jade would have slapped me for.

Chapter 14 ~ Jade

y eyes widened when we reached the compound. Even the area looked different to what I was used to. It was industrial, and pretty desolated because it was a Sunday. Barbed wire rimmed the walls, and security guards stood at the imposing gates. Shit. What was the deal? Was this a mistake coming here? If they needed all these security measures . . .

Surely Mia wouldn’t endanger the lives of her kids? That thought at least helped to settle the churning in my gut. My heart was hammering in my chest and my palms were clammy. Ryder wasn’t expecting me. What would his reaction be when he saw me here—on his turf? Would he be mad? Well, I was going to find out soon enough.

The last time I’d seen Ryder was the night he’d broken into our house. I’d fallen asleep in his arms, at peace for the first time in years. And when I woke up in the morning, he was gone. He’d left the way he came. Silently.

I’d waited for Ryder to return every night since then, but he never came back. My heart ached, as if cold fingers gripped it and squeezed. The nightmares about
The Incident
were replaced by a fear that Ryder would completely avoid me now that he knew the whole story. He probably understood just how dangerous the situation was with Harrison, and had decided to move on.

That’s what I wanted, right?

We’d arrived an hour before the party started because Mia wanted to set up a few things. She had organized for a few other wives and girlfriends—or ‘old ladies’, as I'd just learned bikers called their women—to help her, and of course, I'd help too.

The square in the middle of the buildings was barren except for a few benches. It was so different from the lush gardens I was used to. No wonder Ryder and particularly Mia wanted to rent the house in Beverly Hills because of the child-friendly garden for the kids.

A few other couples were setting up folding tables, chairs, and umbrellas. The men were carrying large buckets filled with ice and drinks. Everyone was chipping in to set up the party. Except for Ryder. I kept looking out for him, hoping to see him, but nothing.

Mia introduced me to the people already there. They were welcoming and friendly, completely
. Why was I so worried I wouldn’t fit in?

More and more people started arriving. I got really busy helping with the salads, and keeping an eye on the kids as Mia ran around ensuring there was enough meat and drinks to feed her extended family. Yet I kept listening for Ryder's voice. Disappointment washed over me. What if he didn't come to the barbeque? What if he was out with another woman?

Cobra introduced me to his brother, Razor. He looked just as mean and unyielding as Cobra initially had, especially wearing his cut and heavy biker-boots in spite of the weather. What was with that? Surely he didn't need to wear boots today? Around his forehead was a red bandana with skulls that made him look like a pirate. Yet, in spite of his appearance, Razor was really friendly, just like his brother. He was charming in an unaffected way.

“So, Jade, tell me about yourself. How did you become friends with Mia?” he asked as he helped me carry the bread rolls to the table.

I explained about the rental agency and how I’d sometimes babysit the kids, too. Razor laughed when I told him about the inspections I’d arranged because I’d believed there would be orgies and unsavory things happening at the house.

Razor had grabbed us each a cold beer, and we clinked the bottlenecks against one another. “Cheers, beautiful. You sure brighten up this place.” He grinned appreciatively while his gaze raked up my body.

Smiling, I was just about to thank him for the compliment when I felt strong arms fold around my body and draw me back against a hard chest.
. I'd recognize his smell anywhere. And the tingle that went down my spine before I even saw his face meant my body remembered the feel of him, too.

“Back the fuck off my woman, Razor. This one’s taken,” he growled.

Razor’s eyes widened a fraction. “Hey, brother. How the fuck was I supposed to know that?” He held up both hands and laughed. “You never claimed a bit . . . woman before. Trust you to take the beautiful one.”

“Ryder,” I murmured, my breath hitching.
His woman?

“She’s all mine. And don’t you forget that—at any time. I don’t want to have to kill you, brother.” He chuckled, but there was a seriousness to his tone that Razor couldn’t ignore.

“Well, then, why weren’t you here when she arrived?” Razor challenged.

Ryder pushed my hair aside and kissed my neck. It was such a possessive gesture, and I was taken by surprise.

“Maybe because Princess didn't tell me she was coming? Maybe because I was surprised as fuck to see her here. Wearing killer shorts that’s sure to have every dick around here hard.” His hand disappeared under my shirt and he stroked the soft flesh of my belly.

God. His warm breath on my neck . . . his possessive kiss . . . his hand stroking me . . . his husky voice. I could jump him right here, and not give a damn who watched. Instead, I giggled nervously. Like a damn teenager. A
teenager, waiting to get laid. My pussy clenched as he turned me around to stare into my eyes.

“Hello Ryder,” I breathed, feeling his erection press into my stomach. God, my need for him was growing by the second. My panties were soaked.

His eyes burned into mine. “Want to tell me how come you’re here and I didn't know about it?” His voice was demanding, harsh even.

“Here you are. I was wondering where you were?” Mia walked over and slapped Ryder on the ass, like a big sister would. “I invited Jade. She’s here as my guest. So everybody play nice, OK?” She eyed Razor who had a look of astonished amusement on his face.

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